M THE NEWMARKET ERA SEPTEMBER peeks I OK TOW I I Has Arrived The new Johns Church has arrived and the work of installing it has commenced- The fete of opening Organ Recital be announced later Brieflets The Town Fire Alarms were tested last week working satisfac- The regular monthly meeting of the will be held on Tuesday the of Sept at three oclock- at the home of Mrs Cane top street Methodist Church am Subject The Sleeping Sickness 111 Subject A Pair pi Li ars- Sunday at oclock the regular Monthly Fellowship Meeting The pastor would like to see a large at- tendance at this meeting School The Town schoolhouses have all beep renovated during the holidays and everything is ready for the opin io Parents who have children to send for time are reminded that all such must not he less than five years of age and they are only receiv ed alter midsummer holidays and af ter Easter holidays All new should be present at oclock next Tuesday morning Show Your Appreciation flic fanners evidently do not know a good when it is reach Although dinner at the For syth Hotel Was put down to a quart er last week to satisfy that portion of ilie surrounding community only a few farmers took advantage of the opportunity Unless Satur day dinner generally patron ized the rate will he withdrawn It is by having large number to feet that it can be done at that price Briefiets An Awful Fall Two score of Italians got here yesterday to work on the Canal I New York Aug 31 Crowds on Considerable improvements have Park Row one of the citys busiest been made to the interior of Starrs streets stopped horrified today at bookstore the sight of a mans body hurling through the air from the roof of tie twentysix storey Park Row build- Surrogate Court The late John Bumondj of North The body crasheo into the skylight a farmer left an estate of the svs storey building adjoining of In the absence of any will and became jammed in the machinery onethird goes to his widow and one- of the elevator of the building sixth to each four sons and was hardly recognizable and some tess The estate is in cash and farm stock An estate of was left- by- late Dr Wesley Robinson of Mark- ham ullage who died on August 3 He left a widow a daughter and a grandson who will divide the proper ty in equal shares Shooting Season Shorten The are out for the open season for hunting this year For the past two years the partridge has been protected by a close season This year vis teal of the regular month and a half shooting hunters will only one months hunting for that bird Evidentlv are getting scarce for the opening season has been shortened by two weeks for this animal The Open season is as follows Hares Oct 1st- to Dec grouse pheasant prairie chicken partridge or woodcock Oct ia to Nov deer Nov 1 to Nov quail wild turkey black and grey squirrels Nov to Dec swan or geese Sept to April ducks of all kinds Sept to Dec snipe rail plover Sept to Dec both days inclusive difficulty was anticipated in- identify ing it Surgeons who made a hasty examination said that the man had been instantly killed No one seems to have seen the man go to the roof of the building and it- was not known whether he fell from the dizzy height or deliberately jumped to bis death The victim of the plunge was a well dressed man apparently about years old From papers found on the body it is believed to be that of H Hoi brook an insurance solici tor with offices on Broadway Failed in Efforts to Make a Literary Success high School The changes in the old building are completion and school will open in all five rooms next Tuesday morning Students and others will not re cognize- the school when once inside the doors The change of stairway from centre of building to west side has given bright airy hallways is a splendid improvement The four classrooms are now all the same size The has also been changed considerably The Commer cial Class will he located there again till Christmas holidays when it Is hoped the new annex will be ready for occupancy The contractor Mr f Mcintosh is makings splendid job of his work so far and well Hand harden Party last Friday for new structure excavations for was Quite a success anrt yet it which arc about completed not well patronized as it should have been The proceeds amounted about hut the hoys Social on at least double that Monday evening the two The grounds were prettily j worth Leagues the Methodist decor and I he ladies of several of Measuring Social churches under took to provide for lne a very upon the tables which need- successful affair The literary and say ifioy to perfection social were both firstlass the Band was excellent i everything passed off to the en- are in saying we never had a l all present in There Violet of Queens villi- member and all are several excellent readings and tit In of their leader Mr deserves reat praise The dialogue who received his training lunlor League was very rciiuiiital hand in the Old Conr I a caused dial of mirth The Die A chorus by several young of ldiosi- were also greatly Senior League was splendidly d jr irii i vf- villi her usual ability Mi cither was a little Pearson finished iloubi the alien- Program a piano v wviuld have been The retrrshfilents of ice and cake were most dainty TfiflUtoXnxperieicc lhp of Miss spent a few days with relatives at Jacksons Point Rev and Mrs A RT Sanderson of Oshawa are visiting at Mr H and Sir Fairies Miss Nellie Moore of spending a couple of weeks at Mr Win Mr Barnes wears a smile Its a boy Mrs Matheson and Mrs Simp son of Toronto spent a of with Mrs Mr and Mrs Simpson of Pick ering spent Sunday at A Guests at Mr Fairies this week are Mrs Curtis arid daughter of Manitoba Rev Cotton of and lady friend of StouRville Mr and Miss March of Mrs Walker has gone New market to visit her son for a time -ooo- 1 1 imp USB M ill I BAKING POWDER ANB NEVER FASHION BOOK With Patteras ft a year IB Dl gp tern ill FAIL I 11 M a year if ill and mum mm A Raw Cotton has advanced from to per lb in twelve months One year ago we contracted for 5000 yards 0 flannelette and today we are offering flannelette as cheap as they were ever sold But they cant last forever- our advice is buy early DRESS GOODS SPECIALS Fancy Colored regular give you special prices in your for I I Our Fall stock of Boofs and Shoes is here and all paid for Our cash discount enables us to GREY TWEED SUITING ter Boots in Mens Womens and Childrens and remember we New York Aug 31 The young woman who shot herself in the Hotel Monday night and declined to reveal her identity has been identified as Vera Fitch of Oakland California Her condition critical An opera tion was performed last night but the bullet was not removed It en tered the left lung The girl according- to the hospital authorities was dejected over her literary failuie When Dr Hughes of the lower Hospital told her that there was hut little hope for her she smil ed and murmured Thank God I shall he successful in one thing at least The girl she Is hardly more tban twenty years old the doctors say is one of the most beautiful ever brought into the institution She has a low soft voice costly clothing and daintilykept hands That the girl had came to this city to make a career and that she had dismally failed was certain by the note she left fof her mother in which she pleaded that if she had been willing to accede to the demands of men she had met she heed not have tried to end her life girl used a twentytwo calibre revolver of a wellknown make and the bullet missed her heart by only a few Inches The weapon is pearl- handled and an expensive one and the polite this afternoon to trace it in hopes of thus learning the girls identity ft Four were drowned while boating on Saskatchewan at Langhaim Saturday morning on a farm at North Toronto a grain crop on- a field caught fire and A- number of our young people attended the Harvest Home at Presbyterian Church on Fri day evening and report a very pleas ant evening Mr and Mrs Geo McKay of and Mr and Mrs Win McKay of were the guests of Mr Macklem Cook on Sunday Mrs and children of Port Elgin and Miss Helma Moran of To ronto were guests at Mr Hamilton Cooks over Sunday Mrs has returned after spending Wltn daughter in Rev A R Sanderson of was calling on friends oh Monday regular for tee of every pair COTTON CASHMERE in all colors yard Brooms 25c irdines 5c 6 for French Mustard pot English Breakfast Coffee Ibtin Cascade Salmon Cascade Salmon Shredded Cocoanut 3c package UNION 500 PANEL BEDSTEAD WITH SPRING ft- MAT A strong and welt made bedstead of hardwood Golden Oak Finish Head Woven wire spring on well bolted hardwood frame she to 37 and foot 28 inches or Miss MilHken of Parkhill is the vide single of her aunt Mrs John- t bed Soft top Mattress Mrs and May with curled wood fibre well visited friends in Amber and Whitby tufted and inches thick fat last week Mr and Mrs Abner Baker ami son at one time for Harry of Baker Hill guests at Cut out and mail us ad and J fairs on Sunday Set by letter a SPECIAL OFFER Mrs Anderson and children of and full particulars how to get these were guests at her three pieces Free And ou new Mrs Martin for Jratcl Catalogue No 6 showing the Mr and Mrs and son of Mattresses and more than 100 Piu- StouRvtlle were guests at of other low priced Keowns on Sunday Freight prepaid to your nearest sta tion This oiler will not appear better write today W REED CO New Fall Goods Have Arrived I I Lock Box BRIDGETOWN Live Stock Market Prices for the best butcher cattle were steady in Toronto week with Mr Jos Rogers of McGregor is visiting old friends this week Mr and Mrs Grant Hughes and daughter of Buffalo are visiting Mrs Pratt this week Miss Hurling of Milton Is spending her vacation- litre lev Leonard is visiting rela- ranging from to under grades bringing lroni to up New Dress Goods in endless variety Serges in plain Fancy and Diagonal Stripes from 5flc to SI San Toys Melrose Fancy Tweeds all New Goods for Wear good value yard All Wool Panama Cloths ins wide reg for 50c New Kimona Cloths All Wool Sweater Coats for 105 phone 111 During the ofial pioram I company- present hud the of hearing beautiful total loss Tim loss is estimated i A Rood is ruling at present at A iron rhe engine for mill rows Tile conditions favor- is to have been the cause are at w a par Tim Willi III M vol lllC CAPITAL Alii- PAID PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS H 114400000 12000000 TIi Conference I falll ljuf- witli favoring the rattening voted the proposal admit J onlo feeders farmers have plenty women the courts ami i to prepare or the a new hymn her Mr Win New York Jewels value- at were stolen the Mate of Mrs May Daws of Chicago on the Kaiser laKl Friday morning f rain ami fodder and they can lihP or Mrs over o of animals Prices have Mm of pronto Is ranging per head uioffilns Ih- in trlMOpfi mA in her clothes v as hut l Wilkinson ami Miss most of the praise for he success of the occasion Dr Wilkinson during the as e real plea- ilurin the voyage Bremen to this port The has revealed on the arrival of the liner here lodaj No trace the has Injen fdund London Out Aug At- lorne emphatically the introduction of the lash for juveniles in order to stop the epidemic of juvenile crime has out here situation is the i have my he and the juven- Advance of to per in export ewes this the top priee paid hem a car il w on a visit to to till Christmas Mi Cents practically certain that name will be to hi ii iii in the wnik Vlis have hoarded the train at Chicago a a through ticket to Toronto A lwsheeij heard of her ihoiih every effort has to her Mr J vott saw her train ai Chicago to her A hom to vis ft in IV Mr and Mrs Lav He asking they immediately notified that she had not Mr has gone the of the a to if he identify her y So far nothing has as to Miss Is a iiOol teacher She attended the To- Normal School a year or two residing at Mrs house I I I Jiaryeiting threshing opera are at a standstill in the rains a British sailor Malta relieved of at Windsor a stranger undertook shoy him how to into the Douglass ariold of Petrolic was a charge of money A SAFE PLACE TO BUY JEWELRY The iiality of goods in our appeal people of good judgment our prices will convince you that we are fair and square We always aim to give every customer the best possible value vi every ar ticle we sell No matter what you arc looking for we can give you quotations of lowest prices GOOD OUR MOT TO CO Railway ile court and children aid work is in that hoys have learned not to frvr the light sentences Falls Aug Rapids Ineliie Railway situat ed between the Grand Trunk steel bridge and the Michigan Central ridge on the American Bide with the the top off hank and at the waters edge was totally destroyed by at this morning also the Suspension- Bridge grist mil north of thc elevator and the American end the Irani steel arch The total loss Including the of buildings will reach Sale Register Sept Imported sale of Clydesdale Horses top figure Cattle the pro- Hogs- advanced again this week to pertv of Mr Boag on fot oil cars in Toronto in on of at Country Crossing on dial isuaT Salt nt at all important in Canada and to Nov York Mexico and Newfoundland a Banking business transacted AlttOWKD Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will he aa heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager- r 1 sharp clock A net The Iras decided route lis Belleville Trenton to through Sidney Township Victoria BC jlThe Methodist Conference which dis banded today decided yesterday to appoint assistant editor for the Christian Ctiardinn to in the and also to a new book Aug On Saturday Ross Bryan Hie of Win and Bryan of the of heir and was t i been burled yesterday after noon In Mrs Bryan the hoys mother dead The double funeral tikes Ihls after noon to preenwoofl Mr Bryan is a prosperous farmer and his wife was years old Newmarket Markets Fall Wheat per hush SO Oats per- bush Barley per hush Peas per hush Bran per tan Shorts per ton Hay per ion Butter per lb per do New Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb v 15 no- 0 21 0 III Oil lf ju arj Till r t Toronto Markets ilIO Fall Wheat bush Wheat per hush HO DO Oats per hush 0 I Hay per ton 22 j Butter per per do New Potatoes per hush 0 0 Pure Manilla feet to the pound is Chickens per Turkeys Just a Limited Quantity on hand Place Your Order Early fill I Hi 18 Phone HOWARD Are they any good at that Price They are worth and per yard but on Saturday and Also 200000 worth of Japanese China- wear bought at a rate on the and being sold at per cent off the London Market by DA Buyers of General Stocks of Merchandise aturday f ENGLISH PARIS 10j ana Package worth and 25c 12J Bug Death kills the bugs Feeds the Plant for I I I I J j i