Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 19, 1910, p. 4

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mm- a SHE WAS SURPRISED When Dr Morses Indian Root Pills Cured her Ohronlc liver Complaint Ignoring Facts mm mm J A ml an interesting story of relief from almost intolerable sufferings I can hardly teU you how great my sufferings have been Chronic liver com plaint accompanied by were a dairy source of trial to me Every day I experienced the sickening effects of these ailments I longed for some medi cine that should permanently drive them away Hearing of Dr Morses Indian Root Pills I thought they were worthy of a trial My surprise was indeed great From very first I experienced relief Continuing with them I found troub les were slowly but surely leaving me and before long I once more knew what it was to be free from the harassing ef fects of the ailments that had long sick ened and weakened me So great is my faith in Dr Morses Indian Pills that I shall never on any account be without them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cure Bowel and Kidney as well as Liver troub les and keep you healthy box at your dealer 4 Time Card GOING NORTH Leave p Toronto 130 545 830 Newmarket 247 Allandale 340 1050 GOING SOUTH Leave Toronto p 755 630 310 755 I BEST SERVICE TO OKA Four Trains from Toronto am pm pm pm Sleeper carried on pm train Fridays THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Sound Special train from Toronto pm sailing days Meals and berth included on boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and West Atkinson Agent Newmarket The Toronto News rises to remark For fourteen years the whole policy of the Adminstration been a betrayal and a denial of West ern sentiment Just gush thats all The News trys to make its readers believe that the receptions accorded to the Premier and his Government in the Western Provinces were nothing but complete ana stud ied pretense or unblushing hypocrisy The News goes en say further that the Government has main tained the protectionist policy of Sir John etc If this be true why in the world do the follow of the late Tory oppose the revenue tariff policy of the Administration 7 Our is presenting an unsolved enig mas for the delectation of its readers simply problems for cogitation Ordinary observers however are not so deceived as to be led away by any such apparent fictions j and when it talks about the present Government giving to Alberta and Saskatchewan mutilated constitu tions it presents a sublime fulness of the acclaim given by the people of those Provinces during the Premiers recent Western tour to ex pect thoughtful readers to give credit for seriousness to its utterances People dont cheer when their toes are trod upon and the bone and sin ew of Alberta and Saskatchewan are quite as human in regard Us public rights and sentiment as the average citizens of the older Provinces and when an attempt is made by the press Ontario to make the public believe otherwise it is simply lieing the situation This will be fully demonstrated when the present- Government make its next appeal to the electorate The absence of en thusiasm attending recent public- de monstrations organized to give the Ottawa Opposition leader a hoost warrants this conclusion A very general opinion prevails in educational circles the present dividing line between public and high schools should be abolished As the Expositor puts it no child should be led to think that even an elementary education should not extend to the completion Ihc pres ent school I had suffered several weeks with Had pains in my head and eyes It felt as though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head until it seemed that my brain would burst I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep When I dozed off I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body Dr Miles Nervine Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Pills cured me A number of friends have since realized the same benefits MRS ALVIN LOCKS Seabrook N after effects of LaGrippe are often more serious than the disease as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious troubles such as pneumonia etc Dr Restorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve strength Price at your druggist He should supply you If he does not send price- to us we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto lure of the man the people of the Canadian West have been delighted to honor The incident is one that people delight talk about FARM LABORERS iW EXCURSIONS a Call for Men Premier is credited with declaring that public school pupils of 13 and 14 are inefficient and imper fectly trained for ordinary business careers This seems like a case of pot calling the kettle black Is lie not First Minister and for some years been bossing the job If his foreman in charge of the De- Preparations have commenced in earnest for the wheat crop of Western Canada and the farmers are suffering on account of the scarcity of help To meet the demand for farm laborers in Western Canada the P have put in the rate of from all points in Ontario to any point on the Company lines East of Moose Jaw Trains will be run direct from all points in Ontario direct to Winni peg and the men will be reticketed there to the points where they engage to work without charge After at least one months work in the har vest field laborers will be issued tick ets back to starting point in Ontario at rate of Tickets will be Issued to women but no halfrate tickets for children- The Excursion days will be Friday and Tuesday August Oar Toronto Letter About on Thursday evening of last Week the sailing yacht Director was struck by the Mayflower as she was leaving Central Island dock The yacht had on board a Party of fifteen and was upset by the collision All were saved except John Robert Rumney was stearing the yacht and thought he had time to cross the how of the steamer but this he was mistaken The death of Fred Smith at the house Manning Avenue i on Wednesday of last week was due ac cording to the finding of the jury to suffocation while on part men is not up to the standard or able to cope with ttic situation his bed whilst under the influence of liquor and they decided that no blame could he attached to anyone Another plea in favor oi local option The fifth company of women and children making a total of In all were brought back from a two weeks Carnations Sweet Dafiodilis Geraniums etc Now is the time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders Strawberry and Aspargus Roots for sale An Ottawa despatch that there- is some talk of an other Conservative morning daily pa per in Toronto It is an old saying that it never rains but it pours A Toronto has already four vative dailies enough at that another will be adding a fifth wheel to a vehicle Notice to Creditors In the Estate of AKXOMJJ Deceased press despatch on Sunday from London England announced the de mise of Florence Nightingale who gained worldwide fame as the heroine nurse the Crimean at her last birthday May 1910 Heart failure brought the end Miss Nightingale was the only woman- upon whom the Order of Merit was ever conferred and the second woman to receive the freedom the OJty London Her name is tenderly shrined ia the hearts of the the nation as the Queen of fin NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Chapter and amending Acts that all creditors and others having claims agafnt the estate of laic of the Town of in the County of York and Province of Ontario Retired Fanner deceased who died on or about the twentyninth day of May 1910 are required on or before the tenth day of September to deliver or by post prepaid to JAMES Waterloo Ontario one of the execu tors of the- Will ot the said deceased their names in full with their ad dresses and descriptions full particu lars of their claims and statements of the security if any held by them that after said tenth day September the will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased par lies entitled having regard only to claims of they stall then received notice and will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim they shall then have received notice August FRANK HAIGHT OPENS AUG 2GTH ELLIOTT The strike of trainmen is over but the gain on either side is riot worth all the loss and worry occasioned thereby The settlement virtually is a tribute to Act and to the Hon of La bor Its terms stipulate that the men are to he taken back to work as soon as possible and thai they arc receive from May I the in creased schedule offered by Mr Mays and from Jan one year ear lier than first offered the stan dard rate of pay and other condition prevail on This latter part i he terms Is he chief concession gained by the men Touch ing the pensions due men who Went send on strike nothing definite appears to have been decided but it is to be hoped rights will not he forfeited why not tell his Minister Of Educa tion that his resignation would be ac ceptable North York might then have another chance of being honored for Cabinet representative distinction in the Queens Park The joint committee of South York City of Toronto and Board have reached a decision for each to pay onethird the cost constructs ing a system of good roads leading out of the city into York County The roads included in this scheme are as follows street thirteen miles Kingston road nine miles Kennedy road miles Lake road miles raail miles plank road miles Weston road miles 1tii Mills badly burned outing given them by the Toronto City Mission- to the beautiful sum mer resort of Bronte Before the week closed more were taken there of whom lined mothers who needed a rest and good fresh air as well as wholesome food More than one man in days by hunting for gas leaks in the dark has found it to be a hazardous un dertaking This fact was again dem onstrated by a plumber in a cellar on Spadina last week He was road fU miles road from St easterly on the Markham town line mile and the Mai ton road five miles It affects the construction miles in all It is expected the Motor League will contribute per year of horse power of motors operat ed by them towards the upkeep of the roads This would amount to about per annum South York City of Toronto and the J Government to appoint one Com missioner each to out the pro ject was decided upon Aug 15 Karri who has spent the last three or four years between Toronto and was this morning sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for a shameful assault upon a Hoy at He also receive lashes f of the Ontario press who accompanied Sir Wilfrid and his party on their recent Western give particulars of a local inci dent at Uattleford Alta According to their statement early Sunday morning the an FrenchCanadian unaccompanied mounted the steps of the Premiers car as the team lay In the switch Trie knock brought Mr Pardee to the Is firstlass In all departments Write today for our Catalogue door What Is rny little man he asked Please sir the lad re plied producing a miniature kodak will Mister come outside and have his picture took Mr Pardee picked up lad in his arms and carried Mm inside Here he found the lads name was Pierre he had got the kodak apparatus as a birthday present and wanted to take the first picture of Mr The Premier who had been out for a walk had returned and in compliance with the request of the youthful Pierre stood patiently on railway track for several mo ments till the juvenile photographer poised the kodak till got it arid snapped the For Spavin Curb Rlnubone Soil aches All Lameness Horse dealers have made thousands of dollars by buying Lame Spavined Horses curing them with Kendalls Spavin Cure and then selling the tound animals at a handsome profit You can do the same with your own horses Here Is one man who his horse and his money by using Kendalls Oik Day Que I to Inform you that I hare ucccia my that It curci to well Your truly a bottle for a copy of our book A free at dealers or from us Dr J Kendall Co Falls j George a had a miraculous from death last Sunday night The lad after alight ing from a westbound car at Queen and streets ran in front of an car was knocked down and picked up by the fender Miss of this city has given a donation oi to the Playground Association of this city for the equipment of the playground In street The donor has given this sum in token of her deep interest In the pleasure of children throntr visited the Inland Saturday and Sunday Charged with criminal assault on an orphan girl aged James Bell a young man caretaker at an apart ment house- where she lived appeared before Judge Morgan- tor trial last week He was sentenced 10 three months in the Central Prison While on the march last Saturday evening from the Armories to the depot the Queens Own Rifles band played hang Syne ami The I Left Behind Me The Regi ment In spirits A considerable of spurious silver pieces have keen placed In rculation during the past week in lis city ft cm Inhibi tion Pane and base coins usually make their appearance on these occa sions Look out them Five foreigners were arrested on Saturday night at a gambling on King street east It all works providentially but somehow something is done that brings crime home to the perpetrator Gerald Crowe man of many fell in love with a girl deposited to her credit in bank pro ceeds of his crimes and this led to Ms arrest- in Calgary lie is also wanted In this city The Technical will meet In Toronto on the of October The manufacturers of this city are preparing to place much valuable information before the Commission Mr Alex Henderson came down stairs on Sunday morning and before assistance could reach him collapsed and died Immediately Heart failure The Toronto York Rail way Company have offered North To ronto six hundred dollars a year mile age for the double- trading of street and Manager I Moore will shortly confer with the council re specting an agreement While alighting from a ftt Queen and streets last Sunday night Nellie Sharp a young girl living Queen street west slipped find her right ankle A SERIOUS DINER Way Grat Emperor CKariw V AW His Mm Trie of a German gentleman Bartholomew as trow who lived la the timd the Emperor Charles us a good Idea of the gastronom ic customs of those times description of the table habits of the greatest rulec In his Is very Inter esting princes and counts served the repast There were Invariably four courses of six dishes The emperor had no one to carve for He be- by cutting his bread pieces large enough for pee mouthful then attacked his plate He often used bis fingers while he held the plate under bis chin with the other hand When he felt thirsty ho made a sign to the doctor standing by the table then they went to the sideboard for two silver flagons and filled a goblet which held about a measure and a half The emperor drained It to the last drop practically at one draft During the meal he never uttered a syllable scarcely smiled at the most amusing Bailies of the Jesters behind his chair finally picked his teeth with quills and after washing his hands retired to a window recess where any body could approach him with a peti tion SALT WATER Deep Seas Are More Than Those That Are The density of sea water depends- upon the quantity of saline matter it contains The proportion is generally about or per cent though It varies- In different places The ocean con tains more salt in the southern than In the northern hemisphere and the Atlantic contains more than the Pa cific- The greatest proportion of salt in the Pacific Is In the parallels of 22 degrees north latitude and 17 degrees south latitude Near the equator It Is less and In the polar seas It Is least from the melt in of the Ice The varies with the seasons In these regions and the fresh water being lighter Is uppermost- Rain makes tho surface of the sea fresher than the Interior parts and the of rivers renders the ocean less sale at their estuaries Deep seas are more saline than thoso- that are shallow and Inland seas com municating with the main are less salt from the rivers that flow into them To this however the Mediterranean Is an exception owing to great evap oration and the influx salt currents from the Black sea and tho Atlantic The water In the strait of Gibraltar at tho depth of fathoms is four times as salt as that at the surface St James Gazette- Lore of the Clover Any one who carries about a four leaved clover will be lucky and will have the power of discovering ghosts or evil spirits With It under the pil low the lover may insure dreams of the beloved one A fragment in the shoe of a traveler insures a safe Jour ney Of tho Ave leaved clover It is de clared that If It be worn on the left side of a maidens dress or fastened behind hall door Christian of the first man who enters will bo the same as that of the future hus band The power of tho four leaved shamrock for good Is familiar to nil from Lovers pretty and once popular song tho speaker In which plcrxrcs what would do should she find the magic plant I would- play enchanters part and scatter around And not a tear or aching heart should In be found London Globe The Nature of may bo fostered but not bo forced Two are one not because it Is In tho will of either but because it Is In the nature of Wben souls of similar liber each other the gods preside meeting may not cockUy say I will this man my friend Ho either Is or is not my friend without any decision of or his ages been shaping two of us and if wo fit each other well and good If not we know it instinctively are worlds apart though wo toast- our shins the same fire bandy words till doomsday la Mctropolltau Magazine Consolation There had been a Utile the honeymoon And Just look at my pretty linen collar sobbed tho young wife the tears have trickled and wilted It out of shape You havent a bit of feeling Indeed I have laughed big husband Im going to things up Hlrow George Why the next tlmo I go downtown I am going to buy you a waterproof collar Chicago News m A Brand Mrs I want half a red lemons Tho Fruiterer Red lemons Mrs sir I want to surprlso my husband by making him somo red lemonade Chi cago News The Two Periods The career of every successful map bo divided into two periods first when ho Is not given credit for what ho knows and second when ho Is en credit for what ho doesnt Life Do not talk about from a thing being known when la- that the tiring should AVERS HAIR VIGOR ail Hah Vigor is compostd of sulphur glycerin eWorld capsicum sage alcohol water and perfume Not a Injurious Ingredient to this list Ask your doctor If this Is not Jo Follow his advice A hair hair tonic a hair Promptly checks falling hair Completely destroys ail I ft AYERS HAIR VIGOR dolor I J ATM Have on Hand a Largo of White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Sizes Cm a Doors Sash Flooring Moulding acid All Kinds of Iaatde work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work D THINK ABOUT IT About what the Home Paper means to you and yours It means all the interesting news of the community your neighbors and friends of the churches and schools of everything in which you are directly interested Dont you think the Homo Paper is a good thing to have A Pigs for Sale Young Pigs 6 weeks old Holland Landing For Sale A Pure Bred Bull Call I OF Wonderful possibilities are claimed a Swedish invention called the by of which it Is said that sound waves can he regis tered on a sensitized plate The negative is developed in the ordinary way and the sound curves transferred to ebony plates from which the sound is reproduced as by the gramophone The records can he strong enough to rill a large concert ball the sound can be Increased as desired On account of the immense volume of its sound the inventor pro phesies that the will replace fog sirens in lighthouses Instead of the howl which the sirens send out in the night the foghorn will call out the of lighthouse for miles over the ocean Hamilton Aug Alex ander more generally Known as Gun nor who murdered Corporal and Robert who murdered his wife in Toronto In 1KH8 escaped from the Hamilton Asylum for the insane where they had been Incarcerated some time dur ing Sunday night or early on Monday moaning Their escape was not dis covered until after oclock this morning when a general alarm was sent out They vanished completely not the least clue to their whereabouts or to the means of es cape They apparently had assis tance from outside the For Sale A Gerhard Upright Piano in firstclass condition only used one year Price Will sell at a bargain Apply at this Office Engines for Sale At half value and 20 p Traction Engine new and p Traction Engine p Port able Engines These engines can bo at Wellington St Newmarket SPRING MATTRESS FREE These two pieces of solid comfort should he on every bed in home Spring made of best steel fabric at tached at bottom and top oi hard wood frame well bolted The mat tress Is filled with a wood with a layer of Cotton or Flock on the top side Good well tuft ed in thick Both pieces are ft Cut out and mail us this art and get by letter a SPECIAL OFFER and full particulars how to get this Spring FREE our New Illus trated Catalogue showing the Mattresses and more than 100 Pic tures of other low priced Freight prepaid to your nearest sta tion This oiler will not appear again better write today red CO Lock Box BRIDGETOWN OLD NEWSPAPERS For Bale at tola American and Canadian Scientists tell us the common house fly is the cause of more disease and death than any other agency Ml concrV 1 kill pll the flies and the disease germs too 1 f- SBi m ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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