Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 19, 1910, p. 7

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ice in- feet ow hi are Jo tbh I THE NEW1IAEKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 19 1910 7 This Space Belongs to CHINA IN Weeks Itoeallleais WHAT IS OH DC A Firemen s Meeting Tuesday Aug 23rd at pm All Firemen requested to be present Lacrosse Bradford Juniors defaulted last Sat urday sad this leaves Newmarket Ju niors Champions of the District They now have to play Owen Sound for the semifinals Accident While assisting to unload a piece of casting belonging to our hew press at the depot last Saturday morning Mr J foreman got one of his little toes smashed which was very painful for a few da vs Particulars Later CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets If you intend going camping or or a days outing give us a call let us put up an order ol canned Heats and Campers Supplies for such as Lunch Tongue Vienna Sausage Ham loaf Roast Beef Sardines Condensed Milk Condensed Coffee Quick Pud- fling Jelly Powders Ail a Bottle of Olives for Dessert Also if you are buying FRUIT JARS Union Excursion Three wellfilled cars carried a hap py crowd of about 3t to Park on Wednesday under the au spices of the Christian and Friends Sunday Schools A fine time is re ported by both young and old Special Prize Since the List of Newmarket Fair was printed the Newmarket Or angemen have offered a prize of for the best Grey Saddle Horse to be competed for in the afternoon the 2nd of the Fair Sept Mr Borden leader the Op position at Ottawa is down in the Maritime Provinces attending picnics The Telegram doesnt take much stock- in his methods of creating sen timent It says The only thing an Opposition can organize is public sentiment- public must be organized by PATRIOT DEEDS in Parliament not by PAR TIZANiTALK at picnics The quadrennial meeting of the leg islative body of the Methodist church Canada is now in session in the British Columbia capital Among other issues likely to engage the of delegates will be the time limit of the ministry ministers sal aries restatement of rules the im provement of the class meeting con solidation the Christian Guardian and the the admission of women to the courts of the Church the election Church officers the appointment of the theological pro fessors and elections to General Con ference Committees It seems pro bable that two General Superin tendents will be appointed one for the East and other for West A HINDU LEGEND J V Brief lets The Co has put new plank- on the Queen St bridge Many farmers in this vicinity finish ed culling last Saturday aw are de lighted with the harvest Best crop for years Any students who wrote at tike Matriculation Exams at Newmarket I Ugh School can get their marks by oh Mr 1 calling as it will pay you to give us a have a few odd lines we are Selling Cheap so as to lower our stock LEMONS NEW SWEET ORANGES SPANISH Works Satisfactory In order to avoid the necessity of the Engineer or Assistant at Wa terWorks up to the Stand Pips to close the value when a fire alarm is given which operation has been necessary heretofore to obtain extra pressure on the watermains an Au tomatic Electric Gate Valve has been installed just West of the Stand Pipe which controlled at the Power- House anil tests prove that it works lo lit utmost satisfaction This is a very valuable contrivance in case of fire saving any loss time when every minute counts ORCHARD BEACH Mis The Leading Reliable Bracer I Prompt Delivery Phone Stewart of Aurora is spend ing a few flays Mrs Cane of Newmarket and her cousin Miss Mabel Montgom ery of Sudbury are spending a days with their aunt Mrs Mrs Roche of Newmarket and Mrs Kennedy Toronto are visitors Mr Lloyds cottage week Mr and Mis of Auro ra have returned to the for the balance of the- season TWOS raos 1 A School of Rapid Growth Kail Term from August our work and you ill know the our very Remington Business College rapid as well as the you fchould the College tor TORONTO Aug 17 The long awaited annexation of Korea by Japan is about to become a reality to special despatches from Seoul to day The despatches announce that the final negotiations for the annexa tion- were commenced yesterday by Viscount the J a panose residentGeneral in Korea Tiki residentOeneral then outlined the upon lapn will sign agreement for annexation Gladstone Man Aug- The body a man found on tho track neav this is el to be fiat of an Ontario harvester who fell froji a Special excursion train carrying a large number harvesters to Ihe only identifying mark is that the end the little finger the index finger of the right hand are oil appar ently In an old accident a on the head that died by failing from the train How the First Man and the First Woman Lost the Garden of Eden Brahma made up his mind to make the world and a man and woman He made the world and he made the man and then the woman and put them on the island of Ceylon Ac cording to the account it was the most beautiful island which man can conceive such birds such such flowers and such verdure I And the branches of trees were so arrang ed that when the wind swept through them every tree was a thousand harps Brahma when he put them there said Lei them have a period of courtship for it is my desire and will that true love should forever precede marriage Then they had their courtship with the nightingale singing and the stars shining and the flowers blooming and fell in Imagine that courtship no prospective fathers or mothers in law no and gos siping of neighbors nobody to say Voting man how do you expect to support Nothing of that kind They were married supreme Brahma and ho said to Re main hero You must never leave this Well after a little while the man said I believe Ill look about a little went to the northern extremity of the Hand where there was a little narrow neck of land connecting i with tho mainland and the devil who is always playing pranks with US produced a and when he looked over to the mainland such hills and vales such dells and dales Bitch mountains crowned with show such cataracts clad in hows of glory did ho Fee there that he went hack and told his wife The country over there is a thousand times better than this Lot us migrate like every other woman that ever lived said Lot well Wo have all wo want Let US stay It Bui ho said No let us go So tho followed him and when they came to this narrow neck of land he look her on bis back like a gentle man and carried her over But the moment they got over they hoard a crash and looking back discovered that this narrow neck of land had fallen into the The mirage had disappeared and there was riaught hut rocks and sand and then tin supreme Brahma cursed thorn both to the lowest boll Then it was that tho man Spoke Cured me but curse not her It was not her fault It was mine The supreme Brahma said I will Have her but not thee And then out of her fullness of love out of a heart in which thorn was love enough to make all of her daugh ters rich in holy affection and said If thou wilt not spare him snare neither me I do not wish to live without him I love him Then Brahma said I will Spare you both and watch over you and your children ToNight if your back aches or you feel fitches or have smarting or urination or any bladder take a of Fig Pills and you will be how quickly win the you dont your money back a box or five boxes for for sale at all drug stores An exchange says if you cannot of anything to the Invalid friend carry along a bottle of can de cologne not perfume of any sort hut delicate cologne water This may be dropped in water used to bathe I he patient and will prove most re freshing and soothing An invalid also likes to have the Cologne on a table by the bedside and during the Convalescence may smell the delicate and refreshing odor or a hand kerchief with it the fore head One of good farmers was tell ing on the streets recently a conver sation he chancer to hear between a young boy in his teens and a Scientist It appears the Scion- tfng tame across the small boy under an apple tree doubled with pain My little man said what is the matter ate some green apples moaned boy and how I ache 1 ML Eta till Cents sit- up he I the An- sweftd the follower of you only think so The boy look ed up at a statement and replied in a most positive rftannei Thats all right you may think so Ive got In side information SHELL BRAND BAR AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS I North Yorks Greatest AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase ummer Goods Our great sale so far has been a big success but we still have a large quantity of stock that must be sold to make room for our Fall goods We are giving greater reductions than ever to enable us to do this Many the lines are at cost and under now is the time to save money of BARGAINS IN LADIES READY TO WEARS Ladies Mull Princess Dresses very pretty effects- with lace and Isertion trimming colors pale blue THERE NEVER WERE BAR GAINS LIKE THESE You Can Save from to on Every Yard of Goods You Buy The finest quality Muslins in white and pink regular selling at spots fancy stripes Dresden effects clearing price Ladies Linen Suits just the cor rect style for now We have tan na tural linen pink and pale blue all Regular price each While they last they go for 5385 Ladies White Duck Suits always look neat and are always cool wear ing garments price S3 and fancy flowered selling every day everywhere for yard Our sale Mill Small and large check Ginghams the very newest reg yard sale A bottle of Correct Shoe Polish for 1 table Mens Oxford Ties in leather tan and black calf new shapes welted worth up to for A table Mens Calf and Boots extension soles some cut all sizes in the lot worth up to clear S180 1 table Boys Box Calf and v a in light and dark colors These are remarkable values have all sizes Regular price Sale price 5245 Regular 350 Tweed and Worsted Pants all sizes be cleared J Regular CO Tweed and Home spun Pants for A bunch of Tweed and Serge Pants that are worth a pair and to be cleared out at The regular Tweed Pants a good strong business pant I J A range of Tweed Pants worth A range of Tweed Pants worth Cleaning price them out we offer them at 15c A VS price Sola Boots extension soles mostly Plain Pink Linen Suitings fancy cut worth up to to blue stripe These suitings are all clear new this summer and have been table Mens and Boys Lacrosse Ladies All Wool Panama Skirts all sieo fit guaranteed We have them in black navy green brown cream and grey They are the very latest styles The and go for The and skirts go Ladies White Mull Waists import ed direct to us from York iThese are the very newest goons on market today the styles are per- last the price feet Regular ana Boots and Oxfords to clear worth up to 17c Muslins Ginghams and stripe Chambravs We will selling all along at To ENORMOUS SAVINGS IN MENS clear them out at SUITS AND PANTS yds of AUWool Dress Goods The Celebrated Century You will save on every yard of Brand Suits in grey olive and these goods you buy or 168 on a brow worsteds the latest styles dress length The colors manner These suits are sold all taupe navy green greys and and cut and finished in a highgrade plaids The everyday price per the tiniQ at to each yard is During the sale while They arc yours for RIDICULOUS PRICES FOR WO MENS MENS AND BOYS SHOES pairs of Misses and Childrens strife slippers and oxfords worth up to to clear at pairs childrens slippers in red usually selling at SI black and tan dongola worth up to for fi5c White Linen Tailored Waists no thing more becoming for hot days We have them in all sizes Three prices Those usually selling for for Those for usually selling at Ladies Black Silk summer weight very stylish and date Selling daily at and Sale price One lot of Black Lawn Waist that usually sell for Price dur ing sale Ladies White Night Gowns beauti fully trimmed in several different styles You should come and see Regular each for Ladies White Night Gowns reg for Another parcel oi Ladies Might Gowns that regularly sell for are HOW Any pair in stock and Pumps or worth one price Us pair womens patent and tan Oxfords all sizes in the lot worth up to to clear 105 pairs womens Oxfords and Slippers worth up to to One table of Childrens and Misses white canvas Oxfords and Pumps worth to to clear Another range of Mens Worsted Suits These well tailored and new in this summer and are worth while your time to come and see We have all sizes and they usually sell at hut as must clean them they go for a great bar gain at Boys TwoPiece Suite built to wear- light and dark colors all sizes worth Bargain price f Boy ThreePiece Suits in light and dark colors These suits are exceptionally well made and finished all sizes Worth up to each suit Clearance price itlltltlltpV HighGrade English Pants well tailored well finished uptodate and stylish all sizes to clear at 2r5 Homespun and Worsted Pants HATS AWAY DOWN BELOW COST Wc have no time to specify each line of Hats so have thrown all our hard and soft Felts in at one price They are worth up to S3 each one price for the sale Land and Water Hats in plain and mottled shades worth 50c each to clear 200 Mens and Boys Tweed and Worsted Caps worth for 25c All our stock of Straw Hats this seasons styles worth up to to go for Fine Negligee Shirts in neat scripes and checks worth up to Extra Fine Negligee Shirts the and Regal makes this seasons colorings worth up to to clear 60c Mens Rock Fast Drill Shirts black and white stripe good full sizes for each Mens Pure Silk Fourinhand Ties newest shapes and colorings worth 50c lor One lot Fourinhand Silk and Wash Tics 25 to for Mens Hookon Ties and Bows natty patterns for Mens Fancy Sox this seasons latest styles worth 25c for 15c Mens Fancy Sox plain and meri cefized thread worth up to 50c for 25c Mens Celuloid Collars worth for a I GREAT REDUCTIONS IN CAR PETS Yard wide Union Ingrain Carpets price up to for 25c Reg to for Reg price up to for m Ready to Talk j A very brilliant Irish lady years ago arranged that L Mr should meet an able and famous Irish man of very advanced opinions in politics It was intended that they should exchange views and the Irish man had a good deal to say about Mr later work and was well able to put what ho had to say in the most effective language The door opened and Mr was announced Ho was introduced lo the Irishman nnd before- the latter had time to say any thing the- historian began a political harangue he kept going with out cessation the whole time ho was there The Irishman at first tried to break in with a word but he swept away it were in unceas ing flow of Mr language so after a time he sat in amused bewild erment waiting until nature gave out But when Mr felt ho was get ting exhausted ho rose from his chair and shook with hostess and her guest keeping on talking all the time They came out with him to the top of the staircase but could not get a word in edgewise even then as he talked all the way down to the door and was even in an unfinished sen- when the door was shut behind him looked at each other and roared I I And White Our Prices on all Mens Summer Wearables from Underwear to Suit and from Shoes to Hat have I ecu so Ruthlessly Marked Down for Goodness Book on Sport sport over print First English firrtt book on in tho English language was rhymed treatise called the Boko of St it author being a wo man Dame Juliana Berbers Its se cond edition was printed by do in A descendant of her family Lord was translator of Chronicles It is true- that old manuscripts exist ed such as tho Voncrlo do of the time of Edward If hut it was Damn Juliana wlw was the real an- cestreaa sporting literature in for she also composed an on hawking and another on With an Angle last being of such excellence that Walton himself did a hint from its pages The Fall foods arc Crowding us or Room Themselves up In all Room if Beeper VelXng for Space to Show too Crowding and Fairly their Height Freshness and Were to Them r i For AT BrougMons Drug Store Co Phone to aid from handled with despatch A- Titled Kleptomaniac A titled kleptomaniac almost cen tury ago was the Countess of Cork had a reputation for stealing any tiling fihe could lay her hands on whether it was useful or valuable or not Once when leaving a house where she had been lie saw and quietly picket up a hedge hog that was crossing a hall a pet of tho porters and took it away in her car riage Finding it an uncomfortable footwarmer she decided to dispose of it the first town where she changed horses and then offered it to a confec tioner in return for a sponge cake On Summer Garments Will do the Trick LAST CAM on This Subject so This Will he probably the I till Before Marriage There would fewer un happy marriages In world if men and women would try to find out each others disposition during court- instead of doing their best to deceive another Yea I guess there would be as you say fewer unhappy In fact the would be few er marriages of any kind I The Mens Wear Men West Main Street Newmarket ARCHIVES OF tndfrbni trains TORONTO m i-

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