r la j i j Wanted man A good trusty reliable drive delivery wagon apply EVES to Wanted A representative for the County of York A permanent position and ex clusive for the right man Stone Wellington Nurserymen HISTORIC GOLD BUSHES Toronto DE FORETOLD PRES ENT ONE IN STEWART BC House and Lot for Sale On Prospect St Pickering Col lege Frame House rooms nearly new also Gocd Garden Apply to PETER BROWS or Farm for Sale West half lot 33 eon 2 King One Hundred Acres more or less Fifty Acres under Cultivation House Driv ing House and Modern Barn with stone basement Good Orchard Good Well and Spring Creek stocked with Speeded Trout Only three miles from Newmarket and convenient to School Church Pest Office Grist Mill etc Suitable dairying fruit growing or mixed farming and will be sold or a low figure for reasons Apply on if by mail to box or THE FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST In the Central Business College Toronto and its Branches Are you planning enter then Have you seen other young peo ple around you rise from one position to another Theres a reason They secured a business education first Our new catalogue is just out Write ft Shaw Principal street Toronto Notice to Creditors Each Big Branch of the Empire Has Been the Scene of a Gold Madness Where a Few Got Rich Canada Had the Klondike Australia the Rush and South Africa the Rand Fields Stewart went mad Waiters drop ped their trays workmen their drivers their reins and stampeded Thus a daily paper in its descrip tion of the excitement created in Stewart British Columbia when the report came that seventeen miles dis tant at a place called Bitter Creek a great discovery of gold had been made It is the old old story of hu man avarice and greed Reason dis appears when the gold fever seizes oh man The story of Klondike is even more amazing The first find of gold of any importance was made in not by gold prospectors but by a fisherman at- the junction of the Klondike and Yukon rivers Immedi ately the news of the rich deposits of gold which were to be found got abroad there was a mad rush not only from all parts of America but also from Europe Soon people were on their way to the diggings many destined never to return for some miles of the roughest Alaska country had to be traversed and the route was literally paved with the bones of those who had joined in the mad rush without stopping to con sider the difficulties the journey pre sented Husbands deserted their wives while clerks merchants doctors lawyers sold all they to pay their way to Klondike But where one impractical man succeed ed in enriching himself scores of professional miners came away worth hundreds of thousands In spite of the Warnings issued however and the fact that it needed capital of something like to get from England to Klondike hundreds of people came from that country only to return wrecked in health and pocket It is a curious fuel that when Harry do the wellknown ex plorer returned from Klondike in Pursuant to the Revised Statutes- of Ontario chap sec and amendments thereto Creditors and all other persons having claims against the estate of Grace Elvidgc late the town in thi- County of York Widow who died on or about the day of July are hereby require on or he- fore the day September to send in to the undersigned solicit or for the Kxecutors of the last Will and Testament of the said Grace vidge their claims against the said estate together with the nature and particulars thereof and a statement of the if any held by them for iiej claims AND take further notice that alter the said With day of September the said shall he at liberty to distribute the assets the estate of said race or any part thereof amongst the parties entitled thereto amongst regard only to the claims of which the said then have said notice and the shall liable lor such assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim the had not at the time of the distribution thereof Dated this Kith day of August J Newmarket PO Solicitor for said Executor- Farm Laborers Excursions 12 To certain points in Manitoba Sas katchewan and Alberta via Chicago and Port Francis ADDITION A RETURNING Kingston and Ontario I it Canadian national Exhibition Toronto Return tickets at Single Pare from all station in Canada of Corn wall and Ottawa GOOD GOING AUGUST TO TKMHKlt INCLUSIVE RETURN LIMIT TUESDAY SEPT Special low rate excursions on cer tain dates J Agent The Festivities Were Conducted Strict Military Lines While looking for pirates along the Mrs visited a Chinese coast Admiral John Moresby last Saturdav encountered some strange adventures and some that were ludicrous One her sister at of his experiences he describes in last week Two Admirals Mr Geo Bremner left onMondav mandarin Tien to a situat citv he with his blue button and attendants I with our paymaster gunner and a guard of ten and a sergeant tea was offered to U3 C Oliver and Oliver have returned from Orchard Beach Miss Jones Toronto and accepted as a matter of course vacation Then in an access of politeness the attendant proceeded with the tea to the guard stiffly drawn up in the courtyard the men with rifles shoul dered The sergeant looked round distract edly for guidance he had no prece dent for a tea party on duty The men stared with cool contempt at the spoonful of acid tea Fearing lest a refusal might be an affront I hastily said Sergeant let the men take it He looked at me for an instant with a long horrified look of remonstrance then stepping to the front as if drill ing he gave the word Order arms Ground arms Take the cups Drink the tea Like Wordsworths feeding like one they grasped the cups and with a single gesture emptied them down their throats Next came the stately commands Return the cup Take up arms Shoulder arms J It was done The sergeant was him self again he felt he had been equal to the occasion and I stifled un seasonable laughter in a cough and a handkerchief GENERAL HAMILTON he during the course interview published in The Strand Magazine that the region was richer even than Klondike And a dozen years there comes what may prove to be a romantic corrobor ation The fact is not generally known perhaps that it wax the discovery gold in California in which led Jo the discovery in Australia With in four years tin annual output from the fields of California reached it was a Mr llnrirreaves who went as a miner to California who first discovered gold in Austra lia He was struck by Ibo resem blance of the rocks near his home in Australia to the rocks California syMrnaticully search ed for signs gold and on be found some of the precious metal for the first time The excitement created by the dis covery was intense Towns up if by magic police employment to try their luck the divings while sailors deserted from their ships as soon they arrived it a port near the Men flock- A in their Red hi rat and and it at places where the worlds nuggets were found Fifty miles north of three quartz blocks contain ing pure gold were discpye- and the famous Victoria a single mass of pure virgin gold weighing was brought from Hut the largest nug get of all was that christened the Welcome This was found at on June weighed and was valued at over -V0- fJ Within ten yearn gold to the enormous value of had brought to from the two colonies Victoria and Wales Two year a ago one of the discover- of the famous in Western Australia passed away in the of an Irishman named Daniel Shea He arid a compatriot named while prospecting for gold camped on the site of Knlgoorlie when it was a wilderness in searching for a horse kicked a nugget of gold The news spread a rush set in and the wealth of the place soon apparent flan- nan and th were awarded pensions of a year not a great sum when one considers that the annual output of the between a ml There are however no gold mines rich as those of the Transvaal Since year the worlds greatest Witwarsrand was discovered until June the total value of the gold production of the Transvaal amounted I n less than It was a prospector named Arnold who first discovered that gold lay among the bare and lonely hills of En this case there was no great rush for the simple reason that there was no chance for the miner without capital There are still more chances how ever for prospectors like the really rich man known to fame who Raid to have discovered a little gold mine of his own to find one for themselves for according to authorities the world contains several quite as rich as any yet discovered Parts of Siberia are alleged to be richer in gold than Klondike while Martin said soma that the eastern of the Andes run rivers rich in gold Many Good Stories Are Told of Lord Kitcheners Successor Some good stories are being told of- General Sir Ian Hamilton who was recently appointed to the post of in spectorgeneral of the Mediterranean forces to succeed Lord Kitchener Here is one of them In the late war one of the col umns half regular under General Ian Hamilton became so notorious for looting that the soldiers were nick named the Thousand Thieves Con- General Hamilton reviewed them one day in a small village near for the purpose of warn ling them against any future deprcda- The column had just drawn up and was waiting for the general to begin the review when a ragged roos ter ran out from a hut and across the front of the line Suddenly a private left the line and ran after the rooster Halt shouted Hamilton The soldier ran on He soon over look the rooster turned back wringing the neck of the fowl As he passed the general he noted the fierce scowl on his face The soldier was I not easily flaunted but this time lie temporized Throwing- the defunct rooster at the feet of the general he said There now 111 ye t halt whin tin- gineral says so At which the column roared with laughter and even the general smil ed and the soldier got only two days imprisonment- J The Ostrich That ostriches their heads in I the sand and think that their bodies are thereby hidden to be pure myth says The Loudon Times birds on the nest and young birds when seeking to evade notice sauat close to the ground and stretch their necks out flat on the sand In the case of the young which harmonizes perfectly with their sniidy roundings as young ringed plover do with the stones on a beach the ruse is said to rentier them almost invis ible and on the wide expanses of the desert it evident that the upright neck of a sifting bird would render it unnecessarily conspicuous to a rauding enemy But there is no more ground for accusing the ostrich of self illusion than there is for bringing the same charge against the partridge chick which by merely Hitting still among the grass practical ly disappears from sight Mrs Fletcher and daughter of Toronto visited friends town last Miss Irene Smith and Miss HU- ma Lloyd spent the past week Or chard Mrs Weir and children left on Tuesday to join her husband at Morse Mr and family left on Saturday to visit her father near Rochester Miss Freda of Toron to Sunday wiih her cousin Mrs T Mr Jones has returned home from attending the Lodge in Toronto Hon Davis and wife are at tending Methodist General Confer ence in Victoria Mr and Mrs Geo Stevens left on Tuesday for Dakota ami expect to he gone a couple of months trustees of Public School have engaged Mr Ward Cornell for theeouxng year Mrs Toronto is vis iting with his sister Mrs Wright for a couple of week Mr Raker and son of England spent a few days at the Friends parsonage hist week Mrs Clancy is visiting Mrs Will Elliott at and with friends at Richmond Hill this week- A number of the members the Friends spent an enjoyable af ternoon at Bond Lake a few Cays ago Mr L is Miller wife and son of Toronto were visitors at the Metho dist Parsonage last Saturday after noon Mr Tins of ML Albert of Mr John spent Saturday last with Mr The many friends of Mr Webster will be pleased jo improving after a long and illness Mrs Matthews and daughter who Wrc visiting Mrs for some time hit home yesterday Mr and Mis I and daughter Montreal are spending the summer vacation with her lather Mr John Millard- Mrs Freeman It Lloyd and Miss Marjoria Monday evening af ter spending the past thrw hi Toronto and Ohio Mrs Matthews daughter and wire vis aing Mis for some litii itit home yesterday Miss Gladys Spink of Toronto accompanied by her lady friend Miss Scared the The pluck of Sir Harry Johnston the famous explorer who has lately been elected a corresponding member of the Italian Geographical society in recognition of his research work in Africa unquestioned hut strata gem has got him out of many A tight Corner On one occasion his was surrounded by a howling mob of savages who sent an envoy asking him to surrender Sir Harry merely told the envoy that they had srnallxx in the camp and a wretched albino was trotted out as the awful example Five minutes later the scared tribes men were putting as large a Stretch of Africa time would permit between themselves and danger As Sir Harry well knew they were more afraid the white disease than the were of all the inventions of Maxim TitBits P WANTED By 1st house convenient to the with option of or would lease Send all particulars a hard to digest to Ave Toronto Taking Him Author books sell like hot Critic Yea and they are about i Balfour Champion Englands A four has long distinguished himself in politics but it as a golfer that he is now winning fame recently capturing the parliamentary handicap on the links for the third time and thereby making a record no other golfer won it more than once His previous victories were in and In this years event the leader the Opposition was driving farther than he has done for several yearn and his play was steady and consistent throughout a sign of his physical for the strcs of politics for t of their home Carrie arc spending week with her Mr Proc tor Miss Wildnil ffcddel Councillor bnry and Miss Alma Brown of Lon don are a WW at Mr Mrs amble awl daughter who has been visiting her mother Mrs Wilson for a couple months leave today in Montreal- Miss Viola slater Mrs McKcirie and lady friend Miss Florence both Roches ter are spending a week at the Chris- tain Parsonage Mr his mother and two sisters also Miss all of Toronto motored to last and ike with Mr and Mis Li I Simpson and very cordial reception at Ific Methodist Parsonage last Fri day by members ml one or two geutloineii friends and daughter day or two this week- calling Oil Old friends When Mrs Bridle led Newmarket years ago her name was Miss Anth Mrs of Huron St re turned home on Tuesday after -spend- tow a week with her brother Mr A Coombs at llraccbridgc and her sister Mrs at Severn Mr Toronto gave the Kra a call while in town on Tuesday Mrs accompanied Rev were one or Mrs Bridle falo were in town Sinful Two London tourists one Sunday in the region of inquired of a countryman on bis way to church whereabouts of a ruined tower they wished to inspect If ye had speired the way kirk Ins replied I yo but I brak by lettin yo ken whaur an oa boose la- THE LEADING House You can buy your Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calla attended to at residence Mm JflJJUZ- t g- SCHOOL SUITS oys Suits 30 Boys serviceable tweed and worsted School made in steps and Prussian collars Norfolk Style well lined sizes 24 to regular 300 to reduced to 235 Little Boys Buster Suits Brown Suits to beautifully made Suits and trimmed A nice Childrens Buster 2 to years made of serviceable tweeds regular and reduced to each fit ages from and trimmed oys Suits 25 Bows serviceable Piece Tweed Suits well lined and sizes to regular up to 750 reduced to 349 each trimmed him to visit her father Mr Union over flO years of Sir and Lady Mi are now located the street and occasionally tale spin to hi their We are told Sir William from the Old Country on recent trip across the deep Mr Hoy on Saturday resume his as teacher of No Scott has rccneagcil an of salary lie snout very pleasant month in as as several lavs in points in during the holidays THIS CRADLE CAIN On the on Aug to Mi mil Mrs Cain a daughter fed you hake your Bread or buy with the teat on the market it If bake can furnish There is than Purity buy your bread cannot get This is not as large as the from your hater but it has pertain Ijcttcr eating than bread a better loaf than ordinary bread you may et qualities that makes it much i TUB ALTAR August nth HMO at the residence of Dr and Mis Arthur Kelson BC by the P Mrs Lizzie Mr 1 both formerly of TUB TOMB HATCH In on- August George Raymond only child Mr and Mrs It Hatch aged and dys In Toronto Hospital on Aug 1Mb aged years ft KNIGHT At Alberta on Aug I William Knight brother of Mrs Arthur Norland of aged years is in pans loaves for cents and is called Small bread Kvery loaf Is marked and we do not sell other than thov marked Small Bread Canadian Fruits for table and for canning handled in large qua titles a a a The berry season is about over hut plums peaches and are In season now Call up plume and get you orders in a hurry Phone 38 J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET Ml Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Sash and ot ail Kinds fur Inside Trim Try a Cord of our Short Hard Wood at S3 a cord Highest Cash Prices Paid- for Grain WH Order by phone 22 or from carters John Turner Trent Boyd via ARCHIVES OF 1