I Weeks Local Heats HALL May IB OX IK ABOUT Bridge The Corporation is putting in an other cement bridge on Timothy St on the same plan as the Srigley St bridge Mr Ed Rvhardson is super intending the job Band Concert I L King Council i The Leading Grocery Garden Seeds Field Seeds fa Package or Bulk from the most Reliable Seedsmen We are fully prepared to meet your wants In large or small quantities Summers Reliable Package Seeds or flower two papers for I cents Commendable With one exception all the grass plots along Main street are kept short and tidy and there appears to be a very creditable desire to keep the lawns well mown all parts of the Town Let everybody do his her share in making Newmarket attractive to summer visitors It pays to have the town well spoken China Improvements The Metropolitan Railway Com pany finding it almost impossible to secure houses for their employees in Newmarket has given instructions to Mr Isaac Rose to add another storey to the station building feet to be used as a residence by the station agent The plan shows a great im provement in the appearance of the station and when completed will be a great convenience Work commenced on Tuesday and it will be rushed as fast as possible Choir Recital The Methodist Church Choir is put ting in faithful practice two nights a week preparatory to the grand Reci tal on Wednesday evening June which will take place in the audito rium when they will be assisted on the program by Miss Jean A I Until all our Dinner Sets are sole you can buy one at most prices We are going to keep Stock Patterns Only so that you can pur- any quantity at a time TOILET SETS This is the time of the year you do your Housecleaning and to brighten your rooms buy a nice Toilet Set Prices from for a color ed set up to 500 SOAP SPECIAL One cake of Infants Delight Toilet FREE with every purchase Taylors Borax Soap or Section Honey Special He or two for Flakes package for Zeal packages for Peacock Tomatco IT are lines we are clewiag oat of cost Q The Leading Reliable Phone J School Reports Report of Public School for May Names in order of merit Senior room trance Clara Hill Doris Stephens Smith Mary Ross Marion Willie Hill Jr Fred Sandy Milne Rons Orel Ray Walt Albert Rom Mary Maries Jr III Elva Marion Lins- Sjrith Earl trace Maries cony Teacher ft this line and by following out the above directions there is no doubt that that desire will be amply ful filled of for May VUrsuJa Cob I Br Won Ernes Melbourne I Jr John 111 Howard Horace Willie J Kathleen Ma honey Prober Cole Flo- ftrK Ernes Squire Delia Nelson Jr Doris Ernes Marion Hosteller r Wight MORTON Teacher 1500 Woodstock May w We- vicinity of woke up morning to moit of their out heavy hall jnd- wind paeeed over The loss will into the broken of and nearly every Pine of glass In the Hall and greenhouse was smashed by the hail Holiday for All Wednesday June 22nd is the of the annual Excursion of the New market Agricultural Society and promises to be a day of much plea sure and recreation If there is anybody who deserves a holiday it Is the farmer and the prices thai have prevailed tin past months nobody can to day a day off better than our ag ricultural Irltrnds AH work no play makes Jack a dull boy This is the slackest of the sum met for farmers to take a trip gO Ori the Agricultural always have a good time This yea ja special train leaves cord at am arrives at at am Railway tickets are good to return the following day Special arrangements have been made at the magnificent Hotel or meals and picnic accommo dation This wellknown report a delightful sand beach waterfront of half a mile affording excellent bathing facilities The spa cious grounds are laid out with beau tiful walks through wooded parks seats swings bowling and tennis lawns and everything which goes to make an Ideal boating fishing ard resort In the afternoon a boat trip of two hours on the Georgian Bay has been arranged which will be a rare treat The beauty of the natural scenery af forded by this trip is not surpassed by the Thousand Islands on the St Lawrence As will be- seen by the attractive posters a scale of rates has been ranged King and Aurora railway tickets are Newmarket Holland Landing and Bradford each Boat tickets extra Time leaving Newmarket am Train leaves for home at p j J fl i f I Council met at Temperance Hall Kettleby on Saturday May 1910 Members all present Min utes of last and adjourned meeting read and confirmed The follow ing bills were ordered to paid Billings months pay on reps to grader 65 J Baird operating grader 900 Shropshire cutting ice and care of trough 50 F Barber inspecting tile J Kitchen blacksmLh bill and wood for lockup 405 J Jenkins ex postage etc J reps tcj culverts Black Son cement tile American Road Machine Co reps to grader J reps to culvert R Davis reps to wheel sera blacksmith bill File 207 Crossing miles south of Aurora Resolved That the Clerk be in structed to notify the See of the Railway Commissioners that this Council have no objections to the deviation of the side road provid ing the new road ig made to the satisfaction of this Council And that this Municipality will not be responsible for any costs said deviation of said road That Fuller be appoint ed in Polling Sub- Divv in lieu of Tbos McAllister That Joseph Billings com for St be paid per month commencing with May 1st That The Treasurer keep the expenses in connected with St separate from township That The following named per- sons be appointed road overseers Michael Casserley in lieu of All red Lloyd Wilson in lieu of A Davis in lieu of Geo Thompson John Phillips in lieu of Jos Archibald in lieu of John Law- son Jos in lieu of Albert Marshall That the sum of be grant- towards gravelling Lloydtown road in the 8th con Neil Mc Donald Com That A grant of be made to gravel 10th eon apposite lot Chris Hodgens com That a grant of be made to gravel Lloydtown road east of eon Joseph Com That a grant be made to gravel through swamp on side road between lots 10 con N McMurchy Corns That a grant of be made to gravel hill Hamilton J A Ireland corns That the sum of be granted to road Divv on 3rd con Ernest Com That Calvin and Hoy be Corns for repairing dam That Councillors Lemon and Phillips be appointed to view bridge on Town in con That Councillor be ap pointed to inspect culverts on cons And to have what work done he considers advisable That Councillor Lemon inspect culvert In road Dlv con ft and have same repaired That this council purchase from Walton ft of cedar for bridge purposes finches thick at per at mill and de livered to be first class material That the Assessors and C Webb be paid the sum of each being balance of salary Thai this Council grant to ward the expnKH of engaging an engineer re level si on Hol land marsh as to be feasibility of reclaiming certain marsh lands in the Township of King Court of Revision began at two Oclock when Ihc following ap peals Wprc heard and disposed of as follows Peter Mitchell lot con as sessed too high assessment re duced Steels over as appeal dismissed over assessment reduc ed J as sessed too highly John James Coulter assessed too high Thos Hutchinson as sessed too high dismised J Larkin assessment changed from Mrs Potter to Arthur ap peal granted Cane name added as executor to Arml- estate appeal granted The following persons appealed to have dogs struck off the assess merit rolls- Hugh Archibald dog granted off Geo McDonald dog off Lawson dog off Michael dog off John Dunning dog off Bennett Richards dog off John Bell dog Off Wm Stephenson dog off dog off Badger dog off John- Wade dog Off Edward Lloyd bitch off and assessed to Peter Shanks Frank Gamble dog off Henry Clark bitch off Steels disposed of dog appeal John Cull dog off Henry Reynolds bitch off Wright Fuller dog off Nelson Scot dog off Johnson dog to be entered on Roll Council adjourned to meet at Harris on Irday June AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS North Yorks Greatest Store AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS j V ji- i We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase I til i i June is here We commemorate the event by giving you values of a very extra special kind all wanted Goods the prices take the breath they are so low Come while they last- sea- TREMENDOUS SAVINS IN WO- A GREAT MARK DOWN IN WO- Ducks Some of these are at half- price and some are less than WASH SUITS AND SKIRTS A large assemblage of Ladies Wash Suits in coarse effects linen rajah and plain linen white and all the new shades the Coats have shawl and lapel collars and the Skirts are pleated in effective styles and neatly trimmed These suits are in all sizes and are immense values ranging from to MENS WEAR Ladies Muslin Kimonas in several price all to be sold at per yd new colors very pretty effects and great value from Si each down to 50c Black Sateen Underskirts we want to clear them all out there are all sizes and the values arc great but the price is small at 75c White Underskirts we have seven different lines of these goods all Ladies White Linen Pique and Duck value all neatly trimmed Skirts We want to compare our som full flounces price because we have never offered UD each you anything like the value there is Womens Corset Covers of cotton in these Skirts and the materials and nainsook trimmed with lac in- and workmanship are of the very best serfion all sizes Nearly all All sizes prices to price from each 25c BLACK MUSLINS FOR A Snap for the wise woman who know Lace Stripe effects and de pendable Goods ftir i mm A RUSH OF HOSIERY Womens Black Cotton Rib Hose all sizes regular pair threej pairs for 50c i New Voile and Panama Skirts a CRASH IN These are exceedingly good value and worthy of your inspection well made and finished in firstclass style Prices for this week only to HENS WEAR Childrens Dainty White Mull and Womens Fancy Lisle Hose in Hose in Black All prices from Black All prices from 5Cc to 25c Fancy Colored Hose from 25c SEE OUR NEW COLLARS AND Just Arrived A special purchase of Dutch Collars Lace and Jabots Linen Collars and WOMENS WAISTS PRICED DOWN WAY Net and Silk Waists some lace yokes and net insertion with Robes for others tucked yoke effect About in Come and see the Infants Cream the lot to be cleared out at 275 Cashmere Coats and bring the child along as well Tftosc coats on- White Muslin and Mull Waists prettily embroidered fronts and tucksfancy yokes of insertion long ROUSING VALUES IN WASH sleeves Sizes to and all new GOODS from Lawn Dresses Mother Hubbard Wash Belts all the very newest style yoke and hemstitched tucks Goods obtainable Prices from embroidered yokes These are great each 15c values at and 125 A Special Line of Infants White FOUR MORE BARGAINS Yards- Laces and Insertions regular and 10c Goods for per yard 5c A Bunch of Linen Towels for IE A Basket of Hairpins for per package 1 PI Ten Boxes Silk and Lisle They include Check and Stripe Gloves all shades and A clearing line of Colored Print Ginghams Lace Stripe some some and some Waists at 1 Muslins and per pair Pit J THERE WAS A GREAT CONCOURSE OF WELL DRESSED MEN ON PARADE ON THE HOLIDAY DID YOU NOTICE THEM you had put these questions to each of them Where did you buy that Swell Looking Suit What Store Supplied that Natty Shirt Stylish Hat thoso Nobby Shoes and that Nifty Tie Answer in the Major of Cases would be Fin E A Our Greatly Growing Business is all Evidence wo need that Our Goods ind Prices Strictly Satisfactory Wo Lose a Customer If he Gets Closoonourh to see Our Goods and Price Ticket and while we give suohi Uniquely Go Service to the Stylish Young Man we ore just as Strong in Our to I- Field Garden AT- r Brooglitons Drug Store Can Ex Co to from trains handled with despite Way This morn ing at four oclock the nesS section the town was threat ened by a fire which broke out In the fur and gents furnishing store OBrien which was practically gutted before I be flames were under control OBriens stock valued at to a to tal Joes while tho store which he al so owned Is damaged to the extent of The adjoining store also suffered damages from and srnoko The losses covered ly in surance amounting to between and 518000 WHICH FACT WERE READY TO PROVE PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES THE GOODS AND The Mens Wear Men J III