l vr Tbos J Robertson Barring- Notary Main Street to l prank Demean AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical and Decorator Millard Street Dp dentist St 1 Dr Wilkinson in Block Newmarket Btieflets an of nature its h in should keep t on Ms- or her lot doesnt inspire own son last night May 13tfa He found the of his residence at about 1030 oclock by his daugh ter Miss Kassa Bailey Heart trou ble was the cause of death has not been feeling well for two or three weeks and had Been receiving treatment from a specialist in Los Angeles Last evening went to the at about London May The body of Ed- nearly every bell in London oclock saying he would return in a ward VII lateKing of England and tolling the air seeming vibrate short time At oclock he foremost ATTENDED BY NINE MONARCHS AND FIVE MILLION PEOPLE clock he foremost among the rulers of the with their sonorous motes of sot row Main earth was laid to rest today in St A Long Procession the Georges Chapel Windsor where i liymao of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Era Office Newmarket at private residence If NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Call Before Ordering CAS8IDY Dp S J Boyd to medicine of Toronto also Licenslato of the College of Physicians and of tie Royal College of Former clinical an latent fa Eye Hospital and Unl- Collage Ear Nose and Throat London England Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No may be had at any hour fee day or night by calling at the or phono a per- feeling to was at the corner of Sixth and S t0 find talking to William his scraknin over two having walked homeward thati far DM on en other British Kings are buried It It took two hours minutes for the procession to cover the three Miles from Westminster Hall to Paddington stati6n the latter being reached at 1157 The coffin was quickly trans ferred from the gun carriage to the car and the run to Windsor was made in half an hour the body As Ed Forhan of Newmarket mt R0V worlds thrones took parHnthe arrivin the latter place at to alight downstairs and turned on the G Bands car opposite sSs office guns and the North Toronto Friday tolling of bells accompanied t move- he fell from the rear platform body ft ft of the were passing carry was even greater than Ed- in turn tk into the house Physicians were call- dead e greater than Ed- flSf filM tfSK They said life had been extinct Ttenation tcnlay P for some time- so in the universal if The indications are that Dr Bailey paid to the dead peacemaker man arrived home from world has ever seen and literally toeater at about 1030 oclock She speaking the world did see it for Mondivi2ti the moon found Dr Baileys key in the door nine the official re- S which she thought unusual His hat presentatives of other great powers was in the house Miss Bailey went a host of lesser royal includ- From Metropolitan mother and learned tle heirs apparent to of the that her father had not return ship l to alight a lights tan oar rtnnrwif Vi Jiis head on the pavement He was picked up unconscious and the police ambulance was summoned He was taken to St Michaels Hospital where it was found that he was slight concussion of the hrain The age He came home on Monday were ever seen in London At arriving home had an attack of The procession- left Westminster improving rapid and jj- I the procssio The po ice Dr to Ann St and soldiers had to fight to prevent to Santa Anna never lacking n imposing lines 8Wept Bailey came about thirtythree years ago and was and spectacular features Santa Anas pioneer physician He was active in many public en terprises He was president for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in a great inter- away by the crush There were many limbs bro- Fainted ken and other injuries were received Two weeks of mourning for the of persons fainted and es- King and preparation for the the women who had funeral had wrought the populace to a cen t on the pavement for high nervous tension Hundreds fainted the vast throngs that lined Furnace Work 3 of Our A New Pastor Shortly after Conference Alex Mackenzie from New York- State will take charge of the Christian Church in this town Referring to souiei took his removal the Rochester Democrat has the following l Joseph Bailey was a After finishing his tenth vear as England His parents moved the route from Westminster Hall to pastor of the Christian Church of t0 station and forty Greece Rev Alexander Mac- graduated In medicine from the lances were kept busy Despite the will begin a new work on University of Toronto and presence of soldiers and sever- ly with the First Christian College Montreal and in al thousand policemen along the line Church of Newmarket Ontario Van- of march the crowds were so dense ada Mr Mackenzie had a Santa Aua from Port and the people so distraught that nu- of success in his pastorate at Huron Mich in merous parties were narrowly averted North Greece The church baptized into the Baptist There is- no way of arriving at an manv members and a hcbsa of church in Toronto and was a mem- accurate estimate of the number worship has been built without lav- of Tabernacle when people who witnessed or rather tried a a burden of debt on ha in England to witness the profession They not I Dr Bailey is survived by his wife only packed the line of inarch but daughter the late Rev Hugh filled all the side streets covered the Bee Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS Lacrosse A number of lacrosse enthusiast met together in Bradford one evening Bradford and recently and the schedule drawn up is as follows Newmarket at Bradford June Bradford at Newmarket July Newmarket at Bradford July 27 Bradford at Newmarket Aug Juvenile Schedule Newmarket at Aurora June Bradford at Newmarket June at Aurora June Aurora at June 25 Aurora at Bradford June 29 at Newmarket July 2 Newmarket at Bradford July Newmarket at July Aurora at Newmarket July 21 Bradford at Aurora July Barrie at Bradford Aug Bradford at Aug and Mrs Will son of roofs of houses and even fought for Can and his daughter Kassa V positions at points where there was Bailey his sister Mrs Samuel Lukes no possibility ol obtaining a view of two brothers the pageant peo ple either saw or tried to see it Crowds Were Decorous The spectators began arriving he- fore midnight and by dawn the streets were jammed The patience of these thousands and the evident desire to show honor to the dead ruler by decorous as possible was lonial to the affection SOE Church Parade The annual church parade of Lodge Newmarket No took place Sunday evening to St Pauls Church where the rector Rev J W MA preached an eloouent and impressive sermon has- as nee ine his remarks upon the words found a striking in Samuel Chap verse in which gmi4 was held Despite And all the people shouted and their be efforts however the crowds- said Save the King the a being forced beyond Hie line of soldiers into the narrow space reserved for the parade and the to flghf them back dress taking the form a greeting to the new King The service Was fully choral and full of inspiration to present line the Offertory Walter Green The Holy City Adams SOUS New Grocery feYa Stock of New Fruits all Cuxrante Ftp Peels ln rapes Oranges Alto all the CANNED GOODS Corn Salmon from the Cannerlw GROCERIES Are and the that money can buy Our Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS A FATHERS DUTY It at the close of a dreary day and a group of people had gathered around the open fireside and with the drawn blinds shutting out the darkness were soon enjoying them selves utterly forgetful of the gloom without the bright room Conversation was lively and many were the jokes passed and the funny stories told and finally the talk drift ed to serious subjects One old grayhaired man spoke You know that most men bestow the honor and glory of the formation of their characters upon their moth er and I do not want to detract one atom from the influence of a mother hut I feel that my father really made me My father and I were very dear to each other for as soon as I able to walk what he did I did my father sat on the ol a rail fence so did I If father to town so did J In fact we were aJvy together in waklroj momenta it it was possible so to be I need ed no boy chum to Have a good time I had father and I shall always Farm Produce Excellent market last Saturday and big crowd in town The prevailing prices were Eggs Butter per lb Dressed Chickens per It Potatoes per bag Tornatoe Plants Asters Celery Rhubarb Onion Live Chickens per lb Old Mens He per lb Live Geese per lb Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons 20c per pair Hides 0lOc per lb Calf Skins pet lb Seventy iuvuibei were loyalty Aurora up a good contingent parade of Germany immediately vas headed by the Mili- King George was nearly thrown Band which played well under spirited the new leader Mr Mansfield late frightened and plunged Of the Surrey Regiment The return Reared violently Soldiers grabbed inarch to the lodge room was wit- the maddened animal by a large number of in quieting him Nearly Thrown A moment of excitement occurred gave me- the of the procession when th ahout and jt j of brother of the King rode with Emperor All wishing to join in the Aurora was and warm church parade to the Methodist church there were prophecies of his life so pure and true whioh led me to he- a Christian When I was a girl an old lady we lived in Virginia and in that ago of the world people went to as regular as a Sunday came unless they were ill and the old people went to Sunday school too My father never told to go Jo are requested to be at lodge room next Sunday evening at sharp INTERESTING TO Try OUR BREAD Bins of as good COOKED to HiaixUoa or Hoc Joseph J The marriage was solemnicd on May in Peterborough at the home of the brides after of Miss Margaret McFarlanc young est daughter of Mr A and Mr Joseph Harrison Cain Ron of Mr Thomas Cain of Toronto for merly of Newmarket The ceremony was conducted by the J Potter The bride was given away by her father and wore a gown Of white liberty with embroidered panels studded with pearls bridal veil and wreath of orange blossoms and carried rosea and lilies of the valley The attendants were Hazel McNeil in pale blue With hat to match and pink roses little Miss Elinor Meek of of Port Arthur the bride girl ami Mr M who supported the groom Miss Ma bel Sing of Toronto played die Wedding march Mr and Mrs Gain left later for Detroit and Chicago and on their return will reside at Balmy Beach The going away gown was grey French serge with hat to match Found Dead on His Steps The following is clipped from Santa Ana Register California Kes wick Dr Baileys boyhood home and the two brothers mentioned are Mr T Bailey of Portage la Prai rie and MrMamucl Bailey of Victoria BC The Dr Bailey visited friends in Newmarket seven years ago clipping says Dr Joseph Bailey a pioneer physicians of his city died suddenly at his borne North Broadway We can express in one word the reason for the wonderful manufacturing was suspended temporarily Sunday school and I guess some do not even tell their child- thunderstorms following the or said last night Kings Dog in procession Among the touching that marked the none affect ed the crowd more than the act Alexandra the Queen Mother who be fore entering her carriage in the pro cession l stopped and stroked the mane of Ihc late Kings favorite charger and the head of Cae a fox terrier of which Edward was very fond The terrier was brought to tin- palace today by a giant Highlander It has whined constantly since the death of the King and was today placed under the care of a veterinary The Highlander led the dog In the Immediately ahead of the carriages Alexandras White Face The widowed Queen rode in a glass- paneled carriage accompanied by her sister the Dowager Czarina and her two daughters Her white ace show ed her grief and the deep est sympathy of the spectators was aroused at sight of her Another feature ttic parade was the presence on opposite sides of the gun carriage that bore the Kings of favorite footman and valet with the procession every railway tram and street car throughout real sloppcl for intervals from Wo to mm i- n 1 success of Art Shoes for Women and that word is sat isfaction It means every thing right style perfect fit and the knowledge that your shoes are correct and will keep their shape while you wear them No matter what price you pay you wont get more in shoos ft We arc agents for Art Shoes YORK Chief interest naWraUv In the roup of nine that rode on horseback almost immediately behind the carriage Kaiser Kissed The royal women in the muunin its lime to go to Sunday school and he went with us One man said I cannot re member when my father ever took inc to church or talked it either as it is always with him In fact he never has time to think of me or even to listen to anything which interests me If am in need money f to hi in for it and then he talks and says I am very extravagant hut as to me In any of Illy battles he never has and sometimes have wanted his advice so badly in my struggles That is the fault or the world to day said the first speaker there Is never any time for anything hut the present and the best things life arc lost Fathers are absorbed in their business and the mothers arc lost in social affairs while the child like of old just grows up wonder how many fathers today ever think of the passage And ye fath ers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up In the nur ture and admonition of the is not right for the fathers to cast all the responsibility upon the moth ers or vice versa In bringing up their children let each do their own parts Oh mothers and lathers but espe cially the fathers we plead with you to rely more upon these things which do not perish for if by pure lives you lead your children to be pure upright men wo men you have gained riches and hon or which shall not perish and a peace which the world never gives ladies raised a little ov- in their button campaign to assist the A What is a baby The prince party arrived at Westminster Hall The inhabitant of the morning caller noonday crawler mid night brawler the only precious her a State carriages the QueenMother and with the deepest emotion as from her carriage en- that never excites envy Westminster Hall on arm the hearts of all class- son- King George The royal tne poor alike In all mourners were alone by of countries a stranger wiUi dead King only n lew moments chcok a bouse was announced that procession was ready to start the Then I stitch to his back and Is re- with open arms by everyone HARDWARE STOR s IO I You Can Save Money By Buying From Us I Full Line il Electric Light Supplies i ft f 1 Paints Glass Etc i in new K I I A WE ARE ft raH rf i the New Colors in Stock Toronto Jobbing Bouse VQ THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR YCAR8 D are favorably ihrough- vhere hey hate done busi for over years of have been cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their Method Treatment When you treat with them you know you ore dealing with iviatis they and occupy their office building hi letrolt valued When they decide your case curable all your won y la removed for you know they will not deceive you They guarantee to cure all curable cases mutter how niauy doctors have failed to benefit you no matter how much money you in no matter how you may I dont give up in des pair until you ret a free opinion from these master specialists If are at present within the clutches of any habit which Is sapping your life by degrees if you are suffering from results of ran Indiscre tions if your blood hat tainted from any private disease JTOU dare not merry If you are married and live In dread of symp toms breaking out and exposing your paM If you are suffering as Iheresult of a mis- spent lifeDrt A aro your Refuge Lay your cae before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly If you are curable Da Medical Director or K K i CONSULTATION FREE Book Free on of Men If to call write for a Blank for HOME TREATMENT YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Treat and Cur VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER Dieaes and Peculiar to Men iff l Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich AH letters from Canada must he addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor- Ont If you to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Write for our private ftddreis I We it to the community in which do everything we can In every way possible that will be to its advantage Our neighbors prosperity means a great deal more to us than someones who lives else where should bear this- in mind In btrying our goods We can afford to pay our home man a firm price for wares than send money away knowing as we do that every dollar our own citizen makes will help in sustaining out schools churches and public institutions It pays richly to patronie home industry Men will be honest with one an other when they arc honest with themselves L Fullness and Bloating After Eating Cure or your money back At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO Toronto A ill