THE Wa Mt Albert Ti I MANAGER i tyj J in- j v I I it- Imperial Pint 60C Wine Quarts 65c Imperial Quarts 70c doz Wine Half Gal call When you need shoes give us a we have tome lines we are clearing away below cost Pickling Spices Marked down to a tt- Johnny Canuck Overalls CHURCH OF ENGLAND The Anglican Church service will be held on Sunday next at am in the Friendly Societies Hall when he pulpit will be supplied from Toronto Ah are welcome The Rev Edgar Taylor will be at Bradford taking du ty for Rev Canon WEDDING BELLS A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs James Oldham on Wednesday afterooon Au gust when their daughter Susie became the bride of Mr William Hen ry Meek The bride looked charming in her gown of ivory duchess satin made in draped effect with pearl trimmings She entered the drawing room with her father to the strains of Mendel ssohns wedding march played by Miss Minnie The heavy rain of Monday night was a great benefit to the root crops The wedding bells are ringing I dare not tell you where Mr Oliver Blizzard is leaving our burg We understand he intends mov ing to Mr Jesse Thompson of Toronto spent Tuesday with his mother about a mile here Mr David of Newmarket spent Sunday with his parents Mr Wesley Wallace of Newmarket was at Mr Frank News galore I cannot pen it all this time BALDWIN BRERZES Cigarettes are the bane Baldwin as well as other boys here is a lucrative trade in them outs Theyre worse than poison A local men has pulled his boots and sox and rolled up his pant legs arid has got out to push Second owl It makes me mad to see that brave -v- v J- and young man push push dame in formulating excuse for her to of those boys smoking remarked tnat tobacco was good for worms I replied the remedy was worse than the disease What some want is something for worms Acting on my suggestion of several weeks ago some of our citizens have Collins the brides I cleaned out their wells Amongst the sister carrying a shower of bri dal roses and passed through an of ribbons which was formed by four little girls who carried large bouquets of white asters and ferns The aisle extended from the entrance of drawing room to an arch form ed of evergreens with white asters and white ribbon trimming and bank- tur of events miscellany of rubbish cleared out were toads dead mice fragments of a mug and a dead baby To relieve your suspense Ill explain that the mug was a broken childs mug positively noth ing more The dead child was a rag doll baby therefore dead in the with ferns Miss Lota Smith cousin of the bride acted as flower girl carrying a n r They are fully guaranteed FWSMITH Queensville SUCCESSOR TO E SMITH tied the Mr was flower basket full of sweet peas with white ribbon and wearing and Smocks of the officiating minister After the bride and groam had re ceived the best wishes their friends a sumptuous breakfast was served up in a dining room trimmed with ferns and pink asters the tables being in pink at which about sixty guests sat down After breakfast several pro posed toasts to the and groom the brides father responding The happy couple left on the even ing train for an extensive tour the bride travelling a smartly tailored mauve suit with tailored hat to match After their return the bride will be at home to her friends in BlsforBLISS Biles stands for beat family medicine Bliss strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood It restores wasted tissues strengthens every organ A tablet at night next morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation Dyspep sia Kidney and Liver Disorders Be sure you the genuine Blisa Native Herbs in a yellow box bearing the portrait of Mo sa tablets J Is fled back if not Ask Bit agent W Sedore AGENT House and Lot for Sale j IN That New House situate next to the residence of Ed- on Queen street This is one of the most situations In the Village and the House Is commodious and well laid out For particulars apply to the owner on the CLAYTON FOSTER NEW REMINGTON Business College TORONTO MONDAY EXPERT SHORTHAND TOUCH TYFKWRlTiNO ENGLISH etc PENMANSHIP RAPID CALCULATION First Lesson In Shorthand FREE College 269 College cor TORONTO PERSONAL Mr Love has gone to where he has secured a position with the Biscuit Co Mr Ernest Hayes of the Sterling Hank of Montreal is spending his va cation at his home in town Mr Sister Winnipeg is vis iting friends in town Mr or the Dominion Hank spent the holiday at his home in Misses Olive ami Eldrid Ross have returned from visit with friends iii Midland Mr and Mrs Chant ol Clinton were visitors at the home of Mr on Sunday Misses Florence and Ruby have returned from a month visit with friend in Toronto Mrs Lloyd visiting- friends Kfng Mr arid Mr Frank Ross have re turned to their borne in Elgin Mar Mr Mr left on Tuesday for a trip West Miss Nellie has returned from a visit with friends in North Miss Hazel visiting the home of Mr Frank Pearson Rev J Morgan of Maple was visiting friend- in town this week Dr and Mrs Forrest re turned from their trip to Manitoba and West Mrs John Rosamond Newmarket is visiting her daughter Mrs Mr of Toronto spent the holiday in town- Mhjfi Vera Walton of Severn Bridge was home lor a day or two Mrs Watts and Miss Dais have returned from a short visit with friends in Hamilton Miss Gertie Walton attending the Model In Mr fo Detroit on Tuesday after spending a few days with his father who ill- Mrs Hairier left her in Irvlngton after visit with her father in Ontario I was pleased to se that Mrs M Bogart and Edgar had such adelightful time down the Gulf Tourists say Gulf scenery for picturesqueness and state ly grandeur is hard to beat According to my notion Ontario can equal it on anything else the world can produce in that line Last sum mer Mr and Mrs Geo Evans Vir ginia blow out some of their fabulous wealth in a continental tour J pre fer to know my native land To those who would wish the same rail way guide books would lift the veil of ignorance Grandmother is now around her usual haunts again Were glad Mrs Aird sr is very feeble with but slight hopes for permanent improvement She is nearly eighty John Millers nearly lost five- months old baby by cholera infantum last week I think it is OK now Cameron is getting along fa mously now with his house building The annual Harvest Home and anni versary services in connection with the Methodist Church here will be held on the and 19th of this month Services on Sunday at am- and pm conducted by the pastor Rev McNeil Morning subject A handful of corn evening Wealth from Waste On Monday evening a Meat Supper will be served in the shed he decorate the occasion after which a program will be given in the church consisting of recita tions and speeches A good time ex pected Come and enjoy a pleasant evening Miss Glover has returned from a months visit in the west Miss Wight is renewing old here THE RIDGE He does well for an amateur Grand- Ridge Mrs Graham has been visiting her old home for a few days Miss spent Sunday at Mr Kings Mrs John Profit and our teacher Miss have returned from spending a few days at the teachers home In Threshing has now started on the dear young ladies while the other young man still sits there in the boat I wonder why he dont take off his boots and socks and get out and push too And the second owl answers solemnly Maybe his feet are dirty Quite a number from around here attended the National Exhibition at Toronto this week Miss Nellie Hodge is visiting with friends in Toronto tills week Mrs Fred and Mrs Wal ter Cowieson are visiting with friends in Hamilton for a week or two Mr Richard Young lost very val uable horse last week seems to be right in it Lake shore drives arc most pleasant We had a fine rain on Monday which we needed badly and came in time to do much good Mrs spent a day in the citv last week to hid her sister Mrs Rogers goodbye She intends leaving lor her home in Winnipeg shortly Mr and Mrs IT intend celebrating their china wedding on Saturday Sept Miss Edna Micks left for a week visit at White Rose with a cousin- Miss and Miss Gertie Smith are in Toronto at the Exhibition this week Mr Roy intends taking in the Exhibition this week Quite an excitement over a small boy He went to the stable and lay down in the straw where he went to sleep and it was some time before he was found which caused some tor a time Mrs Walter is visiting Mrs J Turner in Hamilton this week ORCHARD BEACH When buying any foodstun it pays to he careful as regards purity When buying your spices It will pay you to buy them here We give you the very purest of spices Always make a point of buying the beat obtainable and we sell them at reason able prices too- AH kinds ot them and all pure make the most palatable and best keeping pickles uae Wilsons Golden Syrup Vinegar the Vinegar ot the period Price per gal a Do you need a new draw rope your slings We sell the best draw rope on the market Plymouth Pure Manilla Strand with a Pure Manilla Centre Strand If you want a rope for service and satisfaction it will never pay you to buy another We have a few pair of Mens Wotfking Boots regular SI and selling for We carry in stock a complete range of Grain Bags Give us call when needing any We pay toP price for Alslke Get our prices A The rain on Saturday did the root crops lots of good Quite a few from the Seventh went to Quarterly Meeting on Saturday af ternoon on the Sixth Mr of Newmarket was assisted Mr Mr was rot Quite a childrens meet Miss few from Sunday ing In rout eh a went as they field the forenoon is visiting with her Mrs Albert Mitchell of for a week Mr Mitchell was on on Monday Rosebud SUTTON mama will soon be able to rest under her own vine and apple re constructed house will oe a most de rided improvement John A McDonald and Lady Mc Donald Newmarket were the quests of Mis Amos Crittenden over Sunday Our sweet young friends the Misses sore face as one of the horses kicked and were tak- him We hope he will soon be hi- fAg in the Great Big Show and oth er great attractions of Ontarios Hub this- week and blowing out some of Papa Ottawa prize money em go it while theyre youxg for youth is the time to make merry Now Coon aint half so man nerly as the I asked neighbor Johnston for the privilege of getting a few nubbins of corn but Brer Coon he steal in after dark and help hfsstffs Johnston got the dogs after him and there was a cir cus nut in the hollow got free- by taking to the water The Coon he Is a handsome chap With a flowing bushy fail He stole Johnstons ears of And ate on a rail So Uncle Dont got gun To pepper Mr Coon Who took wanting just In nick of time And skipped by the- of the moon They arc very bold honored by visit from- old Mrs- Coon and two babies early In the evening Charles gave chase and old Missus Coon and her kids still enjoy freedom Charlie hadnt on his tunning slippers Mr and Mrs Frank Lon don are here on account of the of hitters mother There arc some who hunt old Zip Coon Who are led as lively a chase the dance of that name and get Flip ped up as badly a Mr he tried to trap the wily Carney felt dead Mire his game that no doubt he chuckled Mr Lloyd bank manager at Cochrane New Ontario and wife I Spent the weekend at Mr D Lloyds cottage Miss Addison Lis towel is spend ing week with her Rev P Addison Mrs Howell and two daughters of Toronto spent the weekend with Rev P Addison and daughter There was pate a clearance at there owing to being up with a Reach on Monday the Lloyds Jack- sons and Canes have all gone home CAPTTALTAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC i440Cd0OI6o TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY MANAGER QUEENSVILLE Mr Irvine Ross spent Labor Day with his parents Mr Harvey left for Peterboro on Monday evening to resume his duties In the Public School Mr Lloyd entertained a stag party on Friday They went up to Snake Island for a fish Last Sunday was the closing the services in the summer when League Sunday promises to he of great interest to the young people of tin community Mr Oscar Johnston an old Leaguer will run- duct the morning service and Rev J Whlem the evening service The ushers will be from the League and the League Choir will furnish the mu sic at both services It is earnestly hoped that this Rally Day on the coming Sunday Sept will be most attractive and helpful to all Mr Peter Milne has moved into new house I KEWIOK North Qwllllmbury Council The regular meeting held at Bel- haver Aug 29th members all pres ent Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed The state- merit of County taxes applications for school moneys ana requisition from School section No- to raise by to pay new school house were presented resignation of Sanitary In- Miss Beatrice Lloyd of Pine Or- chard is visiting Miss Olive Watson Rev Dr preached two excellent this week How to gas ovens Put lit tle in the water and clean in the ordinary way They will be found to clean more as the prevents from turning brown Era till Christmas for ft HOLT Mr Harvey on Tuesday fox the West We wish him success Glad to report Miss I Is convalescent- Well as I Intimated sometime ago Mr Norman Thompson has commenc ed his new brick residence Mr Smart and family have removed to Grandma Smart accompanied them A great many from around here are in the metropolis attending the Exhi bition this week among whom are Messrs George Maries Byron Hop kins John Watson J Kay Mar vin and MISS D Rut edge Mr Lesion of Cookstown and Mr Robert of Aurora spent Sunday with their mother here R Thompson of Toronto J of King and VaJUr spent the weekend with their mother Master Percy and Miss Jen nie spent Saturday with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Ma- Ravenshoe f got you you old His scheme failed about as badly as Mr Owls efforts fa catch the lunge of lunges I had long been a bite from a great whale but never could land him for exhibition One nevertobeforgotten day I him Ah you old beggar f may have bugfor I vas elated Ive got you now Overjoyed began hauling In Rut why prolong agony proved that I had hooked on a sunken tree that had been carried out In a freshet Thus my dreams of glory Vanished Rumor has been rumoring around for some time that our Miss Mossle was to tc wed on Wednesday of last week but Miss Mossle Is still enjoying single blessedness Youd better leave her alone Shes going to do as she not as pleases Two very wealthy gentleman Dr Job Willson CaL and Geo Ander son of Nebraska old time friends the latter fr schoolmate of curs- have recently passed away not will get a great haul the equinox it appears to now Rev I Davidson returned Mission- from India will preach in the Presbyterian Church Sutton at am Poller la at 1 pm and Egypt at pm oil Sabbath Sept Illustrated Lecture On Wednesday evening Sept lltli the Rev I Davidson will give an ad dress in Knox Church Sutton Illus trated by limelight views The ad dress which will be on Mr David sons work in is under the the Admission is free but during the there will he a silver collection All are wel come- On Thursday evening Sept Mr Davidson will give the address in Cookes Church Pcflcrlaw HOLLAND LANDING Mr W J of Newmarket Has moved in the residence of Mrs Mrs Geo and daughters Vera and Madge of Carle ton a few days this week at her Mrs M J Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent Labor Day here The following took In the Exhibi tion this week Mr and Mrs A Howard the Misses Marsh Mr Lew is Miss Sharp Glover and friend J Sheppard R Goodwin and several others Mrs D Fisher ol Toronto has letn spending a month with moth sermons ami Miss Lelia Morton con tributed a beautiful solo in the even ing The preaching all through the season been of a very high order and the congregations have been large Miss Alberta Baker is spending her vacation at her home here Messrs R and E of Toron to arc spending their vacation with their mother Mrs Jno Pax ton with the exception of two wet Su Messrs Maurice Watson ami Russell days The edifice stands as a tribute Hunter of Toronto spout Labor Day to church and gives a moral up here lift to this summer resort Mr Walter left for Mr Robertsons brother and wota Sask on Tuesday to visit Mr his wife from Toronto were week end guests at Mrs Goodwin returned in Tuesday last School reopened on Tuesday fair attendance with UNION STREET were Cedar Nook for a few Rev Manning got hack from the General Conference at Victoria on Friday night Dr Grant re turned from the Yukon on Saturday night A horse valued at belonging to Mr Thos was run down by the six oclock Metropolitan car last Friday morning Mr wife and daugh ter of Aurora were guests of Mr las over Sunday Miss Ration left on Monday to resume her duties in Public School Her mother has bought a house in where she expects to reside In future Mr and Mrs A and Mr and Mrs T Watson went to Oril- on Sunday In their gasoline launch and returned Moiuiay Two bus loads from the Reach at tended the Garden Party at Keswick on Thursday evening last week and report a splendid time Reeve Keith and wife of Newmarket were guests of Mr and Mrs night last week SHARON Mr Roy sjnnt Sunday and Labor Day with friends In Toronto Miss Annie Smith ol taveiiihoe spent Sunday with Miss As I was sauntering along the lake shore last Sunday I heard voices and looking up In the top of a tree saw two owls One had a pair of spec tacles on and craning his neck I heard him exclaim to the other There arc four young people out there in a boat stranded on a sand bar The other owl looked up and asked What are they going to do The first owl Why onn ot the young The annual Harvest Home supper and entertainment In connection with St James Church will be held in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening Sept Sharon has been noted for many years past for its appreciation good music and for the quality of the entertainments promoted in the village It Is not In mortals to com mand success but no will be spared on this occasion to deserve it Already attractive program As as sured and It is hoped the event this year will in no way fall behind those that have before Another meet ing will be held on Tuesday evening next when all willing to help will be heartily welcomed to Council also The Clerk was instructed to Watson to remove his fence off roadallowance at lot con 3 also to notify parties having fence on sideroad Lots 21 con that unless fences are removed within ten days from receipts of notice action will be taken by Council to have same removed The road and bridge committee reported the following expendi tures J Edwards culvert on hi Ed Hamilton work on Manes work on Mahoney railing J Anderson rep to bridge 75 Davidson pay for work J King graveling If Shaw work on road fSQO Report was adopted l Stephen Winch and Mor ton were accepted as satisfactory security for collector for following amounts were Dr Law Ices as Medical Health Officer Val of two sheep killed by dogs 600 rep culvert A ByLaw was passed levying the rates for the year The rate for all purposes except Miss spent the Trustee rates being mills on the day in Toronto also a ByLaw empowering Mr and Mrs John Hill of hat- Trustees of School Section Oscar Mr Harold of Cleveland Mr and Mrs Thomson of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr T Watsons Mr Jesse Jack brother of Dray ton spent Sunday at Mr Jos Ra kers Mrs W spent the week end at Orchard spent a few days with relatives Mr Paisley was Toronto vis itor this week Mrs Watson has returned from a visit with friends in Mrs T Mahon is spending a week in Toronto Mr Isaac Conner of Chatham spent a day with his neicc Mrs Barnes Mr and Mrs Otto R spent the Sunday with at Box Grove Miss Minnie Williams of Newmarket is visiting at Mr R Williams Panes of glass may easily be re moved if soft soap bo laid over the putty and left for hours mm Stops coughs cures colds throat and luriK to raise by debentures for payment of Now School house Council then adjourned to meet Monday Oct 31st Farm for Sale acnes of the west half of Con Whitchurch and 20 of tho west half of Lot Con acres of which covered with Hardwood Bush Fences and in good repair Splendid Brick House rooms Modern Ham with stone basement protected by lightningrods flog Pen and Driv ing House Good Orchard Good Well and two Cisterns Will give possession next spring For parti culars apply on the premises Or if by mail to Box Mount Albert P Li ilLntO Positively cure Dyspepsia Promote Digestion Money back if they fail to cure AX all or direct Box COLEMAN MEDICINE CO Toronto