Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1910, p. 1

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v I I 5 I Spectacle Comfort We would like to shew you the newest and most comfortable spectacle made Prices from to Eyes properly treated T WATSON Watchmaker and Graduate Optician i ik than any two oiher North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper tip YORK INTEBLIGENCEE the liberty to know to utter aid Argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty 1 I i AND ADVERTISER No Paper sent outride of North York unless paid advance to United States that gives satisfaction All work Warranted A Jewelry Store LIXNo 10 Single Copy 3 Each r I Marches per annum if paid I- I V AP BUCKETS Flaring AP BUCKETS Straight AP SPOUTS Steel or Iron AP DIPPERS Square or Round AP BOILING PANS Steel I 2 3 and 4 gal Syrup Cans Galvanized Gathering Buckets Its a good time to Paint up your Buggy or Cart SW Buggy Paint will do the trick to yoursatisfactron HARDWAR STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING NEWMARKET ONT PHONE 28 THE BANK OF TORONTO GOOD SERVICE to their customers at all times has been one of tbe chief factors in The Bank ot Torontos long and successful 8AVINGS DEPOSITORS receives assurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe aid con servative methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by careful officers BUSINESS MEN keeping account here have afforded thern all the facilities of a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con nections for the banking of all classes of business both large and small HEAD OFFIOE1 TORONTO SEVENTYSEVEN BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets Capital NEWMARKET FIELD Manager South End P w Lumber Yard PEARSON Bring In your bills of Lumber for us to figure on before the rush com- Kindling ALWAYS Wood ON HAND Phone or give orders to J Bowman or J Murphy New Suitings for Spring Are Now in Stock The latest designs are Diagonals and Stripes The newest color is See our windows then step and examine goods F MAIN ST WILLI MERCHANT TAILOR Phone J J J I Oar Toronto Letter Among the new recruits to the police force of the city is J Watson King Township Telegram comment looks were daggers would have been slain on the spot by the infuriated salarygrabbers who listen ed to his speech in the Ontario Legis lature yesterday March While drawing load out of a cellar being dug on Queen strict few days ao a horse belonging to Thompson choked to death by the slipping of its collar The Single Tax Association of On tario tendered a reception to Mr and Mrs J who have re turned from a tour of Australia The only damage done to the new breakwater the Island shore during the winter was a fiftyfoot break east of avenue West of this point about feet of new beach has formed The derrick reared feet above the first floor of the building of the To ronto General Trust Co- corner of Bay and streets by the breaking of a manilla rope fell with a crash Thirty feet across street it struck the asphalt Joe half way up the arm of the derrick thirtyfive feet the gir ders below him fell with the tangle of steel and rope and was shot as from a catapult into the excavation beneath a total fall of sixtyfive feet A girder from which he glanced broke his fall and saved his life A couple of men were arrested last- week on the street ears and hold charges of being pickpockets Detec tives had been watching their opera tions The Assize Court jury assessed dam ages against Harry Abrahams and Mabel Potters Easter Bonnet By Judith six I shall in just about closl No declared I ing time I shall ask her to let bonnet myself- have the bonnet with the privilege sora reasons she was unac- of returning it in the morning if I do nervous and blushed a lit- not like it So I can have the delivered the bonnet over of it tonight and that is all that I with the statement really care for horribly unbecoming Mrs Potter was shocked Why the sne could not wear it over plan was dishonorable It would braids at all course mamma you certainly be wronging Mrs Dueber to ne s she met Victor Dan- coulot be expected to ap- deceive her like this But she did lighted but he only that bonnet with- not say this What she said was his hat and passed on into the out seeing it there merely What- could be his errand isnt- an imported one in Im afraid that would be verv town thap equals If is ardous dear What if Miss just simply I should find out Mrs Potter- sighed She was ac- But Miss will not find customed to Mabels adjectives but out Mabel rejoined lightly Poor just now there came to her a vague milliners dont generally attend en- doubt as to whether the two years tertainrnents where the seats are ten she hail given her daughter at Madam dollars apiece Though really she finishing school had really added for one in her position she paid It was not the first time that seems quite a this thought had crossed her mind but as she glanced up at the pretty pretty face straightway her doubts Just why Anna the daugh ter of a Virginia statesman whose culture had been much broader than were merged as they- were always j his estates should not have been as here she wondered If bis business were with Miss would he think her pretty Mabel was sure she was not only sometimes men were wonderfully attracted by these vjyid Southern faces After all It did not matter The prize was prac tically her own and this afternoon would matter Very pretty she looked that after noon in her simple gown of softest gray with only a bunch of violets where the Quaker folds revealed her white throat They were not Victor sure to be into the conviction that much a lady as Mabel Potter the banners- violets She had neglected was the prettiest most charm- daughter of a ing creature in the world porkpacker is a question which per- Yes I dare say it is very pretty haps only our aristocratic dear she said speaking timidly cy can answer imported one but it is equal to an injrice too isnt it Dear me mamma how shockingly moderatelv successful water so these had been sent up from the florists not an hour ago But he would not know and he was sure to feel flattered that But a few months had elapsed since kept his flowers she told Miss had opened up her mo- establishment but those who somehow Mr Banner was ignorant you are brushing out her had found her out enthusiastic that afternoon and fluffy yellow bangs and turning her over her creations Volets failed to call forth head to one side to get the effect Mabel Potter had been one of Miss j anything like enthusiasm It was Why an imported bonnet as hand- first customers and unti was about to take his some as that one would be worth a been greatly favored by the little mil- departure that he mentioned his I saw Phyllis Carters liner because she had gushingly bonnet yesterday and its positively avowed her intention of telling all commonnothing but Brussels lace her friends what- perfectly sweet a few violet flowers but it cost Miss sent In real- double whatMiss asks for the fehe had done nothing of the kind mauve one jit would not be policy to do so she I wish you could have the bonnet argued If Miss patronage Mabel but I really dont sec how we increased her rices would he can manage it The bills for your to increase in the same proportion I birthdaydinner dance arc not all paid Besides what was the use of getting Miller in favor of Jennie yet and there will not be another re- bonnets that looked like imported to the extent of and to until June One of those ones if everyone knew that you that afternoon she her father for the loss of her eye and cream chips with roses bought them at an unpretentious j and when an hour later Bid- other injuries whose horse ran away would very pretty on Dyke street came up with the massage on Junction road knocking the girl net looking proudly up at the deli- It wanted just ten minutes six that there was a lady in the parlor down and causing the injuries face itself suggestive of when Mabel entered Miss who would not go away without Tbe milk supply to the city is now halfblown rost parlor Already the girls in the front she- went down reuct- to be partially responsible Mabel Potter shut he red lips very room were putting away the stock At the door she paused her for the outbreak of typhoid now pre- 1 and there was a flash of defiance preparatory to closing the shop sinking with terror There valent here At the close of blue eyes- hurried back to where Miss Oh yes I suppose the chip would was just putting the finishing do well enough for Raster or for touches to a saucy little of that matter one could have a head- scarlet crepe and deep red poppies ache ami stay at Ironic But a Pa Mi I You have sold mauve is quite another affair There net she questioned eagerly isnt another girl on the avenue that No Miss Potter An Easter Hymn the Raster It- dawn of Morning And scatter the afar With thy serried In the wake of the morning star I Break over the mountains hoary Break over the valleys dim Till the vales and the hills together Shall thrill with the Easter hymn I And the world that Winter Will blossom anew with Spring There shall yet be beauty for ashes And the soul that was dumb shall sing The night of the grave was heavy But the day of the Lord is nigh Break dawn of the Raster glory From the gates of the rifted sky Margaret 7 was gray with 50 YEARS AGO v rand He was planning a great pic ture his in fact would she favor him with sittings for the central figure But Mabel was not to be thus deceived She knew well enough that this was not the question that last night had trem bled on his lips anil when he was gone she went to her room ready 16 cry for anger and disappointment From Kyle March Mr J soninlaw Dr O Ford lectures before the Mechanics Institute tonight The longpending dispute between Malton and Brampton as to which place should be the County town of Peel was decided this week in favor of Brampton The Grand Jury for the- York and Peel General Sessions for the March Court was composed of Messrs Wm Trent foreman Armstrong Philip Armstrong Garret Brown Isaac Dennis Robert Duffy Geo Fuller John Robertson Matthew Robinson Peter Rupert She would not be at home to George Row and Severn were only two prisoners to be tried at this court for the united counties one was that of an assault and the prisoner being found guilty the Judge him a fine of 5 P Butler announces a grand sa cred concert on Good Friday evening April in the old Union Sabbath School Room week there were about 15 cases in hospitals out of the patients in these institutions The Board of last week passed a motion to petition the On tario Legislature to prevent the French language being used as a teaching language in Ontario Public Schools It is understood the Government Iocs not propose making any changes in the personnel of the Liquor License violets- against my hair Board of Toronto his year I lie awfully stunning It isnt Mall was again crowded hist that van wear violets against evening to hear Mr Wilkinson the popular and pathetic story of The Royal Hungarian Orchestra gave a delightful program Of music The given last week on the won of tin- night sewing classes in Technical School would seem to contradict remark made that sew ing is a lost art In more ad vanced classes fine embroideries sam plers tea cosies pillowshams and fine hemstitching oil sheer muslin were among the exhibits A teacher sent a note to the moth er of a boy who went to school rath er dirty tilling her to bathe him oftcner mother sent a note back in reply next day My boy aint no rose Dont smell learn him Alf is going into vaudeville It is reported lie has invented an elec tric machine and proposes to exhibit himself as a Marathon runner The machine is driven by a motor and he can run it from to miles an hour by its use he can run various rates of speed Any thing but work for sporting geniuses its dimes they are after A cow said to have a lump on one of ito legs as large as a six quart pail was hold In Toronto so it it al leged for canning purposes An evening paper remarks that should the Infants Home authorities place their charges on the steps of the City Hall the Council would learn wisdom from mouths of babes wouldnt have just given her eyes to have had Banner ask her to go and I mean to make the most of my chances My white silk and the bonnet with the wreath of ill rl against her How perfectly delightful Well have concluded to take it that is it really suits my face Then wish to trv it on at the end of the sofa sat Miss Due- her a familiar-looking- box upon her lap I have called to return the bonnet which you wore to the opera last night she said rising and looking unflinchingly into Mabels There seems to be some mistake Mabel stammered There seems to he decidedly I do not do a cos torn business nor I Miss said the dainty bit of from the rase Why I came down rising and tulle and taking do I wish to insult my customers by violets town with that hair glancing complacently into the intention hut Ive been shopping lor mirror Besides violets are Victor hours and my hair is simply horrid Danners favorite flowers I sup- But I will take home if may pose she added as she gathered up and if it should not suit and there her scattered hairpins and disappear- isnt a possibility of that I ed into the adjoining room that hes have the maid return it in the morn- like all artists very romantic and ing I will just take with me dotes on golden hair and violets anil she went on in answer to Miss Due- all sort of thing offer to send it by the janitor Yes Mis Potter reflected Mabel the building who would pass Mrs it so were at well was right she ought to make the Potters house on his way home most of her chances It is- true this ten oclock Where one is was not the brilliant marriage she known it is not worth while to be bail planned Tor lief daughter Victor so sensitive about being seen with a Banner was not actually rich but package bis blood was the bluest and with his It was worth all her scheming and talent he was sure to make himself planning Mabel told herself as she a name Thin it was Mabels third gazed at the figure season out and while there had been beaux and admirers in plenty there had never been an actual oiler It was because she had not been mirror reflected that night No won der Victor Banners thrilled with delight as she came down wearing on bosom the great cluster of English vio lets hi had sent her H it were true that the outer be ing Is the tangible expression of the inner surely this fair exterior must hide a perfect soul he reflected Do you believe in fate Miss Ma bel he said leaning forward during a pause in the music afraid I do not understand on many of Torontos arc longing for a drink from the old bucket of former days and situation Is serious A Telegram her own poet puts it thus Little drops of water Full of germs and sand Soon till up the graveyards And depopulate the land able to give her Idol the advantages her beauty deserved Mrs Potter- told herself- Ah It was hard And a tear stole down her Doubt less she would have been shocked had some one told her that the real rea son why the admirers fluttered about for a season and then tired ol the play lay with herself If Mabel Potter was selfish and shallow the fault Was due to her trailing rather than her nature She was sweet- tempered and vivacious and yet Why that some persons arc could not be with her long without for for some bonnets he finished becoming conscious of a certain lack laughing awkwardly adding in a of that honor and womanliness that lower tone all the world prizes In woman May I come to see you tomorrow Mabel was naturally kindhearted There something that I wish and yet so intensely selfish was she much to say to vou that she would readily sacrifice friend- offering them goods that have been already worn I trusted you Miss Potter but you have shamelessly abused that trust should not have known this however but for the fact that your escort designed that bon net and this morning called 10 con gratulate me on having placed successfully Mr Yes Mr Banner and I students in the same atelier in Paris and he sometimes designs bonnets for me However my call Is of a purely business nature and I will trouble you to attend to it at once Poor Mabel it was too dreadful Mid she was sure that she could neve show her face in society again All her mothers coaxing and a promise of a summer at Bar Har bor failed to allay the storm of tears So the faster Sunday head ache roved a reality after all And when a month later Victor Banner his studio and left for New York Mabel experienced a feel ing of genuine relief Continued on page I am she murmured blushing protti- travelling man glanced and then looked at the you A good story is going the rouids about a drummer and a pretty wait ress Here is what happened accord ing to the report Tbe dapper little at the menu pretty wait ress Nice day little one he began VeSiit is she answered and so was yesterday and my name is little peach and and When Mabel awakened the confidence to further morning it was very late and the Irtfcsts She would not sun had been for a long time to tell the most unblushing in at the blind She to her dressmaker or merchant to I was tired and her head ached On avail herself ol some coveted luxury or to risk a shopgirl loss of her place in order to drive a sharp bar gain tlie room gloves and Property Commissioner Harris Mabel came back Into wanted to abolish the striped clothing buttoning her long worn by at the City jail looking very trim in her walkingsuit Mrs Potter was hut she the dresser lay the mauve bonnet sonchow In the glory had departed Biddy to Miss Duebers with it at once and starting up she rang the bell impatiently JJut Biddy was out and I know Im a have pretty blue eyes lhero quite a while and like the place land I dont think Im too nice a girl to be working In a hotel if I did Id quit ply job and my wages are satis factory dont if there is a show or dance in town tonight and if there is shall not go with you and Im from the country and YEARS AGO From Era of March Mr P is advertising best family Hour at a barrel The marriage of Mr and Mrs Al bert Stark of Newmarket on March is announced Special revival services are being held in the Christian Church and well attended Mr J At presided at the Public School trustee meeting this week Messrs I Rich ardson and trustees were present The total pupils in atten dance this month were Reeve Jackson with other members the County Council deputation are announced to leave for Ottawa on the hist to wait on the eminent with the view settling matters connected with York toads and keep of the Fenian prisoners in the old jail The accounts were ad justed Rev C is to preach in Christian Church next Sunday ev ening Mr Lewis and son returned from the New Orleans Cotton Imposition 011 Friday Dr Montgomery Medical Superin tendent of the Insane Asylum at Hamilton accompanied by Mrs Montgomery and Miss ones were in Town over Sunday the guests of Mr David The Patrons of Industry had a grand social in last Fri day night Butler is quoted this week at per lb and at per dozen i Q hut Inspector Bruce said this was 1 Mamma I dont Intend to buy had quite forgotten the bonnet and possible unless the staff of guards that bonnet noting tbe dejected look Biddy would not be back until lunch eon Perhaps they could get a mes senger was Increased This would be the tears Its almost five now expensive than the suit and Miss close her parlors at I of daylight ltsjp respectable girl and my brother he must send j coo tills hotel and he weighs two hundred pounds and- last week he wiped up this dining room floor With a fresh travelling man who tried to make a date with mo Now you have The dapper little travelling man said he was not very hungry and a Cup of coffee and some hot cakes would do March Yes terday Lewis a prominent been j or aecidently shot his sister Mrs dead Lewis his gun from the kitchen wall where it had been hangings unused for years with the intention of cleaning it Not knowing it was loaded he snapped the hammer and the charge of buck- shot blew his sisters head nearly off The victim was sitting in a chair with her twoyearold grandchild prattling hi side when the acci dent occurred and the little es cape is a miracle Lewis who is years old is prostrated with grief Children FOR FLETCHERS 1 I I J I r 1 arc HIVES OF ONTARl 91

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