Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1910, p. 7

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r Brief lets week IiOGal vvil at 4XVM water in that section Ob IB A ABOUT TOWS was cut of part of a- couple of days repairs Two extremes Some ladies wearing hats so big as to be a nuisance in Lacrosse church and at public gatherings adjourned meeting to organize ers parading the streets bareheaded the Lacrosse Club for the season willj Large attendance at all the Town take place at the Proctor House at churches last Sunday thus Friday evening- Let there be a turnout ot those interested moved out West We are sorry loose such estimable citizens ilr Fraik was elected new trustee at the school meeting held Monday afternoon He succeeded who has away Mr Sherman Routledge visited his sister Mrs Widdifield over Sun- day VanLuven lost colt last week a valuable HALL April The Leading Grocery 3 i Owing to our Stock being too large la many lines we have determined to Deduce all to a- minimum Grocery Specials Tomatoes No quality Pen Equal quantities Corn cans for Evaporated Peaches 10c ft a Snap Table Figs It Boxes Figs regular Use for Dishes to Rent Owing to the time we loose In wanting out and when returned put- ling same away I have decided to make a small charge ol per doz or every 24 hours that dishes are away China Handsome Parlor Lamps Co dear them out this month only Lamp for All In proportion DINNER SETTS tats for Talent Sale The Willing Workers of the Presby terian Church are greatly encouraged with the result of their Talent Sale in the Schoolroom on Thursday after noon of last week There was a H ministers are requested to Mrs Thirsk and family have moved preach on the Observance of the to Sharon while Mr Thirsk is pay- Lords Day next Sunday at the a visit to the Northwest request of the Lords Day Alliance the object of out there the near future v house When completed it will be Another wedding of Wednesday last- houses in the section was that of Miss Mary Gertrude Wat- social on son only daughter of Mr and Mrs evening at Mr M fairly attendance and ewj- Watson and Mr Magee good program will be thing offered- was disposed of the TOn of Bradford given after which a lunch will be proceeds being about 540 The marriage was celebrated at Admission five cents a at the home of the brides St Ave Toronto s0ld g where the rooms were decorated cattle to cut flowers and plants In the draw- Saturday from Pine Orchard These ingroom where the ceremony was into the stable the performed was a banking of Easter part 0 November and fed and lilies and ferns carnations being cared Stevens who used in- the dining room The Rev deserves the German of College Street t they are how in We under- Church assisted by the Rev stand a obtained for of officiated them ft and Miss Jane cousin of the BrJeffets With the law properly enforced the dog in the manger better stay there Present spring millinery fashions indicate that the fair sex will tate to the tall turban This is All Fools Day Only weeks till Victoria Day Council meets at Udora on Saturday PardoeMuldoon The marriage was quietly celebrated at a quarter to four on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs Elgin avenue Toronto of her only daughter Hannah Ethel and granddaughter of the late Robert Nash to Mr William Sprague Par- doe son of Mr and Mrs Par- doe Rev Robert Sims performed the ceremony in the drawing room which was decked in white roses and palms the wedding music being ren dered by Miss Agatha- with violin by Miss Elizabeth Connor cousin of the bride The bride was given away by her uncle Mr William Nash and wore a charm ing gown of white satin embroidered in pearls with white picture hat and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies Both bride and groom were unattend ed and only the immediate friends were present After a dainty wedding supper Mr and Mrs left for New York and Atlantic City before going to their home in- Philadelphia The latter travelled in a grey tail- suit with black hat trim med with velvert and flowers of chan ted red Colonial Theatre Next week a Novelty for Wed An Illustrated Whistling Novelty for Friday Saturday Methodist Church groom played the wedding inarch The bride who was given away by her father was wearing gown of embroidered net over satin with Mr and Mrs Patterson and child- tulle- veil and orange blossom and of Newmarket spent a few days carried a shower of roses and lilies at the home of his mother of the valley She was attended by Miss Vera Barnes visited friends in Miss Eva May as bridesmaid who Toronto last week was gowned in pale pink peau soie Mr Jones of- Toronto guest at with lace and was carrying pink Mr J Cleavers roses The groom was supported by Mr R Jordan of Toronto spent the Mr Brock to whom he gave holidays with friends a pearl tie pin bis gift to the brides Mr and Mrs Paisley were in maid being a pearl crescent Mrs Toronto for several days Watson received in a gown of ame- Mr and Mrs Otto Tranmer spent a thyst rajah sill After the wedding few days in Toronto breakfast Mr and Mrs Magee left Mr Edgar Was a Toronto for Buffalo and Cleveland and on visitor one day last week thevr return they will take up their Some of the farmers have commenc- town The brides going plowing away costume was mauve silk Mr and Mrs of with amethyst Mile spent Sunday at her mothers cloak and Tuscan bat trimmed with Mrs Patterson flowers in amethyst shade Mr and Mrs Heels and Mrs Swales of Orillia were Easter visitors at the home of Mrs Miss Mabel Hill of Toronto is AGENTS FOR B I AGENTS AGENTS FOR CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS J DRESS GOODS Store PATTERNS i We willingly return your money tor any goods returned within a week from date of purchase I m Remember it holidays the gallon two coats It will pay S Paints cover you figure it out when wanting paint Agency Bines Hardware rental roof Rev Fockler- of Toronto vis ited his brothers here VIVIAN A Bitten by a Dog- There was quite a stir among the authorities on Monday morning when like Spring Our feathered they became aware of the fact that songsters arc with us and our farmer big double Musical girl a- lads are again whistling behind their bout or years of age was bitten plows by a dog that was neither tagged nor extend our heartiest congratula- The child was taken to Mr of Zephyr mediately to Dr Wesleys surgery who was married to Miss Mary where the wound was cauterized Smart a week ago Wednesday Best The floral decorations fast Sunday S IS f a apy the direction of the Aid l llle PttW the Load Uie N FOR THE FEE Ladies is it reasonable to invest in a hat and wear cheap ordinary shoes The best gowned woman in our town is fastidious about her footwear Her shoes harmonize with her gown and headgear Other wise she would not be cor rectly gowned You know this lady Do you know why she insists on SHOES Here are a few of the reasons The Shoe is tailor made for particular women Its an- apt expression of the latest style built to fit on a Last moulded from the human foot Shoes rieed no breaking in You can walk as easily the first day you put them on as when youve worn them for a The pneumatic cushion heel exclu sive feature of Shoes makes them so much superior to the next best that is no comparison The pneumatic cushion is sunk in a pocket in the heel as shown in the cut It is resilient honeycombed with air celjs making walking easy graceful and natural You do not know what shoe comfort style means until you wear Shoes We have a Full Stock in All Sizes and Styles Styles in Boys Clothing A impression is what We aim at in boys clothing All our hoys garments are liberally cut allowing plenty of freedom solid ly allowing plenty straining and all moderately pric ed The little fellows ot yesterday are the big boys of tomorrow and the men of the We want their trade later and for that reason we give better value than anyone in stylish dependable clothing that no boys need be as hamed of Come and see our range of Suits From 200 to 660 m tor wt for were beautiful and appropriate The sermons both morning an I were largely attended te J The Leading Reliable Grocer l to sent to Toronto to ascertain if Mr Fred spent his was adecHd by rabies days with friends anil relations here On making enquiry about the ani- Miss Ruby is home again ally brilliant i were Constable found the dog altr spending a month at Churchill by Mrs Howard Cane Miss Maud n Possession Mrs on Mrs Bennett has returned to Uni- 1 Richardson Miss Lillian Fisher M after spending the Raster Stephens and Mr Eu gene Bar- t either license days with her daughter Mrs F tag or She had been to muzzle the dog or put it out of Miss Rao Is at home business hut paid no attention to Dixie this week what others said Being a poor Mr Hood has moved he the authorities treated the case Fourth George is a fine fellow and with great leniency but any future land both be and bis wife will complaints of this kind will greatly just punishment the Colonel Mr and Mrs Penrose visited The Ideal Corset Guaranteed not to break or not take a permanent bend waistline with Bpirella Stay Can be free ly detriment Made to order fitted direct from to We will place free charge in the boo ing breaks or rusts one year THE CO at Mcadowville Pa and England MISS ROHAN Phone 4 pleased to have you call at let on Street the Will demonstrate Spirefic Corset Never in The pastor wa assisted by Rev S of Toronto the latter delivering two most admirable expositions of scripture- In the morning it was an unfolding of the responsibility of parents and teachers in view of the heritage of the past the opportunities of the present and the destinies of the future In the the subject was the parable of Life illustrated by nature in the products of the soil the neces sity of proper tillage with excellent spiritual application Next Sunday at- 10 am the regu lar monthly fellowship meeting In the- schoolroom followed by the preaching sermon at In the ev ening the last of the mens meetings for the season and it promises to be the best If you have no regular church come dont miss it Must Have Room Will sell all Cook Stoves and Ranges at Cost Hardware dew days All dogs not muzzled liable to be impounded means costs to released From March Into our Summer Session from July and affords continuous op portunity for bright young people to qualify for good positions Our School i Central Business Col lege of Toronto invites your consideration Catalogue mailed On request Shaw Principal and Garrard streets Toronto tut Mr of had of his fingers badly cut in a cir cular one day last week How It Works It sometimes remarked in street conversation that the man with ideas is worth more to a business locality than man with and this is often true but the citizen with both Of these combined is fur more to be desired for the reason that the gen eral public find in him ajready helper Of any enterprise likely to benefit his locality They judge propositions on their merits and without prejudice against promoters regard them from the standpoint of public benefactors In every community are to be found people who cannot look beyond the fact that the end a proposed cuter- prise means gain to those fostering Itoverlooking the idea that those dircty Interested cannot benefit themselves without some correspond ing advantage to the locality To enlarge a factory increase the accom modation or widen the Influence of a school or enlarge a church all help to Increase the wealth of the locality or contribute to the public advantage and prestige of the municipality This fact Is amply illustrated In the case The public are hereby cautioned to lie- at the latter home couple of days ware The tags will be ready week v in a dew days All dogs not muzzled Miss Rose and Mr I were at the formers home over Raster Llewellyn Peterson visited bis- cou sin at Bit Albert Sunday last Mr Nathaniel is spend ing the holidays under the parental roof a pleasure to sec Dans sunny face once more Mr J Brooks was in Toronto over Sunday Miss Jessie Smart leaves our little town to commence her duties at Dr Wesleys on Friday Mrs Pollard has severed his con nections with the Grand Tnfnk and leaves on Thursday evening take his place Pleased to see McCormack out again after his illness He was able to go to Tuesday Too long to wait till Sunday The Presbyterian Church at Dalian- There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last The pastor Rev A J preached an appropriate Master ser mon The duett by Miss Lehman and Miss Cook of this place was well rendered Mr and Mrs Poole and children of Toronto were guests at the par sonage over Sunday Jennie Lehman of visited Miss Cook Sun day Mr and Mrs and children of were guests at our mer chants Mr J Grove over Sunday Mr Allan has been indispose for bis a the past week but are glad to say lrae will be on Sunday by be is much improved in health The League had a very the Rev Barber of Ser vices morning and evening to pleasant evening on Good Friday a good attendance Hie program consisted of music and Wonder whats wrong with Charlie readings The topic was taken by Mr Geo Green and contained some thoughts Mrs and children of Toroii- to were the guests of her father Mr of J during holidays Sunday He looks lonesome this week Listen for wedding bells Methinks hear them now Mr and Mrs Sam were his sister at Sandford 1 Olive Mump and Hasting guests at Mr It ft Hastings Sunday Mr Beverley I Mr J and daughter Mrs Toronto were Win were the guests of Mrs J over Gilbert Plains Man The Canadian Elevator Companys the factories in Newmarket While elevator here vas burned to the have- proved sources of much ground an early hour morn- wealth to the Companies they have The elevator had a capacity of j increased the prosperity of the people bushels and there were be- likewise by lAIshing employment and bushels of at remunerative wages to hundreds grain destroyed The cause of thVof citizens and laborers who the is a mystery would not have located here PINK ORCHARD Maple syrup is the order of the day Miss Beatrice Lloyd of Toronto spent Sunday at home March is the month apparently beat suited for moving as the farmers have time to get settled before their spring work begins There quite a few changes this siring Mr moved to Mount Albert and Mr William Reed has moved Into his place The hoys are Brooks ope afternoon recently Miss and friend of Toron to were the guests of Mr last Friday Well will leave friends at ma- pic syrup for awhile Why not have an old time Im sure our lads and lassies would be delighted FROSTY ooo TORONTO LETTER years ago last Tuesday morning there were scenes of feverish excitement on the streets of the also During the night the call bad come moving to their new arm lately for to quell the Northwest cupjed by Mr rebellion and men of the Mr and Mtr Oscar Penrose have I diets and Queens Own had Ifeeti sum- moned to assemble at the City Hall The excitement ran high as the news prauzntLmsnnmii spread throughout the city but the hoys did their duty The of Muskoka and New Ontario played sharp in presenting ffl claims upon the Ontario for wolf bounties The frauds prac- ggg ticcl arc said to have reached last year enough to pay- the P Secretarys salary York Lodge AM had a banquet and dance at on Tuesday evening The engine room of ujbsi brick yards Queen street east was I gs damaged to the extent of fire on Tuesday night At the Teachers Convention last Tuesday night Dr J M of New York University had an audi ence ol High am Public School teachers to hear his lecture on Fads and Frills of The religious sentiment of Canada is being greatly stimulated by the prospect that Parliament will place its ban on racetrack betting book- making and other gambling features The Toronto Presbyterian rises to remark that the arguments produced In favor of permitting gambling are spavined foundered and hamstrung The Woodbine crowd will now go In- to the mourning business with president Osier bringing up the rear It is stated that the Government House property Is to be sold tender Sporting men seem to have lost confidence in the future of Tom Long boat At the funeral of Ml on Monday there were 15 carriages in the procession While passing along on the east side o Queens Park one the cabs at the rear of the procession met with a mishap The and the horses bolted The cab swerved around and crushed in the carriage in front overturning it by tearing on a wheel Fortunately no one was badly hurt Mr MPP lor North Toronto writes to the city press ggr deriving that be favored a second chamber for Ontario He appears to have been Jumping on a lorry and falling g5j therefrom a young lad named Robert Martin had his hand crushed and left leg broken School children should- he admonished by their teachers not to on passing rigs The Board of Control have decided to have the tracks the Metro into the middle of Yonge street when constructing an asphalt pavement on street north of the tracks Five years hence the Metropolitan will be knocking at the door of York Comity Council for a renewal of part of this line Will the council he equal to the emergency Well sec Now is the time to commence- making mem oranda for concessions Doesnt matter what kind of man you are wc can satisfy you in Spring Clothes One advantage youll al ways find in dealing with us were always ready WHO PLANS AHEAD THE CAREFUL CHOOSER BUYER r i the lastminute BUYER THE MAN WHO ASKS OUR ADVICE THE SLOW BUYER Youre All Alike the Satisfaction You Get Bra EKIB spa nisi Each and all will receive the same good service the same depen dable quality the same peerless val ue But each different man will he assisted to a of garments that will satisfy his individual needs Weve made a lifelong study of this mens wear business and were here to satisfy your needs BR ana zo eat Come and See the Finest Spring Arra of Mens Wearables Ever Opened Out S ma At Newmarket aw HEM yBininT The Mens Wear Men i t fc

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