Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1910, p. 8

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8 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH 1 J Alcohol not needed Ayers Sartaparilla is not a strong drink As now made there is not a drop of alcohol in it It is a nonalcoholic tonic and alterative Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin impure blood Follow his advice time He knows fft publish cut fleeter Idle around the Hal RESPONDENTS TOO TO Messrs and Edgar started for West on Tuesday 574 has had the banner re paired and will he out again in cele bration of Twelfth of July with the handsomest banner in the county The horse trade maintains its in terest H Humphrey sold one last week for pretty near the mark Mr bought a driver from Howard Reekie on Monday Ask your doctor What is the first rule of health Nine doctor out of ten will quickly reply Keep the regular Then ask him another ques tion What do Ton think of Pills for constipation 7 it Art House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and loft water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale Brick House rooms domestic iter and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket A FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with feet frontageFine building tot Hard and soft water on the Must be sold as the owner is going West Apply on the premises THOS Superior st Newmarket INSURE TOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness Ore and lightning for terms of or months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars Wl Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot of houses and lots for sale also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms THE RIDGE Too for last week Mrs Joe Wilkinson been spend ing a in the city but has re turned Quite an enjoyable time spent at the oyster supper at Fri day evening last Mr Ed Crittenden is buzzing wood for the neighbors The splasjn driver from Mount Al bert is one to take the girls on the hill for a lively spin Mrs John Crouton was very ill for a few lavs last week WHISTLING JACK AURORA A very pleasant and profitable meet ing of the League of the Methodist Church Aurora was held last Monday evening when afftiti-r- program was rendered by the Young Utiles Bible Class A special feature of the evening was an hour with Longfellow The young ladies deserve great praise for the creditable manner in which their work was don More evenings of like character would no doubt greatly help young and old to appreciate more highly the works of our own poets KKTTLKHY King was The For Sale That valuable property street known on as Huron The Kelman Homestead The annual meeting of the Tun Telephone meeting held Kettlehy on 1 March officers elect are J M Walton Walton Directors A Curtis and L Watson The company added If hew phones the year and installed a cen tral switch hoard that gives a con tinuous service The night call priv ilege is a great convenience in case of sickness or emergency Further of the lines are under con sideration for 1010 A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden trees Fine lawn with shade and hedges Plowing well Furnace and Stable A Home for any Person For Particulars see J Executors of Estate Messrs Win Leonard i Son have sold their store and dwelling Mr J A Thompson has disposed of his farm to Mr Ed Adair of Luther Mr Thompson will move to the west Mr Stuart Thompson left for the west on Wednesday of last week His objective point Is Edmonton A number of ladies and gentlemen fruit from attended the Sunday trees School at on Friday last The funeral of the late Mrs Wil liam Rolling took place last Wednes day afternoon to St Mary Magdalene church Lloyd town and was largely attended Coffee pots and tea pots in borax water is boiled two or three times a week are purified and entire ly free from musty taste or odor ZEPHYR at the rink was The last carnival a grand success Mr Stephen Sellers horse ran away and collided with Mr Walkers a good washing fluid rig damaging both vehicles one and onehalf ably Water one ounce liquid am Rev McDonald has accepted the call one of silts of from the Presbyterian Church of this To hake box of one Ions tartar place Miss TRY THEM BEFORE YOU BUY THEM Gin are Walker and Miss In of our millinery Mrs Lyons of is visiting her grandmother Mrs I Horner Martha Clark had a few of her friends in to tea on Wednesday of last week Yea we lend Gin Pills free to every Miss of Toronto from and Bladder Rheumatism and back Ve ill IK because exax wioit all sufferers to test Pills and for themselves that these ac tually cure all swell diseases No matter what your experience has wllb doctors medicine and advertised we want you to try Pills And fet you see how much they will do you by tending you a free sample use we think your will be Hire that of Mr Websters Ontj Dec loth I have used he sample of Gin you sent me and have received I enclose you p Order for for balf a You see Mr Webster first wrote for a free Gin Pills He tried them They much good that lie send Ihc money for full because he felt that he had found for his trouble Do same Write the National Co Limited A Toronto for a free sample Then you will be in a position to decide whether Gin Pills we the right remedy for you Nervous ft Prostration Fdr Three Years Dr Miles Restorative Nerv ine cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three years duration and the Anti- Pain Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our house They have been household rem with us for many years J LOUGHRAN Catherine St Philadelphia Penna Much sickness is due to troubles Headache diz ziness epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles Then there is a large class of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part as weak lungs heart stomach kidney- bladder eyes etc Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous- disorders Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves and assists the nerve cells to gener ate nerve force Price at your druggist Ho should supply you If he does not send price to us we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto The Kind You Have Bought borne the signature of ChaH Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment What Is a armless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of T BEST OF ALL Mrs Helen Combes in the New York Observer I have none of this worlds rithes Naught of gems or gold 1 in store Small my need of fame and favor Yet one me poor For Im richer than the richest When hear a sweet voice call Do you love me dearly mamma For I love you best of all Thought the Disease was Cancer of the Stomach Though old friends may disappoint mo Till I mourn their lack of love Though the idols I have cherished May at last unworthy prove- Yet I cannot he discouraged my faith in Heaven let fall While 1 hear love you mamma Yes I love you best of all brightness in the sunshine Childless hearts cannot discern Theres a tranquil joy- in living Only mother love can learn Theres a balm for every sorrow While the lips enthrall With their sweet I love you mamma Yes I love you best of all t Cured Him In Use Years THE COMPANY I Mabel Potters Easter Bonnet Continued from page It was not until late in the follow ing winter that he again heard of when society was thrown into a at Red Willow where he has since served he was greatly beloved and widely useful The funeral took place in The bereaved wife and other sorrowing friends have the prayerful Sympathy of the whole excitement over the news of Christian Guardian marriage at Norfolk to Miss The deceased was a son of Thomas thither some months before Then the story came out of how the two families hail been friends in the antebellum days how the young people had first met as students at Julliohs and how by reverse of fortune Miss Dueber had been forced to give up the aesthetic 1 Pickering of Zephyr o TORONTO LETTER Jacob Draughelin of this city jtep- from one railway track to an- other to avoid an train Iwas run down and instantly killed P near Port Credit last Friday flight F He leaves a wife and three children j bequest Victot Fire damaged the Coulter Works on George street last Friday to the extent of 5000 The appeal in the Toronto Street Railway case was decided by Privy Council against the city Danncr had become a rich man and now they were about to sail for Rome where they would pursue their beloved art together Mabel Potter felt anything of chagrin over this denouncement she Another stolen Traders Bank n0 siK ut tlmt nigllt disappeared from her dressingroom box tliat for almost a year had one of the shelves and on Easter Sunday Biddy Loon had found Alfred James bin with forged signature was passed last week in this in the possession of a new bonnet And yet I doubt if any of the three to Whom it had so truly proven an in strument of fate would have 1 in the dispirited mass of tulle that adorned Biddys flaming locks Mabel Potters Bonnet guilty of unlawfully wound- Charles Mr I his counsel applied for a stat ed case on the ground that the Judge in his charge to the jury bad reeled them on one or two points and that there was not sufficient evidence to justify the verdict Instead of hearing argument his Honor asked Mr to ut his objections in writing which was agreed to A second charge of wounding ami an other of shooting at Constable Percy with intent to kill are still pending against the prisoner A mass of twisted arid blackened f suffer from backache head- iron victim is all that is left of the ftChes Spoils you rest poor ly and are languid in the morning if the secretion are Irregular A Bit of Advice DONT building of the Don Iron Works Com pany Marsh which was to the ground by lire last and unnatural appearance do not day evening It is thought that kidneys are calling for mislaid electric wire started it help Slight symptoms of kidney troubles are but forerunners of more serious complaints They should be Niagara Kails March given attention before it is too late Lightning struck the power line off Kidney pills cure kidney the Catharines and To- trouble They are recommended by routo railway during a severe electric Can Newmarket residents storm at ocloek this morning desire more convincing roof ban the icing up the main line between St statement of a Newmarket citizen Catharines and this city or the day THE DRUMMERS WHO DRANK Twenty years ago said a salesman the metals trade fourfifths of the men who were on the road in my were drinking men fourfifths of them are not I remember that the day I was taken on by our corporation I met the highestsalaried salesman in the trade his of employers I was bub bling over with pride and satisfac tion and youngster fashion I blurt ed outthe story of my luck con gratulated me and asked mo to drink with him by way of celebrating and when I thanked him and told him I drink he seemed and half sympathetic drink eh he repeated Youll never he able to sell goods if you donit drink I didnt believe that then anymore than I believe it now and as it turn ed out the poor fellow himself was on the way to convince me that was right All at once he began to go to pieces and within a course of years none of his old employers would have paid him ten dollars a week Fact is he wouldnt have been worth two dollars to anyone Then again there was a merchant up here in a drinking man came home f told him that himself who bought pretty heavy bills father would he mad if ho saw and whom we salesmen were all after Some of the hoys used to take him out to the saloons and fish for his Sydney Mines January 1910 suffered with Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse I consulted physicians as I was afraid the disease was cancer but medicine gave only temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever I read in the Maritime Baptist about and the cures this medicine was making and I decided ta try it After taking three boxes I found a great change for the better and now I can say Fmitatives has entirely cored me when every other treatment failed and I reverently say Thank God for EDWm ORAM Sr sweetens the stomach increases the flow strengthens the stomach muscles and insures sound digestion The powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than curing the apparently hopeless cases of Dyspepsia and Constipation a J for or trial size At dealers or from limited Ottawa FOR THE THE NURSERY crying But it wasnt any Seemed like he couldnt stop father came and saw him his him use His He trade all such ways didnt Hut wouldnt have done it if he hadnt after year or two l noticed that been drinking He aint a bad man he was buying more than ninetenths when he is sober I hate to tell it How The power line was struck about a quarter of a mile west of the trans former station tearing down seven Mrs Frank of Main St Newmarket Out says For a kid ney complaint and kidney aches and poles and completely demoralizing pains we can heartily endorse- the the line Sour Stomach an Almost Certain Sign Acute Indigestion of A COLD IN ONE DAY Medicine GUARANTEED bottle at all stores loine on a visit With peculiar feelings of sorrow and loss we record the death of the Thomas Pickering of Willow Al berta which occurred at his home in that place On Thursday March 3rd alter a period of illness ov er several months It will be that Mr Pickering came east last year for advice and treatment and during his stay in To ronto was operated lipon for tint of in his neck On this growth proved to malignant character ami the worst feared Nevertheless he return ed homy shortly and with character istic and at his work as long as strength would at all was to the only a short time before the end came Pickering was a man of strength of charact er termination and devotion to the of the Church and the pro gress of the Masters Kingdom His early ministry was spent in the To ronto Conference on New Ontario where his record was one usual and success under conditions went In WCi largely for the sake of Mrs health Was stationed use of Booths Kidney Pills which were procured at The Co Store Simmeison had an son and lame back and the kidney action was far from correct There were throbbing back- miliar because you have heard its of his goods from brought it up in a joking way about it Mr Iarkin said 1 Well Jack Ill tell you I ho old fellow said Im willing to go out and drink with a drummer Id probably drink anyhow Hut when I do business 1 want to deal with a sober man This travelling man used to think be had to drink with his customers in order to get or hold trade the salesman added Probably at that time a many of the customers felt like tin man of whom told you and more are in that mood at present The oldtime travelling man had a pretty hard name and maybe die de served it but his successors are walk ing a straight line Even when a salesman drinks lie wouldnt dare to cany the odor of liquor when going to a customer and as I told he- fore few drinks at all Competition is too keen A man in business has to keep wits about him all the time Youths Companion o o TRITE BUT TRUE The poorlydad woman you found watching the answered your answer- about the sick boy with a which sounded of calmness she continued Poor little Tommy criexlall day I comfort him- He said it wasnt anv use trying to do anything fc curtains around Folks would onlv laugh at him for s bed The most that can be en- being a drunkards little boy I tried are light swiss draperies and to comfort him before my husband j these should be every week Children need fresh air especially when sleeping and curtains prevent free circulation while they collect dust Dont place babys crib in a posi tion where the light will fall upon hit eyes nor in draught Dont make the babys bed on the floor The air near the floor is always draughty Dont load a child heavy cloth ing- His garments- should be warm but light Dont neglect to air the bedcloth ing every day and remember that a halfhours airing in the open air Is equal to a whole mornings in a room Dont allow child to sleep with an elder person even its own mother Its rest will be less disturbed and more beneficial alone me and one day I but he whipped Tommy 1 1 1 inn i i i the I way My How that bed lay He child fell and struck his head suppose hed a been sick any But oh- my poor little boy sick suffering child she cried can they let men sell a thing makes the innocent suffer so A little voice spoke from the turn to listen There he poor little defenceless victim lived in- a Christian land in a coun try thai takes great care to pass flaws to protect sheep and diligently good J legislates over its game Would that the children were as precious as brutes and birds His face was flushed anil the hol low eyes were bright There was a long purple mark on his temple He put one little wasted hand to cover it while he said Father have done it if he Radiant Hair New York Society Womens Hair Matched Only by Parisians While much attention is given to choicest gowns by New York society hadnt been drinking Then in his women the turbulent fad just now is queer piping voice weak with sick- the care of the hair If you occasionally have a taste sour food in your mouth it surely that the food you arc eating is not being digested but instead is fer menting and giving poisonous gases Belching of gas is common of such times and also that lump of lead feeling as it your stomach carrying a much greater load than it could stand you want prompt relief and per manent cure go to Co and get a large tin box of Ml-o- tablets for GO cents I knows that Miona a highly recommended rem edy aod that is why he Is ready to return your money If it fails to acid stomach belching of gas dizzi ness biliousness sick headache breath and all stomach troubles aches pains over the kidney region and bis back so tender and painful that he could hardly stoop over He used Booths Kidney Pills with fine success he was soon rid of the trouble and felt better In general health than he had been In a long time Sold by dealers Price cents The T Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Canadian Agents -oeo- counterpart many and many a time Tommy was crazy to go to school He thought if he could get a little education he might help support sissy and baby and me He knew he never would be strong enough to work hard So fixed up his clothes as well as I could ami last week he started I was afraid the hoys would laugh at him hut he thought be could stand it if they did I stood In the door and watched him going I cant ever forget how the little A little muriatic acid added to the looked she continued the he half whispered Im glad Km going to die Im too weak ev er to help mother anyhow Up in heaven the angels aint going to call me a drunkards child and make fun of my clothes And maybe If Im not only attracts there where is can keep re- compels For many years the clever women of Paris have been famed for the magnificent beauty of their hair Glorious hair a Virginian calls it so radlcnt and luxuriant that it but fascinates and admiration him of mother and hell But now that the elite of New piake it easier for her ever anxious to improve their He turned his head feebly upon his beauty have learned that Parisian pillow and said in a lower tone Sage a remarkable and almost Some day they aint going to let vclous hair and the saloons keep- open But Im is almost entirely responsible for the afraid poor father will be dead be- charming hair of the ladies of fore then Then he shut his eyes from France the demand for it has become weariness enormous The next morning the sun shone in I Parisian Sage is now sold all over on the dead face of little Tomm Presbyterian Banner PiekeriiX PMMlD CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Bronchitis Croup Coughs and Coldlj or monev VM ROGERS CO rinsing water after a blue and white fibre rug is scrubbed with soap and water will help to restore the color If the pans In which milk custards and salad dressings are to be boiled are first wiped out with a cloth greased with lard they will neither stick nor scorch To clean white satin mix silted stale breadcrumbs with powdered blue and rub it thoroughly all over article then shake well and dust with a clean soft cloth PROMPTLY SECURED the of Manufacturer and others who the Vf of having their advice Chrira Our Inventors Ad t meat Hud a tears streaming down his face Mis paUhcdup clothes his old shoes this ragged cap his poor little anxious He turned round to me OS he left the yard and said Dont you worry mother I aint going to mind what the boys say But he did mind It wasnt an hour tillhe was back again I believe the childs heart was just broken thought mine was broke years ago If it was it was broken over again that day I can stand most anything myself but oh I cant bear to see my child ren suffer Mere down in a lit of convulsive weeping The little girl came up to her quietly and stole a thin little arm round her mothers neck Dont cry mother she whispered dont cry The woman made an effort to check her tears and wiped her eyes As soon as she could speak wljh any dc- EEKERS TO Canada and in Newmarket by Rogers Co who is glad to guaran tee it to eradicate dandruff stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back Large -bottle- cents Much time is saved if paper linings for cake pans are cut in quantities and kept ready for instant use in a WESTERN CANADA LOW TRIP RATES GOSttO DATES Apr June 31 July Sept SPECIAL TRAINS TO AND WEST Toronto pm Through A Caw CoacUw Colonist f Anplv write L ASK box with tight lid s YEARS EXPERIENCE L ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Trade Marks Designs c0pyright3c Anyono sending and may ucbrtaln our opinion free n la probably HANDBOOK free Old eat ajf ency for taken A Co without chant la Scientific American IBustratodwoeUj of an ierca for prepaid BOM l I 1 4 All l fc i 1

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