just Too Late Stopped Missed the train jf you cannot de pend on your watch will repair it promptly Properly T WATSON I Watchmaker and Graduate Optician The Era give- more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER Give us the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all r AND No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance to the United States BRIGHT DAINTY A large assortment and see them Jewelry Store 20 Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday June 3 I TERMS per annum I if paid in fonder Shine Toronto better A young man about twentyone years of age was arrested here last week on a serious charge of inducing a girl of only years to accompany him to Detroit where he left her with only dollar He was arrested by order of the Morality Department and if Gleans without rubbing Just dip to get rinse and dry The shine lasts all that is said is true he the full measure of the The silver lasts longer Liquid Veneer For Sweeping The Dust Killer The Germ Killer A polish for all kinds of Woodwork Makes old things New The Best Wall Coating Ready for use in Boiling Water Shows no laps SherwinWilliams PAINTS VARNISHES BEST MADE FOR EVERY PURPOSE We are adding a Varnish Stain that has no equal A W A Builders Hardware and Sporting Goods STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING PHONE NEWMARKET ONT En it it re it id be he to id i4 THE BANK OF TORONTO GOOD SERVICE to their at all times has been one of the chief factor In The Bank of Torontos long court DEPOSITORS receives aflsurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by officers BUSINESS MEN keeping accounts here Ijlyc afforded all the facilities of a wellcon ducted Bank ample resources and full equipment and con- for the hanking all claasea of both large and HEAD OFFICE TORONTO BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets NEWMARKET FIELD Manager The Great Telegraph has to put up a defence for sending a betting telegram from Toronto to the States Sporting guys must keep mum under the Miller Act The pen alty is While the commercial world was at la standstill for three minutes at eight oclock Friday morning May in mourning for the late King Chancellor Victoria Uni versity offered a prayer on the Winnipeg train as it stood motion less- So solemn and impressive was the prayer that tears came to the eyes of many of the passengers The part played by women in put ting false coins in circulation is call ed attention to in a warning issued the Police to publicans and shop keepers A very large quantity of counterfeit silver coins it is stated are in circulation They- are well made and in most cases are changed by women Mrs Charlotte Ford was committed to jail on Thursday of last week on a charge of bigamy She confessed her guilt Her second husband was also arrested on a similar charge Sixyearsold Cyril Hopkins who has been missing for some days from his home in street was found in on Thursday of last week Three days previous he was sent to a grocery near his home to get a bill changed This he did but instead of returning he wandered down to the station and boarded an eastbound train which landed him in The finding of the lad relief to his parents A woman named Amelia Kynock was arrested on Thursday charged wilh the theft of about worth of rings and jewellery from Mrs Smith Gardens where she pi Br- b 1 i Is i Training Room connection with Gait Collegiate Institute which it is proposed to let School if the is carried next Monday The Government rays for- the and tools Evening Classes for men and out of school are alsd carried on in mechanical drawing handling tools etc Written for the Era A Rainy Sunday By Emily r I Beth James awoke on Sunday morn ing and hearing the pitapat of rain on the roof decided that it was too wet to go to church It was disappointing too because the Rev John Thome from the city was to preach and she had a new a of that beautiful song Live that pledge the and life will he Heaven on earth arc Beth murmured her thanks for his and appreciation and on reaching home the went up to her room and falling was working suit and hat to wear and now Rev Dr Ehy has been invited raining a would be out the question to wear it and she cor tainly wouldnt ttear her old return to Japan Hon Dr Minister I lie Works inspected the Toronto minister was on Thursday last He thought the pulpit I would be nature had certainly been good AW- KINDS OF Doors Sash and Always on Hand Phone or give orders to J Bowman or J P W PEARSON TJiriC try 4 a in- i til tet Our six experience in tailoring in tovn to ufl that we are LEADERS IN THE TRADE Is North York with beat assorted stock of An of our for your to- this city anil he expressed his conviction that the government was fully justified in opening up the western gap Bettor wharves were needed The concessions at the coming Ex hibition here already amount to and the prospect is that the to tal income from this source will reach more than last year An everting- paper suspects the com et folded tall passing the earth fearing that some of Eves fair daughters miht pull it to trim a hat On Wednesday evening of last week as an car on the division of the Toronto and York Ra dial approached ftest Hill outside the city limits when the comet was clear in the sky a man dashed on to the track and before the motor- man could cheek speed the ear was him Asa result the man lost his rifht I g and uncer tain The man who stole an opal ring from a jewellery store last week was Kent down for nine months Opals are said to unlucky anyway and this man is now a firm believer in old adage Another man who stole a silver chatelaine and diamond rings valued near lost by Mrs Mc Coy of St Catharines at the Horse Show in April was given months in the the thief got longer Imprisonment It may just but bard to under stand L The drlyer of the which ran little Grace Howard resulting in her death was blame by the coroners arent you mother What do you sure to notice anything oldfashioned and musing thus she fell asktp She had only been asleep a lew when she lichird call ing yet No want Why Beth surprise Arent you going to No mother I hadnt intended to You know it is and I wear my new ijaiit a bit of use of ihring about- My dear- child gnrws me and Ill soon tell Miss Whit- this command Or have you reject- a prayer from her own heart son so too mcan l0 sne ncvcr before Dear Beth said Mrs James lay- Are you trying to follow Christ If After the pronouncing of the fenc ing her band on you are what does it mean to you diction the Rev Thome turned shouldcr You must not talk so Are you following afar ofi or are you to meet the singer and with rudely Your old dress is quite suit- pressing near to your Leader Oh voice filled with emotion said able for a wet morning and as to he- that I could explain to you the Please allow me to thank you for ing a as you call it vine Fellowship The moments I am very sorry to hear you speak in heavenly bliss when Jesus gives such disrespectful terms of anything loving helpful words to us who pertaining to the service of Cod I often grow weary that your good sense will show sit down to rest Again I ask you how wrong you are You know question What does it mean to you On her knees asked Gods forgiveness your father thinks that you excel to follow Christ Does it simply and asked Him To accept her humble the solo you are requested to siug mean a form a daily reading of the service and use her as He saw best this morning Hurry now and come Bible a prayer from the lips and not Once resolved Both allowed nothing i down ami kissing her from your Attending the to stand in her way and she came to Mrs lames wcmL down to entertain church services Yes I would not he one of the in her church Miss until Beth put in an say that that is not necessary But Before long Rev J again what is your motive Are you do- preached in that village and this time Miss Wiiiisoi explained the facts to it to be of he went home with Beth As time Beth and earnestly or do you live daily in went on the friendship ripened into t lieln them out I John Thorne this morning have come to be in repeatedthe old idd story to Beth the presence of Jehovah Have shut and she did not refuse knowing that out business thoughts and worries he had offered her all that was cans and casting all at His I slble An honorable mans love feel are saving Master I will So before long Beth lames will bo At last Beth yielded and as the old hell iu the rang itslast call to worship her seat in the nervous it must drCiKed- be alloweil hut lie I her best and when She saw the calm peaceful countenance of the Rev she mind the old dress nearly so much to he sometSfng far alio such earthly in large grey eyes such a of utter forgitfulness to costumes of his hearers that she was almost glad that she hadnt worn the light blue stilt Tl ministers voice was deepened Ihear you speak loir that and ides Miss just to see full of filing and as would sing the sob this morning as test words Mi s Blair who was to have sung low Me her hear beat been detained cause her 1 just home So and come i began Just my luck hut lh no jack-in- low Thee Give your idols what ever may hewealth social po sition fashion all these things and come to Jesus lie is asking oh tenderly asking for followers who are present to deny self that they may honor and glorify Cod In his original manner John explained to his audience what really meant to be a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus and as Beth listened it seemed to her that gave for Jesus was standing before her that ing for her life closed and she beautiful ami as the sermon rose to sing that Where lie leads me the loved and honored wife of John and let us hope that his first counsel may prove true and their lives be so lived in Christ that life will h Heaven on earth Bush Fires in Saskatchewan May bush fires devastating over square miles of timber south Sask during the week and doing great damage to standing tim- 1 his talk i till a her fanned a high south wind and ask will follow Ill go with Him with lrave all the way the wonts seemed from NEW SPRING SUIT i W PHONE THE UPTODATE TAILOR MAIN jl iiiiuil a jufy Hartford Theological Seminary con ferred the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology on T Kilpatrick Knox College Toronto thir ling the past week It funny though to say Doctor of Sacred Theology Decreased membership but increased receipts lor all purposes In the churches belonging to the Central District were reported at the annual district meeting last weeV 6y a ruling of Mr Justice Mlddlc- ton no promise to pay a retainer to lawyer will- be enforced by courts A Is a free gift and must therefore he voluntary Thanks Mr Justice for putting in this plug I I in connection with Institute The High School will Include instruction In Agriculture the Bylaw ls jSfflJS J In High Schools i the teacher iewle maintenance an plot Comet is ly grant of to such Agricultural School Onlj one such School can Ik In a County Kir Counties in Ontario have then In operation now awl an Agricultural to one or the seven High Schools in tins County within the next have the paramount claim our application lor such now under t desire to sec it at town simply for the want of Branch will assuredly be atc months Dp we In Ncwmarkc consideration the i accommodation 1 about four miles an hour charged Mown on sweeping track or a length of eight miles and nothing remains but smouldering logs and leafless trees as far as the eve can see lire rangers from Manitoba and Sas katchewan have had large forces of men at work for some days past en deavoring to cheek the flames but without success and all hope of stop ping the fire is abandoned and gangs of- men have been put on back firing around camps and mills to save them This latter course eventually proved the salvation most of the build ings and saved several million feet of lumber All the women and children were taken away from the path of the lames Canadian Northern trains which arrived Just in time to save a lot of cars which had commenced to burn two having already gone up in smoke ooo- Owen Sobnd A syn dicate of English capitalists will con struct a million dollar shipbuilding and repair plant and at Owen Sound May Two by laws to give tho William Ham ilton Manufacturing Company a fixed assessment for ten years of a year arid the other to sanction the of for sewage fa cilities the southwestern portion of the city were passed this after noon Both measures received sub stantial majorities IK Mi