THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 19 1910 ft r r Weeks leal Oar Toronto tetter Unless he city Engineers OK Hi SOTO The Corporation men are putting in meat gets busy visitors to Toronto during the Exhibition this will not find the usual of streets under repairs and all torn up The prospect of a street railway larger main on Ontario street to strike ere of the Exhibition is supply for the new pipe organ St Johns Church Mrs residence has a ro Wanted reliable man for delivery wag- Cod York Fine Monument Last Saturday Messrs and erected a beautiful monument St Johns Cemetery to the the late Wallace Christian Church The Pastor Rev Alex morning and evening next Sunday Topics am The Use and MisUse of the Tongue pm Terrible Indictment if A Died in Toronto Mr Edward son of Mr who has been in Toronto Hospital for several months iied on Monday and the remains were brought to his fathers home on Eagle street where funeral service took place en Wednesday afternoon interment at Newmarket Cemetery dcacti was anticipated for some time The be reaved have the sympathy of a large Circle friends Garden Party A Party under the auspices the Newmarket Military Band ill ba held on evening Aug run awayfor no particular reason and didnt stop until the load upset near OBriens hotel smashing the Miss Jean of Aurora has third or top layer of bottles and se verely cuttingone the legs Two flat cars derailed and totally demolished two box cars badly on the spacious lawn at Elmwoosl the residence of Mr Schmidt Refreshments will he served from to oclock Band Concert at The proceeds arc in aid of ing New Uniforms for the Band so it is hoped the public will turn out end help the hoys along Rem the date Aug iJih anxiety to the general public as well as city officials Miss Lois Moves with two other ladies of this city were recently in jured by an automobile accident in Cleveland Ohio but hot seriously vss Moves is the lady tennis- cham pion of Canada A burglar named Ed Campbell Toronto as his home broke into Po lice Magistrate Burgons house in few days ago stole a num ber articles of jewellery then went to sleep in a drunken stupor in the Police Magistrates bedroom He went to Central for nine months Whiskey did it I General Sir Robert BadenPowell has definitely decided t open the Belle Elmores stepfather stated- to a press reporter in New York Friday that both she and lived in Toronto years ago Of course this has set the subs all agog A man named J B Goris who gave tw addresses but did not live at either was arrested Friday for stealing bicycle from Kitchen He is a tough and was sent as a candidate for Prison farm A five years old youth named Allen of street was killed by a fire wagon Monday afternoon but just how it happened no one seems to have any definite idea thought the lad ran out to catch on behind am was run over is understood the Dominion Gov ernment will build the new ear the Long Branch Music ale The Town Hand went to Aurora on Wednesday evening assisted the Hani then in giving an openair con cert on the Methodist Church lawn Atii- crowd of people turned out to the music At the conclusion of the program both Bands were invited to the residence of Mr Roy and treated to a splendid supper returned on the car elicited with the evenings Band will play at the Industrial Home this evening wea ther A pleasant time spec at Wards Island on Saturday nijrht by about seventy guests of the Club at an old time Corn Roast For tune telling was an amusing of the evening Br Andrew Smith the vete rinary of Province passed away on Monday Shepherd Gloucester was arrested this week on of bigamy He admitted having three wives in Canada and the Stales More than two thousand tanners will enter the sheaf and grain compe titions at the Canadian National a new ballast spreader ruined and a disabled engine was the extent of a freight wreck Monday morning at the crossing onO ssngton avenue Corporation Counsel Drayton re turned from England and is again at his desk this week Another drowning accident on dav in the Bav makes a record lor this year While playing ball in the water with some chums John- Irwin aged years- was drowned and his brother and another boy narrowly es caped a fate It now looks as if the trouble be tween the Street Railway Co and employes will he amicably settled be fore the week is over Judge Baron In of appreciation of the life and work of te late rence Nightingale flags- were flying at halfmast from the civic buildings ot TBTftyfoUrcars were the harvesters bound for the North west on Tuesday last A plasterer named George Shuttle- worth fell from the gable of a building on Logan avenue on Tuesday and was almost instantly killed- George was arrested this week lor bigamy He is alleged to have married his second wife while his first wife was living In the old country The latter and daugh ter traced Hull to this city during the past week at whose instance he was the bigamy case of Br Shep herd he pleaded he had got a divorce from his first wife cm the 10th of Dec and had never heard any more about her had been instituted The tourist traffic passing through been engaged to teach the Public School No 6 Miss and Mr Robin son have resumed their respective du ties at Nos and The Misses Gladys Spink and Carrie of Toronto are the guests- of Miss Viole Miss Gertie Ilugheyis visiting in Miss Agnes is spending her vacation at her home here Miss Mary and Mr Marshall Newmarket are the guests of Mrs Jas Murray Mr Alf is plaiting mother Mrs Miss Smith is visiting grandmother Mrs Burling his her USE BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL Toronto this season has never i New Printing Press The installation of a larger and Printing Press to keep pace progress of the Town and the At the has a of extra labor this week ljrjity this issue of the Era bull l shape by week Some idea of printing ma- jy may be obtained when we state that the press we took out over three tons the one we have just put in weighs nearly tons In the course of a this year the pre sented being nearly twenty thousand acres It now turns out that the supposed bogus silver in circulation her is genuine coin and redeemable Government It appears in the coin one of die had inadvertently become reversed On a charge of stealing gun Dal ton of Victoria Harbor was ar rested at the Union Station by Constable and Up at the Court street station A young man named Foster at rue his wife in llic face at the corner of Queen and streets on Men lay and then made a streetcar A couple Of constables saw as sault and reached the car that Foster boarded and arrested him He got Ins deserts in the Police later Sir William is importing about flirty Welsh and po nies and expects them reach his They exceeded Three or four large parties left here this week for a trip by water Thousand Islands of St Lawrence A couple of chicken thieves were ta ken into custody this Some people rather run the risk of impris onment than work for a living chicken thieves are among num ber After years in Mission work at China Rev A is now returning to Toronto by his wife for an exenncd vacation The Rev gentleman is at tached to the Presbyterian Minion Boy Wanted To learn Printing business Du ties to commence Sept 12 Must have passed the Entrance Exams Apply in writing to Era Office Money to Loan Private Funds on Farm Mort gage for period of five years Apply to Era Office Mr ami Mrs Kennedy of Toron to spent a day at Mrs Kennedys Mr and Mrs Everton Jones the village of his sister Mrs M Pauley Mrs visited rela tives in Oshawa 5Iiss and Miss Evans were guests at the home of Mr J Grose We are pleased to say Mrs Joel Lemon seems to he improving in health Mr and Mrs A and daughter spent Sunday with friends near Altona Mr and Mrs of Toronto vis ited at Mr H Smiths Our public school opened on Mon day Mr being reengaged as teacher for a time ZEPHYR Wc regret to hear that Mr Ben is about to remove to as he is so kind and obliging will be hard to fill his place Mr Albert Sloan of the Farmers Bank is having a couple ot weeks vacation Groat activity among the boys and getting ready for school last Monday morning The Womens Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Wm Pickering on Wednesday after noon These meetings arc proving to be very helpful and the means of creating a more social feeling among the members For the next two Sundays services in the Church will held both afternoon and evening Special music will also be provided by th choir The held their monthly meeting in Presbyterian Church on Tuesday and had a very interest ing time Miss Thlrsk of Toronto is visiting her old schoolmates in this neighborhood Mr and Mrs and daugh ter of Mount Albert Sunday at Mr Geo White Lawn Blouses Blouses for Blouses for Blouses for SI Blouses for Andersons Scotch Ginghams The best in the world All reduced to 10c per All Wool Voile Dress Goods pes only Colors brown black navy Regular 50c yard for MUSLINS- Ranging in Prices from 12ic to 20c Slaughter price yard I FASHION BOOK With Patterns Delineator are agents for the John soa i Co who make the best all- round Eoots and Shoes made in Am erica We buy them spot cash and you get the benefit in lower prices Pink Salmon tin Kippered Herring tin Bottle Jockey Pickles Dunhams Cocoanut pkge Good Brooms 25c each W A UNION Aug A fatality oc curred about fifteen miles south of here during the severe electric which this after noon Mr and his hired man Mr Bruce were sitting in the bouse when lightning Struck it Mr Muxlow instant ly Mr was badly stunned but will recover Mr leaves a we and two children London Aug Florence Night ingale wJl be buried with simple cer emony Saturday at Hampshire where parents are buried A memorial service will he held at noon in St Pauls Cathedral which the King he represent ed There will he a very large gather ing of military men The war clBce is arranging details of this ser vice Some the newspapers have suggested that the body he heme through on a gun to the railway station to enable the pub lic to testify to their respect for the Angel of the Crimea Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS R A Standard Patterns Parasols at Cost v The Ladies Store Newmarket I a will the best qui street this week office in the Province will be used for the IiUes and largest own Our hanks are due to tin for their in ttork- ihe fir i forirs this issue UK Needy Local Option crowd that went to last Saturday was an named Arthur iry who had been works in for five but previous lived in Aurora and had all in til there Op Saturday evening he was in Next morning when Chief went to if V found lull and in Dr his Michaels in Kent for and on advice he to St Toronto where Me died on An WquestWtH hefi next Tues day to the cause of death the opinion of Chief PeUh got up during the night a mat and letting it fall it Me to iKddifig leave- a and in lor the KxbiWtion closed last Monday and exceed all termer records A man named Harry While alias 1 If Newman was arrested at Au rora on Saturday by County aides Kobe Bums and Walter Ste wart the Police of Warsaw is wanted on a charge of the amount involved about White waived when he appeared Judge Morgan and was taken the line by an officer him Shortly after nine oclock Monday a large load of soft of was on its way the road to Port- Credit wlui opposite grcerv tore at New Toronto started to For Sale- Interior Stable Cheap Apply to J CANE Newmarket Out of Burger New restful York nttht came across for Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL Tons BANANAS arc all at once and Last They must be disposed of AND GREAT BARGAINS ON SATURDAY Prop Aug A quiet and found Mayor further improved today an 1 his physicians now the be lief in bis complete recovery The temperature pulse and respiration arc practically normal aad there an no indications of infection from the bullet wound It is now generally believed he will undergo an operation for removal of ho bullet just as his feel that he is enough operation will c i with little danger SCO Live Stock Market Prices seemed to lower than usual on the average for butcher cat tle in Toronto this week very few of the transactions showuig figures higher than per The prices for the best butchers cattle ranged from to and common and medium in this class brought all the way from to 5 per Cows bulls were steadier than streets and heifers and sold at SI to per for the best quality and at to for the se condary grades Milkers and springers arc still In fair demand the market high for anything choice Feeders brought per but cattle of this class arc very scarce throughout Ontario Top price for ewes and spring lambs Decline In hogs again is top price this week ofi cars in Toronto All Summer Goods at Cost Price A large assortment of Remnants in Tweeds Panama Cloths Repps Poplins Cashmeres just the thing for school dresses and skirts All cost and many lines below cost price A few lines in Ladies Underwear at cost price Vests regu lar for for 10c Childrens Vest regular and for PHONE CLUNDY Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP 14100000 REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 168001173 Branches at all important Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Hanking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager Newmarket Markets August is Fall perbdsh two if nit Dates of Pairs Bolton Bradford Hamilton Lindsay Sutton Sept Oct Oct and 4 and Yd Spt 20 to 23 Oct and Sept Sept Sept Sept to Oct and 7 Sept Oct and Sept Oct and OUR STOCK OF Watches and Diamond Rings Sept and Toronto National Aug to 12 Sept and Oct WW 16 carry a large Stock of Watches of all kinds Aleo Diamond and other Rings and unset Diamonds Rings made to order on abort notice fi CO Jewelers and Railway and Steamship of Marriage Phone yy Five Years Succesi Witt AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and sec Quality and get prices For Sale By J Near High School Newmarket Ontario I Oats per hush I Barley per bush A in bush Che Straits of Gibraltar anil people were j shorts per ton All the shipyards in Germany per ion been cbsd as a result of the Butter per dispute tin shipbuilders and do their employees Potatoes per hag Percy Barry was arrested per lb jay Midland mi a charge tell ing fire to dwellinghouse of Mr damys on July have a number of bad fires at Midland on Juno destroyed the Of0 27 11 10 f 9 Fall Toronto Markets August per hush Pure Manilla feet to the pound and number of Goose Wheat per hush Another in the f Oats per bush if of the iiille Jjusl Hay per ton Eggs Potatoes per bag 30 0 burned and one in house was all wilhiii two or ajs In v Mr I ihsHiter the part of June Win ter piles also found Potatoes per bush 0 reidv for firing but be JiJ not I per 15 Turkeys per lb Just a Limited Quantity on hand Place Your Order Early wen set to i 2i Phone HOWARD I I I lot Li In Millards Block ft -V- ARCHIVES OF ONTAR1