Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 9, 1910, p. 3

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tnfkr- rim Boyd Won SixPrizes 1 Local Hems Our Toronto a is Keeks lioeal WHAT OH a ft Another Convention York County W mil be hold in the Methodist Newmarket on the and Oct Good addresses each Reserve the date Mr had great success at the Toronto Exhibition with his Belgian Hares He won 1st pri zes two 2nd prizes and tw 3rds S Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will meet at the of Mrs Geo Richardson p on Wednesday Sept at oclock second and third games in the vs Office Specialty sories both in favor the town who by to shots on days The score of the series to date is Town pts Office Specialty The final game is to be played Friday evening New hearse J If- Millard who is always ale to the interests of patrons has invested in a beautiful new hearse i to anything in use in Toronto y re merits a massive and ha every uptodate attachment who deal with Mr Millard have assurance that their last ride will he a comfortable one amid luxurious surroundings ft Low One- Way SecondClass Col- Rates Sept to Oct via Grand Treat Railway System to Nelson Variver Victoria Westminster Spokane Seattle Taeoma Wash and Ore also to San los Angeles San Diego Mexico City October to particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk agents or address J I District Passenger Agent Toronto Ont and League Convention An inspiring Convention is antici pated in Newmarket on Thursday of next week connection with the Methodist District Meeting A copv the program will be seen in anoth er column of this issue Cars Packed The trolley has been doing rush ing business this week One car came down from the Lake on Tues day with 52 trunks The aisles were packed with people who had to stand all the way from Orchard Beach to Toronto The Demand Continues Notwithstanding the fact that over houses have been built in New market during the past three years houses to rent appear to be as scarce as ever Mr E Brooks has both his new houses in Newmarket and intends to put up two more this fall Dr Wilkinson has bought the house he his been occupying on Joseph from Barker Bros They will erect another one to sell as soon as they get the eleven new house off their hands which they are working Mr- -J- two new on Timothy street are now ready for occupancy The Misses are coming back lulloden to occupy one of them Or day last week a spark from a pissing train Ignited the bridge on Queen street but it was easily ex tinguished by a passerby Mr J has moved into one of the new houses on Main street north erected by Mr Gorman Only ten days more till Newmarket Fair Get ready for it Class Next Sunday will commence the regular afternoon of the Bible in the Methodist Church after being closed down dur ing the hot summer weeks The young all regret the withdrawal of their esteemed leader Mrs I Atkinson but for the time being the pastor lie 1 J Simpson has con- to act and under Ms guidance v- eel ure the will retain good name already Won are cordially requested to out in full muster at next Sunday and with them bringas new recruits as possible After the success the made in during last winter It should be one of the aims of the Class to still hold on and shortly re organize for the coming winter Newmarket High School School opened on Tuesday morning very auspiciously with in attendance All the were present Mr Minns Mr Mr KHd Mis- Smith The welcomed l lie jcutfeiits and bespoke for the teachers cor dial ption chairman of the Hoard Mr A was then Introduced regret at the in the change in the- but us student that when com pleted together with the annex never dreamed of year ago and worth- while putting up with sonie a stimulus to students mate a record for themselves the he a surprise upon announcing he give a to known as the A Scholarship for the in general at the next In honor of the fir pupil of Newmarket hoot his mother and that who had Kradjatcd from his yhwi to places- of eminence follow his example Speeches followed by Messrs laon Father Whitney I Kav and J The school was then timetable announced and lessons Teaching was continued in afternoon but as the carpenters are at work on the staircase It was advisable to the school till text Monday Drowned at Word was received in Toronto on Thursday of last week of the death by drowning of Henry Walter in Wp Athabaska river at the rapids about miles north of Landing Mr who was a Do minion Government surveyor and who had for about ten or twelve years been engaged in survey work in the Northwest was in company with Mr Walter Jackson of the Toronto Observatory staff carrying on Sur veys for the Dominion Government when their canoe Was upset and Mr was drowned News of the drowning was brought to Landing and as as Sum of lhe Northwest Mounted Police got the particulars lie wired information to Mr If of Toronto brother of de ceased The body had not been re covered when the Superintendent Kent the message Deceased was a son of the late Thos formerly of Sha ron He is survived by his widow and two daughters at borne and by a sister the wife of Rev Canon Mount Forest and a Mr T of the Dominion Bank in Toronto Deceased was President of the On tario Land Surveyors Association member of the Anglican Church and of the Masonic Order He was years of age When the news first reached Toron to it was thought that Mr Jackson also been drowned but a wire was received from him on Friday morning announcing his arrival at Landing which was much relief to his parents here and he to reach home this week Sale Register THURSDAY Sept imported sale of thorp bred Clydesdale Horses Cattle Implements etc the pro per of Mr Angus on lot 31 in the 3rd Con of Crossing on Usual terms Sale at oclock sharp W MONDAY- Sep Mr Dans lot 3 Georgia will have an extensive sale of Horses Highclass Cattle Sheep Im plements etc at one oclock also his acre Farm months credit on over tester Auctioneer THURSDAY- Sept Rev Everything looking splendid our church here both inside out The walls and ceiling of the inside have been papered and all the seats and window frames beautifully grained Further improvements in regard to carpet and matting are to be added later which will still add to the general appearance of thp inside of the church When one enters the church now it makes you feel the church and Epworth League workers BAKING AND NEVER KAIL I each one show their appreciation League by being present Raw- Cotton has advanced from to per ft in twelve months One year ago we contracted 5000 yards of flannelette and today we are offering flannelette as cheap as they were ever sold But they cant last forever our advice is buy early DRESS GOODS SPECIALS Fancy Colored Vdiiles regular for GREY TWEED SUITING regular 60c for COTTON CASHMERE in all colors at yard at The Provincial Normal School opens on the inst Commencing next month there will be the usual advance of one cent per quart in milk for the winter Labor Day saw more dxunken people on the streets of this city than on any one day for twelve months Mr and Mrs John Ross Robertson returned to this city this week after are deeply interested in the welfare of two months sojourn in Europe their place of worship and it is to Osteopaths in session this week de- be hoped that each 0 will try in the to renew their efloitts to have future to do their part and keep up a bill passed during the next meeting the interest in our church and jof the Legislature placing osteopathy worth League meetings in order that on the same legal basis as other out of each meeting some benefit and schools of healing and they will spiritual advancement may be deriv- have to confront the same unflinching An interesting topic is to he opposition- taken up on Sunday night September The wet weather of Monday forced Hi and One which snould create a thousands of people to examine indoor keen interest The meeting is to be exhibits at the Ex who would never led by Mr and the top have seen them had the day when given by Miss Webster and Mrs bright and fine Tho wet weather Morley A solo and other spejwas a blessing in disguise to many cial music is expected hundreds and thousands of people Now many good thoughts can A beautiful gold locket suitably en- taken from the topic that will be graved with a diamond in the Ma- en on Sunday night next so let us sonic emblem was presented last of Monday night to Mr Joseph King by the members of St Johns Lodge A AM The occasion was the completion of twentytwo years as chaplain of the lodge Policeman Disney is abed nursing Toronto Presbytery has elected Rev Miss Scott of Linton who has been divers cuts bruises and breaks and as Moderator for the visiting her brother Mr J Scott Ed Dillon James and Joe six months of Chicago was burnt to death in McGrogan three teamsters are in A convention of the Canadian Chicago wreck The remains jail on a charge of assaulting the of- palmers Association assembled in interred in Bolton cemetery as a result of rough-and-tom- session here on Tuesday with and the funeral was largely attended hie scrap Victoria street Monday resident Greenwood in the chair Her friends and relatives have the night The case will be heard when The latest move of the P R sincere sympathy the community Disney is able to appear to despatch a daily train from North Father Wedlock was visiting friends wheel of J Doyles cart came Toronto instead of the Union Depot in Toronto on Thursday of last week off the axle by reason of the nut looks like separation in the near Mrs of Toronto who has working loose and Doyle was J future between the Grand Trunk and been visiting her daughter Mrs J Stated to the street receiving a P of Lloyd town returned home oJ his leg on Monday A lady from was on Friday Automobiles make a big show at the found in her room on Tuesday even- Miss Adelaide Doaiu of West To- Exhibition The newest design is overcome gas It is supposed ronto who lias been visiting her friend the RussellKnight Limousine and she had blown the gas out instead of Miss Martha Peaker returned to her sells at a nice rig to go to a tunning it oft at the socket not being home on Wednesday evening summer resort with to astonish j with its use She was The many friends of Rev Gibson guests j to at the hospital were glad to sec him back again- for a fire early Sunday morning in For stabbing countryman with an a few days Metropolitan on King street west did awl in a quarrel an Italian named Miss McCutcheon took in the damage to the extent of Cause Exhibition last Friday and Saturday unknown but supposed to have been Quite a few from around here intend started by a lighted cigar stub thrown taking in the Picnic at Col- upon the floor on Sept j Quite a Miss Kate and friend visit ed at Mrs Thomas Trainors on Sun dae Miss McNeil is on the switch board FASHION BOOK sec 1 1 v it l Our Fall stock of and Shoes is here and all paid for Our extra cash discount enables us to give you special prices in your Win ter Boots in Mens Womens and Childrens and remember we guaran tee the wear of every pair Good Brooms 25c Sardines for French Mustard pot English breakfast Coffee ftlin Cascade Salmon 10c Shredded package Saturday afternoon has been claimed a public holiday so thosp who were prevented from tending the Exhibition on Labor Day owing to wet weather may have an opportunity going A Standard Patterns Parasols at Cost was fined A physician who has experimented on oranges declares that they have a number of severe accidents 0 fruits the on the street cars have occurred dur- of absorbing odors from ing the week In their haste I atmosphere from both city and country have at tempted to jump upon or from the Telephone Co for cars resulting in fractured limbs few weeks as the Misses are and sore heads taking their holidays The West End Christian Temperance ooe Society has decided a peti tion to both the Ontario and Domin ion Governments to legislate against HARTMAN Tho people of regret A to the diffusion of Poisonous drugs and especially against cocaine as a danger ous habitforming drug by which many lives are annually wrecked and crimes committed Indeed the So- poison the guise of being harmless Haitians Point is now regarded as the Coney Island of Canada and is acknowledged as the oldest and most famous amusement resort of On- Do minion Tuesdays Police Court presented a Wholl be when the dock was graced by five keepers of disorderly hear of the death of Dr Edgar Sod den of who was well known in this vicinity being an old Hart- man boy A number from this neighborhood asks for legislation against are visiting Toronto Exhibition this all beverages containing week Miss Winnie Galloway of has returned home after a months visit with her aunt Mrs A J Rose The red brick house on the Centre Road is headquarters for weddings this summer The old saying is Three times and out the next Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET BARGAINS ON SATURDAY lb bag of Bananas for 25c Peaches 60 to 75c per basket Plums 30 to er Prop had a rather inmates and about fre- Lawrence unpleasant experience last Sunday ev ening wnicb he will prbbahly not soon Accompanied by a young lady friend he was driving home from Ihe church service at When just north of Vivian he somehow lost Control of the horse which ran down a steep hank at the side of the mad completely overturning the buggy and precipitating into the dusty road the occupants thereof but fortunately es caped injury The horse continued its lot con Scott will course up the road dragging the bottom side up Some who have an extended Auction Sale of Horses Rigs Furniture etc at 2 oclock sharp months credit on sums over J Auc SATURDAY SEPT Mr Johnston of Sutton West will have an extensive sale of household prior to movingWest Choice lectvuis Usual terms at one oclock Auctioneer were coining home from church over took the young lady carrying the robe and whip she informed them that her gentleman friend had gone after the horse They at once hasten ed to his assistance and with the aid of some of the Vivian people suc ceeded in fixing the badly wrecked sufficiently to bo taken home Mr- leading tin horse by the head Kind friends conveyed the voting lady home in safety none the A SAFE PLACE TO BUY JEWELRY The quality of goods in our appeal to people good judgment Our prices will convince you that we are fair and We always aim to give every customer the possible value every ttcle we No matter what you are looking for we can give you quotations of lowest prices GOOD GOODS LOW EST PRICKS OUR MOT TO would probably not wish It repeated I J We understand that Mr had at has been called to the city to attend jury on the of this month Era till Christmas for 20 qucntcrs Most of the frequenters were discharged the keepers ami inmates were or sent to quod The members the Ontario Munici pal Association were warned against Corporations getting rich upon munici palities Sure as guns the chickens will come home to roost- Mr of Teuton was robbed at the Union on Tuesday and this is how It turned out so that he got his money back appears that a8 Miss Jennie Harry a cripple of Norwich was pass ing through the station she heard tho cry of pickpockets and a moment after ntfe heard purse drop her It was handed to police and got his money Win was charged on Tues day last with stealing from the City Dairy and pleaded guilty- but claimed that when the short age was mentioned to him by the companys manager he had offered to work It off and the manager had I agreed this provided he- could lur- the and laid the information The company is guil ty of compounding a felony said Attorney Denman was sen tenced to days in Jail Live Stock Market Butchers cattle advanced cents per in Toronto this week lambs advanced per hut no other changes were apparent Hogs still SO off cars arc The Ladies Store Newmarket New Fall Goods Have Arrived New Dress Goods l endless variety Serges in plain Fancy and Diagonal Stripes from 50c to San Toys Melrose Fancy Tweeds all New Goods for Fall Wear good value yard All Wool Panama Cloths ins wide for 50c New Kimona Cloths All Wool Sweater Coats reg for phone in CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS H1H HI III III 00 00 CO Branches at Important In Canada sad In New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former OaUrio Bank Branch will be heretofore BRANCH C ROSS quickly cores colds heals the cents Q Newmarket Markets September PH Pall Wheat per 8 Oats per hush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per tan Shorts per ton May per ton Butter per lb Per New Potatoes per bag 75 Chickens per lb 0 0 38 ft on i 24 0 14 Toronto Markets September 1 HO Fall Wheat per hush Goose Wheat per hush Oats per bush Hay per ton 0022 a 0 0 r- Butter per Eggs per New Potatoes per hush Chickens per per lb 0 0 We have just received a large consignment of Crockery direct from Eng land bought at a special discount for spot cash You are requested to call and inspect our Interesting display A special lot of Toilet Ware the very latest designs The material is of Englands best beautifully decor ated and the prices extremely modest A Lot Dinner and Tea Sets we would like you to compare with city samples and their prices Cup and Saucer Special large size substantial materia neat colors- just 00 of those 10c each while they last An Immense assortment Fancy China suitable for wedding gifts Our stock in this line is distinctly original and of a superior quality and then the prices are based on Same meagre margin as our popular gro cery department A few snaps in groceries packages Vim packages for packages Which 7 packages lor20c Imported Pickles English Bottle Varieties Sweet Biscuits lb Phone Try Our Barrie Cakes HOWARD CO end Optician Harris- Our Ribbons OUT OF 9 Goods Silks Velveteens Liftings Dress Trimmings Laces Embroideries Corsets Table Linens Towel ling Table Napkins Flanells Curtains Ginghams Prints White Skirt and Blouse Linen Tweeds for Mens Suits Mens Cortts Mens Overcoats Ladies Rain Coats Ladies Mantles Oilcloths Wall Paper Crock- Groceries- Patent Medicines Turkish Dyes General Shop Furniture Show Computing Stales Deliver Waggon Sleigh CofTeo Mill etc A OUT OF BUSINESS A I t 1 t4 A i

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