Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1910, p. 2

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m T V I Young Horse for Sale Good and Sound well broke Apply lo- Newmarket Men Wanted I I or 30 laborers at once to on the Timothy bridge Apply to W Richardson Lost Ladies Hand Satchel between car track and containing small sum of money and other articles Finder please at Mr Geo Pollock Lost Between Holland Landing and For syth House Newmarket on May ft white Wool Jacket Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it Era office at Edmonton June The members of the Silton Cabinet were Taking an overdose of laudanum on by the Premier this morning They Sunday evening to- quiet her nerves Fred Sljewring Campbell Hon A L Sifton President of passed away early next morning Council Provincial Treasurer and notwithstanding the efforts of two Minister of Public Works physicians who worked all night with Judge Mitchell Attorney- her General and Minister of Education Homegrown strawberries will be Hon A J Provincial on the market in less than two Secretary v weeks Hon Duncan Marshall Minister Judge Winchester had to administer Agriculture Card of Thanks- Mrs Brown and family de sire to express their thanks to their neighbors and all friends for their kindness and sympathy in the illness and death of husband and father Brick House for Sale Situate on St Newmar ket Furnace large lot and good gar den Apply on the premises to Mrs or to Newmarket Town of Newmarket Notice is hereby given a By- Law was passed by the Council the Town of Newmarket on the day of April providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of for the purpose oi granting a bonus to the Office Specialty Co and that such bylaw was registered in Registry Office of the North Riding of the County of York on the 10th day of May A 1010 Any motion quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and Cannot be made thereafter Dated the 2nd day of June E HUGHES Clerk Executors Sale OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS PURSUANT to instruction received from the Executors of the late THO MAS GLOVER there will be for sale by Public Auction by Auctioneer on SATURDAY the day ol June at oclock in the forenoon at the Forsyth House Newmarket the fol lowing valuable farm lands PARCEL ONE The East half and quarter Lot in the Concession of the Township of North in the County of York containing acres more or less PARCEL TWO The North east quarter of Lot in the Con cession of the said Township of North containing acres more or less On Parcel No are erected a good brick a frame barn by on cement foundation with underneath stabling one large frame driving bouse one smaller frame driving house One good frame sta ble There are two good wells on the place and two Cisterns and about half an acre of fair orchard The fences are In fair condition The farm Is all cleared with the exception of stout of swamp bush Terms of Sale For Parcel No One Ten per cent at time of Bale suffi cient within one month thereafter to onehalf of the- purchase money and the balance to be secured by mortgage on tbe farm payable in five years with Interest annually at five cent Parcel No Two Is a low pasture lot well watered by a big stream About twenty land Terms of Sale for No Ten per cent at time of Bale balance in days thereafter Theft properties will be offered for subject to a reserved bid For further particular apply to J ROBERTSON Vendora Solicitor Newmarket P Dated let June Lot of Heavy Paper Suitable for under for Sale at this office Room for Boarders Comfortable convenient and home like Good table MRS HOLMES East Church street Near Park Avenue a rebuke to city Grand Jirrymen at the Sessions and threaten to cut out their pay in order to force them Shy not remove the bar and thus not only save the inebriate but also cost and maintenance of the inebri ate farm Hon J Davis left Tuesday for Kingston on business trip ilr Douglas Scott of Toronto spent 24th with his parents here Mrs Russell Brimson is visiting Streetsville for a couple of weeks Sir and Mrs of Armadale where in Town over the Miss Hayes of Toronto is the guest of Sirs for a few days hat and Mrs Tho Blizzard spent maVe whole push when acting over Sunday with friends in Mount that the corporation purchase a Farm the County Albert outside citv where habitual in- 1 convention of tooth-pull- might be detained and treat- is in session ed The question now comes up thl week Visiting members took a jaunt to see the boiling wa ters of Niagara Falls yesterday A train struck a brick cart at Greenwood avenue crossing and knocked it flying The driver was thrown violently to the ground and To the Editor of the Era received a slight concussion of the Sir I brain Guess the driver thought the I ask for space in your columns to train would slow up like a street lay before the ratepayers of tbe Town car Some carters are none too of Newmarket some figures which I dy to get out of the way at any think it desirable they should be time The lesson taught is some- made aware of in order to enable times severe them to form a fair opinion as to Talking of land increment Toronto how they should mark their ballot can furnish large examples In on the 6th of June The expense of the farm lot which the Northeast maintaining the Newmarket High corner of and Queen is only a School has increased to a considerable fraction was bought for This extent within the last three years corner was sold for in 1857 entailing a considerably increased ex- and its present assessed value is on the part of the Town I and only contains 52 feet The salary hill for was frontage on street by a depth do do do 208500 of feet on Queen It is now the do do do property of the Bank Montreal at the present time it is at rate I One incident at the Woodbine on of for an increase oi the Queens Birthday caused some 200000 in three years The He excitement Long was total expenditure for the year 1909 pointed out to the detectives by the was so than the rate of Pinkerlon detective who said he saw salaries for the present year is near- put his hand into the equal to the toial expenditure for of Mr J Brush Then the grant given by the customs officer of Burlington When Town towards the schools maintain- arrested he had on him which ante in 1907 was in it it is alleged he took from Mr was and in it was Brush while this year doubt if the Town Miss Stewart get our under from to dent of Nurses in Allegheny General Then this new bylaw if pass- Hospital Pittsburg Pa has been will add an additional yearly ex- appointed successor to Miss Snivel of on the Towns part as of the Training School of Should the bylaw carry it looks as the Toronto General Hospital She the yearly amount to he paid by the Town in respect of the High School may he anywhere from up John Hopkins Hospital Training more than was paid in As School against this may say that the fees After a lengthy trial Rev- received from pupils in were Atlas was found guilty on three more than those received i charges It looks as if he had been while the County grant for this year trading on his clerical caling Wore than that of a workman named James Summer- vine employed at a building at the Mr Carl Brodie son of Mr J Brodie is the new junior in the Bank of Toronto Miss Geraldine Evans who has been 111 with typhoid fever is now convalescent Mr and Mrs F Jones spent the 24th with Mr Forbes PM Grimsby Mr Gordon in here from Michigan owing to the serious illness of his mother Mr Joseph Meads of Toronto was in town on Wednesday visiting his sister Mrs Jas Stark Mrs Gamble of Montreal is visiting her mother Mrs J Wilson and grandparents Mrs Matthews of Sarnia arrived here on Saturday on a visit with her daughter Mrs T Watson Mr Fred Fox engineer of To ronto was home for a few days ow ing to the illness of his sister Mr Jno Kennedy of Toronto formerly of Newmarket spent the with Mrs Beemcr of Grimsby Rev T W Meal Mr and Mrs attended the wedding of the latters sister in Toronto on Wednes day and Mrs J Bell are here from Fort William Mrs Bell is tak ing care of her sister Miss Fox Hu ron street Mt Cornell of Pickering spent a- tew days last week visiting his nephew Mr S W Scott at I is nearly On the whole however it is that the yearly expenditure of Town for the School is materially Increased and behooves the ratepayers clear the very it to Mr and Mrs Garrett of Bradford visited friends in town on Monday is a former home being j night previous to their departure for at and is a graduate of the Saskatchewan Mr A Terry of dropped off here over Sunday on his way to the Dental Convention in To ronto this week Miss Cody of the Public School teaching staff and her mother are making preparation to move to Cali fornia this month Rev W I Moore of Clarksburg visited in Newmarket during the corner of High Park avenue acciden tally fell down- two storeys and frac- evening a little was wandering about the consider these matters well before Simpson store and handed over to I Mr J Patterson wile and marking their ballots I think the the police She says her name is child of Toronto were visiting oer High School Board would do well to Maggie The child was taken to attCTipt some scheme whereby a much the Infants Home less expensive building could be put Building laborers and lathers to the up at present such a manner that number of are oh strike today should occasion really call for it such Thos proprietor of the portion could be Increased The corner of Queen and So- idea of the agricultural and streets was hit by a man who had instruction is too new yet for steel knuckles on bis hands The school hoards to rush hastily into large expenditures on such account Yours c THOS J ROBERTSON is it that town ac counts are not yet out They ought to be ready so as to allow ratepay ers to see the financial position of the town before voting on question of borrowing so large sum 9 This A s Hit it Right Predicted of V When Prince Was a Baby and Younger Sort on blow proved fatal The cost of leather is steadily ad vancing This being true we soon Q M their return expect that low shoes will be higher For getting into the confidence of Sunday with their cousin Mrs J Church street Miss Roberts Mrs Sclby and the Misses Becks of Toronto were the guests of Miss at Mrs on Wednesday- The editor leaves this evening for Montreal on a business trip and will be accompanied by Mrs Jackson who expect to spend two or three days King The Daily Graphic prints the fol lowing rather odd paragraph Mr Alfred John v rote in July an1 published in the following October an annual which he then edited the follow ing opinion on the talents and of Prince George of then only two years of age now George V The regal sign of occupied eastern horizon at the moment of birth namely am of June 3rd according to the official bulletin and Mars Is In also a regal sign The Jupi ter strongly posited In his own sign Sagittarius was of the Venus was in her chief dignity the sign Taurus In the afcendant Saturn vas ln the des cendant In his Libra So that in this truly royal nativity we find three planets dignified the glo rious Jupiter close to the the Sun and Moon nearly In mutual trine aspect a royal sign and Mars and In royal signs From tfcece positions we may conclude and predict that this Prince will If he live become King of England under the title of George V The Prince will in mind and taste greatly resemble his grand- lather the good great Prince Al bert Indeed England will bo proud her fifth King George and his fame descend to posterity as one trie best and wisest of The position Jupiter pre-aig- nifiea a very prosperous and peace ful reign immigrants from foreign countries as they arrive at the Union depot and then fleecing them while pretend ing to be their friend was the crime upon which Bob Jose was sent for three months to the Central Pri son Flour dropped a barrel on Monday and a number of bakers are now selling bread at for the ox loaf Monday evening Harmony Lodge AF AM held a ladies night in the Temple Building There are now sixteen cases of smallpox In the Isolation Hospital Prof John of Knox College has accepted an appointment to the chair of Old Testament litera ture and exegesis In United Free Church College Glasgow The Kings plate at the Woodbine raceo last week was Won by drles colt Parmer of Hamilton The Dominion Medical Association Is holding its annual meeting In tbe city this week The city medicos en tertained the visiting disciples Aes culapius on Tueaday evening A SingleTax League for Ontario was organized in Toronto on Tuesday last Hereafter the organization pur poses taking the name of Tax Re former and Direct legislation League of Ontario Era for balance of year 50 cents Whitby May Robert Woods a wellknown huckster travelling in this part the country living at arrested by Chief Jame son yesterday was charged with as saulting a farmers daughter living on the Kingston road He was commit ted for trial newspaper a prize for the beat answer to the conundrum Why is a newspaper like a woman The prize was won by a lady in Oklaho- Mr and Mrs H P Moore of Acton were guests at Mapleton for the weekend Mr Moore gave an excellent address at the Methodist Sunday School last Sabbath after noon Mr J who served his time in the Era ollice and has manager of the Petrolea Adver tiser for the past years hafc ac cepted a position with the Saturday Sunset of Vancouver BC Mr J Dickson princi pal of Collegiate Institute was In town a tew days ago He has resigned his position In and intends to take up land in the North west going hack to farming Mrs Laura J Webb of Parker Kansas who has been visiting her cousin Mrs A J of Sharon and other relatives and friends in surrounding neighborhood left land Wednesday to spend a short time in Toronto on her way home to Kansas Many friends wish her a very pleasant and safe During the month of June Dr P a graduate in arte and medicine of Toronto University will occupy the office of Dr Wesley Dr cornea highly recommended by some of Torontos foremost special- and has had an en tensive expe rience both in Toronto and New York Dr Wesley is going to Johns Hopkins University Baltimore for a month Send the ERA to absent friends IT PAY TO PEAL AT 1 1 iU Wear NoSag Skirts easonable Bargains picked in the Store J Womens Summer Vests 9c each 20 doz Womans Peerless Brand Cotton Vests half sleeve and sleeve less made of fine thread cotton 12c each on sale at 9c each 3 for 25c Fast Black Stocking 2 pairs 10 dozWomans fast black and stain less Cotton Stockings full fashioned- sizes to 10 regular 20c pair on sale at 2 for 25c In some instances the lines are limited so if you want to participate be on hand early A Grand Clearanoe in Wail Paper at Half Price Were going to clear out every dol lars worth of Wall Papers this month if price will do it Bring in the size of your room Any paper half price Boys Sporting Jerseys each Get the boy a Short Sleeve Jersey cool and cheap All sizes 25c each Bull Dog Stockings 25g pair If you have a boy that his stockings wont hold get him a pair of Bull Dog the strongest stocking made 25c Wear the Johnny Canuck Shirt This shirt is made of heavy Ameri can Drill double back and front double stitched seams big bodies made for and sold only at this store All sizes 14 to 18 75c each ij Black Dress Goods 39c yard Its not often we make such a deep cut in Black Dress Goods but our stock of blacks is heavy pieces black Voiles Cashmeres and Panama Cloths 44 in wide regular up to 75c yd on sale at 39c yd English Prints 8c yard 15 pieces in wide English made Prints fast colors in colors of blue grey black and lilac regular 10 and yd on sale at 8c yd Victoria Lawns pieces wide width Victoria Lawns worth yd on sale at 12Jc Mens Suit Bargain 795 If youve been delaying buying your spring suit dont put it off any longer We have suits to sell Saturday at 795 Mens Fine Imported English and Scotch Worsted Suits all sizes sold regularly from to 1500 on sale Saturday 795 Boys Boston Calf Boots 125 Sizes lto 5 regular 150 to 200 pair Saturday 125 2nd Con of Whitchurch on May to Mr and Arch Dyke a daughter LEPARD In New York City on May to Mr and Mrs M formerly of New- market a son WOODCOCK In Mount Albert on Sunday May 1010 to Mr and Mrs Sylvester Woodcock a daughter THE ALTAR MfONZlESVANZANTAt vllle Ont by the Rev Bar ber on June 1 George Us her Menzics only son of the late Thomas Mcnzies shipbuilder Lelth Scotland to Cora Eva Vanzant youngest daughter of Henry of Canada THE TOMB Saturday May Richard Hague the 5th con of Whitchurch in his yr In King Township on Thursday May Mary Adelaide in her BROWN In Toronto at the Western Hospital May 28 1910 Mark Brown aged years Interred at Pine Orchard burying ground In Newmarket on May 29 Arnoldl Halght aged years 9 months and days It you are needing seeds there are none better than We sell you them at the price poor ones for ft Dutch Set Onions at par ft Potato lbs for 10c American Wonder Potatoes for planting at per peck Good sound Potatoes for the table at per bag from 10c par peck upward i it- PURE MAPLE SYRUP FROM QUEBEC AT PER IMPERIAL MEASURE 1 a THE LEADING House Yon buy your tap For Cash IN ME MORI AM JACKSON In loving memory Sophia beloved wife ol Jack son Newmarket who passed away to the spirit land on June Yes we miss thee from our home We miss thee from thy place A shadow oer our lives is cast We miss the sunshine- of thy face a rna who sent in the following UNDERTAKING EMBALMING answer Because every man should have one of his own and not run af ter his neighbors Now will you subscribe Era for balance of cents A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard J MAIN ST NORTH trill recto Prompt We have largest and beat assorted north of Torca Four Hundred Thousand Feet to Select front Full Line of Doors Sash and an building let figure your in W Older by phot SI or carters W

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