Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1910, p. 5

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CI r I ta Thos J- Robertson Public o Main Street Newmarket goo Farm Security Prank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter Decorator Quitch Street Millards Lane and Dp DENTIST St Newmarket Wilkinson Office in Block Newmarket Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Bra Office Newmarket Office PiIrate at residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGN IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before Orderlnr Elsewhere CASSIDY A Dr S J Boyd Graduate in medicine Toronto University also Llcensiate of the Royal College of Physician and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant la tfoorflelds Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy r Telephone No Consultation My may be had at any hour el day or night by calling at the or phone Furnace Work of Our Specialties the Bathroom at the LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to New Grocery I We hart received our Stock of New Fruits ail kind Raising Currants Figs Peels Layer Rais in Malaga Oranges etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Corn Salmon the Beit Canneries GROCERIES Are weHfcsorted and the Beat that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Oysters aolid by the Quart or Served to ftmx taatft OUR BREAD Weight Fin er Bread Pita of all Every Heme Better tq good COOKED HAM aUce4 to Sweet Cider by quart or or Joseph PerldoV PHOTOS 1 1 1 Weeks Hess Correction In setting up the paragraph about the fire last week our compositor omitted a line from his copy The house is owned by Miss- Mil lard of Newmarket and occupied by Mr- Adams s- Women s Institute The next meeting of the Newmarket Branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Sirs Park Avenue Saturday April at pm Papers are expected on The Century Kitchen and Meat Pies No Meeting There will be no Mothers Meeting Good Friday but the work will be resumed the following Friday which is the 1st of April We would like many mothers as possibly can to come at 230 pm on that date Com Methodist Church Lecture last night Kilborn a returned missionary from China Next Sunday Rev of and Leagues will preach both morning and even ing Special Easter Music by the Choir Bazaar Dont forget the Bazaar- on Friday April in the Schoolroom of the Methodist Church ladies are sparing no pains to make this Bazaar a great success They have for sale the very thing you are ing aprons of all kinds- also varioirs and numerous useful ynd fancy articles Farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday morning Butter was more plentiful than at any previous market this year and as high as was paid Eggs were more plentiful hut the price kept up to about 23c There were seven outside buyers on the market and they purchased from to doen each making a to tal of dozen besides what local dealers and townspeople purchased Big market expected here to morrow- Brief lets Good Friday King Council will bloom next Sun day North Council meets next Monday at Bel haven Next Friday is the 1st of April Over citizens visited the Office Specialty Works last Friday Manitoba etier Winnipeg March The West is experiencing the earliest spring in a quarter of a century No part of the winter season has been strenuously cold and pessimists on weather sub jects were inclined to the opinion that the spring would be delayed Fore casts of this sort have gone utterly astray and pronounced spring weather has been the lot of the West for a fortnight at least A temperature of sixty degrees above zero throughout the day has warmed air and earth so fast and so that the snow is melted from the prairie the rivers are rising and seeding has be- gun in many parts of the country Geese and ducts have flown north and everything points to settled spring weather Big Hush Into West There is also an unprecedented rush of population into the West What ever the spring had Been there would have been a big rush this year but the early arrival of good weather- has undoubtedly helped to swell the set of travel into the West and to bring many people here in March who oth erwise would not have come until April or May The rush is particu- Mrs Dr lady great from the old and result from an overloaded stomach sluggish liver in active bowels or impure blood Cleir thinking lows the use of Sold tvcryvhcie lis boxes 35 en ts with Farm Crops the United States and the immigra tion authorities look for more than farmers from the States to enter Western Canada this year Al ready there is very heavy traffic over all roads leading to the points of entry- and even comparatively small firms who have been pushing their sales in the States for the past year are to bring in their clients by the trainload early in April Ten Thousand Men The West needs all who will come Ho early as this the cry for farm help has been sounded and there is a dearth of help to get the crop of Seeded It ten thousand farm labor ers were to come into the West at once all would be and there would he none too many to meet the needs of the farmetfc in their Seeding operations The high prices good crops of the past two years have promoted wheat growing to such an extent that every man with land at his disposal will plant every acre that labor and skill in fanning work bring under crop- To end plowing and seeding is being carried on in districts where plows are used throughout the whcAe twenty- four hours of the day shifts of men being supplied to the engines of agriculture running day and night- Other Lines Are Busy Too The call of the building trades and railroads for labor is scarcely less in sistent In every in the West there will very made in the of new buildings this year With scarcely any pause in the work by reason of the winter building operation have been taken up in this city with great vigor and The members of the Ontario Agri cultural and Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 1910 they- are prepared to distribute into every Township of Ontario material of high quality for experiments with fod der crops roots grains grasses clov ers and fertilizers as follows No Experiments Plots 1 Three varieties of Oats 3 Three varieties of sixrowed varieties tworowed tarey 2 Two varieties of Bar- Li Two varieties of Spring Wheat Two varieties of BuekwheatN Two varieties of Field Peas 7 and Spelt Two varieties of Soy Soja or Japanese Beans I Three varieties of Husking Corn 3 Three varieties of Mangels Three varieties of Sugar Beets feeding purposes 12 Three varieties of Swedish III flat Two varieties of Fall Turnips or Free lecture in the Town Hall last hundreds of new structures are well night on Why not Beau if New market The flats were flooded On Sunday and the canal overflowed its hanks Methodist Sunday School The direct result of Decision Day last Sunday was the of over CO cards declaring saving faith JeSUS Christ and a desire to join the church A Junior League will be formed at once announcement of which will he made on Sunday Next Sunday afternoon at the session will be held in the auditorium when the school will be addressed by of Toronto Schools and- Leagues of the Church throughout he Dominion of Canada The public are invited to hear this distinguished gentleman Two varieties of Carrots Three varieties of Fodder Silage Corn Three varieties of Millet Two varieties of Sorghum Grass Peas apd two varieties of t- Rape Kale and Field Cabbage Three varieties of Clover 21 Testing two varieties of Alfal fa Lucerne Four varieties of Grasses varieties of Beans 3 Three Sweet Corn 26 Fertilizers with Swedish Tur nips Two varieties of Rally Two varieties of medium ri pening Potatoes Two varieties of late Potatoes Three grain mixtures for grain production great- progress Three grain mixtures for fodder production Bach plot is to be two by one rod wide except No which is to one rod square Any person in Ontario may choose any ONE of the experiments for same The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications arc received while the supply lasts It might be well for each applicant to make a second 2 3 3 Under way already Building permits and apply for to the amount of been Issued and filing is going on A unique feature of new construction work to be done here this summer A Great Procession Who the farmers are riot mak ing money implement delivery last Saturday under the direction of Mr wai the largest ever Keen in Newmarket There were in the procession all loaded with various kinds of farm imple ments headed by the Town Band Be sides this Mr Blizzard informs us that a whole car load of bugles fail ed to arrive in time to join in the procession The display however fihows that Mr is both a agent and a hustler after bus iness Mr Bert Starr headed the proofs- ion with a team that he refused for Mr Blizzard will have a of more pieces next Saturday be ing delayed buggies and Implements Action for People who hand items for the paper and correspondents who write often give the editor an endless amount of worry and trouble when such Items are a reflection upon some bodys character or even In jest A week ago last Saturday a lady called at the office and left a para graph for the death column As her name Bcnne ve supposed it was the death of a- relative promised to Insert it but from what we have beard since it must have been a joke On Friday we received a lawyers letter threatening legal proceedings All car say is that we are per fectly Innocent of the matter and knew nothing of the falsity of the the build- choice for fear first could not be now occupied by the Canadian granted All material will be fur- Bank of Commerce and its removal entirely free of charge to each to where it will he applicant and produce will of course a splendid new building being put become the property of the person up for the hanks Winnipeg offices It who Conducts the experiment is a striking illustration of the re- 1 A growth which attends ing in he West that a building which was erected a few since at a cost of so soon should he adjudged inadequate for the business of the bank and be replaced by an edi fice which undoubtedly will cost at least four times as much as the form er thank quarters in this city Winnipeg Soberly Prosperous So acute an Observer as the Hon Robert Porter of the London Times remarked of Winnipeg while lie was here last week that it is soberly pros perous Mr Porter said Winnipeg strikes me as a soberly prosperous city there is no air of hysterical about it The streets are excellently laid out and the day will come when the Ontario Agricultural College A roast of meat which is to be served cold should be wrapped in a cloth when it is put away ft keeps Its flavor better Salts of tartar will brighten auburn hair if put Into the shampoo but it must be sparingly used and well rins ed from the hair 3 YEARS INDIGESTION Boxes Little Digester Entirely Cured a lucky day for Mr whoso portrait appears below when ho a Digesters advertise will have cause to be proud of their in tlio paper for it marked hia spacious streets and avenues How flret stop on the road to health different to Buenos Ayres with Its nt about it himself narrow thoroughfares already so Con gested that it has become necessary to construct subterranean tubes and subways In order to take the subur ban population to their railway sta tions City of Good Health The annual report of Dr A 1 Douglas chief of the city health de partment for shows Winnipeg to be a city The shows too that marked progress was made In way the birth rate be ing much higher and the death rate lower than In the previous year There deaths in tnc year which figures out taking the popula tion at as per thousand This is lower than last year which was which was low as compar ed with other cities of like size The death rate in children under ono year was also lower there being deaths at this age which is at tho rate of thousand List year the rate was 1431 There verc births in the year of a rate of In the total was a rate of AdecreafiO was also noted in tho number of cases of Infectious disease Wot UH statement We hereby tender to Mr prevalent In the community there a full retraction arid lit WW of which were fatal apology and Will lady tor any that may arise out of the matter AST Send the to Nov 12 Co Gentlemen Having suffered for three years with Indigestion nothing could relieve having neon your In paper for took throe vas I feel con vinced that anyone suffering with earns Will not full to try Little Digesters Junior Mttlo dainty little of purest and best Ingredients for the relief of stomach troubles aro positively guaranteed to cure chronic cases of Indigestion or Dyspepsia or money will be refunded In little roil boxes from druggist or by mail from Coleman cine Co Toronto mbtifCQunctt The regular meeting of Council of the Township held in the Municipal Hall Sharon All members present Moved by seconded by Thirsk that Robert Weddel be appointed t look into the application of John re purchase elm trees ana one pine tree near lots 9 and 17 and as he sees fit if the owners do not ob ject on- Con 5 Carried Moved by Seconded by Thirsk that the be and is hereby ap pointed to look into the application of Ed Parks re removal of cedars at or near Knotts on sido road Carried Moved by R H seconded by Thirsk that the Clerk be- instruct ed to communicate with Matthew with regard to his ffuest re closing of a part of Con and opening a new road from said Con to townline and that it will he necessary for him to present a peti tion ratepayers interested in proposed change of road being made Carried Moved by seconded by Thirsk That the Clerk he to fund Edmund Traviss re statute 1a- paid in taxes not knowing he had performed the same Carried Moved by seconded by Thirsk that the and- Mount Al bert library boards be- given a grant of twentyfive dollars each to assist them in their running expenses Lost Yeas and Nays Lapp Fair barn and Wed del Moved by R If Wed del seconded by Thirsk that the Reeve Thirsk and Richard Boyd be a committee to examine and re port upon the condition of burying grounds within the Municipality than private grounds or cemeteries Carried Moved by Farr seconded by Thirsk that the Clerk he ami is instructed to pay Mr J Kilely the sum of S3 being for sheep belonging to A Gibson and John killed by dogs the same being for the year Carried Moved by R seconded by the clerk is hereby in structed to ask for a copy of report from the and Mount Al bert Library Hoards as sent to Gov ernment Carried Moved by Fair barn seconded by Wedded that Harry Barker he refund ed the sum of three dollars and fifty- two cents being the amount of over charge in school tax on account of be ing assessed in the wrung School sec tion for the years and Moved by seconded by Weil- del that Amos Lapp be paid the sum of S3 his expenses re taking of John Wilkinson to Hospital Carried Moved by seconded by that Samuel and is hereby appointed Sanitary Inspector for Mount Albert in place of Daniel Cook resigned Carried Moved by R seconded by Jhirsk that James Farr he paid the sum of eight dollars his expenses re attending good roads Convention at Toronto Carried f Moved by seconded by Thirsk that the Clerk be instructed to pay the ratepayers In No King who have not been paid the same by the collector the rebate in school taxes wrongfully levied on their respective properties And also the Separate School supporters in S No EG the general school tax collected from them they not be ing responsible for the same Carried Moved by seconded by that the clerk he instructed to the necessary posters printed asking for tenders for cement for the year 1110 to lie handed in not later than April tenders to he for all or any portion of amount needed for purposes and to he marked ten ders for cement the lowest or any tender not accepted and to have the same posted up as soon as possible Carried Moved by seconded by Weddcl and resolved that the Reeve Issue his order on Treasurer for payment as follows Robert Little cement tile John Maincs reps to sidewalk Mount Albert Silas rebate tax King Silas Armitage rebate statute I IIJO I Duncan Hell rebate Tax No KinK Robt Murray do James Bell Shcppard Fred Bell Michael Cain rebate Separate Tax Thos Burns James Could John Pat Pat ftdmund rebate statute labor Harrison bounty killing dogs J Kitely sheep valuation 19C0 Harry Barker refund ot school tax Moved by Farr seconded by Thirsk that this Council adjourn to meet on April A MacKKNZIE Clerk ooo HI i I Smyrna rugs may be cleaned by through the velvet surface a mixture of coarse and corn- meal slightly dampened with a clean broom f NEWMARKfr HARDWARE STORE f iYou Can Save Money J By Buying From Us Full Line Paints Oils Glass Etc A v- 1 I i V 4 MACHINE THREAD BLACK OR WHITE attho Toronto Jobbing Bouse STAPLE and FANCY GnOCKRIES J LADIES MENS and CHILDRENS SHOES IS- Chocolates They where all else Fails If you want them in a hurry Pbone No I ORDERS RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION 7 DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MlDDlAGED MEN victims or early and CCSsed who are In life yon art cm reuira aiI or energy ami vitality nt treated Other tiied various Our New Method ha snatchy of has to homus and lias inalu men of who ivero nut Wo specific fur each Individual cane l antl comnllcntIonsrno no patent medicines Is of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment not full remedies adapted each Individual case Only COSCS ac We have duiIiicm throughout Canada for Year CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY you a victim you lost Are you Ihtcndlng to lias your Wool been Our New Method Treatment will you for others it will for you CoiuulUtlon Free No who lina you write for no honest opinion of Charge Free cdjou NAMES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT No names on boxes or Everything Confidential Question and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit dlftBIf Utters from Canada must be addressed ilL3 I IUEi to our Canadian Con esponOence in Windsor Out If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY for HirprlvQoaddrvM S

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