Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1910, p. 2

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i THE BRA FRIDAY MAECE 25 1910 Ml Wanted is A At once a General Servant o Mrs Field Park Ave Apply 1 of the Ontario Railway and Municipal War lbe Railway and Municip commercial war fa adopted Threatened The Ontario Government will L 1 I 75 to 100 Weekly Made handling our goods Salary or Commission Fairfax Refining Co Cleveland O USA For Sale Two young Horses Would make a splendid farm team Enquire at this office i I if M J For Sale Two Choice Building Lots in New market in excellent locations Apply to JACKSON Eggs for Hatching Great Chance to get the best White Eggs from ray prize- winning stock for sale per Kindly book orders early J Patterson Newmarket Divergence between the American trodufee a new liquor license act next Governments on the session Local boards of license commissioners and license inspectors will he abolished and a Provincial and Canadian tariff question is causing considerable uneasiness and friction is feared The substituted This is said attitude of Canada in refusing conces- be Hon Mr reasons for sions without corresponding not allowing further amendments tages is obviously correct The the license act this last session Vi say it is only an excuse for trouble with our neighbors across the AllianCe border is they- think themselves en- demanded titled to get something for From what we believe to be the trend of Canadian thought should the American Government impose its Teeswater March sad Three Women Drowned Mrs Albert Moore off Clarksburg Is in- town Mr and Mrs B Hunter friends one night last week Mr and Mrs JViddifield en tertained friends on Tuesday even- Miss Ledgerwood of Mitchell is the new milliner at Mr dys Dr gave an after noon tea to a number of ladies on Wednesday C Cane visited her bro- t T J iJ PAYS TO AT J I T fX SI tariff in regard to this Dor drowning accident at Joseph Mr S Lukes at Bradford on Canadian Government Scrapies farm four miles from here j Wednesday this maximum minion the Canadian Government will place a surtax as an offset on American products coming into country A special to the Toronto Star at daughter Miss Elliot was the only Washington states Now that one of the party saved dent Taft has personally taken the The iyerruns through the farm matter in hand with Minister of the house and they had nance Fielding representing the Do- tended rowing up the river and minion Government Prof Emory crossing over to a neighbors but said he was more hopeful From owing to the swollen condition of the what has since transpired it now river and the strong current at this spot the boat was swept down the when Mrs her daughter- Mr Walter Armitage of Toronto and Mrs Elliot a relative from was in Town Sunday to vote for Liverpool England were drowned in the River Mrs Elliots J THE I CORSET STORE J a THE STORE I j looks as if some compromise will he reached satisfactory to both Govern- to For Sale Early Rose Potatoes Early Sensg- Early Early Quick Lunch bag Also Timothy Hay ton J COWIESOX Queensvillc river and overturned before they had taken hold of the oar6 ments In view of Parliament rising For the holidays it is not like- The accident was seen by Miss Kate public will be placed and she immediately called the general possession of details respecting her brother who managed to rescue 1 Miss Elliot as she was being swept a bend in the river She is Acknowledgment THE PRESIDENT DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS of the OFFICE SPECIALTY MFG CO LIMITED wish to their sincere thanks to the citizens of Newmarket gener ally and the property owners espe cially for the confidence and good- will exf rased in carrying the Bonus ByLaw The unity of spirit shown in- this instance is a power that must count for GREATER for some days to come The Globe had an item on the situa tion a few days ago in which some con cern was apparent respecting certain lumber interests in the States Can ada has little to do with these men the position in which- they find themselves If there is blame anv- where that blame is attached to the AldrkhPayne tariff for which this country is in no wise responsible An Ottawa despatch to the Globe of Tuesday however after Hon Mr Fielding returned from his interview with President says that he life passing clouds of threatening tariff war there is already visible a clear sky promising belter re lations between Canada and the Unit ed Slates than have obtained for over a quarter of a century past This more hopeful for the future 00 still unconscious to-night- The bodies of Mrs Elliot and Mrs were recovered at Grants bridge half a mile away ooo Murder on a Train Wilmington Del March J H a sixfoot South Carolinian who boarded the Royal Blue Limited the ByLaw Mr J Caldwell has returned to town after spending the winter in Pennsylvania Mrs Gray is spending a month visiting with Sir David Baul- dry at Mr Albert Rogers of Torbnt visited fits brother Mr Will Rogers last Saturday Mrs- Mickle of Graveahurst spent over Sunday withy her daughter Mrs Howard Cane Elder of Newmarket passed his birthday last Monday We extend congratulations Mrs Smith has returned to town after a lengthy visit with her sister Mrs Vernon at Oxbridge Bradford Witness Mr Eves of Newmarket spent Sunday in town the guest of Mr Lukes Mrs W Brodfe of Toronto spent over Sunday with her son Mr Walter Brodic Joseph Ave Hon J Davis returned on Saturday from a weeks business trip We beg leave to announce the opening of- a complete department for ladies I I Petticoats of the Baltimore and Ohio at Balti- to Boston Montreal and Kingston more early this afternoon murdered the conductor and colored porter of- -PS- fti No Sag SKIRTS in Venetian Voiles and Panama Cloth The Neatest Most Stylish SWrts made it PEW- BRAND Easter Excursions RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FAR all stations in Canada also Detroit and Port Huron Mich Ni agara Falls and Buffalo Tickets good going March 25 27 and 29 Return limit March 1910 J C Ticket Agent EDITORIAL NOTES The annual University eightoared boat race between Oxford and Cam bridge took place on Wednesday from Putney to resulting in a victory for Oxford by three and a half Whs Time- minutes and for cv seconds Cambridge won the toss ranutes wilson and the Middlesex snore the Pullman car Czarina while the flier was running through Newark Del- The Royal Blue with alone in the Czarina with Hie dead men raced into Wilmington at miles at hour The police and a posse of citizens shot the South Car olinian to death after an hours fight ing in the depot The Southerner as soon as he took his seat in the Czarina at Baltimore spoke noisily to the porter and call ed for a drink of straight wiskcy a minute or two after the starts There were passengers on the car beside among them half a dozen women and children ery few Sam Wilson the porter had other things to do besides carry drinks to seat When he was Mr MP P for North to black i Perrins Greenhouses St I t I j I I Carnations Nar cissus Sweet Peas and Forget- Lots of Easter Lilies Funeral and work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders lie ted Lettuce and Parsley Toronto thinks Ontario ought have a second chamber as on account of the one Mouse system no bills are J properly attended to But if Congress has passed the bill to rio had a second chamber just such battleship Maine in Havana smart Alecs as Mr would of be looking for lifeseats in that body- sailors in Arlington Cemetery with and if he is unfit to properly at- monument tend to bills passing through the one chamber how would it better situation by his dealing with the same measure in the second chamber Phone Newmarket Pine Orchard Elevator Surely the milleniurn Is about to dawn A cablegram from London England states that on a vote of to the House of Lords on tho renounced the hereditary right to legislate which has been a cardinal element of the British Upper for centuries The resolution as it passed affirms the principle that possession of a peerage should no longer of itself the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords Thus one by one of the props of centuries are being removed ON ft abote the moat Elevator of for aaadlfeg Supplies We pay tor ap ples sJy horses or TILE We at two can of Inch make t We are car Windsor Salt We ft fie course at per butter la ft Coal In all will to book your order raonths price keep sell It at prices to pay Five in bags of Woods the Woods Woods sTEED Bran 100 bags ftfcocts Heavy J 1 Chop We 4o sot oat or HENRY It la fcaid that reliable way to colors in cotton goods to ftoak An In turpentine and a of turpentine to a gal lon of water The Railway Commission appointed by the Dominion Government do ing tilings This week was ordered to pull up the main track within days and the sidings with in six months which were put down few months ago in the town of Oak It appears thc Council had given the Railway Co permis sion to occupy street and corpora tion ground without reference to the people Chairman said No Municipal Council had the right to misappropriate a public highway and allow railway to run over it Ac cording to this decision and the ob servation of Chairman Town Council had no authori ty to allow the Metropolitan Co to run their track across market square and any ratepayer can thc whole business because the Cor poration did not refer the matter to a vote of the ratepayers- Quito an agitation has arisen in mu nicipal Circles and In Boards of Trade throughout the Province in favor of similar law being enacted for On tario as now obtains in Pennsylvania In regard to level railway crossings In that State people driving alorig thc highway are compelled in make a MX stop crossing a railway and listen This an unbending rule founded on public policy for the pro tection of passengers on as well as those travelling upon the highway Remembering that many lives in passenger trains are at stake as those who may be driving upon the public road the rule seems a proper and just one in Interests of the public Several Boards of Trade have been urging this kind of protection upon the attention TUB CRADLE DOWZBR In King March 1010 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Dowser a daughter KING In East Qwillimbury March to Mr and Mrs Edgar King a daughter VERITYIn Newmarket March to Mr and Mrs JV Verity a son WILLIS At Aurora on Saturday March to Mr and Mrs J Willis a daughter still born In East March to Mr and Mrs Roy a son NEWTON In Newmarket on March to Mr and Mrs Albert Newton a daughter Blanche CLAYTON In Newmarket on Mar to Mr and Mrs Harry Clayton a son TUB ALTAR At Tara on March by Rev J R Kay Margaret daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Douglass to Martin Leslie of Newmarket EVANSMONK MA Wednesday March at the residence of brides father con Whitchurch by the Rev Walter Amos Mr Lome Evans son of Mr Hugh Evans of White Rose to Miss Margaret Amos eldest daughter of Mr Wrn James of Mrs Ed Blackburn Niagara street left for Saskatchewan On Tuesday Mr Slater Bandmaster of thc Highlanders visited Town Band at their practice on Wednesday night Rev Mrs- Thompson of Penfield in renewing for the Era writes We very much enjoy its contents week after week Mr of Toronto Technical School and M Cody of Hamilton were guests at thc home of Mrs Allan Cody for weekend Miss Ada Greer who was a mil liner for Mrs M Hughes years ago was married in Toronto last week and will reside in Winni peg- I Mrs Minns will have her first re ception on Tuesday the from to i pm and after that will receive on the first Tuesday in each month Mr A of spent over Sunday with friends in town We regret to learn that his little daughter is not improved in health Among those who came up from the city on Monday to vote on the bylaw were Messrs Fred Sax ton T Perkins Carl Lloyd Mrs P J OMalley 1 The High School Board has engag ed Miss of Toronto a young lady of excellent credentials to take the place of Miss Arthur on the teaching staff after Easter Mr and Mrs JR Phillips Yorige St arrived home on after spending two weeks with Mi and Mrs J J Watson in New York and friends In Philadelphia Miss Inez Hartry fourth daugh ter of Mr and John of was married to Dr Voclkcr of Madison Now Jersey on lust Congratulations Mrs John Shaw and daughter from near Sutton and her sister MIss Lottie of Newmarket left here for Indian Head on Monday to make their home in the West It Is with sincere regret that we learn of the death of Mr who departed this life at Medicine Hat on March and was Interred there on the following Mon day The bereaved husband who is a brother of Mr Harry of this Town is left with five mall children Deceased was a sister of Mr Ogllvje at Bradford Mr I of in renewing thc Era writes It Is received with welcome every as a from home We have had a Underskirts iri sateen and Perfect in Make Fit and Finish Kvery skirt guaranteed Sateens to Taffettas to WAISTS Acknowledged by the drygoods trade to be the finest line shown to the trade at moderate prices want you to see our range before buying IDEAL WHITEWEA The Ideal Brand of Ladies is making many staunch customers They axe desired by skilled workmen made and finished extraordinary care Our values will stand the most rigid comparison A feet striking him on tho head sM fracturing his skull He was alono at the time of the accident and was found some time after by bis cousin Alfred Still in an unconscious dvtton and died before he could be removed to his home Deceased was about forty years of ago and leaves a widow who Is a cripple Thc fam ily Is highly respected Make the stories you tell on a rainy day as short as possible espe cially if you tellthem under an um brella THE LEADING Undertaking You your tap For Cash UNDERTAKING ft EMBALMING A calls fttttadol to at John Millard And very pleasant winter in the West and present appearance Spring is here snow is gone and farmers arc working on the land There is prospects of another great season In thc West Ordinary work horses selling at prices ranging from to per team wheat per bush The Co has let thc contract for a steel rail and traffic bridge the Saskatchewan River at Outlook From there will ex tend the line on to This will open up a great stretchy of fine farming country Hope you will find time In near future to visit this great part of our Dominion Orangevillp Ont March Jacob Still of of Mono town ship- was almost instantly killed yesterday in the voods on his farm when gathering for sugar making by a green limb falling some thirty TUB TOMB HO IN At Industrial Home on March 20 Christopher Mar gin aged about years HI BORN In King Tp on March Sarah Rogers Hilborn grandmother of Mr Robt of Newmarket- aged years months and i3 days SMITH At White Rose on Wednes day March Margaret Smith aged years 7 months In Aurora on Friday March Frank Bagulcy aged years COOK On Yonge street near Hol land Landing on March Sarah wife of Mr Robt Cook 70 years mos 5 days Funeral from thc house at o clock on Saturday and interment at Cemetery TOMUNSONIn loving memory- of our darling wife of Frank Tomllnson who departed this life March Wo miss our Ruby day by day As wo travel In lifes weary way When days are dark and friends are few i Ah 1 Ruby dear how wo lens you God called you homo It was His will But In our hearts you still Sadly mourned by her loving moth er sister and brother The Store with the price and same price every day and to every body We are willing to compare our prices with the lowest ts Cheap goods aro dear at any price Post Toasties A now Breakfast food Tho newest on the market It a large package for r- pancakes and maple syrup go well together We have Buckwheat prepared In packages at 10c each New Maple Syrup has arrived and wo guarantee the quality We have purchased balance of Tomatoes about tins and we every can Cans for are not the small sir the large standard Use Purity Flour for Your Bread Wo have a big variety of frultscanncd at home which we are cure will please you These goods are put up In quart jars at and LEY Phono i S J Furniture MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AM Orders will receive Careful Prompt Attention PHONE W Huron Street Newmarket and J I

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