a 6 a iv r J r I a play of Fine Millinery OPENING DAYS will be THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH AND See us before buying We are also getting a large assortment in newest designs in Wall Papers which we will sell at very low prices A new supply of SHERWINWILLIAMS PAINT just to hand Nothing else will take its place We have no rent to pay and consequently lead in low prices in general merchandise Cole Keswick For Sale A Early Rose Potatoes Early Early Early Quick Lunch bag Also Timothy Ha ton J COWIESON Queensville Albert Telephone if- On and after June this store will Close every Tuesday night at 6 o clock during June every Tuesday and Thursday night during July and August have a fresh stock of Turnip both hulk and package Try a package of the Derby It is a great keeper and enormous cropper We Seed A Specials a Seedless Sultana Raisins It 5 lbs for Sunlight Soap bars for Red Salmon I We have just put in a stock of Var nish Carriage Paint Shellac and Brushes These goods are guaranteed Call and see our stock of Forks Shovels Rakes Hoes Handles etc W SMITH Queensville SUCCESSOR TO SMITH A The Methodists of this date intend holding a garden party on the lawn of Mr J on Wednesday June Bananas and cream will be served besides lots of other good things that the ladies of ho well to provide A good program will provided in aid liC I 7 VtT MANAGER DRESSMAKING Mrs announces that after an illness of three months she able to resume her dress and mantle making in all its branches L fc IT to arid DOMINION BANK During June July and August the Mount Albert branch will be open for transaction of business every Satur day evening from to This will a great convenience to WARNING TO FARMERS As a great many areware there are others offering for sale Canadian Gem Turnip Seed to be just as good Barque by Mr were a sacred solo There is a Land Mrs G Leek followed with a hu morous and the same time in- j stmctive reading Wealth in my A solo Younger Days Strasler was then wellrendered by Mrs George Salter 365 by The speaker of the evening was Marshall Mr John Hopkins who as one of the 298 Rav- members of the Society Wateon a review of its work during the past Second Class Floyd Watson 21 years and predicted greater tri- Russell Stick- in the future He too ex- Launce- his warm approval of the Wright Hillary Stephens Athletic Association Willie 228 Wright A duet Lifes Dream is Oer by 221 vloIa rti Miss Love and Mr Terry Second ClassFrank Fralick and a solo Guide Thou My Willie 350 Kathleen 345 Bertha Peter Milne Saturday afternoons from on Friday to last Report for May Queensville Junior Room Me Paul is having quite a time with his line fence twist Mrs Brown Mr Woodcock has moved his shingle mill out to the seventh where he intends to do a big season Mr Lobghurst has fixed up the front of his lot Tim is going to have the nicest place in town Mrs Joel Woodcock has returned home after spending a couple of at as Daren Hunters This is appreciated Congregational sing- true Look out for me in and the Benediction brought the ket on Saturday H Ralph Hill 148 Floyd LEAGUE NOTICE The Epworth League service next evening June 3rd will he in charge of the Missionary Department The devotional exercises will be con ducted by Miss Harrison and Mr Thomas Allison will give a solo The topic will be taken by Mrs CAMP MEETING The Free Methodist CampMeeting will open on Tuesday June in Mr woods miles west of Mount Albert and continue for one week Ministers are expect ed from Pennsylvania Brant ford and other places No gate fee will be charged but an offering to defray ex penses will he taken at the Sunday morning service program to a close Senior First Class Harold The President of the League is Gthra 334 Byron Hill nest and energetic the other officers Ronald Pearson are active and the members are in- terested so the prospects are certain- Marie Watson 193 Emma bright that the Epworth League Alice 69 EGYPT Farmers are getting along nicely with their seeding a trifle late but cannot be helped Mr Jardine spent in the city Ar- number out to church last will do more this conjing year for Christ and th fore PERSONAL Mr Guy Ramsden Miss Flo Rams- den an1 Miss Maude Bowman left for Winnipeg and other points West on Tuesday morning Mr J Kightley and Mr I Terry went to Toronto on the after noon train on Tuesday Dr I Smith dentistleft for Toronto on Wednesday to attend the of the Dominion Dental As sociation at which he gives a classic Mr J of Toronto Uni versity is spending the summer at his home in town PEOPLES GLIM The Tennyson night which was held last Wednesday evening was the final literary of till after the midsummer season The efforts of the Literary Commit tee to this the closing program one PICKUP ITEMS Senior Primer Alice Smith 329 Church than ever be- Marjory Nobre Wright 295 Gordon 218 Ethan 209 Junior Primer Hill Arthur 115 Biyon Cunningham Calvin 93 Miss P Cain Teacher Mr Roy retiTrned to Toron to after spending the at his home here Mr Robt Tinsdale spent th holi day out of town Miss Etta left on Monday Dales will preach at td compete her course at the Peter- evening at eight oclock Normal School Mr Fred returned on Wed nesday after spending the holiday at his home at Mr and Mrs Ransom and son of Toronto returned home after spending a few Wo invito a full house o HOLLAND LANDING Mrs J French Mrs J Little and Miss Dury who days with Mr and have been visiting in the city the Mr and Mrs of Ash- J Monday evening past two weeks returned home on Guild vacation worth spent Sunday at the home of her brother Mr A Everett County Magistrate and Mrs spent last week with relatives here Wc are pleased to hear that Mrs Cook is convalescent Miss Gould assistant re her duties on Wednesday after spending the holidays at her home in Wonder what happened Fuzzy the Franklin scribe last week Perhaps the classic effusions of the week be fore were too much for his mighty brain Mrs Jones returned home on Thursday after a visit to the city Our veterinary Mr Thos Rowland into the residence vacated by Mr Michael and family have Mrs White Mr Fred Shields left for Toronto on Tuesday where he- has secured a situation One of our young men reports the I to go to Mr Donald walking from Sharon early on the garden party will be held or evening considering the state of the weather Mr is the new eljJer Sir and Mrs Martin visited in Toronto over Sunday Mr A Cameron of Lindsay spent under the parental Quite a turnout to council meeting at Baldwin With two markets a week one on Monday a one on Tuesday Baldwin ought to do a heap of business Misses and Dixon of Toron to were visiting over 2 in- We are sorry to lose our school- marm She intends leaving at mid summer She has large entrance class in preparation for the exams Egypt is all hustle bustle and dressmaking this week Why 1 some body going to get married Havent you heard the reason for all this bus tle and excitement Everybody is getting ready for the Presbyterian anniversary tp be held on Sunday and Monday the fifth and sixth of June Rev Best of Beaver- ton will preach Sunday afternoon and evening Mrs Overend is expected to sing solos and the choir are all in fine tunc On Monday do not forget as his day morning rather juicy owing to heavy rain Our advice is to take your own rig and not depend on the other fellow to call said Mr Roy is taking a two- weeks tour down east Boh says he will return in a few days lawn The Egypt ladies are noted for their good spreads and this time they are going to surpass all former efforts both in quality and quantity of eatables and also in program He sure and remember the date Tea served from 6 to The ladies are- preparing to give every one a regu- Miss Ethel Stephenson is spending sandwiches pies cak a few days with friends in Bradford and cream Then declares that congratulations arc ibis place spent a few days tarts bananas Norman of for- tcr satisfied a splendid pro of exceptional merit were crowned in order Miss Ida Oldham of Torgnto Uni versity is home on her holidays Mr and Mrs Walter Lapp of success An Interesting BKetchj Tuesday in town of the life and character of the great ladies Aid of the Presbyterian laureate was given by Mr gave one of their popular rold at the home of Mr Bains The special topic under under co Tuesday night was then taken up in the of us had our gardens made following ordr and all odd chores done up before the The Coming of King Arthur Mi ftnJ to here this week Mrs Isaac friends in this city is visiting THE Pome Lezcnds in Connection the Round Table Mrs Rev Cameron Recitation of the puem Sir Miss Gertrude Moore The Legend of the Holy Grail ana Sir Quest or it Miss Villa The Parsing of Arthur Miss These various shakers not only the il holiday out of town EXTRA CORRESPONDENT Q J Mr and Mrs Toronto spent the weekend at Wilier and called on a number old friends here and Sharon j Mr Honey preached his fare- 7 in curl- Mr Honey I St well Sermon here on Sunday morning ted tf vets but brought out and By the first draft truths J tC mythical stories In the musical selection a much ap number was The Brook as sung Miss Minnie Leek It was Intended hat all the songs taken from Tennysons poems circumstances this Imeht and the substitution of songs other sources for the program remainder th Mr William Cole and his brother deserving spent a lew days last special mention was a Neath th ladies Mr Honey lias stationed Melrose in the Belleville district Mr Honey every success In new held of labor Mr Whittle will complete Mr Honeys Work here Mi Walker and family Sutton motored down to church on Sunday morning and spent- the day at Mr M P Cains Mr Arthur Huntley and a lady friend spent the with his motler Mrs Joseph Huntley A number of our teachers met at the home of Mr John Profit Wednesday night ami spent a pleasant evening Games and other I amusements were provided also a Mine lunch They all went away hap py but one and I guess his girl went back on him Mr and Mrs Profit H goodnatured smile seemed to enjoy the as well as the rest J think that it is time that the Owl was hunting a mate He has been batching It a long time Who I Anybody dont care who as long as its a woman attendance at our Sunday School Miss Mary Cameron spent Sunday with Miss Profit- Mr Marshall Crittenden is out his rounds shearing sheep ROSEBUD gram will be given Band will he in attendance There will also be speeches solos quar tette a dialogue and a tableau en titled The Ten Virgins This is something extra so dont miss The Ch6ir have also prepared several selections which will no doubt be quite a treat in its self BLUE BELL -OOO-t- ORIGINAL FORBIDDEN FRUIT Hello girls you want to be on the Some people believe that the na was the original forbidden fruit ol the Garden of Eden In any case it is one of the curiosities of the veget able kingdom being not a tree a palm a bush a shrub a vegetable or a herb but a herbaceous plant- with the status of a tree Although it sometimes attains a height of thir ty feet there is no woody fibre in any part of Its structure and the bun ches growing on the dwarf banana plant arc often heavier than the stalk which supports them No er plant gives such a quantity of food to the acre as the banana it yields fortyfour times more weight than the potato and times more than wheat Moreover no insect will tack It and it is always Immune from disease of any kind friends in by five Miss Vera Hill- of has- your hats set for visiting at Mr J Miss Gertrude Hamilton of Mount Huntley was the guest Pleasant i spending lew days with on Sunday her sister Mrs Percy Miss Patty was home over had been Sunday Mrs I of Mr J Miller One of our youths got stung Sunday evening Tim got if the neck this time on KESWICK LEAGUE Rev Campbell Toronto who has nc concert which several most acceptably postpone the previous week on the pulpit in Keswick and at one the weather was held time delighted an audience at a Friday evening I Meeting with a rarely ibe entertainment of special League last fine will speak in the Metho dist Church next Sunday evening on Why I Believe the Bible organization in this village provided a splcid program I he pulpit was filled by Mr No one should the opportunity AUor congregational singing and of solos dupts choruses and witty hearing Mr Campbell on ibis subject prayer by the pastor speeches which called l almost a We are expecting a rare treat Mr Roy the continuous round of applause YoinlUiSOAs house is look- tic of the League in a Indian Huntress Drill WW Exceedingly her summer pretty in its new coat tersepointed seritences told the ob- pretty and the good and Mrs Hills was at Zephyr to sec with trimmings green and the gathering gave cordial plentiful Proceeds thirtyfive her daughter on Sunday vbite paint greeting to the audience and declared dollars Mr P took a flying trip Tie ladies expect that the watchword of- the League which During the month of June MrM Aurora one day- this week bait Meeting at Mrs Friend Motions next to make this year the banner year in stoic will be closed on came back quite disappointed Thursday will great success are expecting and treat them a light lunch Mr attended- the Dis trict Meeting at last week We are pleased to bear that Mrs ac- The best yet was the verdict of which he Bays is who attcndcl the annual a given by the team intended Friday night Professor Brae on Thursday interest as it was held to celebrate p Pippin in other words The Presbyterian Church was the anniversary of Dan Moore and to the uttermost on Sunday program fiS Mrs Rose has returned to the The city after spending a couple FROM CLOCK TO WATCH their history He then called upon Tuesday evenings and during July Our new blacksmith has arrived here Mr Well wood for the opening August it will be closed both at last He a No Call boys Mr aldrcs like that of day and Thursday evenings give Him a trial to sec what the Presidents was brief and to the The Directors of the Public Library he can point He the of have secured Mr cor go Andersons Mr Dan was home on Sun- the Forward Movement and incident J shop as a suitable building for a day He is working at tho Widow ally informed us that Mount Albert did collection of and have Merles op Union street ft recovered her health circuit the Hat for cA the library there Miss Turner Is Quite a livelytime here on the fc J to be able to a trip to the District in the matter of An the new librarian and will do all in at a game of football Minion- her power to make the library a The YP had a grand time at Wm Mann building a cement Mr endorsed success It is nov the duty of all their social meeting at Mr front of his recently Aern formed in connection AboJt the hardest thing in this the world to is a jealous Miss Terrv dellghtCl her by her splendid- rendition of Mr resident the Association has our citizens the good work and hursts on Tuesday where they all help in the education of the comrnun- enjoyed themselves to the full extent by sending in their mcmbcrslrip fee Tim knows how to give them a Rood of fifty cents per year The library time will open Tuesday afternoons The York Possession had a reunion The period of the evolution from the clock to the watch was seventy- one years not so very long all things considered and the record of the first watch is 1380 A lialf century later an alarm clock made its appearance This arc told was looked upon by the people of that age as un instru ment prodigicux The fortunate possessor of this clock was Andrea a council lor of Milan The chroniclers have placed on record that this clock sounded a bell at a stated hour and at the sajnc time a little wax candlo was lighted automatically How this was done are not told it must not be overlooked that until about seventy years ago we had no means of obtaining a light other than the so that the Milanese must have been centuries ahead of us in this respect Not much was made with the watch- until 1740 when the sec ond hand was added- i Era for balance of year 50 cents It may not be generally known on continent but it a fact never theless that Russia it is the cus tom for peasant women to have their wedding rinfjs covered black crepe on the death their husbands and to wear It so decorated for six months Era for balance of year cents T S THAT ARE FRESH I Giant Sugar Beet Grant White Sugar Mangel is a new strain of seed and cornea highly mended Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel Giant Red Mangel COMPTONS EARLY LONGFELLOW GIANT SWEET ENSILAGE WHITE CAP YELLOW DENT IMPROVED LEAMING TV An important feature of our seed corn is that it has been recently shelled oS the cob and is not elevator Corn WE STILL HAVE A PEW SPECIALS IN WALL PAPER QUEENSVILLE tore Closes at 6 p Every Tuesday during June and Every Tuesday and Thursday during July and August CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS I Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTRfiENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY MANAGER with If your mower isnt a Frost Wood very likely you have to back It up several feet and get a flying start before the will cut That Is causo it is made on the Ex ternal Gear principle Now with tho Frost Mower tho knives commenco cutting the Instant the horses begin to move That la because the No la de signed on the Internal Gear principle We could tell you here the difference between External Gear Mowers and Internal Gear Mowers but it would require a lot space and we can explain the difference more readily If youll drop in and sec us also want to show you the Large Bearings used in Staytight Connection between Cutter Bar and Main Power Frame as well as the Double Bruce protect the working parts from Jars and and several other features exclusive to the Frost Wood No Mower Cull and see at your earliest convenience Howard Morton Agent Sutton West Wo would strongly advise our friends to get what pines they want without delay as the season this year is later and shorter than usual Fancy Biscuits Regular for lb Jam Jams rcg lb for Jelly Wafers reg lb for Jelly Fingers 17c lb for Raspberry Sandwich rcg lb for Graham Wafers lb for Wc Sultana rcg lb for Sop lb for I 10c lb Oatmeal Royal rcg 15c fat And ten other Varieties all Millet Seed Rape Turnip Com In fact everythingiri Field and Garden Seeds for Pound JOHNSTONS SUTTON I J