J When the Opposition at Ottawa un dertook to champion Mr Lumsdens cause with regard his charges against engineers of the National Black Knight every woman who takes pride in her home It enables her to have the stoves always clean freshly polished and brilliantly black Black Knight is ready to easily applied and a few rubs brings a mirrorlike polish Black Knight does away with all the hard work and dirty work of stove polishing If your dealer should not hare wc will tend yon A can for The P Co Limited HAMILTON ilcitn la 1 Shstolllb GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT It has paid others it will pay you Write today for our handsome- Cata logue G T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a ra p Toronto 545 Newmarket 805 1240 GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto a m p LOO 535 850 310 To Farmers A Pute Bred Bull whose four nearest dams average 2d of In seven days will kept for service on the farm of Mr Edgar Dennis one mile south of Newmarket Terms Cash SI at time service Transcontinental Railway Company they coimted upon chickens before be ing hatched Almost at- the very in- of the inquiry it dawned up on them that whatever the motive was which actuated Mr j it had nothing to do with any wrong doing on the part of the engineering staff and when Mr Lujpsden admit ted this fact and likewise exonerated the Railway Commission as well Conservative members of the Com mittee sought for some avenue of es cape First trying to induce Mr Iiumsden to have counsel Secondly by demanding- that the Conservative minority should have the naming of a counsel which Mr had de clared he did not want and thirdly when the whole committee arranged that Messrs and Barker should submit a name to the commit tee and when these two gentlemen presented that of Wallace of the Supreme Court of Canada and a Conservative the Tory part of the Committee still refused claiming that the minority should name Mr counsel It was the most singular ever made in all the history of Canadian parliamentary experience Well the Tory section of the Inves tigating Committee finding that they could not run things to suit their own political ends resigned in a body Whereupon the Committee ap pointed Mr Chrysler KC of Otta wa to represent people and an nounced that the investigation would proceed as if nothing had happened The Conservatives though if they re- the Committee would disband and there would he- no investigation which would have suited their views to a demonstration but the Commit thought differently and are proceeding with the inquiry in order to find out from Mr just why he resigned and the names of the engineers if any who had forfeit ed his confidence As affairs stand now all parties are represented by counsel and Mr will consult with Mr Chrysler and the investigation will proceed just the same as if the Conservatives had remained on the committee The Conservatives were not anxious to have this matter robed for the investigation was proposed by Sir Wilfrid They have followed the lead of Mr who resign ed because he said he had lost corr fidence in his staff The Conservatives resigned from the committee because they had lost confidence in them selves Both would have received a larger measure of public respect had they stuck to their guns At the recent Manitoba Winter Fair held at Brandon the championship for the best Red Fyfe Wheat grown in the Western Provinces was award ed to Frank Cherry of Prince Albert Saskatchewan The sample weighed pounds per bushel and scored 95 points Evidently Saskat chewan soil is proving better for wheat culture than that of North York No wonder so many of our are trying their chances in that Province The special Empire and World issue of The Amateur Photographer and Photographic News published on March is a remarkable production and one that no amateur photograph er should fail to obtain It is full of fine pictures on art paper printed in two colors and contains a mass of practical useful and elementary ar ticles for all camera users Particu lars of cash prize competitions and items of interest for all who are photographers or interested in photo graphy both elementary and advanc ed will be found in this number In regard to the market prices of butter and eggs it be confessed the farmer has got the bulge on the consumer but When is comes to po tatoes the smile is on the other mans cheek Last fall farmers re fused per bag and now after storing them all winter are glad to get and per bag and they must be prime tp command even that price In the Lower Pro vinces we notice in some ilaces that potatoes are quoted at 17c per bush but thats nothing as tubers are about the only low priced commodity the farmer has for sale everything else is kiting high I in Montreal dame who is everlastingly making and unmaking j Cabinets has iff charge the Dominion situation and the Federal Government without so much as saying by the leave of Wilfrid Laurier or the Ministers in- terested Of course the illness of Hon Li P is made to dp service in presenting forecasts of the future He is to resign and if health is not restored by the coming fall be translated to the Su preme Court Bench replacing Mr Justice Then Hon- Lemieiix will become Minister of Marine and Fisheries the of PostmasterGeneral going to Mr Pardee or Mr Hugh Guthrie Following the foregoing is the revi val of ah old fad about Hon A B stepping down and out of j the position of Minister of Justice to be replaced by Hon Chas Murphy Secretary of State This is Montreal is aching for an position in the Cabinet for its representatives The report then NOTICE All kinds of Masonry Work promptr attended to and Estimates given Work guaranteed WILLIAM WINGER street Newmarket Daily papers stated last week that a German spy is reported to have been watching the progress of the naval debate at Ottawa Germany lost both time ami money over it for the Kaiser could have got all he wanted to know securing a ropy of Hansard mail The spy how ever can now go hack to the and tell him that the Opposition avouched readiness to a cash contri bution to the old land of to organize a navy to build ships and send them to the Admiralty to send sailors and fishermen from Cana da man their ships and finally not anything until after a Of course this will be interesting reading for the Emperor also shows the Borden crowd in the Com mons is bewildering along practical lines large Cwftitv of Ontario are told portfolio of Secretary of only takes one day but the city taftVg i riHiic become the Government Minister tionaries have vet to learn what this kind of economy means e Senate With all these mors being bandied about no wonder the leader of the Opposition forgot where he was at Close of the Session Pome people tell us talk is cheap but press reporters down at Ottawa state that the naval debate cost the country The Mail and Em pire grumbles because of the growing public debt of the country hut it palliates the useless chatter of its friends in Parliament Guess the Ottawa Opposition were entirely at sea on the naval question Ella Muriel Wood of i say Two I was 5Z going into a decline I could hardly dratz across tho floor could not sweep the Ill went for ftdnve had to lie dawn when I came back it Latent for a mile on mj wheel I was too weak to lift it through the gateway last time I came in from having a spin I dropped utterly from fatigue My father give me no peace until I aeenred Knowing it was excellent for decline or weakness I must say the results wonderful and people smarted my Instead of a little pale melancholy girl I am today full of life ready for a sleighride ft Bleating match or an party with anyone and a few months ago I could not struggle to church rods from my home I have never had slightest cause to fear any return of the disease For sale by all Druggists and Dealers 50c and 100 A Slocum Limited Toronto RUNDOWN PEOPLE RESTORES THE APPETITE A Bird Sanctuary in GRANTS LITTLE STORY Before the Legislature adjourned on Thursday of last Premier Whit ney announced that notice hud been given calling an interprovincial con ference to meet at Ottawa on March The various phases of Provincial and Dominion Rights it is said will he discussed with the view of reaching an amicable understanding on issues upon which a divergence exists General Fred Grant tells in a let- ic tie story how a willing but from the Queen Jan 15 witness may confound himself Any complaints corporal said Technical Education No Disordered Kidneys OR A BLADDER IF YOU A FEW DOSES OF FIG PILLS All Backache and Distress from Kidneys or Bladder Trouble will vanish and you will feel fine Lame Back Painful Rheumatism Nervous Head- Dizziness Vorn- Sick Keeling and other of Sluggish Inactive Kidneys Liver disappear Smarting Frequent Urination and all Bladder Trouble ends FILLS go at omx- to the disordered Blad der and Urinary System and com plete a cure before you know it There in no other remedy at any price which will effect so thorough prompt a cure as a 25cent box of PIG PILLS Only curative re sults can come from taking FIG PILLS and a few mean clean active healthy Kidneys Bladder and Liver and no For sale at all first class a box for five for one FOUR YEARS WITH American Field Lawn Fences And Flower Height MADE BY CftnoHaa Steel A Wire Co Ltd and Quality For Sale by J Wear March 20 During thunderstorm which passed over this tillage this morning the belonging to Mr J were struck by lightning and completely destroyed with the Including two horses and four cows Loss about partly cov ered by Insurance FOR FLETCHERS R I A The quest ion of technical education in Ontario is fast becoming one of paramount interest The resolution of the subject proposed by Hun Mr MacKay leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature last week to the effect that the Government co operate with the municipalities for the purpose of establishing technical schools throughout the Province larged Voiced public sentiment on the question Mr McKays address not only demonstrated a matured judg ment public spirit but furnished a wealth of desirable information the country Hon Mr who followed the leader of the Opposition did not give decided assurance that the Government had reached a definite policy In regard thereto He recounted the fact that the griini in aid of technical educa tion had been Increased from 25000 lo during the present session reminded the Mouse that Dr had been sent to Europe to stud methods appertaining to technical ed ucation and that thirty Centres had already been estab lished during the past four years Concluded by advising legislature to go slow in reference to these schools and moved an amendment ex- Pressing assurance that something substantial done by the Gov ernment when the information to be gathered by the commission to be ap pointed by the Dominion Government to enquire into the subject hasbeen made public This may mean a de lay of a couple of years as th report 01 the Dominion Commission may not be made puMIc for fifteen hut of course Mr amend ment prevailed to have allowed Mr motion to obtain under circumstances would been declar ed a want of confidence in the powers that be Commenting on this action of the Government the Hamilton Herald One help that the desire to learn wis dom from the report of the Dominion Commission is simply the Whitney Governments excuse for delay In the meantime Quebec and little Nova Scotia are not waiting to profit by the observations of the Dominion Commissioners hut are going ahead of their own account maturing and putting Into effect technical education politics whiffy are prove fruit ful Jn good result The members of the Ontario Agri cultural and Experimental Union state that for they are prepared to add Apiculture to the list of depart ments for experimental work- At present there is no material to dis tribute so it is proposed to take up some of the more important prob lems in the management of bees for profit One of the greatest of these is the control of swarming When bees are kept from swarming entire ly more honey is secured When are compelled artificial methods to only a certain hours On certain days at the convenience of beekeeper much loss of time and swarms is avoided experiment for is the control of swarming Rach person who wishes to join in this experimental work should drop a card to the Ag College at for particulars During the past week Hon Frank Oliver Minister of the Interior was the guest of honor at the Ontario Club and delivered the third speech of the series of banquets lo Liberal lead ers which the Club Is holding this season Mr Oliver dealt with the land policy of the Dominion Govern ment lie said The policy of the Liberal Government is that all the land we have is to be given away to the meri who will use it and not an acre is to he sold for sake of the money it bring That is the ac tion and the spirit of the Administra tion During the course of his ad dress Mr Oliver outlined the policy of the Government in relation to the problems of the land laws and also immigration regulations Nothing in the great West was too good for the man who would use it land was for homesteaders and not for vestors or speculators The session of the Legislature just closed made a record in the number of bills passed viz but the mar gin is only two over last year If the members had enacted another de sired bill to swell their private pur ses to the extent of each that would beat the past record by three However a day for working days sometimes only a very few hours per day at that is pretty good pay compared to holding a plow all day or running a binder from early morning till eve The Ontario Legislature was pro rogued on Saturday last Contrary to usual custom the event took place in the forenoon One hundred and fifteen bills received the assent of the LieutOovcrnor which along with the fiftythree previously assented to total as the record of the ses sion The Speech from the Throne among other allusions to the legisla tion enacted announces that he license act has been amended by -no- that hereafter no intoxicating liquors shall be sold in this Province on Christmas Day thus promoting the sanctiy and sobriety of this fes tival At the dose of the proceedings and ft just as tin Lieut Governor was step ping from the dais a woman and in a clear modulated voice ad dressed him There is one thing you have forgotten I object to this Parliament dosing without doing justice to women Women arc just as much entitled to vote as men hope that at your future meetings The Canadian Press Association are you will do more justice to the cause expecting the of Col women This is all I have to of the CourierJournal Thank you Of course Louisville Kentucky to he present there- murmur in the House as at its next annual gathering on May i woinail concluded Sir James and After the business Whitney turned to the the session is concluded the Arms said Will somebody ask will mate an excursion to that person to withdraw A cotpie Cobalt and other places of- interest attendants turned to obey orders The bills of are out of all proportion other classes of the community Says the Telegram The revision of Ontarios statutes will be completed some time in it- is expected Ho the expenses At the commission in charge of thelitis ha1 Ontario Mining districts including a fifty run through the clay of the National Transcontinental Hail- way No doubt the Executive will make ample arrangements for the comfort and accommodation of the party on this visit New Ontario -oee- Minister and CURED HIM OF A DAD SORE WHICH DEFIED ALL OTHER FOR TWO YEARS Charles Stafford of ridge- burg Ont says I been much troubled for over two years with a sore On my left check I tried all kinds of salves and lotions but noth ing procured seemed to have the least bit of effect towards healing the sore Hearing of amlluk I decided to a trial and it would bring a cure as so many other things had failed I purchased and commenced with the treat ment After several applications to my great joy amHuk has afTccted what or two years I tried In vain to bring complete cure Case after case could be quoted in which as in the above instance has worked cures when every thing else tried had failed There is a reason for this Away back in days of Roman gladiators secret halms were used for the healing of cuts and Injuries sustained in the arena and in battle Then came a period during which halms vorc neglected followed by a period In which all the but she had already started to leave on her own account followed by two companions It was afterwards as certained that the woman had thus unexpectedly cause the flurry was Miss Olivia Smith of London an unknown person to the leaders of the Suffragette- movement in Toronto The prorogation ceremonial was more largely attended than usual not only by members of the House but also by guests who occupied scats on the floor of the House and visitors If the galleries All is now down to routine business again at Queens Park Departments being busy com peting Office work usually following the winding up of sessions of the Legislature ooo What the Old Alan Says Young main when you are coijrt- your best girl dont get soft Dont say Thcsc little bands will not do a stroke of work when you are mine and you shall have nothing do in our house but to sit all day long and ohirp to the canaries As work since 1005 total Particulars of the work of tho coma mission of which Mr Justice- Osier is chairman were given the Legislature In a return presented by Hon W J This is something like the selectors Of Jurors for the Judicial District of York They meet one day and decide how many jurors shall be chosen Time about halfanhour Cost to the taxpayers for the half- dozen who compose the Hoard per day each and travelling expenses and so on consuming three or lour days in the discharge of a duty that should be performed in a day at most The if any sensible woman could be and away her time in that sort as their base animal fats of style A girl has a retentive oils marks a new of the soft things and silly prom- epoch It is absolutely devoid of aliases courtship and occasionally animal fats all mineral coloring- mat- in after years when- Is bending tcrs and is composed entirely of rich I over the wash tub or pa tolling the medicinal herbal extracts jwest end of your trousers she will diseases such as eczema ring- remind you of them in the cold sar- salt rheum and prairlo Itch tones of voice are speedily overcome by it For piles it Is fine easing the pain and Inflammation and hastening a cure It also cures burns scalds cuts ul cers childrens and eruptions bloodpoisoning scratches old wounds varicose ulcers All druggists and stores sell at a or post free for price from Co Toronto HOW SHE WAS CURED 9 la was A young lady who had been ill wrote to her lance in a distant city Dear One your birdie has very- very sick It was some sort of ner vous trouble and the doctor said I must think of nothing absolutely nothing Dear One how much I have missed you I thought only of you quickly Coughs Cure coklx tho lungd February Immigration was and now I am well again or more than double the record reading it the young cents J for the same month last Alter for a year doiig time silent Thinking that your readers might like to hear something of what is be ing done here for feeding and caring for the wild birds I write to tell yojy about it Some time ago I took in about four acres of parkland ami planted it with every imaginable har dy shrub which hear fruits or berries beloved the birds It is now a fascinating tangle of leaves fruit berries seeds in their season with wild trails and natural paths lead ing here and there in dell bank knoll or wilderness 1 got the carpenter to build a little feeding pavilion of oak on oak posts with a sloping shingle roof keep oil the snow and rain Inside there are three tiers of oaken trays in which I have placed every morning a mixture of chopped fat suet seeds oats cracked Indian maize meal and grit Over this mixture we pour boil ing water and when it cools a little the trays arc filled with it On the ground beneath the pavilron we J lace a large very shallow earthenware pan of fresh water This is renewed twice a day in the frosty weather and every morning otherwise Fresh wa ter is as necessary as food to our bird friends especially in cold weath er On the crossbars that support or Uphold this structure I hang cocoa- nuts stulled with suet Our acrobat ic friends the tits when regaling themselves on these won drous antics I This birdfeeding pavilion stands in front of our diningroom windows and it is quite delightful to sec the joy and surprise of the many varieties of birds which visit it I have also Invented feeding troughs for the birds which roofed oyer so as to pro tect them whilst feeding from the and rain These troughs arc placed in sheltered corners of the gar dens On almost every tree I have hung up great feeding sticks with deep round holes which are filled with fat and seeds regularly In the wilderness I hang up meaty hones on tree branches and other at which birds like to peck l Outside each of the bedroom win dows I have had oak trays put up on of iron On these- trays and fresh water are placed every morning for the birds I have also put several hundreds nesting- boxes in trees and in many quiet retreats all over the grounds so I think and hope the birds are happy here In America we always gave the birds a- Christmas tree and I have tried to keep up the custom my adopted home Our servants are very good to the birds and outside the windows many birds Iced without fear or chatter gossip and sing while the majds are sewing close by Often when I am walking in the gar den tho birds come so near that I can touch them They sing to me and I learn many beautiful secrets from them IRENE OSGOOD Hall Northampton O A Womans Beautiful Hair A hair dressing that will make luxurious and fascinating Guaran teed by J Today every uptodate woman has radiant hair Why Because she is ever on the alert to chase the Dand ruff germ Hair Tonic carries sure and certain death to the Dandruff germ and is the on reliable remedy that will it There Is no reason why any person should fail to take of this ofTer as we have such in this Hair dressing that we are pre pared to refund the cost of same fifty cents to any one not satisfied with it A largo for cents at Drug Store and your money back if it docs not give satis faction the colonel making one morning a personal inspection Yes sir Taste that sir said the corporal prompt ly The colonel put the liquid to his lips Why he said that is the best soup I ever tasted Yes sir said the corporal and the cook wants to call it cofiee OF BLOTTINGPAPER was discovered pure ly by accident says a writer in T Ps weekly ordinary paper was being made one day at a mill In Berkshire when a careless workman forgot in put in the sizing material It may be imagined what angry scenes would take place at the mill as thcwhole of the paper made was regarded as being useless The pro prietor of the mill desired to write a note shortly afterwards and he took a piece of wastepaper thinking it was good enough lor the purpose To his intense annoyance the ink spread all over the paper AH of a sudden here flashed over his mind the thought that this paper would do in stead of sand for drying ink and he at once advertised his wastepaper as blotting There was such a big demand that the mill ceased to make ordinary paper and was soon occupied in making blotting only the use of which spread to all countries The result now is that the descendant of the discoverer owns the largest mill in the world for the manufacture of this special kind of paper The reason the paper Is of use in drying ink is that really it is a mass of hairlike tubes which suck up liquid by capillary attraction Causes Sickness NO I jHost of the business section Outlook north of the river was burned last Saturday including postollice The loss is I is a greencolored powder pack ed in tin cans ready or use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you arc to begin not all over the iar- pet then sweep as you always do The powder Is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the carpets absorbs the duat leaving the carpet clean and bright The dust Is not thrown Into the air to settle- back on the carpet and furniture WHY YOU SHOULD USE DU8TBANE IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY It Costs Nothing to try Wo are authorized by the man ufacturers of to send you a can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to use this on trial for one week At the end ol this period if not found satisfac tory wo will take It back and tbore will no charge lor quan tity used Sold In barrels hall barrels and quarter barrels for stores sohools banks churches hotels and public buildings Newmarket J Si hi 2 4 til I I i i J I V v I j