Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1910, p. 6

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J J J c NINu Miss M S White is again at Coles Store and preparing a firstclass dis play of Fine Millinery OPENING DAYS will be THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH AND 25 See us before buying We are also getting a large assortment in newest designs in Wall Papers which we will sell at very low prices A new supply of SHERWINWILLIAMS PAINT just to hand Nothing else will take its place We have no rent to pay and consequently lead in low prices in general merchandise C Cole Keswick a MANAGER i SPRING IS HERE And so am I with a full line of New Buggies Harness Lap Rugs Peter Hamilton Plows Harrows in fact every thing for the farmer at the very lowest prices test but another handsome diploma flood of pleasant memories that I j dont have to go to Cuba for green foliage Will the telephone poles bud out like Aarons rod Egad I fancy I will 5horse power regular attendance not only at the gasoline engine running here every j Sabbath School but also at Church may be obtained known as the Can scarcely close my Alumni Diploma which is open only j Mr and to those who have completed the family Keswick spent Sunday at en years required for Raines dip- Donald Riddels Maple Villa Roy and seals This plan ensures appears to think knows somebody whos got a jolly good motherinlaw rigftt I know it too Roy Tuesday Call and see it Pegg MILLINERY OPENINGS Both millinery establishments held their formal opening on Tuesday of this week- One would imagine that all the la dies of Mount Albert and the sur rounding country were in attendance judging from the crush in the show- room of Steeper id the Frcnch AHcc large crowd which thronged Mrs RosS of ad- service at least once each Sabbath The successful candidates for last year are as follows First year Dioloma Myrtle Rear Eldred Ross Katie Sibley Florence Rahmer Stanley Draper George Willie Stokes Smith Forrest Ross Second Year Red Seal Florence i SALADA is grown tea grown on planta tions high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon leaf is small and tender with a rich full flavour i Blue Seal Barbara French AHce Mildred and Lorno showroom Many were the expressions au- Founh miration as they viewed the triumphs jw B artistic skill displayed or Case Moore of gratification of our village for millinery for whether your desire be Mrs Palmer was the guest Mrs A Phoenix at Cedar Brae A couple of our young lads are good at catching suckers Mr Clarence Wilson is home again a big term of work at Mr Yorks Cedar Brae Our sports got badly beaten last Monday night by Mr Cain of Ceiar Brae There was an excellent sermon giv en by Mr in the Presby terian Church at Brown Hill on Sun day night Hot buns now with maple syrup for breakfast Mr and Mrs Mrs of or a hat whether your fancy Sixth Year Silver Seal Laura calls for something quieter striking Nettle Ross design whether your preference is sfe Watts Dorothy Hunter Effie Sum- in for flowers fruit or feathers you can find it between the two places OBITUARY An old resident of this vicinity passed away in the person of Mr John Paisley at the home of his daughter Mrs Thomas The deceased was born 83 years ago in merfeldt Kenneth Ross Melville Moore Alumni Diploma Moore Rev Camerons discourse was in keeping with the occasion He took his text from the Verse of the Psalm with a brief refer ence to the remaining portion of the Psalm An object lesson that inter- family of whom live brothers are still living As a young man he set tled in Scott ZEPHYR Ireland and spent his youth in Mark- bam Tp and was one of a large the children exceedingly was a tiny pine tree growing in a flower pot which Mr Cameron exhibited as on the al- forceful illustration of the effect of early influences The sermon though addressed chiefly to the children and young people was such as to also fur nish food for earnest meditation on the part of all who heard it a Hes and family are valued friends of yours sincerely Our dames coming to market have to be their own coachmen these days The boss says Cant you see Im ton busy its seed time Whoso making garden Miss Delia returned to Keswick on Saturday after a nights delightful visit amongst old and friends aboift Bald win Come again John Prosser sr come over to our burg last week He looks hale and hearty for one of his years 84 and thinks life worth living still i- The season for summer athletic sport has opened Our lads are I am a strong advocate for manly sports and none more so than for boating In boating in all matters pertaining thereto there is great scope for clear intel lectual head work In my youth I was an enthusiastic but every dog has his day Ive had mine still oft in the stilly night in dreams I reenact the scenes of youth but somehow my boat always capsizes and fills with water I shall relate an amusing little in my youthful career when I was burning with an ambition to be a bright light in the boating world aye a greater even the great Ned Haitian himself were calling on friends at mQSt ag0 sj Sunday a time but Mr P Crittenden has purchased spcnt a fine black drivera regular hackney The deceased was a very at boys for style now live energetic genial ways and did much to make life pleasant in the New Country He was a- staunch Conservative and a member of the Methodist Church He leaves to mourn his loss six children Lew is Paisley Stewart Paisley of BC James Paisley of St Paul Minn Mrs Martha Wal of Mount Albert Mrs Annie drawn behind j tractionengine His Evans of and Mrs collar was broken and some ribs Margaret Lapp of Cedar Grove List ThV to the story Ill tell It all it may make feel most con- small Mr Clem after a broken We are glad to see lis able to get about leg A sad accident happened on Monday The youngest son of got run over with a which was fracture His wife predeceased him some twelve now i Mr Joseph the Massey-Har- years ago and was a daughter of the ris assistant has purchased Mr Cal- late Squire McClintock of ven black driver The Deer- villi The funeral took place from will have to look sharp his late residence Mount Albert on Monday April to Cemetery and was very largely at tended Many Moral tributes covered the casket among which were a large wreath from James Faisley St Paul Minn a spray of white roses from Mr and Mrs John A Rams- den of Toronto and a spray of East er lilies and red roses from his grandchildren Mr is clearing out Mr will he at the Zep hyr House Mr has purchased driver something pretty Messrs J and Win mand of called on friends here on Sunday Owing to the fine spring the masons carpenters of are busy Mr Win will hustle them at cement work Mr W is having his house remodelled Mr Ham Pickering has a verv sick horse Mr Nornan was visiting friends at Franklin on Sunday Quite a number of young fellows from the Seventh seem to like the fair maids of Zephyr BALDWIN Come along now trot out your comet Here Ive been running out in disabelle at dawn for several morn ings straining my eyes to get a peep at the stranger but dreaming men of science Who strain your eager eyes In gazing at the planets That deck the distant skies Would find far greater treasure Than you dream of in your lore And a telescope is nothing To a keyhole in a door The above is an extract from a Yankee poem of such exquisite beauty and eloquence of composition that it would not be at all surprising if the poem caused the death of its compos er Well Well Wonders never cease indeed it seems as though we arc just entering upon an era of genuine won ders What Canadian ever before saw mosquitoes abundant in March frogs Great accomplishments have very small beginnings sometimes Toron to Bay was the scene of my initial lesson I had carefully acquired the correct style of feathering my oar and was progressing finely and was congratulating myself that a greater than had arisen indeed I be came less cautious I caught a crab and flip over went the frail craft and soused in the dirty bay water It was a bad pickle but by vigorous kicking I released my feet from the straps and- by skilful into the cranky old shell not an easy thing to do by any means it and judge for yourself My coach gathered up ours and put me to rights This slight misadven ture did not dampen my ardor it on ly added more fuel to my determina tion to succeed Ultimately I ac quired some considerable ability in the art of sculling but warned by ex perfence hat to get to the pinnacle of fame a man must have weight Suckerin for suckers not for drinks is the delight of local sports at present THE OWL KESWICK We are pleased to learn of the grad ual improvement of Mrs S B dy Regular Meeting of the will be held in the Hall Keswick April at oclock Ev ery one welcome Come join your plans prayers and sympathy with ours toward helping to make a little easier and brighter for some one- There have been several changes made in the staff at the Power House lately and we hear there are more yet to be made However we arc very sorry to lose Fortune as he was very highly esteemed by our villagers especially among the young folks We sincerely hope that arrangements be made to have- him return Mrs Jno Harper nee May of Toronto has been visiting at her sisters here lor a few days and returned on Monday Our Division of is endeavor ing to regain their former standing There have been two initiations lately and they are expecting several new additions in the near future They intend having grand concert as soon as it can be conveniently ar ranged By special request from one of their officers we are to invite all members past and present to attend their weekly meetings more punc tually and sec that they are still existing The following are the offi cers for the current quarter JLeppard T Zimmer A4tSII Trcas Wm Con A Smith A Con 0 Sen 1 Sen HMcCordick DOWPJno Warriner We are pleased to have with us again He has engaged with for the summer Miss Lava Lewis of has been spending the holidays with friends and relatives around here Mr Gladstone entertained a number of his friends on Friday J evening There were about seventy present and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves until the hours We miss Harveys happy smile these days as he has accepted situation is always of unvarying good quality Will you be con- common tea when you can get SALADA tent BELL PHONE E iri V I Farmers Connection SPRING IS HERE AND IF YOU WANT SOME i a Call and see what have before buying elsewhere Our Red Clover and Timothy ia Government Standard and we sell it to you at less than TORONTO PRICES TODAY can We have also on hand a good supply of Garden Seeds Dutch Sugar Beets Mangels and Turnip Seeds You will be pleased With both the Quality and Price of our A You will also need Axle Grease We can supply you We sell return railway tickets to any point on the Metropolitan GIVE US A CALL SMITH The Leading Merchant QUEENSVILLE A CAPITAL PAIDUP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCHES TERRY MANAGER Omaha Neb April Fire last night destroyed the bushels grain elevator Nye Flower PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The service in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning marked by the annual presentation of diplomas and seals to those pupils of Another great wonder Dame of the Sabbath School who had assures us that the number of marks during a word of explanation may I in season here A maximum credit of five marks may be each Sunday but any pupil who receive marks dur ing the year entitled the first year I from Maney Milling Corn pan nearly box ears Is 1500000 owned by the Company the plant and total loss Love Is surely not dead but With the coming of spring love is awakening We can see is known as The Robert i evidence of this in poultry Diploma Then each succeed- year if successful a seal is to the diploma until six seals have I added This completes the or Timothy Clover Dutch Set Onions lb for lb Multipliers V lb for Fresh Garden absolutely guarantied and full quan tity papers for or for clever powerful limbs superior skill piping her up good and lively on the However com- March grass growing and hard long pull of say pies haling out on April 3rd i Wnt cold have all this right here in Owl town I ii1 is a horseman says What a yarn Bruce after a very abbreviated I day courtship of thirtyfive years have he killed four snakes growing and decided become one Marry in ial Wbask in the sun haste repent at leisure since despatched many oth ers On Donald Riddels hill up in Highlands as we call it the I snakes have a den and conic out in the earliest days of spring During the holidays Misses Christie and took a prospective view Newmarket Yorks nourishing hub I wish ve editor had seen them that be might make a mental comparison of of our most promising and prominent lassies with the best can scour up They are a clever jolly pair as iicll is- going to occupy the lately vacated by Mr Mover Q Wm Mains new cottage Is rapidly Mrs read the following ad- To you and to your life partner offer our best wishes Mrs Mrs Hill wo we are informed that a Bradford lias purchased a We offer while it at Pure Cane A BAG Fancy White lbs for Boiled Oats for Fine Bright for Finest Quality Tapioca lb lbs for Extra Refined Sulphur lbs for 25c or lb bag for yard The turkey gobbler is rut ting up and down displaying his beauty to his plurality of wives etc etc Miss Mabel Miller celebrated the anniversary of her birth on Mar arid row reports from many quarters say shes going away to leave us Goodbye iny Jane as set by Dame Rumor is couple of I can much on my own authority housekeeper she is tiptop early age of twelve she has intends Gradually The date ilikc tak- only for twins and most devotedly say this ie as a At la- Was more skilled at general housework than scores of at five times that age I hope she may anil has made a wise choice John Alexander and family are about to leave our parts They have engaged with Sanders Jack- sous Point for the season Mr Sanders will them OK Our farmers will miss the derylcos of who goes with them attached to each oilier could just say Oh lots of nice things of them but Its not necessary in my observations Sutton in my Inst budget I intended to re mark on the most decided improve ment in the conduct and of the present generation of that wee corporation This attribute to the better home training and Improved discipline at school Years ago Ill not say how many the children were rude almost as young heathens and barbarisms Their teacher alas tam pered with the cup of oh be Joyful lot next to Mr Kmcs and intends j building soon Mr John Cunningham Rider lots building next summer our village keeps growing Miss Mary Main is on the sick list but we hope for a speedy recovery One day last week one ofolir busi ness men was seen running home from Coles store as if there was a fire in the neighborhood or some one very sick Hut when suddenly stop ped by another questioned about his haste he remarked he had iust one of them swell hats for his daughter and he was afraid the fashion might change be fore he got it home It is well did so for if there is the smallest change in style it is immediately not ed and put into by the in charge of that department other goods are uptodate at store also of the i Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church we come to offer congratula- to you on the occasion of your marriage We sincerely hope your April For Sale Early Rose Potatoes Early Sensg- futurc may he both happy and useful Eureka Early Quick Lunch bag Also Timothy Hay ton J COWIESON 10 For many years you have been a member of our society as our SecretaryTreasurer your services have been greatly appreciated May All that lb New things make their appearance dally Make it a point to see them and keep posted Last week and this we have been busy tak ing into stock New Prints Lawns Ginghams Towellings Shirtings Hock Drills Cottons etc etc all quality and priced very easily A beautiful print inches wide only 10c per yard WALL PAPERS is one of the most industrious A frequently stepped into the Inn Paying lb for Butter JOHNSTONS SUTTON and pleasant dispositional young men- about our burg lie a credit to his foster parents Andrew Miller of who has spent the winter in this lo cality is very much al most unable to help himself He has spent most of the time with John Alexander The demise of the late Geo M Saskatchewan t removes one more prominent member of the famous old Sharon Hand of which there art only a few left Dr Job Wilson Mosier Dan of California Amos Wilson and Chan of Newmarket Hughes Toronto J Gra ham Esq leader Abraham Wil son Sharon thats all I guess The old old original hand was organ I somewhere about Their musi cal Instruments some of are still in private view were of most quaint and artistic design The mere mention of Sharon Hand awakens such for a social glass When he was feel ing And surly from the need of his stimulant some of the holder pupils suggest that be go out and take a drink Now this lamentable state of affairs has all passed The laddies as a rule arc little gentlemen whilst the are more modest and do not stare rudely and look backward per haps they remember Lots wife All this consider worthy of remark And then theres our old time friend Hilly Ed Weve ever been the best of friends though I did think him rather presumptions when lie grasped me by the beard as though I were an old billy goat Instead of a solemn sedate Owl You might observ ed he Is wearing his hat jauntily set sideways on his classic head lies- feeling gay We all do In- Spring On the score of old friendship absolution Is granted thee noble Hilly Ed An elm tree in in full expansion of leaf April We Mr returned to Togo this week after having spent the winter months at home Mr Traill of Toronto spent the weekend at the parsonage Mr and Mis I J Power were visiting in Toronto last week Mrs and Miss spent part of the Easter holidays with Mrs Miss Cain and Mr Cody returned on Saturday and school has reopened for three months steady hard work for both pupils and teachers On Wednesday afternoon March at the home of the brides aunt Mrs Mahlon and Mr George Mr George Hond was solemnized by Rev lick The bride was becomingly dressed in her gown of fawn broadcloth and carried a hand some bouquet of Easter lilies anil carnations Among the out ot town guests were Mr and Mrs of Toronto Mr and Mrs Milton Mrs and Miss Mar jory of Port Hope MtsiJas Ka- of Newmarket Mrs Over 200 patterns to select from They include all the New De signs in the daintiest of coloring It doesnt cost much to make your home bright and fresh at our Wallpaper prices ranging from to per roll oots and Shoes We are the Home of the Model Shoe in Not so many sorts but enough to serve ninetynine In every hundred customers and every one sent away satisfied They all know what means when it Is stamped on a Shoe Comfort Style and the best wearing qualities Paints Oils and Varnishes The SherwinWilliams cant get better Cents Furnishings Sec our New Samples and Cuts before ordering your Spring Suit We guarantee you a perfect fit and a suit hat is uptodate in every particular A full line of OVERALLS in stock at all times SEEDS that are Government Standard Leave your order now for your Spring In Timothy Red Clover and Binder Twine Plymouth OimPUICES before placing your order VILL J

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