Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1910, p. 3

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ft v ST OS Sporting Item Biff Four Baseball Team would like a games for Saturday s Write Mr Jack Lester grboume st Toronto fireworks On the evening of Victoria Day for hour or more all parte of the Town were illuminated with the py rotechnic display from individual as well as the Fair Grounds friends Quarterly Meeting next Saturday Sunday Business meeting Sat- afternoon at Sunday services 11 am and 7- pm public cordially invited i Vacuum Cleaner For Kent per day Bums broken One evening last week as Mr Hen ry was passing the Fire Hall he tripped on something and fell force to the granolithic pavement that a rib was broken in rtiequence of some substance he was ttr in his vest pocket Womens Institute The Newmarket branch of the North York Womens Institute will hold meeting on May 31st in the Schoolroom of the Friends Church y Ashley will give one of ter very interesting lectured We ate assured that Mrs Ashley is an speaker an1 her addresses are most attractive Correction new bought Mr J Pipherqn Timothy Bold to him Mr Robt who had previousl purchased from Col Allan Newmarket Ahead There was a big crowd at Richmond Hill and a big Spring Fair Mr Robert Mathewson of Newmarket won first prize on his Roadster and also first prize oh Gents Turnout Mr John H Proctor won the red ticket on his span of Roadsters The King is Dead Live the King PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs visited the latters home at Holt last week Miss Maude McCoy of the Toronto Conservatory of Music visited with Miss over Sunday Lawn Mower Bargains A few left in the 14 and in 20 per cent- on while they last Hardware Methodist Church The pastor gave a very carefully prepared essay the life of Edward last Sunday morning the Vice taking the nature of a memorial Accident While celebrating on the morning of the 24ttf with several other boys Master Cameron Allan only son of Col Allan nearly lost his eyesight through being too close to the charge of a small canon they were playing with His face was consid- torn with the powder but no se rious results are anticipated Presentation Last Monday evening at the usual Epworth League meeting it was tne intention of the Leaguers and the Bible Class to make a presen tation to Mr and Mrs J Wright but the young couple did not make their appearance at the meeting and it was then decided to visit their home on street which they forthwith did About thirty young people varied Mr and Mrs Wright and after gaining admission to the residence they explained to them the meaning of such goingson and pro ceeded to amend matters Miss Flo rence read the following ad dress and Mr Fred Sherwood pre sented to them a handsome Morris Chair To Mr and Mrs J Wright Dear Friend We your fellow mem bers of the Newmarket League and Bible Class wish to take this opportunity of presenting their congratulations upon the happy event of your recent marriage As members of- the League we have always felt your helpful Interest in lour work and have always found you ready with your assistance in any of our undertakings While you have have been among those whose voices have heard most often yet we all felt the quiet helpful influ ence of your lives It is true that The day of the funeral of his late M WMMM Majesty King Edward Friday tte S last was by proclamation of the r Mayor a holiday in Flags were flown at half-mast- Toronto spent the latter part of last was ehtirely suspended and many I their Mr C of tie merchants bad the kings trait in their store windows le draped in purple and black I Muriel Van who has been on At amTa prescribed memorial ck list for the past two was held a St Pauls church again I the rector Rev J Blackler giv- Skinner came up from the fog an address The service proper the th her- home was a counterpart of that held at the same hour in Westminster Abbey Cedar quite a busy burg London England since the fishing season is The official 1 BRUWTONS BAKING POWDER AND NEVER an i fr- FASHION BOOK With Patterns If memorial service took T the Public School Grounds o fully appreciate the trouti R with NEW GREY MIXTURES inches wide Pure AllWool regular for 35c yard inch Diagonal Serge AllWool all shades regular 65c for yard inch Sell Cold Stripes AllWool all the new for yard WASH GOODS inch Cotton Cashmere all shades regular while they last COTTON DELAINES Polka Dote and Figures 10c yard Our Wash Goods Display this season is the best eer shown in this The cheap est place in the trade to buy your boots for men women yard country The newest fabrics are Cotton Diagonals Satin Silk Finished Linen Su iting Dress Ducks- Vestings in Black Chambrays in Plain Striped and Checks Muslins in Checks and Stripes Pique Dimity Persian Lawn and many other good things We shall be pleased to show you even if you are not prepared to buy place On v a j vefitlDC at pm Solemnity impressive- they carry away with them consider- in Plain Striped and Checks Muslin and dignity marked the occasion number of times they visit Crowds of citizens lined the streets and all the bells in town solemnly Miss Flossie Collins of tolled as the procession left the Fire visited her friend Miss Gertrude Sirrs Hall headed by Newmarket Militaryover Sunday Band with muffled drums playing Mrs and children and Mrs the Dead March in Saul Aurora Earnest of Toronto visited Mr and Co No Regiment under the Mrs Frank PJayter the latter part Collision Ofl Lake command of Capt Taylor Closely of last week I lowed being the finest body of The funeral of the Brandon baby Detroit May With her how men seen in Newmarket for was well attended last Saturday bulkheads full of many years Allan and Ma- Mr and Mrs Brandon have our- sym- and her pumps only keeping were in full regimentals in their bereavement a the steamer James Following the militia were members Cans Porly and Beans for Potted Red Cherries per tin 12 Bars of Soap 25c 6 Bars of Boras Soap and cake of Infants Delight Soap for Choice Pink Salmon per tin Bulk Pickles per quart A Wood limped into port here yesterday of- Town Council Public and Wflrn morning- with the terrible news that School Hoards Civic Officials repje- S nerOlSfl til VaiTl sentatives of the S O and I F Societies and many citizens The arch at the west entrance of the school and also a platform erect- Moore to save his children from on the ground were tastefully drap- burning farmhouse his little girl was ed in Royal purple and a standard burned to death and his infant child floated at halfmast fatally injured On platform were seated the The fire broke out at seven this Mayor Reeve Clerk and Council and morning while Moore and his wife were attending to the milking A in a collision between herself and the Frank H Goodyear eighteen of the Hastings Co May crcw of twentythree of the Goodyear Despite the heroic of Tom drowned a The two vessels came together wibh- mis irtranfc me wvuic strongest influence for for late King and the text being which he exerted in this wo Blessed are the peacemakers of a life which avoids and was a valuable historical record of m IMIWBVO j regime which was appreciated by exercised perhaps congregation an which has count ed for rnuch- local clergv Prayer being offered by the Rev young son left at home spied flames a brief address by the and rushed out to warn his parents Mayor and a masterly eulogy deliv- Moore Hashed into the midst of the by the Rev Cornell follow- fire in a futile search while he by the singing of Lead Kingly self was badly scorched in a vain effort Light led by the Band to save his two young children Rev F Thomas who had dealt at length with the subject before his own congregation repeated in Several Chinese were killed and a his very excellent discourse Rev chapel destroyed in riots near closed the proceedings by a brief prayer Rev Father Whit- Twentytwo persons were drowned for although occupying a place on ft between two rid is the platform was not called on to fa fte Channel take a special part in the exercises out warning at six oclock Monday morning about forty miles off Point Basques in Lake Huron during a dense fog Struck squarely amidships the Goodyear was literally cut in two ami went down in less than two minutes st earners i choose the there you have a steady falling rain necessitated chooses i conclusion of the ceremonies More Glass Broken As a member of the Bible On Monday night a pane glass you Norman ha a broken in doorway of Partys help mim the same night some enthusiasm for good clean sport the in the of spirit of Awards your tte residence of Mr Boyd the carter members have endeared ou to or Mn St north This wanton dc- hearts and tove of property must not he al- actor in the life and ac to continue We understand in thc that the mice have secured names Wc rejoice of connected with the of your week and interesting and take tins WJwty it our sincere hope uiittE are anticipated jjj to each other in a happv prosperous and useful life and We trust that we shall still have your interest and help In our work Not a small part of our pleasure lies the fact that you will still be amongst us and we trust of us- in Vltt helpfulness as in the a small token our regard arid esteem of hope for you of a Waterproof Canvas Mil and Gloves pair at Binns Hardware oe In Memory of Mabel Carter Who died May 4 1010 shall- Edward We all do fade as a She lived leaf is Thafc Of winter seemed to blow Save the Only to lay her low I She livid to show how Ho Lacrosse Club Sports Ideal weather prevailed on and the Sports under the au of Lacrosse Club I at the Exhibition future spent tet- a huge success in the love and service of Our it be accept this vou look on it throughout the future may it of ton carry your Though It parade was a in its magnitude those did take part deserved far better appreciation they At am the of the day place in the la- From every corner of the earth Is hushed the of- joy and mirth I No more on throne reign Yet Canadas loss gain After the singing of King accompanied by the Rand with thc standard run up to the stills stormy sea masthead the procession reformed the winters power and marched townward Our And aHve tJC y flower tor being the march tune Can bear the young lamb in his arms The Newmarket Hand never appear- deaths alarms til to better advantage than on the occasion above named and the She died- training of the excellent new When spring with brightest flowers leader Mansfield was freshening all the bowers thoroughly evinced The martial The linnet sung her choicest lay spirit of Allan commander When her sweet voice was hushed for of the was marked by the loyal- aye tint allowed him to decline The snowdrops rose above the ground viUiliitii to appear to appear on the stall of Gen Cotton in Toronto for the pity garrison parade and Instead Officiated in Newmarket and at his own personal expense bringing iron Aurora the company of militia that paraded here J I c between and Aurora won out by a of About 10Mile Mara thon Race was called the following j line in quit succession wellchosen 2ndlacey pm a Match- be- would both Wilkinson League Class i Mr in a Tew excellent and thanked the for their extreme kindness explained them that they continue members of also hold he WM and he would ail College High School W w was played resulting in a for last to by a score of VlceI The were the other races Hie following were the other races during afternoon with the v Two 1st Fee 2nd Mile Fee 2nd McKay Milela Oliver Wilson 2nd rdht Barry 2nd it ion 1st 2nd ird fijii teVA and St Simons Send the ERA to absent 29 again by a was played if- learn won the la Wire in the evening the drawing the Concert which jro ucccS we might Military i- v hard to- beat fttjishing touch to program frlv the band fer of hreworkB by the Many people I Diamonds- Let us talk dia monds Vou want a dia mond ring Now why go to the city and pay to per cent more for a stone than we you oie for 9 to Edmonton Ottawa May is con siderable comment here upon the an nouncement of the Public Works De partment that the Government is about to investigate the feasibility constructing a waterway from Lake Superior to Edmonton via Winni peg Five surveying parties will start work tois upon the proposed waterway from hake the The route from Win nipeg east Will be explored later on This is substantially the canal and is designed to connect Alberta with the sea as a part of the Georgian Bay canal scheme A daring plot against the life the King of Spain has been unearth ed When she beneath her pillow found Both cold and white ami fair- She lied to teach us all The loveliest must fall A curse is written on brow Of beauty and the lovers vow Cannot retain the flitting breath Nor ave from all devouring death She lives The spirit left the earth And lie who gave her birth called her to His dread abode To meet her Saviour and her God She lives to tell how blest Is the rest Of those who in the Lambs blood laved Are chosen sanctified and saved Hoy fearful is their doom Who into the tomb Without- a covert from thc Of Him who is consuming fire She shall live The grave shall yield his rire When from the rending skies shall with shouting angels come To wake the slumbers of the tomb And many more shall rise Before our longing eyes may we all together meet Embracing the Redeemers feet The grounding of a second boat at the caused a big blockade in the canal traffic The vessel steamer Dope was released without damage Live Stock Market Mutton prices likely to go lower cattle market somewhat uncertain higher prices for hogs This seems to about summarize the live stock situation as it appears at present time Sheep have been gradually weaken ing in the American markets tor some time past In cattle thc situation is somewhat uncertain but American authorities estimate that the available supply of grass fed will be per cent less than last year Ontario feeders who have bought high this spring for grass finishing are not unlikely to lose on their buying The best prices for export cattle in Toronto this week were over per ranging as high as and VIM Good butcher cattle sold at and in many instances and very few of the best loads went for less than The and common grades of butcher steers and heifers brought from to is being paid for export ewes and for lambs Hogs arc steady at oil cars in Toronto The Specialty Dress Goods Millinery House 25o Soli m a i all Black Sateen Underskirts Embroidery flounce regular for cents Black Underskirts regular for Black Underskirts regular for 10 pieces of White Flouncing regular 45 for 25c One Lot of White Lawn Blouses regular 1 BO for cents AllWool Panama Cloth 54 inches wide regular for Voiles in brown green navy and grey regular 50c for 35c yd Fancy Stripe Dress Goods in all latest shades Special 35c yard Ladies Hosiery black plain colored and fancy special price per pair f PHONE W LUNDY o Newmarket Markets May 1910- Wheat per hush l 1 Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per ft Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 0 23 25 00 Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS I 00 Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London Now York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Oatario Dank Branch will be iccommodaia as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH J ill will That hell superiority of filspiay Goodwin president of the Club deserve credit for way sports and games and it the general everything thru- out tie Any the complete all in what you actually do If we have nothing to suit you Id stock we can on a few hours notice give you a fine selection to from and at no city dealer will offer you dont be deceived We stand 16- goods I fi CO end and Tickets Marriage Phone Issuer of Toronto Markets May Fall Wheat icr bush 1 loose Wheat per bush Barley per bush Oats per Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per IK Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per Turkeys per lb 0 2i- ass 23 0 0 j 20 Agents for Barrio Bread a three pound loaf full weight tad the quality never fails always superior also a variety of Fancy Bread Boston Brown etc do Bottles Pickles English bottle lbs Dried Applca bright ck 5c lb Bars Sunlight or Lifebuoy Soap for 25o CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Special values in Toilet Sets for days our Window genuine snaps all at greatly reduced prices Sco our Table of Specials at any article Some regular and goods HOWARD on all purchases of Boots and Shoes Dress Goods Silks Linens Cottons Rib bons Laces Embroidery Dress Trimmings Umbrellas Corsets Under wear Skirts Blouses Jackets Hosiery Gloves Crockery Groceries Carpets Oilcloths Linoleums Oh 2nd Floor per cent Discount on All and Boys Boots and Shoes Clothing Hats and Caps Furnishings Come and find out what Cutting In Prices WE ARE DOING Clearing out at Half PrlcelOo for l2Jo fo 6 for 20o for 26o for I

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