Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1910, p. 4

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fc L Clh pills Prove It It is one thing to to cure Rheu matism It is another to do it Gin Pills out every claim we make for ihev are cot favorite prescription or a marvel- discovery or a won derful secret preparation are simply a commonsense combination of medicines have proved their value in Rheumatism Kidney and Troubles and Disorders of the Liver July 1st I have been with Rheuma tism so bad that I could not work A New Coinage Act On Friday last Hon Mr Fieldings bill respecting Canadian currency passed its third reading in the Com mons and opens up a new chapter in the history of coinage in this country Practically the measure may now be said to be the law of the land as a consequence the Ottawa branch of the Royal Mint can commence operations Its easy to get what you dont I want in this world coughs colds sore throat asthma for instance Its easier still to get the remedy you dont want unless you remem ber then youre safe then you have the genuine in striking off gold coins Before many months the people of Canada For40yearsShilohsCure will be paring their debts with has been the most suc- doctor tended me and advised me to go and gold pieces of the cessful throat bronchial to the hospital but ail of no good until a Dominion currency The Ottawa cor- and lung remedy in the friend told me to try Gin Pills I did so and after using a few boxes I am cured- I am recommending Gin Pills There is no reason why Mr case Should beany different from yours He tool- Gin Pills and cured himself of Rheumatism Why dont you take them and cure yourself We will let you test them free A of Gin Pills will be sent you ab solutely free if you write the Drug Cfcem Co Limited A YOU CANT AFFORD TO TAKE A SUB STITUTE FOR SHILOHS CURE respondent of the Toronto Star re marks that the fivedollar gold piece I is designed to fill the place in j fills I the I market Scares of imitations have arisen are arising will arise trading on our reputation Shilohs Cure outvalues its imitators as the genuine always does the sham but the delay the risk the harm of substitute may be obviated now and always if youll just remember the name and see that you get New Automatic I Telegraph System To Make Its Advent in Canada vv Toronto GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous IO ELLIOTT TORONTO ONE It has paid others it will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata logue- G Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 340 currency that the sovereign In English currency Gold in British Isles is used more than silver or bank notes in business 1 Gold is gold wherever it and the English sovereign is accepted at its face value in nearly all the civilized countries of the tl0n world Mr Fieldings bill has greatly enlarged the Currency Act of i One clause makes it compui- for a man to accept any amount of gold tendered in payment of a debt No mutilated coins however are le gal tender The British sovereign is made legal tender in Canada at Another feature of the hill is that the Dominion standard troy ounce is to he the standard of weight for the A FAMILY FOR FORTY YEARS GOING SOUTH a AlUndale Newmarket Toronto p m 755 158 310 535 630 755 new issue of gold coins Some mem bers of the House desired the metric instead of the trot system of weight hut Mr Fielding thought it more ad visable to follow as closely as pos sible the British standard Before long therefore gold will become a popular legal tender at the counter of mercantile houses and at the market place 9- Causes Sickness NO MORE FRIDAY is a greencolored powder pack ed tin cans ready for use- In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you are to begin not all over the car pet then sweep as you always do The powder Is swept ahead broom and falling on the the leaving the carpet clean and bright The ft not thrown into the to back on the carpet and WHY YOU SHOULD IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONB HALF YOUR DUSTINCK IT YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS it saves taking up ppts it saves your health it saves your money It Costs Nothing to try are authorized by the man ufacturer of to Bend you a foe can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to this on trial lor one week At the end this period if not found we will take it back and there will be no charge for quan tity used Sold In barrels hall barred and quarter barrels lor storea schools banks churches hotels public buildings A filNNS Newmarket tDiTGRlAli A jury thinks that the sale deadly weapons should either be or licensed The local ed itor of a Toronto daily comments thereon thusly This seems fair enough Make the ladies pay a- for each hatpin witriTiorseracing or with any other contest or trial of skill or en durance of man or beast and further strengthening generally the law mak ing illegal the Keeping of poolrooms or the selling or recording of any in formation relating to betting It is further provided that if any new race tracks are incorporated the exemp tion accorded to the existing tracks in the matter of permitting will not apply bates the House of Commons to night by a majority of 103 recorded its approval of Premier re- sortitions dealing with the veto pow ers of the House of Lords and heard the Premiers declaration of- his policy for carrying them into statu tory effect Having formally intro duced amid loud cheers his bill the resolutions Mr said that they were confronted by an exceptional and perhaps a unique case New York April Reports were renewed in this city this that the automatic telegraph system is shortly to be in- troduced into Canada This system is effecting a revolution in the telegraph industry New England and in the middle west by its ability to 4p over one wire the same volume of business done over wires operated by the Morse hand method of transmission For some time strong representa tions have been made by prominent Canadians in this city with a view to the intersection of the Dominion with the wires of this automatic sys tem as a rival to the present mono poly the conviction being expressed that its cheap and rapid service would win for it there the cordial good will of oil classes Plans in line with this suggestion are now tfn- determination and it is regarded as highly probable that the system will make its advent in Canada fore the end of the year Lite government postage rates the system maintains tolls that are uniform being the same to all points regardless of distance from longest to the shortest For in- I if I A strike of silver is reported from Township near The Royal City must be on the upgrade these days not long since the Onta rio Government selected that part of the Province for the location of the Central Prison farm and now come this announcement of mining wealth Thai man Downey is hound to have a cinch in South Wellington The Governments effective existence How is the leader of the Opposi- depended upon the passing of the tion to be aid if not by the solutions into law If the House of try asks the Toronto Star To Lords failed to accept or declined to which the Hamilton Herald replies- Consider their policy the Government If he must be paid the pay should would feel it their duty to advise the come from the party which he leads as to what steps were The policv of paving the leader of the s to insure their policy receiving Opposition on the floor of Parliament statutory effect a yearly stipend about equal to a Cabinet Minister is like thefifth The now racetrack bill as it passed wheel to an automobile The idea the Commons on Friday night last of paying a man to oppose a Govern shortens the meet by onehalf but of which the electors endorse while authorizing betting at the seems incongruous track by bookmakers it foreshadows the doom of the handbook system There is much talk of reciprocity Hereafter no tipsters advertise- trade between Canada and the merits but may be published as United States just now The one news not as an advertisement feature the question presents tested to assist Speeding in the the EAT I STOMACH OUT OF ORDER Yon are strength and vitality That listless languid feel ing is due to the weak condition of the system Jlieso are sure of ft breakdown Cheek the breakdown quickly and by using the Greatest of All Tonics If you feel worn out and run down it is time for a tonic Use PS TO HI NTS early do not wait till you are worse It will tone up your system and restore you to your oldtime vigor and health Keep jour stomach in order increase your appetite restore your system to a health condition by taking today Mrs J of Notre Dame Street Winnipeg proved this for she says I am thankful for what has for I was laid up with weakness Oh how I suffered I My was very poor and my stomach was greatly disordered Today I am strong and well for has brought me permanent relief I feel like a new woman now to what I did before taking I feel the vigor of girlhood in my veins once more is to he found in the fact that Un cle Sam is id the anxious Beat instead of John Canuck In reply to a prominent member of Con gress a few days ago Senator Hoot said There is a tremendous senti- papers tell their readers that a city barrister has advised a client that he need riot pay his wa terrale bill for the month of March because the water was had If this contention he held good and in ac cordance with law the logical con clusion will then follow that if by the use follow liable for damages ring at fall fais is protected Where there is no betting running or trot ting races are not limited to particu lar tracks The new timber policy of the all along the border of the two j Government is thus summarized countries for reciprocity in natural Globe Dues on pine products The time has passed for J increased from 51 to per reciprocity in manufacturers This hoard measure Dues on square marks Canadas progress timber increased from to per cubic feet Ground rents in- The annual report from the J frS calls- pansier fee increased from to C0St 0f firc the alarming on present they pay onehalf Province a I Department of Special attention to rate at which the perennial sow this tle is over the Province and calls for strenuous work on the part of the farmers in combatting this sub tle weed Unless steps are taken at once to check it in a very short time Telephone Subscribers who indulge it will be found everywhere It language towards the is to be hoped farmers will take heed Hello girls at the switchboard at to the warning sent out by the Agri Copenhagen have been cleverly retains right to supervise firerang ers Dues and ground rents shall re main fixed for ten years nounced a terrible nuisance of city water typhoid feirer Department and by united to book In describing the methods the corporation will become stamp It out Whenever this weed employed an exchange says A has gained a foothold it has been pro- gramophone apparatus is installed at the central exchange and the moment a subscriber begins to use unseemly The are summoned to the poultry In alluding thereto the directors office and if they deny arks they are convict- repetition In their which on a conservative own voice on the gramophone mate should bring in a profit of ler head This may be but body knows there is a The Provincial Government of Que bec has taken a new departure by a change of policy in regard to pulp- wood The premier said it had been a to use It is estimated- that this Canada language the girls record it of ours has about head of worst offenders are summon decided to prohibit the exportation Advocate reckons that Can- their hasty rema all pulpwood cut on crown lands ought to have at least by an exact fore it was manufactured in Canada secondly to Increase the dues by per cent and thirdly to increase the ground rent per square mile from to eo EXPERIENCE Members of a recent Alaskan expe dition who profess to have ascended Mount report that there was no evidence at the summit ol Dr Cook having been there The im portant question however is asked by Dr Cooks friends What proof can the Alaskan expedition give that were there themselves One authority is as good as the other as it now stands The men arc now getting uneasy over the prospect of a Government analysis of proprietary curealls as the result of com plaints received by the License De partment from District Inspectors A report from Chatham states that a man on the Indian list appeared In the Police Court charged with drunk enness He had drinking a pa tent medicine and the License De partment it is said will take steps in the whole matter of these pro prietary medicines containing alcohol he but every- The Hamilton- authorities art- wide difference crowding the muzzled dog business of opinion with regard to the annual worth and this all right value of henfruit For a few years Some people think they can boss whole community and when they Decking Cosmic c MRCUS raAefa til i Scientific fJf hi the fluctuation in the price of both butter and eggs as well as market able poultry has made it exceedingly difficult to estimate their actual val ue to the fanner That they arc a source of wealth no one will ques tion get countered the laugh is on other cheek The Hamilton Herald I of Saturday says hundreddollar fine for allowing a dog to roam at large without a muzzle is pretty stiff punishment Three such fines were imposed by the polfcc magistrate to day and twenty persons were fined each for allowing their muzzled dogs to he at large Examples ap- make people Some members of the Hamilton Po lice Force were before the Commons Committee at Ottawa as witnesses touching racetrack gambling Since pear to be necessary then at a meeting of Hamiltons lawabiding lice Commissioners- one of the mem- hers who had learned that a The editor of a church organ pub- ton policeman had admitted he in- at Toronto rises remark dulged in betting sometimes when on that he remembered a sister who duty at the raws thought thisdecid- that she was not going to wrong Said Commission did waste any more praying upon a Inot want to reflect upon the best tain incorrigible After the action men of the city for Indulging of the House of Commons last week ling propensities but a servant of the hi throwing out the Miller Anti- corporation should refrain from such Gambling Bill there will be a April The and China Inland Missions at C-hang- the capital of the province were destroyed by rioters day The missionaries took refuge in the the rioters sub- no lots of fife Word from Ottawa to the effect that a compromise has been reached resisting the racetrack bet ting question The also has a despatch which states that a corn promise was reached week be tween representatives the racing associations and Mr Miller for the and Moral League whereby parties on a general of an amended bill achieving the objects aimed at by the league exception of the elimination of during the progress of race meets brief It was agrteJ to have thru this session amendmertto the crim inal COfJelimlthig the number of days of racing on Incorporated tracks to seven days twice a year prohibiting entirely the publication of tipsters advertisements or he transmission oX publication A any Information Indulgence lest he tarnish the reputa tion of the police force Well may the Christian Guardian afik the tioir Does a policemans reputation tarnish more readily than that of a member of Parliament The ques tion is pertinent and very suggestive A cablegram from to th Associated Press dated April states that amid scenes of 1 tense excitement hardly paralleled since the home rule de- LITTLE her of inclined to adopt a extreme policy Yes so but they do not count In the class of who have an abiding in the of or in the promises of Gods word Work on the new Ontario Reform atory at has now commenced All of the original owners of the acres purchased lor the site have va cate their arms cure i to poolselling Ting whether In stance the rate for a 50word tele- post wouldbe cents from Montre al to Vancouver British Columbia Manitoba Ontario Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia This is the system it will be recall ed that was given a demonstration under auspices in Winnipeg last sum mer over the government telephone lines The tests to which it was then subjected were of an unusually exhaustive character seven different telephone conversations between held simultaneously over as many cir cuits in the ifiOmile stretch over which the experiment was conducted without interfering with the transmis sion of- the messages flashed over it at lightning speed by the automatic sys tem The demonstration awakened the widest interest in the province at the time both among the professional and lay men Patrick Delany the inventor of the system which is now in commer cial use by the Company be tween Boston and Portland Maine anil between Chicago St Louis In dianapolis Terre Haute and other cities in Massachusetts New Hamp shire Maine Indiana Illinois and Missouri is an old friend of Thomas A Edison One of the many wonder ful features of Ijis system is its abili ty to transmit a message with equal facility over either a telephone or tel egraph wire at a speed as high as words a minutes As well as being the cheapest it is the rapid telegraph service in the world discovery of the new scientific principle which made this invention possible is the realization of an am bition Delany had as far hack as when he and the wizard Edison ex perimented on improvements to the morse methods of hand transmission over a special wire constructed for their purpose between Washington and New York with the idea of evolving a system of rapid telegraphy to dis place the mails for longdistance com munication In addition to being a boon of in estimable value to the public the automatic system will save the newspapers of the country hundreds of thousands of dollars a year In tele graph tolls through its cheap rates great speed and accurate service Of expended every year for telegraph service by the Press It is figured out that approximately will be by the use ol the automatic service when it completes its continentwide expansion- In the States in which it is now operating the maintains an allday and allnight press service re gardless of distance of four words for one cent whieli is the cheapest in the world It has a special arrangement whereby any number of newspapers from a dozen to five hundred can he supplied simultaneously with drop co py of any press dispatch sent the line for distribution in as different towns and cities The was first to in augurate what Is now as a letter telegram of words it sends over Its wires for cents regardless of Mine or distances and delivers- by mail instead of messenger at the point of 4 destination It also has developed a large vol ume of business with another form of message called a telccard by which 25 words arc wired for ten cents to any city or town transcribed on a at the receiving end ami delivered by mail instead of by intfi- On Its own part the company flash ed over the country the famous taken from Scripture first transmitted by Morse over his Initial telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore What Hath God Wrought For Sale ill and Dealer SOc and Dr A Limited TORONTO j J v- Vj J GREATEST OF ALL TONICS Que April The house and outbuildings of P Therrian fanner St Francois dc were destroyed by fire yes terday and Gabriel his father perished in the flames The old man was a cripple He smoked in bed and it is thought fire from his pipe set fire to the bedclothes April George who shot and killed two men and another at Grafton was today sentenced by Judge to twentyfive years in the King ston Penitentiary The Judge re minded the prisoner of the very seri ous charge against him The jury might have brought in a verdict of murder instead they had taken a more lenient view otthe case It was his duty to be severe and to pro a sentence Those com ing into the country must he taught that they cannot use firearms It is stated in Montreal that Mr Forget may take the Regiment for a trip to England and France SUFFERED THREE YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured his Kidney Trouble VIA TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr Jane Hay July 12 Sep 6 SPECIAL TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST pm There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr P nomas of Sudbury Ont is one of those who know it He writes over three years I suffered from kidney disease First I thought I had sprained my back for suddenly the pain eaten the small my back and It would be impossible for me to straighten myself up for several minutes A dull ache across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick cloudy and passing it caused a burning scalding fain Tried medicines but they failed was try Dr Morses Indian Root Pills as they had cured my wife years before A few boxes affected a complete cure I now enjoy the of good health which is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney trouble its too dangerous as well as too painful That old reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indian Root Pills has cured thousands and will cure you It is equally effective In constipation and its attendant evils indigestion and sick headaches and in the blood a box at your druggists days Thrash First Claaa Coaches Colonist and Apply to CPH Agcot or write Thompson Toronto Leave Toronto on above First nd ASK FOR PAMPHLET ATKINSON Agent if EVERY WOMAN HAVE OUR BOOK It tclla About cleaning and dyeing of flno I in glove laccR a clothe etc It tull of of draperies and curtains of beautiful will many dollar In tho course of a year Write for a cojy one way on of town My Valet FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide St W Toronto r Rheumatism Cured by Fig Pills Not often do you hear of a preparation being with a guar antee to cure you An absolute gua rantee goes with every- box of FIG PILLS They will cure Backache Bladder Trouble Fre quent Urinating Burning Sensation Painful Stitches Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Trouble If not your money back Positively cur Dyspepsia- Promote Digestion Money back if they fail to At all or direct from a Box COLEMAN CO Toronto About four weeks ago the shippers missed a Friday night lust a strange noise attracted attention to the runway at the stock yard mastcr was notified and dlscov- the missing pig imprisoned under the chute on which the animals arc driven to the cars After three weeks fast It was a tbfrr and hungry bog and not quite marketable but it will live put on new flesh Journal Took Oil Bog Spavin I i It I P Curb j ill Wrcixi j u t Ud for A On TV I ST Of J J Co In Department of Railways and Canals TRENT CANAL Ontario Rice Lake Division SECTION No 1 Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Ten der for Trent Canal will he receiv ed until oclock on Tuesday the 2Gth April 1010 for the works con nected with the construction on Sec tion No OntarioRice Lake Divi sion of the Canal Plans specifications and the form of contract to he entered into can be seen on and after this date at the of fice of the Chief Engineer of tho De partment of Railways and Canals Ot tawa and at the office of the Super intending Engineer Trent Canal lerhoro Ont at which places forms of tender may be obtained Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared or to be prepared by the Department of Labor which schedule will form part of the contract Contractors arerequested to bear in mind that tenders will not be consid ered unless strictly in with the printed- forms and in the case of Arms unless there are attach ed the actual signatures tho nature of the occupation and the place of re- of each member of the firm An accepted bank cheque for sum of made payable to the Honorable the Minister of Rail ways and Canals must accompany each tender which sum will be for feited if tho party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates stated in the offer sub mitted The thus sent will re turned to the respective parties whose tenders arc not accepted The cheque of successful tender er will be held as security or security for the due the contract to he entered Into The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted By Order L K JONES Secretary Department of Railways and Canals April 1910 Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De partment will not bo paid for it

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