ir ereby HI our early use Hot is the team- CO re AS and hey AY P Ltd prices in Behalf r late I the ire New- reafter 1 OS ird to editors claims in July or win of thffl further day of ecu tors lie the which a shall or any whose at hereof 1910 t Birrift J Public n loan Farm Security prank ft COLLECTOR Bolton Hewitt Painter Tf Jlouwi Decorator Niagara and Tecum Dr St Clank DENTIST Wilkinson Block Newmarket of LICENSES oner residence If WORKS NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones CASS1DY A DP J Boyd Gradate in medicine Toronto University also Licentiate the Coll and the Royal College Surgeons Former clinical ant Kids Eye Hospital College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England okAor Main and Tmothy Telephone No 110 Consultation Hours810 may be had at any ho the day or night by calling at the office or phone Weeks Hews Womens Institute The meeting of the Newmarket branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held at Mrs John Lewis A paper Duties of Children as a Means of Teaching Them Responsibility be given full attendance is requested First Saturday in September blessed with many years of health joy and usefulness Signed on behalf of the class and church friends MRS H REED President MRS SPEIGHT VPres MRS P Secretary August practical Over at Woodbury j among other contests instead 0 pie- and rifle shooting they had a competitor We are told The frequent rains late have en life to the lawns prize 135 ieces an Brleflets Make the most of the nest few days School opens oh Tuesday Tomorrow is the last Saturday halfholiday of the season hour and a quarter the winner of the second prize during the same period hung up pieces Thats BOTES Washtub Prize Here is an idea for the directors of the Newmarket Fairsomething really JJSWitAid on Mon- rumor to the effect that Mr Mc Donald o the Toronto Globe was about to resign his con nection with that journal has been emphatically contradicted A cable from London states that the Kings Bible for the church business and that kind competition Next Monday is Labor the last holiday till Christmas except Tbanksging Mr moved into his new house on Raglan street th s week Speclai Car Service The following special service will be operated by the Metropolitan Division of the Toronto York Radial Rail way in connection with the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto is encouraging Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery The footnote to the Methodist dis cipline forbidding conduct indulging in the- use of Intoxicating liquors as beverage dancing thea tergoing playing games of chance encouraging lotteries etc was ex punged by the General Conference last week and the following was substi tuted For as much as these rules I are to be interpreted by the Late car will leave pronto at Christian Conference according for Newmarket and the prineil of christian liberty a rcveaed in and 10th earnestly admonished that they On Monday Sept 5th Labor Day t thdr fi tions as servants of Christ and in the case those amusements and practices which are of a hurtful and questionable tendency that they do not engage in those injurious to thr spiritual life or incompatible with their allegiance to Jesus Christ their Master OFFICIAL PROGRAM Canadian National Exhibition FREE THIS YEAR For the Canadian National Exhibi tion of ths year an Official Program has been issued showing the special attractions for each day days judging for every kind of stock poul try grain vegetables and the prizes to he for all entries pro gram of harness horse racing detailed description of the performances in front of the grand stand fireworks display the countless attractions of the which this year is to he more complete than ever and the hands from almost every town in On tario with their special performance days Program also shows the rates in effect from Ontario points during the Exhibition special low rates In effect on Excursion days and the train service in from all points Copy of program may he ob tained from any Canadian Pacific Railway Agent or- by writing L Thompson Toronto Atkinson Agent Newmarket day last It is bound in red Niger Morocco gold tooled and set in am ethysts The Kings and Canadas arms appears on the cover The book is nineteen inches by twelve Sir Wilfrid Laurier having stated that the bonds of the Hudsons- Bay Development Co were not guaranteed by the Canadian Government as was stated in- a circular purporting to be issued by said Company the Secre tary writes that the circular re ferred to was unauthorized Ohcat- all trades but ours Oaf Toronto ated between Toronto and Newmar ket Dates of Fairs Sept 2G 28 Bee ton Oct and 12 Bolton Oct 3 aad Bradford Oct 18 and Sept 20 to Cookstown Oct and Sept 20 22 Hamilton Sept 14 and Sept 22 23 London Sept to Oct and Newmarket Sept 20 Oct 6 and 7 Sept 2 Oct and Sutton Sept 22 and Toronto National Aug 27 to Sept12 Sept Weston Sept 30 and Oct 1 Sept 15 and Fred McCullough an Asylum atten dant at Hamilton has confessed he- aided and abetted and Taggart inescaping from that institution It now looks as if both Moir and Tag were more knaves than fools and both are dangerous characters to be abroad New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits all kinds Raisins Currants Figs Dates Layer Rais ins Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons etc all the NEW CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the West Canaries Are and the that money can buy Our Surrogate Court The Will of George Anderson of De catur Nebraska has been filed for probate His estate in Ontario amounted to He held real es tate in East Tp to the extent of Mortgages on property in the same township amounted to The balance of the estate is notes and money on deposit His real es tate passes to sister Christina Anderson Billings His brothers James and Alexander Anderson ad dress unknown are each given bo- quests of and Isa bella Anderson receives the residue the estate The estate of Thomas Luesby was 270 in cash in bank in real estate in the Township The estate passes tr the widow and three sons George of Newmarket a son has been appointed administrator by the Surrogate Court Presentation Just why rural public schools should riot have the same length of summer vacation as the public schools of cities and towns it seems hard to determine The holiday season should bo made uniform and as some amend ments are to be introduced to Onta rio Education laws next session we hope the srfmmer vacation term to rural schools will be included in the changes effected At the Grand Lodge meeting at Port Hope last week Clarence Bell of Hall this city was Unani mously elected to the office of High Chief Ranger of the Cen tral Ontario With hundreds of happy little child ren romping around and scores in teresting grownups watching them in delight the new Osier playground at the street was form ally opened last week by Mr A Brown president of the Play grounds Association On Wednesday of last week the Humber Bay and River Regatta and Sports took place There was racing and chasing galore in motor canoes skefts high diving greasypolc and greasy pig races over and in the water and a diving competition from top of the railroad bridge One Hall official was upset from his canoe NOT EXAGGERATED Mr Justice Walton an English presiding at the Leeds Asso ciation a few weeks ago was called upon to sum up the evidence in a case in which foreign fireman was- be ing tired for a serious assault upon his wife In January last the man had attached her with a- knife In his remarks the learned judge stated that he had at one time said that per cent of the crimes of violence which had been tried by him in a long judicial career were the result of strong drink He did not think that there was any exaggeration in that statement At the General Con ference last week Rev Car man was elected Superintendent for remedy the shortage that has been This year there are 1660 new teachers in the Province ol Ontario This rate supply if kept up for a couple of years it is thought years and Rev Dr for years to reside west of On tario Rev A Moore succeeds to of Temperance and Moral Reform Rev las Allan Sec of Home Missions Rev Shore Sec of Foreign Missions all other General Conference Officers reelected Woodstock Aug 21 Judge Finfclc yesterday sentenced a young farmer Lloyd Forbes aged for an offence against an adopted child fourteen years old his niece to five years in the Provincial penitentiary with fif teen lashes during the first and third year Nearly head of registered Clydesdales left Glasgow last week chiefly for Canada Robert had 10 head Messrs and Rogers Wawanesa On leaving few days ago w Cornell the new Public School Principal at hi wife n a were he recipients of Sin on Reg A London cable dated Aug states that Scotland Yard has decid ed that the reward of which offered for the capture of Dr Cnppcn and Miss after they had escaped from the hands of the police authorities belongs to Kendall of the steamship Montrose on which Or and typist sailed fr Canada who ren dered important assistance in the sub sequent detection and arrest or the suspects There used to he lots of bass in River explained a resident to a Telegram reporter the other day hut it is years since I saw one as large as that caught by John which weighed U and was a beauty The same may be said of the water or Lake It was a common thing for cottagers at Orchard Beach and Pt to catch black bass from two to four pounds a few years ago but they have very scarce this season And which were plenti ful half a decade ago are only taken occasionally now Speculation is rife as to the cause and many theories arc I advanced but the fact remains both i bass arid are far from being as plentiful as a lew years Try BREAD Standard Weight Fan es Bread Buns Cakes of kinds Every iuA None Better few as good HAM sliced to suit or Money Refunded Joseph Perkins Old Stand i pi teem and from the citizens of thai village We clip the follow ing from the Economise Saturday evening last a large htr of the of the Adult Bible Class and other friend met at home of Mr and presented Mr ami Mrs Criil jUie following Mr read the and Mrs Speight and Mi made the felt here for some time despite the of the West The Simcoc Power Co have com pleted their pole line to From that point t the Power nearly every hole that was sunk had to he blasted and the cost each pole erected was in the neighborhood of The distance is about eight miles and there arc forty poles t the mile 9 William Fox Deacon of Baptist church founder of Sunday School Union England says Sunday schools are the best agency to prevent vice to dispel the darkness of ignor ance to diffuse the light of know ledge to bring men cheerfully to obey the laws of and his country to make them useful and contented to lead them to the pleasant paths of religion here and to prepare for a glorious eternity Montreal Aug What promises to he the largest cargo ever carried from Canada to South Africa was the miscellaneous collection of live stock and freight taken from this port Sun day by the steamship Benin of the ElderDempster Line The manifest includes everything from clothes pins to motor cars St Catharines Aug ThcJruit crop of the Niagara district will not j be more than per cent of what it was in Peaches will not he half as numerous as a year ago the pi crop will be scarcely per cent of that o last year grapes will he only fairly abundant the pear crop will be a medium one and apples will he far from plentiful Now that the Duke of Conriaught faster as the nights cooler id the largest lot head Mr John A had 10 head Mr McNiven St Thomas Out had head and Mr Peter Horn had J head The bulk these lots came at season Keep the stables of A and Mont- hcart irt sec that A JP f e lot of head went- to New Zealand inl another trio to Buenos Ayrcs i month before they for Canada the great at l the autumn growth- If ation of a arc coming our JJJJ and hand Markham Aug Mr Cornell Teacher ol Ladies Adult Bi ble Class Marl ham Annie Jack of Chateau- coming to Canada as guay Que In the Montreal Witness General It is reported on good gives the following garden remind- that the ers The celery will begin to grow that the present the I Knew on zuRBRiaa dist Dear Friend the members at the Adult Bible and other friends have learned with deepest regret that you are sever your connec tion with our class on the eve of your departure we desire if convey to you our esteem and gratitude for I he services rendefid us in four capa city as Alult Wile Class Teacher to assure you that highly the privilege of listening to your expositions and goodly coun sel more especially as we well that you younc occasions to assist others and do ser vice in the Masters vineyard Such a fcClfSaerificiiig disposition has been very much appreciated by us and you will tx- greatly missed by your many friends Ah a token of our esteem and regard you we ask you accept this goldheaded umbrella We hope and trust that you will find your new sphere of labor and abode as pleasant and as profitable as it has been in We further desire as an evidence of our lies wishes and an expression 4 to present this band satchel I to Mrs Cornell your noble helpmate ay i SHELL BRAND and GovernorGeneral in Ottawa has about outlived its usefulness- and that the Plans are already under way for the erection of a new Hall On a new site SI Catharines Aug George Harold Bowman 12-year- old son of Mr and Mrs Jacob It Bowman At died in lanil Hospital of the seed picked oil peas and About a week ago he slightly Injured cut off stalks of dead blossoms on all his fool and the wound Do not leave decaying self with a needle which caused pies fir plums on the ground are poisoning to set in He came here doubtless a for and to see a doctor and had fungus Have them picked up and the wound dressed but went back horned at once If yrui can get pot- home About midnight Thursday ted plants and have a Jut of mellow be was driven to and taken clean soil it may pay to PHmt lo the hospital strawberries there Keep the Victoria Aug The specific growing if you want line strict Ions in the Methodist Church discipline dealing with the moral conduct of its hive been swept away and in their place has hcen a general BAR For -AT- trust that your that both of be be Broughtons Drug Store Ex Co 14 to from blossoms in November Toronto papers ell us of a painful incident In that city during the past week Mrs All Wicks and 1-year- Hon as to the conduct which Is old Child had travelled consistent with a holy life The change miles across the briny deep to- meet the general husband who was anxiously wait- at Its session this afternoon for them at the Union- Depot on So has ended what will go down in the day of their arrival but somehow Methodist Church history as the missed each other and for a footnote controversy couple of days she tramwccl the 2 cows of the city and about tin- depot In an almost penniless condition Mrs lhc thc raU Weeks however is a plucky English woman and applied to the police for help She and her Child for a time safe In shelter of the Methodist Deaconess Home while the authorities were doing all they Could to lcate the husband who it was afterwards found was working at Midland He went to Toronto on many months on the farm of A and well stock raisers of The cattle died In horrible after a brief illness arid a Do minion government officer J ordered them bo cremate and other cattle isolated Mclntyres farm is one mile from that of I Campbell at whose place a horse died the day of Mrs Weeks arrival but rftMw jgawh and from where her and returned to MMIand that night a very disappointed man But they have since been again unit ed and are now happy together after their painful suspense hurried Pasteur institute for treatment arc supposed have developed the disease from them In some way y NEWMARKET tv HARDWA i I You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Electric Light Faints Oils Glass Etc a CLEARING OUT ALL Summer Goods A Toronto Jobbing House a Always becomes a man In any walk of life and can always give him his full moneys worth Latest Styles in SUMMER AND FALL SUINTINGS Are now at hand for your thorough inspection We guarantee that disappointment will come your way ordering your next Suit of clothes from us THE 160 UPTODATE TAILOR MAIN ST ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS- Every COSO submitted to us receives personal Sniff who cnugMir the symptom crnplIcatluiiAaiiil chionlclty then decide to curumllty arc for case by our In own Such treatment ciiro as t cure that Iron Mo hive no most use who the wtfiie- to nil pAtlCUtSQllKoantl Ctini Wo have throughout over twenty yea I any as We Cures or No Wo Treat all of Men and Women CONSULTATION FREE If to Call Write for a Queitlon List for Home Treatment Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letters from must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence in Windsor If you desire to see us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Ont Write for our Address I J