Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1910, p. 8

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v fl THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 1910 If i Free Alcohol Since May Sar- has been entirely free from alcohol If you are In poor health weak pale nerv ous ask your doctor about tak ing this nonalcoholic tonic and alterative If he has a better medicine take his Get the best always This is our advice our 9 our lire to doctor A sluggish liver means a coxtedtongue bad and constipated bowels The question is What is the best thing to do under such circumstances Ask your doctor if this is not a good answer Take laxative doses of AVers Pills by J Ay House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and oft water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale Two Choice Building Lots in New market in excellent locations Apply to E JACKSON 3wl0 For Sale Brick House rooms domestic water and New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket FOR SALE XL- Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to AR For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with feet frontage Fine building lot Hard and soft water on the place Must be sold as the owner is going West Apply on the premises THOS Superior Newmarket ound Hie Hot WIDEAWAKE AND COR- TO King Township Telephone op- j crating in the north part of King Township with exchanges at Kettle- and Aurora are making big ex- this spring on concessions J and About six miles of new pole line will be added new- phones of model the strongest ami best instruments made are being installed this month A new direct ory will be issued in May for subscribers and business men This line has connection with the Bell for local and long distance at Aurora and is thus connected with all the rural exchanges in the county A phone is not counted an expense but a time and money saver to the progressive farmer A new circuit on the 2nd con is likely to he added this sum mer AURORA One or more Constables will the streets in the evenings on af ter May 1 when local option comes in force in Newmarket in the event of the rowdy element coming down here from that place for a time James of Whitchurch came into town on Wednesday and notwithstanding he has been on the Indian list for some time managed to get enough whiskey to make him drunk Chief Fetch found him lying on the sidewalk and locked him up He spent Tuesday night in the lock up and Wednesday morning the Chief laid information against him lie appeared Magistrate A Love who fined him SIC and costs the whole amounting to over From the evidence given it appears he got the liquor from a man by the name of who claimed he did not know was on the Indian list Banner UDORA I Oar ToFonfo tf T B TOO GOOD A CUSTOMER 1 A young man entered the barroom of a village tavern ana calico for a INSURE- YOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness fire and lightning for terms of 3 or months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot of houses lots for sale also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms For Sale That valuable property on Huron street Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead and A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees And hedges Flowing well Furnace J and Stable A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars sec J Executors of Estate What have been a fatal acci dent occurred on Friday last when Archibald Reid Win Greenwood and Mrs Moss were going to funeral of the late George Fawns On ap proaching the gate of Henry Tiffin the dog happened to he sitting on the fence and jumping to the ground frightened the horse and as it bolted sideways the occupants of the buggy were dashed to the ground The bug gy top being up and the rig being turned completely upside down it was a miracle that all three were not killed hut all got off with a se vere bruising and without broken hones Elizabeth Ann the subject of this brief sketch born in the County of Ireland seven tyfour years ago and on coming to this country with her parents settled in the Township of Whitby whin she was fifteen years of age At the age Of twentytwo she was married to Titos Skinner of the Townshl of ami together they hewed out a home for themselves and fami ly of whom there were three daugh tersMrs Wat man of Toronto Mrs Frank deceased and Mrs George Robinson of and five sons John Robert Thomas Kg ward In early life Mrs Skin ner became a member of the Metho dist Church and lived and died in the Christian faith The aged father and his daughters and sons have the sympathy of the neighborhood The which was held oh Thursday April was largely attend ed and after divine service at tie- home of George Robinson the re mains interred in St Johns cemetery Journal 108 A COLD IN ONE DAY The Great and Cough Medicine GUARANTIED a bottle at all stores Mrs B Be dwell of 337 Pro- Ave St Boniface Winnipeg Bays Some time ago my children took diphtneria and while attending them entered scratch on the second finger of my left hand This became very and bloodpoison ing act iu Fur month after the children were quite well I was suffer ing from shockingly bid fineer The scratch was caused originally a pin and in itself was not at all serious The consequences however of neglect ing this scratch were very serious to me When the bloodpoisoning Bet tried poultices arid a I had In the house however did not the desired e Quite on the contrary Auger became more and more swollen and all- colored It then began to fester and I had to call in a doctor Ho lanced tho to let out pu4 and you can imagine how painful finger was Despite his care however It again and and other prepara tions which the doctor mo seemed unable about any relief doctor thereupon advised Into the Hospital I feared that if I went to the the finger would bo amputated We wore told of a cateslmllartomy own in which had effected acure when everything had failed and the doctor had said thai only amputation save the persons hand We therefore decided to give Zam- a trial A supply procured and we commeacd ZamOulc treatment It only a few to show wUdomof TheDloodpoiaonlng andlntlatnmation reduced the bcime acute and it was evident very shortly that the trouble was reduced to a Jew and still area Wo persevered with the ZmI3ulc and In the the festering sorowaa thoroughly cleaned then healed In under three weolu from firt couimeiiclng tho finger was entirely wells and had we applied In flratplacs of trying ordinary preparation no doubt should saved hours and hours of acute agony AH should not Is a our for fcatrioic cut scratchts from bruttti runts Utter salt faoa sorct Its and all and 0o a box all stores or from Co or Send for of trial box all president Miss I secretary- treasurer Davis committee Misses Edwards and Mrs Messrs Wedlock Smart and Or The Secretary in correspondence re friendly games with nearby clubs The cricket club mi Wednesday afternoon tin meeting being held in Mr J A Armstrongs office The following are the officers elected President lion A vicepresi dent T honor ary vicepresident K captain A M Armstrong secre tarytreasurer M ground committee Messrs Doyle Armstrong Freeh and Coffeys collectors P Doyle and A Weaver and Armstrong Jumping on a delivery wagon for a ride tenyearold had her leg fractured Parents and school teachers should sound a note of warn ing against the dangerous of drink children jumping on passing rigs No said landlord you have It is thought that a yearly agree- had too much already You had ment can be reached between thetJbe delirium tremens once and Toronto Street Railway and Metro- not sell you any more politan Companies by which a street He stepped aside or a cpuple of car service to Mount Pleasant will young men who entered and the land- be an accomplished fact lord waited upon them very politely Fines at the Police Court amount The other stood and sullen to per cent more than the first and when they had finished- he walked three months year Motor up to the landlord and addressed him car speeding and dog muzzling fines as follows Shave largely contributed to thip re- Six years ago at their age I stood where these young men arc I i Two hotelKeepers were fined last was a man with fair prospects Now week for selling liquor to a minor at the ae of twentyeight I am a Lieut Sir Ernest wreck body and mind You led me to the celebrated Ana re tic explorer is drink In this room formed the announced to lecture in Hall bit that has been my ruin on April will be as- I sell me a few glasses and with several social events in your work wilt be done honor of the brave adventurer I I shall Soon be out of the When Herb Varley stabbed his em- there is no for Thought the Disease of the Stomach FRUITATIVES Cured Him way last week while in a temper the subsequent investigation inc They can be saved they may be men again Dont sell it to them out the fact that the women who Sell it to me and let nic die and the with him as his wife possessed world will he rid of me but for husbands all living She was ens sake sell no more to them am arrested for bigamy The landlord listened pale way of beautifying the city this trembling Setting down his he exclaimed God helping me summer the Horticultural is A REMINDER oilcring cash prizes and medals for that is the last drop I will sell to the best window boxes climbing any one And he kept his word creepers flower and front National Advocate gardens in fourteen different sections of the city Last Friday morning Cook was found unconscious on the tracks near Junction by some of the crew of a passing train He is now in the Western Hospital Although he is badly cut up having but we just give it as a broken arm leg and sev- fin1 the Denver Post on the the doctors in a downtown saloon hold out hopes that lie will recover wiping glasses Saturday night Seven more people were fined in when two young men in and the police court last Friday for speed- highballs He served them ing their motors faster the an cfiort to he soci- allows The court docked them This is not a nice story in some ways and the conduct of the man it he open to serious we tells about mav a little booze yourself one rcilied the bar- eachover to the city treasury for Theyll learn after not to risk quite so much Gordon Cameron is now at the hos pital from a fractured skull When coming out of University grounds on his bicycle last Friday he ran into a passing automobile or the motor ran into know which is young Cameron was said thanks tender Dont you use it he was asked Npl any more I used to get out side of barrels of it but I never touch it now YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences FANCY WIRE FENCES A Ike Wire Co Ltd Quality For Sale fcy J The 12000000 on Irrigation work this year Miss Ada i visiting friends In Toronto this week Miss Cora has a position at The Schombefjj cricket has ar ranged for home as follows May St Toronto July I St Albans Toronto August 1 Pioneer Toronto A number from here attended a farewell at the home of Mr J A Thompson about three west of here on Tuesday night Mr and his son lo soon leave for the west and the family move to until they get Incited Mr who was the vic tim of a serious accident at ron latt week was removed to his home in on Friday He progressing favorably- Rev Mr Morris student of College will be Rev Gibsons iixtaiit during the summer Mr Morris preached a very acceptable in itial sermon at on Sunday There was quite an exciting time here one day recently vhen two little girls were from their home Search parlies were out in for nearly three hours hen it vas discovered they their way Into a room at the back of Mr Fergusons house during their absence and were playing with some chop feci The Lady tennis club on Thursday evening The officers are as follows Honorary president J A M Arm strong president A Weaver vice- phone Co is rapidly extending its lines through and West At the present time the company has about one hundred subscribers and sixtyfive new con tracts have been signed and they will be ready for connection in a few weeks It is the intention of the company to extend to Bradford arid Tottenham in the near future Arrangements have been made with the Hoi toil Telephone Co for a free service to all subscribers in King township anil this gives the mer chants and other i subscribers in berg an ideal service The Hell Telephone longdistance vice Is also eoiinccted Willi at the ccn- IN MEMORY I Of Alice who departed life April 20th 1110 Sad and sudden was the call Of our dear sister loved by all Her memory still For oft we shed a silent tear The golden gates were opened The angels whispered come And with farewells unspoken Our dear one entered home One year has gone and still we miss her Never shall her memory fade thoughts will always linger Around the grave where she Is laid A FRIEND thrown from his wheel landing on his head I As Herbert C Hughes aged eigh teen years was leaving the wholesale clothiers establishment of Hums Gibson he was arrested on a charge of theft lie was carrying a bundle of stolen underwear at the time The union business is likely to here A number of char women now propose to form one lion Win KC was sworn in at Hall as a Judge on Friday last blue and primrose yellow are again the official colors of the Cana dian arid Military Horse Show Arthur Harper and Mrs Pearl Har per his wife of street were arrested last Friday on a of theft from the Simpson knitting factory A lot of sweaters and- underwear were found at their residence admitted to have been stolen Miss Olivia Smith Was appointed organizer of the Provincial Legisla tive Suffrage Association at a pub lic meeting last week She will visit the cities and towns of Ontario for purpose of addressing public meet ings and organizing local suffrage as sumptions Of the immigrants reaching the Station last Saturday about half are for Toronto The other half will he distributed in Western Ontario The Swiss Cottage Hospital which had been closed since February was reopened last Friday to receive another case of smallpox being A young man on avenue The Ontario has incor porated the Toronto Arena Co heart Judge a sporting and amusement con cern Citizens are thankful that the charter prohibits the sale of liquor members and also contains an clause The capital is be The company will run games dinners operas picture- shows cm ling bowling boating box- log and wrestling games and various kinds of horse flower and pet shows together with summer mine The man in the apron turned and pointed to the back bar Sec that he aid- The two young men saw a little china doll propped up among the glasses What do you keep that up there for asked one It belonged to a fouryearold girl once said bartender in a low tone lie paused a moment Then he added Old John and I starved her to death Thats just a reminder went hack to wiping glasses and the two young men moved away silently JOE wreck old J J Robins were at ten cents a doen in the markets of a certain Tennessee town last month More than one hundred and fifty thousand It Is were shot or snared In that vicinity A little later each one of those robins alive would have been worth more to the farmer than several dozen of them were to the pothunters No sacrifice of animal life Is so wholly Indefensible the sacrifice of the robins and other song birds Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Guilty or not guilty Guilty your honor its the plea Judge the plea Joe Wreck has been making for years It has been entered against me in all the courts and Im afraid Til Oud it against me in the Courts Above Will be hard on me Up there Judge Will they call me the Wreck and because I have to put in the old plea will they around like a heartless thing You know I cant alter the plea Judge Will there he any mercy when answer guilty in the Court Above Yes up there mercy will he shown even to the Wreck but they will punish the guilty there You are a hard case Joe drunk itways Oh no Judge not i babe the patient on m mothers breast Once was a happy boy playing about her knee a There wasnt a bad thought hot a blotch nor a tear on the face that she kissed One- I was loved- Ah Judge Joe the Wreck was once good enough for a pure women to love loved mofob the past Joe the court pities you bub- Dont Judge dont send me off yet want to let it out of withered heart Once I had a home Joe the Wreck hail a home and Babylonian At a meeting of the Dis trict Committer held at the last Friday night the first draft of the districts for all the series of the association was made The inter mediates of the Toronto district are Place In group five composed of market and St Catharines The new racing hill la rather Are you the Joe that married Bes sie Ah you dont know her then The first I went home and found our cottage bright and warm Bessie smiling and by the little table where waited the tea her will- iV wps the batons New- proudest In the world Judge Something burned In my heart and a swelled in my throat that couldnt Race meete like heaven a real prohibition of handhooks and I street betting Is a distinct advance of my I against the racetr evil L2 lied long ago died even out ams died when she died A largo majority of churches heard from up to the begin ning of thfs week had voted for Joe the court Walt Judge wait for her sake ou told them Joe tlie Wreck won Bessie Let me tell them he wasnt foundry created loss to the mUu of l hcr if I could forget now forget air the church union Chinamen were arrested in Saturday Three serious fires occurred 4 i I i I i Sydney Mines January 1910 For many years I suffered torture from Indigestion and Dyspepsia Two years ago I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly The agony I endured all these years I cannot describe ami I lost over pounds in weight I also suffered with Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse I consulted physicians as I was afraid the disease was cancer but medicine gave only temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever I read in the Maritime Baptist about Fruifcatives and the cures this medicine was making and I decided to try it After taking three boxes I found a great change for the better and now I can say has entirelycured me when every other treatment failed and I reverently say Thank God for I EDWIN ORAM Fruitatives sweetens the stomach increases the flow of gastric juice strengthens the stomach muscles and insures sound digestion The wonderful powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than in curing the apparently hopeless cases of Dyspepsia and Constipation a box for or trial size At dealers or from Limited Ottawa that are dead the hopes have wrecked the graves where Ive buried everything This is a strangcscene in court Joe Will you try to break oil Never Judge I cant The past pushes me on and down I fear the dead back there more than the death before The ghosts all rise up when I turn They follow me in the bright light of day and come to haunt me in the remorseful dreams of night see the old house where I played the mother who taught me a prayer at her knee the father who doted on his only hoy and I see Oh Cod her radiant face under the bri dal veil her face of the heaven of motherhood as she laid our firstborn on her breast her face white and tearwet as she pleaded with me holy with wifely love as she for me the I feel its soft hands Oil my cheek Oh Judge Joe I forget that I am a Judge and pity you with the heart of an erring man Out you Wait Judge inly a word and Joe the Wreck will go if the world only knew If it sec his poor soul hilling from past and the devijs that pursue him They point to their work and mine with shadowy lingers and laugh at the ruin we wrought Yes Im your Honor I have branded my soul with the curse of drink Ay men will look on grave and say Im a Oh the day the years that are gone the graves have filled with their dead Joe Im mad with this ha ha why should I think of the good I am gone to the bad Not Bessie and Joe but ruin and Joe arc wed Sec the boys how they stare at the wreck Ah tis to daylet me put on the old wreck again Now your sentence Judge send me away Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Department of Railways and Canals TRENT CANAL Ontario Rice Lake Division SECTION No Notice to Contractors more All could the in D el ay Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous For Newmarket People to Neglect ft The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before sufferer them Health is gradually undermined Backache- headache nervousness lameness sore ness lumbago urinary troubles drop sy diabetes and Blights disease fol low in merciless succession Dont neglect your kidneys the kid neys with the certain and safe remedy Booths Kidneys Pills which have cured people right hero in Newmarket Mrs ot Queen street Newmarket says Booths Kidney Pills obtained at the J Y Drug Store proved their worth and value in curing my hus band of a complaint that ho thought arose from a disorganized condition of the kidneys Ho had dull drag ging backache pains through the kid neys or kidney regions and In loins and sides It was hard for him to bend stoop or lift and the malady made him run down and weak The of Booths Kidney Pills cur ed tho many aches and pains he had used two boxes Wo give Booths Kidney Pills a sincere recom mend Sold by dealers Price cents The Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Canadian Agents SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Ten der for Trent Canal will he receiv ed until 2C oclock on Thursday the May for the works con nected with the construction on Sec tion No OntarioRice Lake Divi sion of the Canal Plans specifications and the of contract to he entered into can be seen on and after this date at the of fice of the Chief Engineer of the De partment of Railways and Canals Ot tawa and at the office of the Super- intending Engineer Trent Canal tcrboro at which places forms of tender may be obtained Parties tendering will he required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared or to be prepared by the Department of Labori which schedule will form part of the contract Contractors are requested to bear In mind that tenders will not he consid ered unless strictly in accordance with the printed forms and in the lease of firms unless there are attach ed the actual signatures the nature of the occupation and the place of re sidence of each member of the firm An accepted bank cheque for sum of made payable to the Honorable the Minister of Rail ways and Canals must accompany eacli tender which sum will be for feited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates stated in the sub- The cheque thus sent will be re- turned to the respective parties whose tenders arc not accepted The cheque of the successful tender- er will be held as security or part security for the due fulfillment of the contract to be entered into The lowest or any tender not accepted By Order K JONES Secretary- Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa 5tb April Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it We- solicit the business of Manufacturer and others who realize the advlsatC of having their Patent business transact Kxperts Preliminary advice CharstV tiodente Our Inventors Adviser bent t TOL Marion Morion Montreal s t 1 J

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