Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1910, p. 8

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fc J I Mutt A THE NEWHABKETERA MAY IT IS of the contents of the dwelling were as well as that of the barn and outbuildings The loss will be very heavy as there was only- a small in- con on the buildings NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH Physicians Rmdic Failed end to Ordinary Rslisvt This Famous Fruit Medicins Promptly Cured LEMON TOO TO STOUFFVILLE Mr and Mrs James Mahon and Mr Richard Gray of daughter of Toronto visited passed away on Monday of last week Sunday with his mother Mrs from lockjaw Deceased was a mem- a ber of the Second Bap- Mr and Mrs Toye and children of tist Church He leaves to mourn his Toronto were guests at the par son Joss a widow and one son Walter Sunday His remains were laid 2nd Cemetery to rest at the guest- over the of people owe their good to Thousands of othersare rapidly being restored to and strength through the powers of this extraordinary medicine Here Is just one case in For years I was a martyr to Chro nic Constipation I tried pills etc and consulted physicians without relief Then I began to take and these wonderful fruit tablets en tirely cured Mrs BONNEVILLE a box for J250 or trial size At dealers or from Limited Ottawa For Sale Brick House rooms domestic tater and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box 146 Newmarket FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG Miss was of her sister in holiday Miss Mary Cook spent Sunday with friends in Bloomington A concert will be held in Hall Mr and Mrs Austin of under the of visited tor a few days with Mr on Wednesday evening June Cook 1st when the following relent from The many friends of Miss Toronto will take part Miss Fran- Cook will be sorry to hear she is ces Wright contralto Miss Maude verely indisposed We wish her M concert soprano Mr speedy recovery Harvey Lloyd concert comedian Mrs Lemon and daughters Mane an address by Geo A Mitchell and Jessie of were guests at Mr Bakers on Sunday A j Mr Stanley Martin of home over Sunday UDORA Mr Norman French spent Sunday Mr Cooks Hilliard Stark bought a choice young roadster from William Snodden for Born To Mrs and John Wilson jr on May 1910 a bouncing baby Mr and Mrs John ONeill of boy Park visited their daughter Mrs Miss Patterson our popular teacher here on the holiday in is now able to walk out Bella Smart of Toronto is vis- with the aid of cane her parents here for the J Stephenson bought a nice and will return in a few days young black horse from McMullen Quite a few around here are busy of The price is said putting in their gardens to he about j Rev Father Wedlock was at Wild- eo For Sale- Eight Roomed House situated on Huron street Newmarket with first class Furnace and all modern For further information apply to A J DAVIS if15 Newmarket For Safe A comfortable house and corner lot feet Fins building Hard and soft water on the place Must be sold as the owner has one Apply on the premises Superior st Newmarket A large number of delegates from the church at this place with two or three from Newmarket and Richmond Hill have gone to Cham- Pa to attend the General Conference of the The delegates will be away abont two- weeks The party is made up of the following Rev Thos Doner Mis Williams Miss Horner Mr Lehman Mr and Mrs A Mr I the Misses Miss Cober field last week attending a devotion Mr Patrick ONeill anl James Dug- were out to last week as Mr is suffering with a cancer in the side of his face The Lady Grey Tennis CAESARS STRONGHOLD By a Banker In a recent article of this series re ference was made to the numerous Norman castles still to be seen in va rious parts of Britain Almost equal ly numerous and in some instances probably practically unaltered since the time when they were garrisoned by thousands of Roman legidnairies the fortified camps occupied by Ju lius Caesar fifty years before the com mencement of the Christian era and by his successors for several centur ies still exist both at various points- round the coast and also in many in land positions where an isolated lofty hill dominating the surrounding coun try has been by some great convulsion of nature As an interesting example of these great intrenched strongholds Cae sars Camp near the Kentish coast may be mentioned A- cortical lofty hill several hundred feet in height a mile or two in circumference sur rounded near the summit with a dou ble line of deep fosses or dry moats in the lower of which traces remain of a gallery upon which the Roman archers could stand concealed from the foe beneath its sides in places al most perpendicular this old Roman fortified camp must have been well njgh impregnable And the exertion of scaling this sugarloaf hill is amply repaid by the glorious view obtained from the summit Standing perhaps on the very spot whence Julius Caesar di rected the operations against our skinclad ancestors the country around spread out like a map On one side pastures and woods farm houses and villages golden cornfields ripe for the sickle contrasting with the vivid green of adjoining fields with here and there the square tower of some church erected either by the Normans or in some few cases in the somewhat later period when the bold circular columns and rounded Every woman should fortify herself against those weaknesses and de rangements which are usually pres ent at times when Nature makes extra demands upon the system For special ailments there no known remedy so safe and reliable as it Jlj These pills possess corrective and tonicpropertieswhichhaveamarked effect upon the general health and promptly relieve nervousness sick headache depression backache weakness and other unpleasant symptoms Pills estab lish healthy conditions and furnish Help at iff Time Sold Everywhere In cent line of King last Sunday Mr Grant Pearson of Pickering College Newmarket spent over his parents and relatives For Sale That valuable property on Huron Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead The death took place in Toronto on here the inst of a former resident of j The Cricket Club played in the person of Charles a match with St Cricket who died at his home Club of Toronto on the of May street The late Mr Ham- The following team were playing was in his year and had re- Hallowell sided in Toronto since leaving here Doyle about twenty years ago- night Coffey vived by his wife and five children strong Mr A will and of Toronto A I- the game Spare men or Miss a Clarke Lennox and married in A beautiful home grand situation soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees and hedges Flowing well Furnace and Stable A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars see J of Estate Montreal funeral took place on Friday to Ml- Pleasant Cemetery Quite a number ol the young people from here attended the tea and lec ture at on Tuesday evening and report a good time CITY Club is busy playing tennis this sea- arches and windows of that period son and will play matches with No- j gave place to the more florid so bleton Tottenham and any other Club led Gothic style of architecture on that wish to play Ithe other side bordered by the The volunteers will soon leave here races and churches of a fashionable for the camp down at Niagara We j watering place the broad ocean fleck wish our boys good luck on their with craft of all sizes from the trip mighty liner or the mailed battleship Mr Clifford Storehouse visited with to the brown sailed fishing boat sail- Miss Florence Weir on the eleventh j ing out in quest of the harvest of the sea fitters and sparkles in the suns rays And causing an added exhilaration the delicious and fragrant air of the downs redolent with the perfume of wild thyme centaury and other wild flowers invigorates and gladcns and causes a thrill exultant emotion to course through veins And amidst all this loveliness and all this fascinating beauty the mind looks from Nature up to Natures God and a rush swells thru the soul at the thought thai the of this lovely earth in order to nullify the sentence passed by Immut able Justice against the sinner xelf on Calvary made expiation for the sins of all who will hill conform their lives to Mis will as expressed in Holy Writ and who cast them selves at His feet acknowledging as their Saviour and their Redeemer The sun shone down from a cloudless sky- Rut the womans heart was sore For griefs that were all her jwn lay cold At her beings inmost core The sky was blue but her eves were And its beauty could not see The birds sang sweet but she did not hear Their songs cheery melody The wind blew cool on her heated brow nut their kisses brought no smile She stood by the gate and sighed For lifes endless mile on mile An hour ran by and he sun had set And the songbirds sunk in sleep Out hope shone out of the womans eyes With courage quiet and deep For one had passed with a kindly smile And a tender word ami kiss That had warmed the icebound heart soul With a peace like heavens bliss Murray Valuable Properties FOR SALE Residence now occupied by dreined formerly known as the Fed eral Wank Building and homestead A most substantial built under old English ideas modern Improvements bath electric lighting hot and hot air Furnace etc AlSO The Two Stores in the centre of formerly known the iwell block now under lease Martin Co for nearly j eit to run Apply ROCHE The firm of Stewart A- Monroe have dissolved partnership The business will henceforth he controlled by Mr Charles Monroe An open meeting the North York Womens Institute King Hast Branch will he held Halls hall on Saturday afternoon May the meeting begin at oclock Mrs Ashley of who is address ing the diflcrcnt branches in this Dis trict will present and give two of her admirable addresses These ad dresses will he worthy of the hearing of all ladies who can make it conve nient to attend It is desirable that all ladles of the Institute or not he present and all are welcome Resides the addresses music etc will be provided local talent He- at the close Mr William Smith of Holly Park visited Mrs and Miss Trace here on Wednesday last The following prices were tiid at the market on Wednesday last eggs butter apples hogs Cement sidewalks are being made In front of A station Walkers MaWCls Clarks Leonards and Morris residences in north view of Quite a few of our surrounding town sports wen In town on Saturday is not dry yet Mr Fred was in the city on Thursday getting a cricket supply for the season i A Rood opening for a harness maker as there is none In this village Mr Frank was in town on Saturday visiting friends and rela tives Mr Walter Sloan Linton was tarried on Thursday last to Miss in AURORA to CO Farms for Enquire particu lars from HUGHES Local Agent for A Barton If Co Toronto Free Trip to Mr Henry Marsh died the re sidence Mr Andrew on the sixth concession of King on Sat urday last in his year Deceased has been a resident of King Township nearly all his life and conducted a saw mill at King City lor several yearn He leaves a widow and one child The Interment took place In Aurora Cemetery John Johnson delivery boy for James Co had a narrow escape from serious injury on Satur day He was unhitching the horse In front of blacksmith shop when the animal got frightened at something and started to run knocking the boy down and running over him He received a bad cut in the head and his legs were bruised GET IT The horse ran some distance before When wanting KIRK LIFE ACCIbting but was not injured DENT LIVE STOCK Insurance The residence barn stables and I do the business for you alright outbuilding on the small farm form- Have always A OF owned by Mr John Cook about AMD LOTS FOR SALE Fry of Mr Hugh visited with friends in Sunday of the village on on first mortgages farms Hughes Agent i Harness MR J of Hew is doing well How is tfce time to examine your mi rive him a call Also Bet Uttlflre spread so rapidly that a mile north of this town were com pletely destroyed by fire last Satur day morning about five oclock The property had been purchased by Wood of Toronto who had taken possession and moved in abOUt a month ago The Are started in a shed at the rear of the summer kitchen where a cutter had been stor ed and which had evidently been oc cupied i tramp the- night previous and set fire place ix- fore leaving in the morning The After La Grippe I had suffered several weeks with Had pains in my head and eyes It felt as though there a heavy weight on the top of my head until it seemed that my brain would burst I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep When I dozed off I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body Dr Miles Nervine Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Rills cured me A number of friends have since realized the same benefits MRS LOCKS The after effects of LaGrippc arc often more serious than the disease as it leaves the system in a weakened condition tjiat invites more serious troubles such as pneumonia etc Dr Miles Restorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve strength Price at your He not J you if he not to us we MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto The Symphony of the Shore Perhaps of all the varied melodies of Nature the music of the shore is most entrancing it brilliant moonMi night and he foamcrests of the curling- breakers glitter and Hash then breaking in measured on the hard arc hurled up the shelving of a bank of small pebbles the deep diapason the first impact succeeded by a swirl ing though tuneful fugue as the wa ters successfully advance find retire Now it is a wailing dirge as a high er wave more forcibly strikes the peb ble bank or now the rhythmical ca dence of a joyous roulade while as a rippling accompaniment of this harmonious symphony of the waves the liquid murmur of a purling brooklet issuing from a in the towering cliff blends its modest strains with the ever varying music of the surf then the plaintive sighing of sea amidst the leafage aspens and the graceful birches growing luxuriantly up each side of the beautiful or Strange whirring of a nightJar or perhaps the shrill cry of a belated curlew all contribute to this exquisite concerted harmony And not Natures music only glad dens and fascinates For how beauti ful the moonlit surge as like a flood of molten silver it eddies and swirls in wild confusion or is hurled against some great isolated rocks or boulders hurtling high in air a great volume Of spume and spray all illuminated in a pale lustre by the rays of the full- orbed moon while racing each oth er bounding and dancing along the hard sands now rolling over and ov er now capering In the air or now Jostling as in are Innumerable wisps of frothy spindrift and foam fantastically and gro tesquely disporting themselves In the moonlight like a bevy o seafays high revel Aye it is all beautiful surpassing ly beautiful It in lovely and attractive beyond the lower of words to express It causes a thrill of glad fascination of rapt to throb and course through the veins and the memories of it all never effaced never weakened Swell in the mind for a lifetime Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh J CHENEY CO Toledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years- ant believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm MARVIN Confirmed front last week Druggists allowed to keep li quor for medical purposes but shall sell give or supply liquor only upon requisition of a duly qualified medi cal practitioner No druggist shall sell or give or supply liquor even upon the requisition of a medical practitioner unless such requisition is dated and addressed to him name and states the kind and quality of liquor and the purpose for which it is to he supplied and name and ad dress of the person to whom it is to be delivered and such person is not the person for whose use the liquor is to be procured then the name and address of such last mentioned per son No such requisition shall au thorize the sale or delivery to any person by a druggist of more than six ounces of liquor The druggist who sells without requisition or up on incomplete requisition one in which the doctor has not complied with all the requirements ol the Act is subject to the same penalties as any other man who sells without a license One requisition is only good for one six ounces for every requisi tion given under the Act by a medi cal practitioner shall be filed by the druggist to whom the same is and shall at all times be open to inspection by the Inspector or by any Provincial Officer on demand The druggist who sells or otherwise dis poses of any liquor to be consumed on the premises as a beverage is sub ject to the same penalties as any oth er man who sells without a license Druggists may put liquor in medical preparations only in very limited quantities and then only under a bona fide prescription of such preparation or mixture duly signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner A druggist however may sell spirits in quantities of not more than six ounces at any one time without the certificate of a duly registered medical practitioner when the same shall be required owing to a serious injury or to the fainting a person who may be brought or shall come in to the premises of the chemist or to contiguous premises or in or upon premises adjoining such last mention ed premises and same is urgent ly required for the relief of such Evidence as to Sale proving the sale or disposal gra tuitous or otherwise or consumption of liquor for the purpose of any pro ceeding relative to any offence under the Act it shall not be necessary to show that any money actually passed or any liquor was actually consumed if the Magistrate hearing the ease is satisfied that a transaction the na ture of a sale of other disposal actu ally took place or that any con sumption of liquor was about to take place and proof of consumption or Intended consumption of liquor on premises by some person other than the occupier of the said premises shall be evidence that such liquor was sold to the consuming or being about to consume or carry away the same as against the occupant of the roe Made Her A Robust Child a cccMarr to speak Word i for the tela neb to convince raoit to a of Harbor about earn or age it It Is not of our own for t- rtroDKenouKb to con Tin c the as to Mr John When a ears or age had waited away aomuchthatehelookdlivfc a little skeleton The doctor treated or 3 months hut the child got worte snd doctor said he could do nothing more- called In another doctor who told thing bad done and that the child betrer We decided to take thing to a Montreal doctor who said her lqnz were filled with pus and that she would to undergo an operation If would her life The next day he came down Montreal and operated upon her but ihj operation was a failure as he wasunabela pus the Wo were disappointed and fully lhofc- Nellie was not going to get better but It to let her suffer bo At this time heard what a wonderful medicine PSYCH INK for the lungs We had been readies some of the advert seme in the pare who had been cured We thought it would 08 little girl and decided to It a This wo did and after Nellie had bottle we saw an the girl began to fill out and the we had or bottles was quite That wan two years ago and she Is as well and robust to day as the other children are a great deal to be thankful for We flriulv believe little Nellie have lived if we had not heard of We shall be pleased to answer anytime For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers 50c and per bottle DR A SLOCUM Limited Toronto STRENGTHENS WEAK LUNGS Hi Fear of having a under our treat ment Wo often remove four and five at ting if at tended by pain NEW YORK DENTISTS I ft TpriONTO- premises Proof that any per son upon the premises by a greater quantity liquor Wholesale druggists Toledo O than may he reasonably supposed to be intended for use of such per son and his family shall be conclu sive evidence that such liquor is kept for sale in the Act The fact of any person- having bis house fitted up with a bar or other place containing bottles or casks dis played so as to induce a reasonable belief that liquor is sold or served therein or that there is on such premises more liquor than reasonably required for persons residing therein shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful sale of liquor by person Any house shop room or other place in which are proved to exist a bar counter pumps kegs jars decanters tumblers ported and most fashionable bred other appliances or Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free cts per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stlpatlon ooo Em Stallion Register The beautiful dappled black Stallion owned by Mr John Smith of will travel the same as last year covering Hast and North bury and reaching Newmarket for Friday night celebrated I Send the ERA to friends owned by Mr Marry Newmarket will travel Holland West Gwillimbury Aurora and Whitchurch See large and small cards highclass Roadster the property of Mr Newmarket will visit Mt Albert Sutton Kes wick and Au rora during the season The Standard Bred Wilkes Trotting Stallion the property of John French Mount Albert will make the season of through Scott and Whitchurch commencing May The purebred Percheron Stallion the property of Toole will make the season of through Scott and Whitchurch commencing May BARCLAY BOY The property J Huntley Sharon will make- the season of through East and Mt Albert on Wednesdays David manager GALLANT BOB- Superior Clydes dale the property of Hall lot J east of Pino Orehard will be kept for service at his stable during the season Terns To insure Send the ERA to absent reparations similar to those usually found in taverns and shops where spirituous or fermented liquors are sold or it shall be deemed to be a place in which spirituous fer mented or other manufactured liquors arc or had for the rurpose lie- ing sold bartered or traded Where upon the prosecution person under the Act for or keeping for sale liquors the Magistrate shall find thai liquor exceeding two gallons in quantity was kept upon the prem ises occupied by such person the or having upon such premises of any beer pump or other appliance commonly used in a barroom shall be conclusive evidence that such liquor was kept the premises for sale In prosecution ic shall not be ne cessary that any witness depose di rectly to the precise description of the liquor sold or bartered or the precise consideration therefor or to the fact of the sale or other disposal having taken place with his participation or to his own personal and certain knowledge but the Magistrate as soon as it appears to him that the circumstances in evidence RUfllcleutly establish tho Infraction of the law complained of shall put the defendant on his defence and in default of his rebuttal of such evidence shall con vict him accordingly Children FLETCHERS Causes Sickness NO MORE TV is greencolored powder pack ed in tin cans ready or use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the duat Sprinkle where you are to begin not all over the tar- pet then sweep as you do The powder Is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the the leaving the carpet clean and bright Tie la not thrown into the air to hack on the carpet and furniture WHY YOU SHOULD IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY It Costs Nothing We are authoriied by the man- to send you a can their Sweeping Compound They want you to use this on trial for one week At th cad this period if not found we will take it back and there will be no for quan tity Sold in barrels half barrels and quarter barrel for stores churches hotels public A Newmarket IT IT OLD NEWSPAPERS For Bale at tola Office A af 9 1 A

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