Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1910, p. 7

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r Weeks local v Improvements E Lyons is getting the material on the ground to erect two IS OH EH Brief Jets St HALL May 1910 The Leading Grocery Garden Seeds Field Seeds In Package or Bulk from the most pliable Seedsmen We are fully prepared to meet your wants in large or small quantities Summers Reliable Package Seeds or flower two papers for Pauls Chancel Guild had a concert the Town Hall last night Mr Ed has joined the ranks of the motorists- He drives a dandy car Mushrooms are plentiful this week Dropped The old town waterwagon was sold for and after passing through tw or three hands was purchased by the Commissioners for Not much business In that for tax payers RAMBLES IN THE COSMOS Let is for a venture into the realms of imagination and pic ture to our minds the possibility of shaking off for a shorttime our earth trammels bounding the either and visiting some the wonders of the universes We first take a passing glance at our own sattellite which though a dead world is yet so beautiful in death and to us surpassingly houses on street op posite Mr J Millards residence Mr Reg Stajjarc a putting up dandy stable at the rear of his lot on Botsford street Lecture On Tuesday June at Mr J A will lecture in the Tem perance Hall on Canadas Great- approach we see it Problem Mr Clark is a graduate stony desert de- Toronto Bible School having stupendous volcanoes so en a threeyears course there one of those nu merous craters the whole of the cra ters of all the volcanoes on this lecture was given recently in Mark- ham and Norwich wvth great success Modern Method Floor finishes for anv floor in any style Ask at Hardware if alleys Comet A great many Newmarket people who have been on the lookout for Comet for the past month got their first sight of the celestial visitor between and oclock last Wednesday evening Conditions were ideal and the comet has not lost its tail China Until all our Dinner Sets are sold you can buy one at most reasonable We are going to keep Stock Patterns Only so that you can pur- any quantity at a time TOILET SETS This is the time of the year you do your Housecleaning and to brighten rooms buy a nice Toilet Set Prices from for a color ed set up to SOAP SPECIAL Out cake of Infants Delight Toilet FREE with every purchase Borax Soap Comb or Section Honey Special or two for Presentation Learning that Miss Edna was leaving the employ of Messrs Martin Co the firm and employees as a token of their regard and esteem sent a beautiful mantle clock over to her home on Saturday evening The surprise was greatly appreciated and its ceaseless ticking will be a constant reminder of the pleasant relations that existed be tween them for the past three years Parold Is the name of the best rubber roof ing 30 years test Its alright Hardware Successful Demonstration All day last Saturday two ladies were kept busy demonstrating the advantages of the new oil stove at Hardware and serving hot and Coffee to the many in terested callers Four sales were made and a many others are likely to follow shortly The stove has all the advantages of the gasoline with out the danger of exploding or in creasing the In that way they pay for themselves in two or three years A Food Not a Fad The scheme that the High School Board presents to the ratepayers to vote on Monday June is proving a food for deliberate thought at anv rate as none of the trustees can be called faddists The general conces sion of opinion seems favorable to their scheme viz th introduction of Agriculture into the curriculum of the school and ultimately Manual Training in one or more of the indus trial arts By all means let us prepare a place in a twentieth century school for courses of study that are at the dawn of this century doing the most for the rapid development of Canada the country par excellence of this poten tial century Money has not hitherto been wasted in connection with the school in fact economy has been practical for ex amples the fence surrounding the grounds is the original 1877 erection and the wooden walk from the gate to the entrance is identically the same Additions to the school that will provide instruction especially appeal ing to the farmer and mechanic is unquestionably a step in the right direction and since all have to cost of Construction the additions proposed will merit the support of a prudent electorate might Obituary Hiram Pearson the son of Nathan iel and Martha Pearson of was born in Ontario Canada to be plunged What a weird- spectacle must have been presented by an eruption of Copernicus or many thousand square miles of mighty roaring flames belch ed forth while veritable oceans of molten lava are ejected from the blazing caldron But we must not linger here for far more startling sights are in store Not pausing even to bestow more than a momentary glimpse at our near neighbor ruddy Mars with its as we believe wonderful system of irrigation and its teeming indus trious population of beings like our selves we hasten on with the speed of thought to visit the mighty orb which controls our system And now we are veritably astounded and ter rorstruck at its overpowering and effulgent magnificence and awein spiring grandeur A vast infuriate furnace of raging fires wildly con tending with flame now an outburst of burning hydrogen thousands of miles in breadth flaming half a mil lion miles from the suns surface now whole continents of incandescent metals mingled with burning sulphur hurled in frenzy to and fro in the blazing and now with a roar so terrible that it is strange that it does not reach the earth pro found unfathomable abysses rent in the transplendent surface so tre mendous that many globes of the size of our planet might he rolled in to the yawning gulf Reluctantly leaving this bewilder ing spectacle long ere we could grasp its majesty and its prodigious gran deur and leaving the wonders of our system for another time we vault upwards to some of the constellations in our own Universe Here in the Serpent might sec a mighty flam ing sun of bright vivid tint AGENTS FpR 20TH CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS mm he similar in character to our own sun though its superbly beautiful Christian Church As Conference time draws near members are planning to numerous delegates who are expected to attend Dr J Burnett of Dayton Ohio Secretary of the American Christian Convention will he present during the sessions of Conference speaking and her and departed this life May Si years months and days after an nine extending art over a period of many months Andromeda two neighboring was married in Ontario to Jftiss suns a clear and beautiful emerald Maria Ashton and to this union lour dose proximity a daughters were bom two s arc dead Elizabeth at the the allotted span of is nearly run out Canada Flakes package lor opportunity Offers Zest 10c package for 5c lb ca are we are cletstag of seventeen years and Mrs Sara and Mrs Martha I we speed on to the great Southern Cannon three and three who h Kreatgrandchildren remain to mourn tc The Rev has decided all manner of hues though and Mrs Pearson moved to remain in Canada- notwithstanding i SSLSlySS iived there nine then The Leading Reliable each one were formed of a mighty coruscating stone some a ruby Borne a sapphire some an em- Church has been aCcted duties flrMpaf comment on Sept 1st the vacation a period of July and August to be sup- In a flashing glory p i is as WOW we resume our Failing health caused him to leave earthbonds we look forward with The Perfection Oil Stove Will meet your wants for summer stove Free trial given A Id these days Of higher education for some very simple and useful accomplishments are apt to be They are accomplishments that one need not attend college to learn and yet they arc as valuable ah essential anything taught the most seminary With out them no girlfi educations is com- Here a of things that every girj in land should know re- of her position in life She should know that twenty el a make a dollar She should know how arrange every room in the house should how to say ard mean it or- Yes and stick She Should know how to sew on buttons darn stockings mend gloves- should know how to cook and serve a good wholesome dinner fine should know how to dress for health comfort as well as for he should know that the more fihe lhei within her income the more she Will save and the farther she will get from poverty She should know that it is best to regard habit and moral and not in choosing her associates ftfce should know how to with in her income and to wear a calico Mw like a fihe should know to embrace fatty opportunity for reading and bow to select such hooks as ill give her the most useful and ractlcal In formation In order to make the beat progress in earlier well as later home and school life A girl who combines all her regular school will be well equipped for almost position In life The and will have travelling dairy demonstrations on their linos next month County Womens Institute Meetings of the above society be held as follows Public Hall Friday King Halls Hall Satur day May Mrs Geo Fetchs Home Monday May School room of Friends Church Tuesday May Presbyterian June Kesvick Thursday June Albert Methodist Church Friday June The above meetings will be held at 2 pm And will be of special Interest to all women Even School girls will find much of value and profit in the addresses and demonstrations The speaker will be Mrs Mrs Ash ley Is an experienced and train ed speaker who presents her Intensely Instructive subjects in ft manner whereby her audience may readily grasp important ideas with which they are filled Her varied experience In public life constitute a speaker of high quality Subjects Prevention of Consumption The Feeding and Care of Infants The of the Body Sanitation and Hygiene What Constitutes Home Upon the Cot All ladles be made the farm sixteen years ago when he came to Osceola to make his home Mr Pearson was horn of Quaker parentage When a young than ho united with the church and i later with the Church of Cod being baptized in the Cedar River He re mained steadfast in faith In Jesus Christ to the end He systema tic in his study of the Bible strong defence of temperance ami ever cast his vote for righteousness Honesty uprightness kindness to all and cheer fulness in disposition were leading traits of his lovable character Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday May at a pm conducted by Rev Roberts ot the Christian church assisted the Baptist church an old friend of the family Interment in the family lot in Fremont cemetery Geo Buchanan of Brock vllle was severely burned a gasoline explo sion on his motor boat George Coleman and Arthur Oar- who were Injured In the Hull explosion are dead a total death list of eleven persons were drowned in a collision Lake Huron between the freight steamers Goodyear and J IS Wood Field Si Garden AT- Drug Store Can lit Co Phone to and from trains handled with despatch more intensified desire to the time when emancipated tram mels Can range at will through the great Universes of God How fatuous the folly of those who for getting film or persistently disobey ing the world will instead ho exiled to the darkness EDITORS i An editor died and slowly wended his way to where he supposed a warm reception awaited him The devil met him and said For many years IJou hast borne the blame for the many errors the printers made in the paper The paper has gone alas for one dollar and the one dollar of ten failed to come In The printers have reviled thee on Saturday night for wages when thou riot one cent to thy name Men have taken the paper without paying for it giv en their printing to a rival and cursed thc for not getting a better paper When politicians succeeded with thy help they took all the credit and rewards to themselves and when they lost through their own crookedness the blame was all heap ed upon thy and thou was cursed lor not supporting the party enthusiasm too the preachers by divine inspiration have called the pillars of the church to gether to devise a boycott against thee in the name of the Lord and thundered denunciations of thee from their pulpits Thou hast been called a by exposed grafters when they found that truth and law were a protection to thee and a libel suit could not be sustained All this thou hast borne In silence and therefore cannot enter here and satan reject ed him saying Heaven is thy home and besides If permitted to come in here thou continually dun de linquent subscribers for our habita tion Is full of them and thus create disorder Inmy kingdom So the editor went thence from the place to which he had been directed by Moral reformers at his earthly habi tation and did the best he could with the harp presented to by St le at the other gate for he bad erbelonged to the Citizens hand When the church grafts on this World it Is not strange It ceases to bear the fruits of another world North Yorks Greatest AGENTS- R LADLES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS i- I We willingly return your money lor any goods returned within a week from date purchase GLOV TH A talk on Shoe Comfort by Her Majesty Miss Canada I always wear Re Undo Shoes because they are so comfortable and stylish Most new shoes pinch and cramp the feet making graceful walking impossible Relindo Shoes are soft and pli able the soles are flexible yielding readily to every move ment of the foot Then the Cushion Heel is just delightful This Heel is honeycombed with air cells One literally walks on air wearing Relindo Shoes Cushion Heel is all nails and tacks are riveted below the cushion This effects a considerable saving in wear and tear on stockings adds months to the life ones hosiery No wonder Relindo Shoes are called Gloves jortlie feet I w Wl M Purchase of Manufacturers Samples ffl CLEARING AT Without doubt the greatest bargain hurricane in Summer Footwear that over truck Newmar ket is raffing now at A largo manufacturer offered us all his travellers Summer Samples at prices that will not cover the cost of the materials and the Goods are here You Know Arc to A Kit You that makers put their best finishing touches on samples thats human nature ho you know that in all monster special purchase every pair is deserving of all the good words we can say about thorn Now for MoneySaving of the Most HALF PRIG For Mens and Boys Can vas Yachting Running and Shoes Jll a Pair For Mens and Boys Solid Leather Boots Working and Farm Laborers Sensational KinT Makers Cost For Shoes and Oxfords for every Man and Boy black and tan kid box and calf kip and- patent Immense array to choose from Pair I For Mens Hitch Cut Romeo House Shoes in black or tan leather We havent room to begin to tell you of the many bargains come exacting the biggest Footwear Savings in Newmarkets history and no body will bo disappointed i And Buy Without Delay The Mens Wear rf

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