Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 9, 1910, p. 1

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viii Our price marts have but one meaning Jewelry Store You may have seen if Give NORTH INTELLIGENCEE us the liberty to know to and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance to the n Jewelry Store Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday Sept 9 1910 TERMS per annum if paid in advance fa SAL Cur I or 3 Bur Gasoline Stove for Bur Oil Stoves re for Bur Gasoline Stove reg for Bur Gasoline Stove for 1 4qrt Ice Cream Freezer per cent off good size for 12 Doors stained and varnished for Eureka Sprayers for 75c Granite Dippers for each 10 quart Black and White Granite Pails each Bur Wick Oil Stovee for 150 Hammocks all styles per cent off Screen Windows to each Lacrosse Sticks J price to clear BUILDERS AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND A PHONE TINSMITH ING NEWMARKET ONT Diltn cure Lud I receives Savings of and and adds interest to all balances twice a year Deposits upwards Safe Convenient Profitable Us A I with a Assets 43000000 i NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard live per Ton Best Goal Mined in America i EXCLUSIVELY P W PEARSON orders to J- Boyman or J Murphy r Oar Toronto The cat show at the Exhihition is large about entries including animal from Rochester valued a and another at The high est priced one is of a white Persian type Fancy 0 even for a feline Most people would rather have the money than the cat According to the work of the asses sors Torontos population is now about 350000 The free bathing stations at the Is land closed last Saturday but the one at will remain open for some time yet as the water wann er there The Medical Health Officer of To ronto has inspected the farm dairies for miles north west and east of this city and reports bad good medium The general of the dairies is than was antici pated Altogether dairy farms were inspected The HydraElectric lines haVp been completed as far east as Toronto and as far west as St Thomas with the exception of wire stringing in certain It is expected power will be delivered to a number of towns before the end of this month Consulting engineers of an eminent New York firm report that the cost of a subway system of railways in Toronto would Ik The city pays for this report Three schemes of subways are sug gested Suddenly and without warning death came to Andrew Darling of the Darling Co wholesale clothing manu facturers avenue had just taken a hath at bis home when Ik dropped dead For selling produce In small quan tities such as potatoes carrots instead of by the hag or bushel on the market two county farmers were fined in the police court last week The city bylaw only allows renters of stalls to sell in small quantities During last week a man was being chased from the Exhibition grounds To elude his pursuers he jumped the fence but unfortunately landed on the head of a woman looking- thru the fence The man made himself scarce but the woman was rendered uncon scious She was taken to the emer gency hospital on the grounds Cabbies started last week to niake money while the Exhibition last by doubling the fares prescribed by the city bylaw but the police got on the track and summoned them before the Cadi on Friday that put a stop to the raid transpired in court on Friday that one man Who was summoned on a charge of stealing from steamer had given to have the charge against him dropped It is inferred that the paid was for what he had stolen as the ease was allowed to drop All the same it looks like compounding a Won Not being able to give any satisfac tory explanation us to where he got the diamond ring and pins which has been selling around town Herbert Falconer Is being held on suspicion on a charge of vagrancy lie is a young fellow gives Saska toon as the place he comes from and he has lived in Toronto for two mouths The season opened on Friday last lot shooting plover and although the Inhibition was on in full force a large number of sports made the shooting down about bay resound like a sham fight The city press appear to be agreed in their announcement that Lord Roberts will again visit Canada at arPearly date The Motor League took the patients at the Hospital to the One day last week Alicias Home Coming I 7 By Cecilia A Loizcaux It isnt even as if you needed to do this Alicia Bob Kendal held emerald ring and slipped it into his vest It is too dose to May her to mean that Then be sought for paper and pen sat down at the table He Dear If I have been too harsh voice to a cool augumental tone give me have said too strongly that made the girl before him still j perhaps what I believe to be true more indignant and all I want is to spare both of us Who are you that you should the pain any failure of yours would whether I need to do anything at be sure to cause it over well all she blazed indignantly dear before you decide What I am your fiance and he was came to tell you today is that our beginning when she interrupted him house is all done The last workman that is your excuse for such un- has left I am inclosing a key there just interferences with my washes I arc only two and beg you will go can at least relieve you of your there and think it all over at least duty And she placed her engage- once before you decide finally moot ring on the table betwefen thorn He enclosed the key and on his way The young man glanced at it without out handed the envelope to the seeming to see it Then he looked to he taken up to Miss Alicia sharply at the angry girl who was As for Alicia she had gone straight drawn to her full height to her desk and had written the he said gently you are lowing note too angry to realize what you are My Dear Mr I have doing Put the ring on your finger decided as 1 promised I would by You dont mean this day about the concert tour You Pardon me I do mean it said may depend upon me for your girl icily And as have been the only one The young mans face whitened and to object to the- longer trip you hurt look sprang into his steady ned I withdraw my objections to that brown eyes Then he straightened up also Under your management feel and squared his shoulders and set his sure we lie successful Sincerely strong chin firmly When he spoke j Alice Fairall there was a note of hardness in his j When she had heard the closing of voice which the girl had never heard the outer door she gave the note to from hitn before and from which she the butler and took from him the en- shrank mentally velope Hob had left With it in her Alicia do you realize what you hand she went slowly up stairs and are doing We were to be married sat down before her grate fire She in May Your troirsscau is begun felt her anger melting away and by I know And youve given me every the ache In her throat knew that reason to believe you cared for me as tears were not lar off She tore op en the envelope hoping to find some stimulus to her indignation but at the gentleness of the words and tin OF CONVENTION In Methodist Church Newmarket on September 8th 1 i I THURSDAY AFTERNOON Exercises A McNeil Address- The School and Leagues as Educators in Canadian Citizenship Rev A P Addison CO I ask for you And now because I you to do this one thing for your sake as well as mine you are going to give it all up The girl turned suddenly and went to the window where she stood look- sight of the key to the home she ami Hob had so eagerly carefully planned the tears came with a rush and This is all Ive ever asked of you out into the dripping She burying her face in the arm of her felt her lips quivering and she must easy she cried herself to sleep not let Hob see Press notices of a concert to Hob looked at the crown dark given in the near future by iho best red hair against the green of the amateur talent the city afforded draperies ami ids voice soft- gan to he frequent during the next few weeks Then cam the program and pictures of the principals Alicia was Alicia Ive been too confident mentioned and one Sunday your love for me after you confessed paper containing her picture a it Ive believed in you too utterly full length affair with ever to lie jealous of your flirtations her head over one shoulder and her- as many another man would haw been lips as if speaking Hobs heart sank and rightly too Ive submitted cheerfully to being trailed in public if was you who did the trailing Alicia turned and faced Mm again he foot tapping the impatient ly Is the lis of your virtues long one sir she asked I shall not name them all he answered calmly The only tiling Ive ever insisted upon your doing is this one were talking about Hive up this silly concert tour Ive never said a word when youve sung for and turned sick She hid mean it then As the time drew pear he thought be would go to the concert and when then finally came he dressed and fidgeted miserably till time to start Then suddenly changing his mi id he bad driven to the door of the little new home he and had planned together Hob let himself into the house with the key which he always carried and walked through the emp ty desolate rooms which by now should have furnished and ready for the brides homecoming He sweet charitys sake or any socle- roamed clear through the house draw- A diamond ling value at was taken from a travellers sample tray In a Windsor store yesterday A Massachusetts minister believed that there will be hawball in heaven We think it is doubtful There would be no one to referee the game All umptris go 1 another direction when they die The town of Marie af ter an appeal to the courts has been condemned to pay W20 the cost of the services of called out to preserve order during strike troubles in The world be happier if the I people were a little more generous with their praise Their Is too much flattery but a word of just apprecia tion would cheer the heart and strengthen the hands of many a dis couraged worker In the home In the school in the church and In the Era till Christmas for 21 ty affair even when the publicity of the events has often made MM writhe This time yon havent any teal rea son You are not in money and youre not doing it for charity It isnt even the necessary ambition of the professional to a higher place for herself Von will get flat tery from the critics who do not think it worth the effort to spend real criticism on society amateurs If they should criticise you honestly the way they do professionals o whom it means bread and butter youd sec the point Im trying to make I appreciate the charm of you and your voice as no one else who looks and listens to vou possibly can and- Alicia Pal rait I don want to see you damned with faint praise or humiliated by any conscientious crit ic Cant you see When you are quite In terrupted Alicia you can doubtless find your way out I must ask you to excuse me And she swept from the room pausing once in the curtain ed doorway as if to speak Unconsciously she assumed theat rical attitude was turned hack over her shoulder and her lips were parted a little With her glow ing head and her soft green dress the green of the cur tains she looked like a tall dahlia and Hob involuntarily started forward Hut closed her lips to a thin red line and went on dropping the curtains Presently he heard the tapping of her slippers up on the stairs and then the bang of a door lie I not leave the at once but stood at the window where Alicia had stood and looked out Into the gray twilight It was early spring As ho looked wearily at the sparrows oh the soaked lawn Hob felt his throat tighten and brushed his hand across his eyes She couldnt mean it he as he turned up the the shades and lighting all the chandeliers till every room was blaz ing with light Then he turned them out ami lit a Mazing lire In the din ingroom grate and sitting down on the high settee built into tin- niche by the fireplace he closed his eyes and deliberately up the presence of Alicia was almost asleep when he the front door open ami close and the click of highheeled clippers on the floors accompanied by the un mistakable swish of a womans silken skirts Then he heard a match scratched and an impatient exclama tion as something Was dropped Then with bis heart pounding violently he laid his head back against the settee and feigned sleep He- heard the steps come to the diningroom door beard Alicias voice say Oh in frightened breathless surprise left heart heat almost to suffocation and then he heard toe steps recede with a rush to the ball and the front door open He was about to call to her when he heard her say to some one on the porcK Tell Mr I am sick or dead buried anything you like only that I shall not sing tonight Then the again and Hob Immediately went to sleep It seemed a sound sleep for he did not open his eyes though Alicia coughed three tunes Hut when she could stand It no longer and shook bis shoulder he woke up with a most excellent look of surprise on bis face Ih it too late she asked breath- lessly Looking at her as it dazed he pull ed out his watch Oh I dont mean for the concert I mean but Alicia could get no fur ther and dropping to her knees be side the settee she leaned her head against his arm and cried I guess It Isnt too late for a wedding said Hob but well have to hurry J Sabbath School Interests Rev J Fox S s Missionary Methods in Leagues Dr Wilkinson 315Address What the Sunday School of the Church Rev A Wesley Church Toronto Appointing Nominating Committee and Collection Roll Call of Leagues THURSDAY EVENING i Devotional Exercises Rev- J Simpson Report of Nominating Committee and Introduction of Offi cers elect Address The New Idealism or the Call the Twentieth Century Rev A The Call to Missionary Work Mr J Sec Laymens Missionary Movement Nightingale on thename of Florence Nightingale When she entered the Crimean Miss Nightingale was no novice in When she died at the ripe age e had worked in the Florence Nightingale had lived Lowlon and see adoption of her hospital Passed a period of study at methods by most of the worlds Hospital at Kaiser- mies methods which have undoubted- under the Iv brought about a most sanitary stnct pastorfounder Or provement in the conditions of the J When she returned to her wounded the field of battle and In native land she was by far the- lead- saving many a useful human lite authority on hospital nursing in Her work dates from the beginning Britain or the famous Crimean War a con- thorough education which was discreditably lo the aged both from military and from a need of systematic education of nur- standpoint Sir Howard Russell the correspondent of the fund of 525000ft don Times told his fellow-country- c men a story of hospital horrors which ulcd after the Crimean war was over shocked the British nation He told every soldier in the army giving a a gruesome story of Englishmen pay was mmediate y used by not from Russian bullets establish and from disease in British hospitals He pictured a ghastly scene of Inade quate hospital management inefficien cy death squalor infection and suf fering For weeks men lay in hospi tals with their wounds undressed without proper nourishment and in conditions so foul that even normal healthy human beings ultimately suf fered The- death rate was cd cent at Scutari and per cent at KuIclL per cent of those who sustained amputations died of gangrene During the first stage of this terrible war not a woman nurse was employed in any of the hospitals In one of his letters Rus sell asked Are there no devoted wo men among us able and willing to go forth and minister to the sick and suffering soldiers of the East in the hospitals at Scutari Are none of the daughters of England at this ex treme hour or need ready for such mercy work It was Miss Florence Nightingale who answered bis call At the sug gestion of the Hon Sidney Herbert Minister of War she began the organ ization of the hospitals With forty companions she left London for Scu tari She worked wonders Totally disregarding military red tape she reorganized the entire system of mil itary hospital management brought order out of chaos reduced the death rate and saved thousands or lives What is more she us mod ern system of hospital management a service of vastly more importance even than her wonderful achievements during the Crimean War After the in Russia was over her work was fittingly honored at a dinner given by Lord Stratford in London to officers who had distinguished themselves in the Crimea When the host and asked for an expression of opinion from those present us to who was most deserving of the nations gratitude every man present agreed maintain an institution for the train ing of nurses and hospital attendants an institution known as the Nighting ale home attached to St Thomase Hospital in London For many years she personally superintended the school America too profited by Miss Nightingales counsel During the Civil War she Rave her advice on camp nursing ami camp sanitation and the United States Sanitary Coin- mission organized by women was the fruit of her labors Still another of her great works was the inauguration of the Red Crtoss movement at Geneva in The Red Cross which is now to be seen on every battlefield may well be regarded as a symbol ol Florence Nightingales triumph over the cruel disorder of a previous day When she reached her birthday Miss Nightingalcrwas decorated with the English Order of Merit which was established by King in and membership of which is restricted to twentyfour She Is the only woman upon which decora tion was ever bestowed and the statutes of bad to be modifi ed in order that she might receive it Kightccn farmers in the county of were fined last week for tampering with the milk before send ing it to the cheese factor The Inquiry into the death of Thomas Butler who wrs struck by a train at on Aug was resumed yesterday afternoon and a verdict of accidental death was brought In showed that Butler was drupk as were his com panions who stepped oil the track but he remained on The train rounded a curve and the emergency braked pub on but the man was struck his leg broken and his skull fractured He died in the Hospital at next day The train crew were exonerated A New Laxative the best known to modern medicine Is the principle which makes so much better than ordinary physics While thoroughly effective never gripe purge or cause nausea and never their effectiveness One best of the line a box If your druggist his not yet stocked them send o ana we will mall thorn Chtmtcal Comp of C Limit Montreal j t r ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO have y w y

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