GIN PILLS FREE SO YOU CAN TRY THEM i T Before You Buy Them We certainly it easy for anyone who needs Gin- pills lo find out how valuable they are First of all we will send absolutely free of charge a sample of Gin Puis to every sufferer from Kidney or Bladder Trouble Lame Back or Rheumatism Then after you have purchased the regular we guarantee to re turn your money if Gin Pills do not do all that we claim for them You risk nothing you have every thing to gain by writing for a free sam ple of GinPills You can try them and see for yourself just how much good they will do you This is the way Mr Dietrich cured himself of serious Kidney Trouble St Que April I received your sample box of Gin Pills and as I found them highly satis factory I am using Gin Pills regularly and can highly recommend them the National Drug Chem Co Limited A Toronto and a free sample will be sent you by return mail- Regular size boxes are sold by dealers at a box for A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous TORONTO ONT It has paid others It will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata logue Q T R Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a- p Toronto 247 ir 805 1240 GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto a ro p rn 100 850 1010 755 Causes Sickness is a greencolored powder pack ed In tin cans ready for use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you are to begin not all over the car pet then sweep as you always do The powder is swept ahead the broom and falling on the carpeti absorbs the dust leaving the carpet clean and bright The la not thrown Into the air to settle on the carpet and furniture WHY YOU SHOULD USE IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY It Costs Nothing We are authorized by the of DUSTBANE to you a can their Sweeping They vant you to use this on trial for one week At the tad this period if not found tory we Will take It back and there will be no charge for quan tity Bold In barrels half barrels srvi quarter barrels for stores banks churches hotels public buildings A Newmarket The Jurisdiction Question Great minds often differ is a trite saying and we may be pardon ed for stating that its truthfulness was amply illustrated in the confer ence of representatives of the Federal and Provincial Governments on the question of the relative jurisdiction of the Provinces and the Federal Parliament in reference to the incor poration of Companies and their pow ers The attitude of the Provinces is set forth in the following resolu tion said to have been passed by their representatives unanimously Whereas it has been proposed by the Government of Canada to submit to the Supreme Court of Canada the question of the jurisdiction of the Provinces and the Federal Parlia ment respectively in reference to the incorporation of companies and of the rights of companies so incor porated and whereas the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of j the Canadian Pacific Railway Company v the Ottawa Fire Insurance Com- pany has already upheld the conten tion of the Provinces in this behalf it is therefore resolved the Pro vinces in view of this judgment do not think it expedient or advisable to consent to another or further sion involving substantially the same issues that they are of opinion that it is not in the public interest that the powers exercised by the Provinces for over forty years should again be brought in question that they be lieve that foreign corporations should not he accorded or enjoy within any Province greater powers than com panies incorprated by sister Provin ces that they express their willing ness to in a conference to draft an amendment to the British North America Act to more clearly define and set at rest the respective rights of the Dominion and the Provinces in this respect Sir Wilfrid expressed regret that some conclusion could not he ar rived- at Before the conference closed Hon be consummated about the middle of June The first turning on of power will take place at Berlin the parent town of the whole movement Two Elevators Burned i 610 March 31 Fire de stroyed the Dominion elevator at Mothers Gift The Bible I A BOYS STRUGGLE FOR UP Hon Mr King Minister of Labor made an important announcement be fore the Ontario Club banquet in Toronto on Thursday night of last week touching the question of education He said the Domin ion Government bad authorized him to state that before the close of the present session of Parliament a lib eral appropriation would be made for the purpose of securing the services of an efficient commission of inves tigation on technical education In the course of his address Hon- Mc King reviewed the work fusing under taken by the Department of Labor early this morning The building was a mass of flames when Rememberj gave you this the alarm was sounded and burn- other days come ed to the ground Five thousand bushels of wheat were destroyed The Dominion Elevator Companys elevator at Moosomin was also burn- ed this morning along with bushels of grain Will Spend a Million to Lower Grades When she who earliest kiss Sleeps in her narrow home Remember twas a mother gave The gift to one shed die to save Thy mother sought a pledge of love The holiest for her son And from the gifts of God above She chose this holy one She chose for her beloved boy I can Our Toronto better ii not Crowded put last week The way of the blind pig is a smooth one and the keeper can manage to walk around town without a haunted look his countenance is an envied individual The Wind pigs of the flour ishes and will probably continue to flourish but the officers of the Li cense Department are making the oc cupation a hazardous one Word has reached the Government this week that 1G blind pig operators have recently been convicted This past week was the hottest in March since 1812 On Monday the thermometer registered over The executive of the National Coun cil of Women meets in Hamilton on the and April to make ar rangements for the annua meeting at Halifax in June While scamiering about High Park recently one of the doe deer broke its leg It was bandaged in the hope that it would heal hut gangrene set in and the limb had to be amputated this week Dr City Medical Health Officer resigned this week without assigning reasons therefor Two ladies were badly Mr Minister of Justice I thrown from an over- Is reported to have called attention tnrnK evening In the annual report of the Tern is- kaxning and Northern Ontario Rail way which has just been issued by the commission some interesting information as to the reconstruction of theline is given In order to re duce the grades and do away with many of the curves along the line from North Bay the commission will more The source of life and light and joy I ask thee read this book that when The parting hour shall come We may have hope to meet again In an eternal home The precious faith in this shall be Sweet incense to my memory ri A And when the scoffer in his pride spend more than a million dollars On th first division of the road And bids thee cast gM tween North Bay and New Liskerd I That thou from there are miles of curves in I th and ask If he or I have loved thee best miles of road The present grade is compensated- and the new may ing son be located not exceeding Sur- tms veys already have made which are warranted by the increased traffic as well as the opening up of the north country its possibilities in minerals timber etc to have called attention turned buggy statement in the above resolu- The horse got to a that the powers in discussion had been exercised by the Provinces for over forty years without ques tion Now as a matter of fact Min isters ol Justice from the time of Confederation from the time of Sir John A to the present day had repeatedly called the atten tion had gone beyond their jurisdic tion In assuming to confer on incorporated powers not within their jurisdiction under the British North America Act which frightened at an auto car and was running away when the rig upset The strike at the Continental Cloak Factory is over and sixty men and women went back to work on Tues day The new Ontario Primer was the W recked Cars Took Fire 1 April 3 About oclock last night there occurred at mileage one of the worst disasters in the history of the Canadian Northern Railway system Train No known as the Saskat chewan express was derailed as a result of which five cars were com pletely destroyed and six men in cluding three passengers were badly burned about the hands and face One of the injured is in a serious condi- The accident was due to the derail ment of the engine and tender and the spread of a fire which started in the baggage coach immediately fol lowing an explosion of the oil cans All the passengers on the train were more or less seriously shaken up- and this morning the injured were brought to the Grey Nuns Hospital where they arc being treated O The heart that would enjoy the one Must to the other cling- Remember tis no idle toy A mothers gift my darling boy Selected UNDER A STARLESS SKY The night had shut down criticised on Tuesday in of the Provinces to Acts School section of the companies wherein the Association convention The boy scouts who took a tramp out in the country on Good Friday and the crowd of youths who follow ed hard after them did a good deal of damage on their tramp Fanners specified only the incorporation making strong complaint of their companies with Provincial objects Hon Mr further stated that in the early days of and decidedly cheaper meat is lion the Provinces had not gone be much below the prices of a couple of weeks ago Real good rib New C A Rules The regulation bail will he of good quality solid rubber of eight inches in circumference six ounces in weight Hall to be furnished by the club Winners of the different series will hereafter have to give bonds for the No moon was the sJsjt no star A lonely wind sighed across the fields and it seemed to the man John Green that he and the wind were alone in a dark and empty universe Looking up into that unresponsive sky he felt that in his own soul also was no light He had sinned he suffered and he felt himself forsaken alike of God ami man Time had when he could say to himself that temptation had too strong for him and that he had not been to blame because in the way of him weak by nature that tempta tion had come Adam said long ago The woman tempted me and I did cat and even so for a long time this son of Adam had excused and solaced himself But the day for that was over First the world found out his sin and made him pay its penalty in a prison and now at last that pen- Mr of Baldwin St Toronto yi y ion to when he the fire from which he Sops of the physicians hut suffering ha la contracted whooping cough bronchitis after month went hy we shall not soon forget months of sleepless fearful cCKihsweaVenunixhtswsts left my boy a mere shadow He bad no appetite and af achd to bow be was whole at Home for Sick Children and crne Improved but winds of October his aala doctor ad viudmi to heavy doctors bills had my financial and such a step cut of the human that took place No words can of I j mother and myself when we saw the crisis was over and reajied that our boy fightinz hi way back to life and health had thai which all the doctors prescriptions had failed to check day Harold crew stronger and all through winter although continually out of doors he failed to very quickly By my sot was completely cured and developed into a atrons sturdy lad PSYCHINE is the Greatest Strength Restorer and System Builder known to medical science and should be used for O COLDS WEAK i HAROLD LUNGS LOSS OP APPETITE WEARINESS I For Sale by all and Dealers and Dr A SLOCUM Limited TORONTO j I si i v J I- tij GREATEST OF ALL TONICS GOD IS HELPING Life is sweet but heaven is sweeter Love complete hut there completer blosc beside our wandering- ways Through dark nights and weary days Stand the angels with bright eyes And the glory of the Cross Falls upon and sanctifies All and all our loss Though we slip and sometimes fall God is helpingafter all The Bravery of the Safe Side Working in a mill at a swiftly run ning saw a young man said him self I can push this piece of board half an inch nearer to the teeth and not he in any danger He thought he was saying what was true It is always safe to far away from sin Be a hero- and flee from evil Edgar Vincent in Herald v Because misery loves company is no reason why you should go into camp with it You cant correct a mistake by telling how hard you tried The teacher asked her class for a few very long sentences when one hoy wrote Imprisonment for life i ft tit t i tried it Todav he has two fingers alty being over his sin had found him j than out and he stood face to face with he tried that unwise thing Another young man knew he ought not to try to put a belt on wheel it and shrank dumbly from the sight Released from the prison iit which his j fellowmen had put him he felt that running rapidly He he was in another prisonin bondage I j ami ramp to his sin and there was no one to open the door He had come home to the old the chances and ing his life different trophies before receiving I try town where his youth bad been w them as follows Globe Trophy passed that youth which had SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences FANCY MADE Wire Co Left Quality uA For Sale J Hew I Ontario the powers which various Min isters of Justice considered they pos sessed as they had been doing during some recent years The statement in the resolution that the judgment of the Supreme Court in the CPR vs The Ottawa Fire insurance Co had upheld the contention of the Provinces was not correct Two judges of the Supreme Court upheld the contention of the Provinces two upheld the directly opposite view one not pass an opinion on the great question but restricted his judgrnens to the case between the private liti gants before the court and the sixth judge did not take part in the judg ment Stating that that was not a proper case in which to dispose of a serious constitutional question Judging from the observations of the Minister of Justice the Pro vincial delegates were in a fog when they adopted their resolution At Hon Mr points out it never was intended the Fathers of Confederation that Provincial Governments should he empowered to incorporate companies with of exercising corporate privileges beyond Provincial jurisdiction This is common sense and only reasonable and to travel beyond this naturally leads to conflict An Ottawa press despatch says that Mr ft Motherwell of the Domin ion Observatory is unable to set any as yet when I alleys comet will be visible to the naked eye and says We do not it before the middle of April at the earliest and it may be later than that roasts of beef can now be had for cents per pound Unknown parties not willing to take chances with hook and line are resorting to illegal and wholesale methods of capturing fish from the and creeks The County police have been notified Until well defined plans have been decided upon by the railways all plans concerning new postal buildings in connection with the railway sta tions in this city have been held up J a clerk at the General postoffice was made happy on Mon day when he was presented with the silver plate won by him at the shoot ing competition last summer Four hundred and thirtytwo gen eral heavy draughts and drivers were sold at auction on Mon day at Horse Exchange Buyers were there from all over During last week a complimentary banquet was tendered O K0in the Arlington Hotel by the Liberals of Centre Toronto It was an enthusiastic gathering and great confidence was expressed as to the Outcome the next election Dur ing the evening a cabinet of silver was presented to Mr A conference took place a few days ago between Gen Greene of Buffalo President of the Ontario Power Co which holds the contract for the gen eration arid supply of the power at the Kalis The work of the vinclal Hydroelectric power is hearing its conclusion and it is an ticipated that the Government will have ail completed in a few weeks the and Gov ernment expects that the project will I PAIN 18 GONE- I have awful spells of ralgiaand have a great deal without getting much benefit For the last two years have taking Dr Miles AntiTain Pills and they always relieve mc been so bad with Neuralgia that I sometimes thought I would go crazy Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them but never more and they arc sure to re lieve MRS Lynn St Lincoln Neb Price at your druggist Ho should supply you If he does not send price to wo forvard prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL Co Toronto the home club in all series venile which will he 3 On most lines of railway there Is a rule which warns men against coup ling ears with their hands Lift the stick- take your And yet country me just couirlis cures colds heals the throat and I cents I hut regards of other peoples rights i the companys rule and coup- I yet a youth so much better thai No games must be started later later- life that lie had come hack to than oclock unless the clubs agreed the- scenes amid which it was passed They should notify the president and as one can fancy Adam going hack to secretary at least three days before look through the closed gate of the game Here along veryroad he had Home teams mustpay visiting I walked with his mother to church club their hotel expenses and cents per mile for fourteen men Players who played on a senior team since will not he eligible to play in the I led ears fingers There is something in the minds of a great many men atyl especially young men that makes them like to see near they come to danger and then run away To skate close to the open hole in the ice to drive a churchyard grasses grew a hove carriage nearly to the of the her now yet he almost seemed to to stay where danger lurks hear her faintly sigh and he vaguely the last moment seems the brave listened for step beside him junior series Should that step of whose slowness he had game any more than so impatient once a club delay a thirty minutes they will he fined J Great sobs hurst from his heart at Mast under the awful loneliness of Balloon Fell into the Baltic Sea Berlin April A halloon with a crew of four men including a member of the Reich- stag started at lOOcloek this morn ing for Stettin It met with difficul ties from the outset owing to a gusty wind Eventually it was blown over the Sea and fell near Island and two others of the occupants lost their lives The fourth was rescued in a critical con dition The chapter of accidents began im mediately The collided with telegraph wires which broke almost overturning the basket It then dashed into the roof of a neighboring factory destroying the smokestack With the basket swaying widly and half of its ropes cut the balloon soared to a great altitude and disap peared in the clouds at terrific speed Thousands of onlookers including a detachment of military which had assisted In the ascent ran along the roads expecting the basket to break away The balloon however was not seen again it reached Swine northwest of Stet tin over which it passed at a height of feet and the direction of the sea Tugs followed in Its tracks and one of them had outdistanced the others which was almost directly un der it when suddenly the balloon fell Into the sea The tug steamed to the spot hut the work of rescue was difficult the black sky What In all the uni verse can be so desolate as a human soul bereft of human love and es tranged from I am a bad lot he said to him self and theres not much use in trying to be better And still on he went over the lonely road under the desolate sky towards the old where he used to go as a while yet it might have been possible for him become a good and a happy- man drew near he saw lights shin ing through the windows an unex pected sight in this black evening What did it mean He hurried on and stood for a moment outside the l this is doing a worse thing than to open door And he heard a voice old push his hands near the whirling saw and trembling yet earnest with a j Not a finger merely in danger a sort of passion of hope and faith soul ma be lost It Is not too late the voice cried It is never too Though AT SEVENTYFOUR thing As a matter of fact none of these things is really brave If duty calls to a post of danger if the voice pi rod clearly says He a true sol dier then we are right in heeding the call but to place ones life limb in peril just for the sake of challenging the admiration of some one is simply foolish and only that There is always bravery in keeping on the safe side Have you ever heard young people say I can play cards if I want to and not be harmed Or perhaps the young man you are walking down the street with makes you anxious for his safety by saying There is no danger for me in this saloon I know enough to keep clear of all wickedness done In there who says such things as Cure Backache Blad der Kidney Trouble A few doses of FIG PILLS ill convince you that a few more will cure you Every box of PIG PILLS are guaranteed If they dont cure all Kidney Rheumatism and Liver Trouble your money will be refunded a box at all leading drug stores SKHD to liner Urns MY VALET lac feathers so that f h and as when now It Is far cheaps to clean article than buy and It not Injure fabrfo We pay way on outoftown order MIIIC FOR Mi Valet FOUNTAIN Adelaide St Toronto j- your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool Did the In then of his own violition or did Digesters are a Great Help Becker weight of years very often brings it a still heavier burden that of man listening outside go fiOJno stomach Troubles CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought I was for a long troubled with for me mother pray for bloating after meals and my tongue- my mother would have was always coated Seeing tho Little tho some unseen force draw him He Digesters to never could tell but in he went and rescue if you give thorn a chance as on towards the old quavering hope- did Mr Becker his letter toil ful voice and then dow on his knees log what they did for him therein Je midst little prayer meeting and he crlel aloud as one sore Tray mo prayed I advertised I bought a box And then the quavering old voice and they took all that troublo away grew strong with prayer and pity hut I thought box would not bo The man listened his sobs bo I sent to you for mora to tears and as he lifted his eyes to seemed to that the very heaven had opened to his waiting soul Jo that moment he knew surely that come what would life or death should never be alone any more tor he hail laid hold on Infinite Friendship and had given himself to EXCURSIONS VIA to WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES DATES Apr 19 1128 Ms 3 17 July 12 Sept THROUGH SPECIAL TOHONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave pm on above days First and Second Coaches Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Apply to nearest or Thompson Toronto ASK FOR I an Yours truly JOH BECKER Excuso my writing with pencil being old man of Little aid stomach to digest the food perfectly This means that you can every meal net get etrongth out of what if you take a the obedience of a Divine will that afterwards must henceforth control both heart airl life at your druggists or by mail from Coleman Co ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Greenhouses Gorham St Carnations Sweet Peas and Forget- Lots of Eister Lilies Funeral and Wedding work given- special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Lettuce and Parsley S PERRIN Phono 135 Newmarket I I A