Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 9, 1910, p. 5

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Trios J- Robertson Barrister Notary Ac reel Newmarket Farm fleeyiyy 0000 prank Durban Eminent Physician Christian Ctiurctt Sunday Sept lift Pastor A Mo- Dies In Berkeley Kenzie will occupy the pulpit and Wilfrid on His Tour King Plowing Match The King and Plowmens Association held a successful meeting speak on te following topics am Gods Financial Plan pm The Positivism of Protes tantism- COLLECTOR at King City last Saturday AUCTIONEER to tfae annual p will hold its first meeting of the Fall march in Mr Geo Thompsons front Tuesday evening at 8 pm Topic field Richmond Hill on Friday Proud Of of November Dr J Ji Who Practiced in This City for Years Kes in a Hotel Sir Wilfrid 01 CONSTANTiTy SURPRISED BY PROGRESS AND RE- Bolton House Decorator to Niagara and Tecum- DENTIST is Dr Wilkinson Block Newmarket Jackson of LICENSES WAR Mine Newmarket at If Newmarket LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones cm Before Elsewhere CASS1DY DP S J Boyd Gradate In medicine Toronto University also Licentiate the College ol Physicians the Royal College o Surgeons Former cW assistant Eye Hospital and Uni- S5u College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England OSTicfcCor Main and Timothy Sts Telephone No Consultation Hours810 services may be had at any hour da or night by calling at the office or phone Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Currants Dates Peels Layer in Malaga Grapes Orange Lemons etc all the HOODS Tomatoes Com Peas Salmon the Canaries OUR ell asserted and the that money buy Our Arc Try OUR Is Standard Weight Fan cy Pic Cakes of all kinds Fresh None Better few good mam sliced to suit Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Purdy Phone Perkins Old Stand VMM ft Special Car Service The following special service will be operated by the Metropolitan Division or the Toronto York Radial Rail way in connection with the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto Late car will leave iron to at 1145 for Newmarket and intermediate points on September 1st 2nd 3rd and On Monday Sept Labor Day special halfhour service willbe oper ated between Toronto and Newmar ket Dates of Fairs llolton Bradford Hamilton Sept 2G2728 Oct and 12 Oct 3 Oct and Sept 20 to Oct and 5 Sept 21 Sept and Lindsay Sept 23 London Newmarket Sutton Udora Weston Sept- to Oct and 7 Sept 20 22 Oct and Sept Oct 13 and Sept and v Sept 28 Sept 30 and Oct Sept and 16 FINEMlXT OFNEW CITIES Writing to a friend in Montreal from Prince Rupert Sir Laurier says write you Newmarket Fail Fair One especial feature of the fair will be the competition for the handsome silver cup presented to I Taken from San Francisco Chronicle Berkeley August Dr J D formerly a wellknown si- reccntlv yorn city in San Francisco dieat court Berkeley this morning com plications caused by old age and disease Dr who was nearly in this marvellous country thru which have been passing for tlie last six weeks I thought I knew th cpuntry I but at every step my companions and found out that we had every- age was the Society for gentle- mens drive A numr of our J ien moved o San Francisco where horse fanciers are getting their he follow his profession for fort steeds in readiness for this com- years He was a student of music d m our eastern and astronomy and the last fifteen years of his life spent most of petition The Board of directors are busy hunting up special attractions for our fair and it is expected that they will hit onto comething good his time in reading and studying these The same with Vancouver Victoria t 1 Calgary Edmonton What subjects Dr moved l of popu- Berkdcy four year ago Advancement About a year- ago his wife died and Mr Norman holds there- that time the experi- and cord so far for the largest number fenced rapid physical decline an lm of entries He made the other sjfvhihg relatives of the deceased Who will be the first to beat side Canada him Tested The will be held Saturday morning at court at oclock- Professor C Fred and Irs will render musical se mens ty We left- Victoria by steamer at midnight on Thursday and arrived here at Prince Rupert yesterday at 5 pm The distance between Victoria and Rupert is six hundred There is an old adage that the lections and Rev Hosmer of j article that stands the test of lime the Unitarian Church will conduct most marvellous is the nature of is a good one And so it is jtlie services Interment will he in Seventeen years ago the Win Mountain View Cemetery a Toronto National Aug 27 to Sept 12 1 Finger Poisoned Mrs Baron had a very pain ful experience during the past week While washing out a crock a small speck of the enamel peel ed off and ran into the end of of her right hand She thought nothing of it and did not even have it picked out till the day A short tirne after it was removed the finger began to swell and became so painful that she went to the doctor when it was found that the little speck had caused blood poisoning She Buf fered great pain and had to have her finger treated by the doctor every day for a week We are pleased to report that all danger is now past though Mrs Baron feels quite weak from the effects Cane and Sons built the High School in Newmarket Owing to some change in the plans a door of a special size was left on their hands and shortly afterwards they went out of the building business This fall in purchasing material for new extension to the School Mr Mcintosh the Census of Mortality DISABILITY COMPENSATION the route travelled We were not a single at full sea but all the time in a broad channel between is lands which are mountains It is somewhat like navigation on the but the is hardly more than sixty miles long while have six hundred miles of I here we The date of the next census for that archipelago between Victoria and Mortality Disability and j Prince Rupert and the thing goes on tion is 1st June of next year which j an equal distance towards the High the same as the date for north It is a record for purchased this door among and gives the information And what can we say of the wealth of the country Of prairies covered the res and on examination it was all persons to whom th re- J with wheat of the hillsides where found that after standing in thelites for the year Farm Produce Excellent market last Saturday and big crowd in town The prevailing prices paid were Eggs per do to Butter par to Dressed Chickens per lb lie to 18c Dressed Ducks per lb to Apples per to Plums per to Pears per 35c to lite Onions per neck Pickling Onions quart Cauliflower per head Beets 5c per bunch Carrots per bunch Live Spring Chickens per lb Old Hens per Live Ducks per lb Cucumbers 356 per Corn per do to Lie per bunch Oreen Hides to Calf Skins per lb to Sheep Pelts Tallow ware room for years there was not the first sign of shrinkage but that every joint was as perfect as the day it was made And that means that the material was of the first quality that it was in the very best of condition when it was put together and that the work manship was of a class that can- no he surpassed by any factory in the world The goods that Stand the test of time are the kind that is turned out by the Cane and Sons Newmarket See their Ad in another column Fathers give he boy a If he is wideawake and progressive lie must have new ideas let him try counting his way the best the old way is not always SHELL BRAND BAR Narrow Escape I On Monday evening a littler after eight oclock Mr iv Flanagan was out driving When going down the hill past Mr Stones on St the- breeching broke and lei the buggy in onto the horse The animal became lened and started to run ho j occupants of the rig were thrown lout The hoi came down Timo thy St with the shafts he buggy and when he tried to turn up Main St it fell and rolled nearly into It A Smiths doorway then I up and ran straight a- For 100 AT- I 1 cross the street to the Colonial Theatre striking its head against the front Just above the wicket and fell down on Ihe sidewalk The Theatre was full of people at the time and shock caused quite a commotion Some made a rush for the back door and others for the front but Manager soon quieted fears and told them that everything was all right In the- mean time Mr Tail ran out from his butcher and got hold of the horse and assisted by Mr Smooth who happened to be Branding at the theatre soon had the horse up and the remov ed The horses cut little by coming in contact With the crossbar of the shafts but other Wise very little damage done ami three of the buggy escaped only a few Broughtons Drug Store Cat Co to and from handled with 700 DARK PANEL SPRING ft MATTRESS FRE Made of birch and put to gether golden finish Head 12 and loot inches or I feet wide by feet long with casters Pest steel fabric spring strong frame size to lit superiorsoft mattress with ticking fel wide by feet long All three pieces at one lime for Cut out and- us this ad and get by letter ESPECIAL OFFER and full particulars how 10 get these three pieces Free And our new illus trated Catalogue No 6 showing the and more than Pic tures of other low priced Freight prepaid to your nearest sta tion This will not appear better write today CO Lock Box BRIDGETOWN to the hour of midnight of May 1911 Personal description of every per son who has died in the year or suf fered disability by accident or sick ness and has received compensation therefor is required in the schedule and for more complete identification reference is made to his family or household in the first schedule The name and sex of each person and whether single married ed divorced or legally separated to gether with the month of birth the year of birth the age at last birth day and the country or place under personal description His or her racial or tribal origin religion and occupation or trade will also be recorded under the gener al heading of personal description whether the reference is to persons who have died within the year or to persons who have been disabled with in the year by accident or sickness and to persons who have sustained loss of time and earnings and to or compensation fur loss of time Under the head of Mortality records will In- entered showing the month of death in the census year the disease or cause of death as described the nomenclature the of death it occurred away from home and the name and address of attend ing physician Disability and Compensation relate to accident or and under these heads records will be entered of the nature of loss injury caused by in year weeks of dis ability to sickness or accident and loss of salary or other earnings caused by sickness or accident Allowance or compensation made inplovccs is recorded under three heads The voluntary allowance which may be made- Jo employe by employer for lost time through sick ness ir accident during the year Compensation in the year by employ er under statute fur loss of lira by accident which is required in some provinces of the Dominion Compensation by insurance for loss of life and 2 for sickness injury- HARD WAR STORE I o V I J J You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line o Electric Light Supplies ir Paints Oils Glass Etc We ALL NEWMARKET I I or Value of Technical Training Technical education has become a daily disenssinn in the press and among all educational bo dies That the advocates such training In the public schools have accomplished something is shown by the yearly demonstrations little lads at the Canadian National Inhi bition The boys who give these I demonstrations are young chosen the various schools of the city of TorojitO and Vel the work turn out that of expert cabinet makers The aim of technical educa tion not of course turn every boy into a trained carpenter or cabin et maker but to render him resource ful and useful In any emergency The v the Toronto school boys do is oho of the innumerable minor features jot the Canadian National tan event of Infinite and interest numerous herds of cattle are brazing of the mountains where minerals of ol all kind protrude on side of the valleys covered with rich for ests arid of those northern seas whose fisheries equal if indeed they do not surpass those of the Atlantic But what a task to develop that country What enormous sums will need to be expended not only for the rail way but also for carriage by water In the channel thru which we have just- passed between Victoria and Prince Rupert fifteen lighthouses should he built at once and as for navigation with the Charlotte which stands as a sentinel in the ocean between America and Asia Is Bride the Coming Lender A unique interest to the September number of Busy Man Magazine be cause in it is to be found a striking prophecy about the future of the Hon Richard Premier of British Columbia based on the extraordinary likeness he hears to three great po litical leaders These three men are Benjamin Disraeli Sir John A Mac- and Sir Wilfrid Laurier This striking likeness is brought out clear ly in the portraits of the four men which illustrate the article and which are placed together for purposes of comparison Richard is still a young man but oven today he hears a marked resemblance to all three men to and in Ids manner isms he is astonish like Sir John A All Interested In the political situation in Canada Conser vative and Liberal alike should not fall to sec this convincing prophecy An Omaha judge gave two Chica go a day apiece goal for smoking cigarettes on the streets of llio first named city A SCHOOL IO ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT I CLEARING OUT ALL Summer Goods A T- Toronto Jobbing House I AJ and with it brings the need Overcoat and Fall Suit of an din Its students a training that We have at the present time a full line of the latest New York styles on the most uptodate mate rials on our shelves for your close In spection While down town make it a point to call and see them F YOUR TAILOR PHONE 160 MAIN ST Halifax drydock has just The noblest contribution which repairs to the British steamer Ben any can make for the benefit Cruaehan at a cost posterity is that of a good character A movement is on foot to send The richest an man the Regiment- Band of Windsor leave to the youth of his native to the coronation King untry Is that rfiMH spotless The voice is never still Uinthrop It whispers tous morning noon and We forget that be many night it readies us from the roar of duties hut that among them all there is a first and a last and that we carries wiili it stamp of SupeHJtJfc wild- tempest the sigh of Write for large winds the soft of the lloguc iwayslde brook voice will not hushed must not fulfil the last before the The still small first just as one must not harrow without ploughing Tolstoy J- Pat was in search of a job and seeing a ship at the toot of the dock he hurried down to It and approached the captain Well said the latter handing him a rope if you can show nun three ends of this rope I will giv you a job Pat took the Tope and I pointing to one end of it said Thats one end Then taking the other end said thats the second end suddenly throwing the rope ii overboard he And that the third end of your rope For Mew Subscriber The Newmarket Era Balance of the Year For Best Nome Weekly i in the County of York OFFER Newmarket Era and Montreal Weekly Till January lor Gents- fc tar all orders to Era Office Newmarket J I- I I i A V g J

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