Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1910, p. 3

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f Local Hems 13 GQtXO OH Will Sot Close today a statutory hol der account of the birthday of George both tie banks in has decided to remain for business as usual Flags fir on Sixteen horses arrived here on Tues- to resume work on the Canal As soon as the land gets little dryer the contractors intend to finish the grading between the Huron street and the first lock the canal will present more businesslto appearance Brief lets Vote on Monday for the High School bylaw the Health Inspector called at house yet Will everything tear inspection If not attend to it at once Do not fail to hear the Choir Reci tal in the Methodist Church Wednes day evening June treat- V Brieflets Miss Jean London at Methodist Church Choir Recital June V Salvation Array The Army is having Musical Festi val by the Brass Band on Saturday June Sunday June 5th meetings after noon and in Town Hall con ducted by Brigadier and Mrs More- hen Ens H Burton and Brass Band in attendance Big times expected All are welcome Firemen Attention Brigade Meeting next Tuesday even ting Ail are tend A Brleflets Remember the date June Methodist Church Choir Recital Commencing the Office Specialty Co give their men a half- holiday every week next three months Hear Ernest at the Choir Recital Methodist Church Wednes day June v- A musical Womens Institute Large attendance at the meeting in tie Friends School Room last Tues day afternoon and very interesting presided over by Mrs lewis of street The address Mrs Ashley of was greatly appreciated She pointed out the benefits of Womens Institutes was particularly helpful in of The hand upon the cot The hour at the close was also much enjoyed by the ladies League Mondays meeting was spe cially good the program was per formed to the satisfaction of all There Was a splendid attendance This matter is very important a large attendance always assures in teresting and helplul meetings Those took part in the program were following Miss Lillian Fisher Miss Ethel reading Mr George Barker solo Messrs Kent and readings Mr Wesley Brooks took the chair for the Next week a Christian Endeavor meeting will be held Everybody las cordial invitation program is in preparation- 9 Methodist District Meeting Hon J Davis was elected at District Meeting in Alliston last week to represent Newmarket at the odfrt Conference In Toronto which opens on Thursday of last week Rev having completed bis course of study was recommend ed I ordination Rev A P Lat ter Was elected On Che fifth ballot to act as Chairman for the balance of the term owing to the removal of Rev to Montreal Conference Rev J J Sparling was elected District Dele gate to the Stationery Committee The increase in membership for the district is and the increase in Missionary giving is over Oct Your I lends Together Why has the majority towns in this fair Dominion a Newmarket not i That is a question that hasbeen going the rounds in this town for several years- It is well- known that iucji an institution Is greatly needed here an1 for that purpose special effort should he made to organize a Young Mens tfriUian We all know teat market Is making rapid prosperity due as a matter of fact to the industrial con- it rind the time the Office Co has proposal the number of young men will Increase Night terriglft at every street corner can he batchy of young men who haying in particular to their time away in loafing In several A profusion fragrant lilacs and decorated the home of Mr and Mrs formerly Newmarket in Poplar Plains road Toronto on Wednesday on the occasion of the marriage of their second daughter Hazel Kathleen to Mr Aubrey Law rence Pamsborough N S ceremony was performed at halfpast two by the Rev S Mat thews of Avenue Road Methodist Church the bridal party standing be fore the bay window which was massed with flowers Mr gave his daughter away She was wearing her gown a Copenhagen blue tussore silk and a Parisian hat to match trimmed with pink roses and with black velvet crown and black osprey She also wore the grooms gift a ring Mrs received in a pretty lav ender gown Mr and Mrs left on the afternoon train for New York and will return in about ten days The Vote Next Monday In another Column of this Era will be found letter from Mr T J Robertson with reference to the High School and the bylaw be voted upon nest Monday The reason that the cost is so much greater can very easily be explained A very great advance has taken place in teachers salaries all over the Pro- vince Mr Coombs was only receiv ing and resigned to accept at St Catharines His successor here is now receiving which is the average salary now paid to the Principal of a fourteacher High School When Mr Coombs was here we only had pupils and three teachers now we have on the roll and five teachers The taxes for maintenance were high last year be cause the increase of attendance was so great that two more teachers were required at once and the readjustment with County pupils could not be made in time to take effect before this year The Government and County grants this year will show an increase of and the matter will adjust it self in a short time Mr J Robertson thinks the time is not opportune to introduce Technical Education Until the in troduction or the Commercial course a few years ago the whole teaching of the High School aimed at turning out lawyers doctors and school teachers The majority of the taxpayers began to feel that it is time the children Of mechanics and farmers had some at tention and consequently the move ment to introduce technical education is rapidly corning to the front he- cause it appeals to the general pub- lie as something of Value to their children The Board has thoroughly discussed the proposition to provide two rooms only to meet present needs hut a the estimated cost Is the Millinery Reduced Miss Simpson is oBering the bal ance of her Spring Shapes and Trim med Millinery at greatly reduced prices at Hunters store of Baltimore and a stepson Mr Leslie of Milton two brothers Messrs Silas and Melville and one sister Mrs Art all Kettleby The family have the sym pathy of the community in their sud den bereavement Mrs Aull of spent the weekend at tier brothers Mr All Mr and Mrs Leslie were visiting relatives here over Sunday Mr Ramsoen and Miss Ger trude spent Victoria Bay In the city Mrs Elwood is under the care suffering from a severe at tack of la grip Mrs Broad of Aurora is the guest of Mrs Loretta Elliotts Mr Jas Jenkins of King paid a short visit to our burg on Sun day evening The Sons of Temperance will hold their annual memorial service on De coration Day Saturday June in Kettlrby Cemetery All members of the Order are kindly requested to yosss BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL- V7a r BUTTERICK Fashion book IB DdlBsater lO Local Option I June is here and the W C U Fountain is still dry Somebody meet on the grounds at 3 pm has placed a sign thereon which seems appropriate The Council should give this matter attention in fact the whole corner might be greatly im proved in appearance with a little ef fort KING CITY Dogs at Large Information has been given to- the Town Inspector of owners of dogs al lowed to run without By prompt attention their owners will save costs and spare the of publishing their names On Wednesday night a flock of sheep belonging to Mr Edgar Dennis just South of the town was worried by dogs and several injured One of the latter was valued at All Saints Church has arranged for an Excursion to the head of Lake on Thursday June 9th Trains leave here at 545 am and the tickets are i NEW GREY MIXTURES 40 inches widePure regular for yard Inch Diagonal Serge AilWool all shades regular for yard inch Self Cold Stripes all the new shade for 50c WA8H GOODS 36 inch Cotton Cashmere all shades regular 15c while they last 10c yard I COTTON DELAINES Polka Dots and Figures yard Our Wash Goods Display this season Is the best ever shown in this part of the country The newest fabrics are Diagonals Satin Stripe Rept Silk Finished Linen Suiting Dress Ducks Vefftings in Black and WTiite only Chambrays in Plain Striped and Checks Muslins in Checks and Stripes Pique Dimity Persian Lawn and many other good things We shall be pleased to show you even if you are not prepared to buy The cheapest place buy your for and Beans for Cans Pork and Beans for i m of Infants Delight Soap for Choice Pink Salmon per tin lOo Bulk Pickles per quart A the There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday af- jternoon The pastor Rev A J Toye BD occupied the pul pit His discourse was directed to the ladies it being the annual ser mon for the Ladies Aid Society Some of the visitors over the holi day were Miss Lizzie French and gentleman friend of Toronto at Mr Taylors Messrs Elgin and The Vote Next Monday Few public questions have come be- fore our have occasioned and their cousin so little discussion as the plan at posed by the High School Board the expansion of the school on the broadest lines in response to the im- tTie hon e H perative orders given by the tional Department regarding an ad- Invitation Is extended to all ditvn to the present building I A number from spent the Notwithstanding the full publicity 2 our Mr J announcing the public meeting for the discussion of the plans it ly attended and although the col- e to I of the local press have been fT open and their editors advocating the s progressive spirit of the Board for ew r0 Al months past not until this week red Baker and was calling on some has there been any outspoken voice icr frienls against the proposition The Board and daughter Minnie is issuing a circular to distribute vsited on Sunday with among the ratepayers which is an answer to Mr letter in this issue Hi sure and read it and I you will not hesitate to vote for the bylaw next Monday riCHOMBKtO Mr James of transacted business in the city on We arc not in this world to do last weekt what we wishhut to he willing to Mrs Terry of who has do that which it is our duty to do beeping house for Alex Fergu son was in the city on May Mrs Sam- last uel Love living on Hie George Dean- was in city on of a short distance from Friday died suddenly bed early Rdgerton of who this morning caused by medicine going to College and who has which was given by her husband while she was suffering from rheumatism which she was subject to she having been the doctors care for a year The medicine she took was supposed to he the same as the doctor gave her The fatal can not be accounted for Mr and Mrs Love live happily together with their fam ily The sail accident is a shod to larger reposition which will provide the as they both accommodation for 30 years at highly respected Mr James Donald- cost of appeals son evWarden for Perth is a morn tiir Judgment as by fo doing brother deceased a- ft and iUri v cause considerable annoyance to I his trouble we re- in no dlrnirififh- and ii the weather it this undesirable feature to We have a must be admitted hut this the facilities and convenience of E with gymnasium reading recreation other departments With tie of Mr the Library with the co lor of the young men of the might meet situation lKn Spoken of as a device lor the above object hat is to a iag- for raising the amount the erection of a suitable way been found e satisfactory in and hri such an institution has think this matter over get in accommodation Is afforded for a wid er range of study a higher classifica tion and greatly increased county grants whch will actual ly reduce the cost per compared with the scheme again the tworoom leanto would be an while proposed addition Will improve the appearance of the pres ent building- The tax on the pres ent lor the built is a little over the while for only two room it vvouid he nearly on the Vote for Bylaw next Monday and your faith the judgment of the Board and a Greater in the hospital for the past few is spending a tew days with his parents here Mr Dennis of aid his father were at the funeral of the late Addle who died on Thursday morning at oclock at her residence near Mr Henry Coffey of has purchased a new driver Mrs of Coventry and her the funeral on Toronto after attending Model School for some time We are glad to hear that Mr J Doyle is improving rapidly The police village of has secured a waterwagon for the pur pose of sprinkling the streets to keep the dust down Mr Patrick made a trip out to Brown Hill on Friday arid has not returned yet Confirmation will take place at St Margarets Parish Tecumseth on Tuesday June The lpwinh priests and deans are cordial ly invited to attend His Grace Archbishop Toronto Rev J Hand Toronto Rev Wil liams of Toronto Rev Orangeville Toronto Toronto J barberry Toronto Rev A Burke Toronto Rev Ed Murray St Michaels College Toronto Rev J Grant Thornhill Rev J Sheri dan Rev J Hayes Beaver ton Rev Walsh Rev J Albion Miss Mary McGinnis spent Sunday evening at Miss Miss Tracey of formerly of is visiting with Miss King of Tecumseth and will visit around here- in the near future Miss May of Linton spent Sunday with friends in town Mr Edward spent Sunday evening with Rev Father Wedlock Mr Walker Street of who has been visiting friends in To ronto returned home on Monday morning Miss Mary McCann who is keeping house for Joseph Kitchen spent Sun day evening with Miss of Church street Miss Murray who is staying with Mr Charles had breakfast with Miss Mary McGinnis of the parsonage here Live Market All live stock in Toronto this week has an upward tendency Cattle in all grades have advanced from to per cwt Calves are selling from Id to Sheen and lambs are up and 0c respectively Live hogs arc up to the mark again The Specialty Dress Goods Milliner j House OD I In order to mate room for our MIDSUMMER we are offering very attractive values SMART STREETDHATS Regular and for Dress Hats for every occasion nicely trimmed with Flowers Chif fons and Grasses Regular 500 350 Smart shapes neatly trimmed everyday wear for You will find an air of distinctiveness about our MIDSUMMER MILLINERY which add so much to the style of the wearer phone in W f mi m Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 03 Branches at all IraporUnt In Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommcdati as heretofore NEWMARKET fc BRANCH ROSS Q KKTTLKBY 4i 4 men of and time be lost orrfdir7 the May wptrithtendept the the died morning an of three or four duration Diamonds us talk about You want a ring Nov why go to the city and pay to cent more for a stone than we sell you one for That f what you actually do If we have nothing to suit you hi Block we can on a few hours notice give you a fine selection to choote from and at prices no city dealer will oiler you dont be deceived We stand our goods CO and Railway and fitoaioflhip of Marriage Phone I I Mabel were the guests of Mrs Fred Skinner oil Saturday afternoon Miss who has been The sad news reached here on Wed- few months with her aunt morning last of the death of Mrs- I- Kenna of Aurora is vis- Mrs Richard Burling of Milton a- at her homo south of only a few days illness from town pneumonia Deceased was the Mr Miller is engaged with Mr of Mr and Mrs ohn I anion for the harvest We Davis Stephens and was horn and wish Mr Miller good luck lived in this until her mar- Mr- Carl Jennings of to Mr Richard hurling Feb Saturday the city having the last twelve Mr and Mrs Win Proctor were in years of her life in the city oii Saturday on Mrs Buying was highly esteemed Mr Wesley Proctor of the eighth by all who Knew her as was shown line of King was a business man in by the many floral tributes adorning Toronto on Saturday of last week her casket and also by the large con- Miss Alice Maud of course of relatives and friends attend- George street Toronto died at her lug hr funeral on Saturday last in home 01 April She was the Methodist Church here interment the daughter of George and Mary following in Kettlehy Cemetery She formerly of leaves to mourn their loss a husband Mrs Richard Woods was in town one son Roy of Bank of Montreal On Satin day on business Toronto one daughter Miss Edith MIbb McDonald has returned Newmarket Markets June 1010 and daughter wheat per bush 10 Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush 78 Bran per ton 0 00 Shorts per ton Hay per ton 15 CO Butter per It 0 10- Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag 0 Chickens per lb Toronto Markets June Fall Wheat per bush JO Goose Wheat per bush Barley per hush Oats per Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per Turkeys per lb tut 39 0 0 00 0 28 0 0 0 18 0 0 Agents for Bread a three pound loaf full tad the quality never fails always superior also a variety of Fancy Boston Brown etc Bottles Pickles English bottle lbs Dried Apples bright ck per lb Bars Sunlight or Lifebuoy Soap for 25c CROCKERY DEPARTPJ1ENT Special values in Toilet Seta tor 14 days So our Window Some genuine snaps all at greatly reduced prices See our of Specials at any article Some regular goods n We intend to clear out every piece of Silk we have in stock and have marked them below Cost to make sure that go Black White Cream and Colored Come in and see them Compare them with samples you get from Toronto See which is the Best Value i 1

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