HV l t n 7- t l gg t i Eke es a IS fife best In the Wild take the place of physician a when taken 111 trouble is with your tubes S5S him about Avars Ghcfry Pectoral ft or not as he J V lie Van resign- pastorate of not known it e gihtlmen will County and starts on moiniirg inspection throughout the county Editor Used J Well Known diul iiontiich Quiat eating end sooner or filter in some indigestion or less 12 KSPfi 4 j V I J XV constipjirloB ry to ome of result of an fitr roar doctor if ho Pill In cijci is one pfll bedtime House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent fioa large and small fruit hard and water tap on lawn tf MRS J DAVISON For Sale Brick House rooms domestic rater and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket FOE SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber Is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with feet frontage Fine building Hard and soft- water on the Must be sold as the owner is West Apply on the premises Superior St Newmarket INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness fire and lightning for terms of 3 or mouths or shipping trips Enquire for particulars CM Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot houses and lots for sale also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms A PROMPTLY SECURED We solicit the business of who the having their Talent business transacted Expert Preliminary advice Char Our Inventor Adviser rc- ifarionMarion Montreal and Washington The young people of the here holding a fare well gathering the home of Mr on evoking March IS pay their JO active memiiers Of tin League Miss West Mr A and who about to leave the An excellent pro gram is being prepared along with refreshments ami games of all Will the young people of ttie League and vicinity consider it their to be present arid showy their and of the work that has been so willingly given to the three why are about to leave us It is scarcely to that the are expected to bring their basket for the young this community are worthy for the way in which they always conduct refreshmeul supply at an occasion of this kind 9 Mr of has bought MryA proper ty and will remove here shortly The missionary society Meth odist church held a successful tea and entertainment in the church Thurs day evening Miss Flo Davis who has been spending the winter with her parents Mr and Mrs Davis to to resume her pro fession as nurse- Joseph McDonald has severed his connection with Mr Clarke and has accepted a situation in To ronto with Radial Railway Friday night March was the occasion of a pleasing event in home of Mr Thomas on the line of King Mr and Mrs Che- vins are about to leave farm A large number of their friends were present to witness the presentation of a handsome pair of suit capes as a slight token of esteem ts6 attack Of i i A run clow I uholy more One in dtland eon looking I ArtO i i I Manager This clearly ami a exactly at a Medical taking two I felt like- lie and second of have strongly it to of friends similarly results fc A quickly relieve the distress Caused By hurried eating They net direct- nerves and actu ally the to digest arid assimilate They are particularly good ipt nervous dyspepsia hiccoughs bitter taste the mouth and cafe in eating Pills wilUoon W Everywhere hi Boxes For Sale by all Druggists and Dealer and per bottle Dr A SLOCljM Toronto AOB OK FALLS PRONOUNCED SIKEEN STRENGTHENS WEAK men are much at variance regarding the age of Niagara Falls At firsts it Wafi estimated that the river was created through changes in the level of tti land around the great lakes about years ago Later this was reduced to12- 000 years increased this esti mate again to years and still later other scientific men lowered it to about years Thousands of years ago height of the Falls was feet A RESULT OF THE EAT STRIKED this Trade- Mark on Toilet once that been compounded according to the feat by expert cheoilts of long experience the employ of one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the world Drug and Chemical Company of Canada As you have probably noticed W made up of the first parts of the National Drug Company It is pro nounced with the on the second syllable the extensive use in Canada of house- bold remedies and toilet preparations we felt certain that Cana dians aline of these goods sold a distinctive trade that they could be not oiily of the highest standard and guaranteed purity but were compounded by expert chemists front that had well iricd out if we put ihis Trade Murk on out ar ticle only and proceeded to it plain common sense would tell us thai we must nuke that article good or would lose outlor people will not keep on buying unreliable goods Multiply that necessity for quality by over one hundred and you have our On the of each article is not only our investuieiit in that article and our hope of trade in it but our investment and our hope of trade in the whole line We know that the quality of the first preparation you buy will practically decide whether you become a regular of articles or for that trial you may t Laws Say For the protection of die public the law of each Province states I that only thoroughly qualified rnwire allowed to dispense prescription men being graduates of Colleges of Therefore if a doctor gives you a Canada that it be dispensed by a duly and not by a man ignorant of the action of drugs The logical conclusion is that as the laws are made by the representatives of the people the people want protection and should welcome the opportunity of being able to procure in any pail of Canada medicinal and toilet prepara tions compounded by expert chemists t I f- om compounuea any one of the preparations and guaranteed by a firm of our stand- We welcorhe each article yo1 the fit to uphold the reputation of all Trade Mark you have this opportunity The Third Guarantee and the guarantee for which you are quality is the fact looking Source of the Formulae National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada Limited ac quired the businesses and maintains the honorable traditions of of the School Reports- S No East M Burrows Mortimer Jr E V Jr Ill- Tunny Tunny A An drews Swain Tunny Rowland Jr I aud E IOWA Swain Teacher interior of St Peters Roman Catholic chutoh at was danv TWO FRIENDS RESCUED BY6IHPILLS The Kidney and Bladder Remedy Hx Herbert Bauer of says he owes Gin Pills a debt of gratitude which he can never repay He suffered for Years with Bladder and could not pass urine except by much training- caused great paai Mr Bauer sent for a free sample of Gin pills The first dose did him so much that he ordered six boxes and began take them regularly A months treatment completely cured Urn In high glee he called on his friend Mr Simpson to tell the latter about his recovery and what a wonderful remedy Gin Pills proved to be Mr Simpson at that time was suffering intensely with fcjs Kidneys Gin Pills were promptly recommended and taken with the grat ifying result that both these good friends are well and happy men today Gin- Pills are a special remedy foe three special diseases Kidney Bladder nut Urinary Troubles For these Gin Pills arc sold with an absolute guarantee prompt relief money refunded fiOc box for Write National Dm g Chemical A Toronto for sample A COLD IN ONE DAY Tie tat ail COTS RICHMOND Mr Geo happened with a serious accident last Friday He was standing on a ladder on the south side of the Methodist Church taking ice from the when a large piece ice probably lbs came valley striking Mr with great force breaking three of his ribs He came down to the ground with the ladder falling fully feet Mr is improving every day and hopes to he out in a few weeks A new bam belonging to Mrs Al bert in the 2nd concession of East of Langs It was struck during the electrical storm Sunday evening but fortunately did not take fire The holt struck the roof which is covered with steel shin gles ran down the pipes smashed some windows tore off boards and gave the building quite a shock A number of the horses in the stable were more or less paralyzed and two pigs were killed The loss will be covered by insurance eight eleven games being drawn Mr Ferguson successful- with three games for Aurora Mr Ewers winning three for Newmarket Mr and Mr were good seconds with two games each AURORA 1 c a at all Mr Richard of ville sold a team of horses this week for the handsome sum of W00 Mr Alfred Graham has sold his fine farm just outside of this corporation consisting of 200 acres to Mr Ross of Miss Lulu of Zephyr who has been visiting friends and relatives in Aurora Newmarket and Kettleby for the past month returned home on Saturday blacksmith shop on the cor of Wellington and streets has been torn down understand Dr Richardson of Whitchurch who owns the lot intends putting up a residence there next summer An interesting service was held at the Mi church temperance- circuit oh Sabbath March 6th when seven adults received the rite of baptism and with six others unit ed wit the Methodist church J Sons have shipped seven carloads of implements this week and are still unable to supply the demand for their implements At the Shoe Factory we arc informed they are a long way behind in their orders not withstanding they are working at nights to catch up A very pleasant evening was spent at the Social Club on- Monday when Mr Harry gave a number of selections on his which were much appreciated by the mem bers present he will call again A checker match was played on Wednesday between the Aurora I Club and Newmarket ended In a win for Aurora by nine games to d j Mrs Jason Stouffer of Toronto visited her parents Mr and Mrs Law Mr and Mrs Paisley spent a few days in Toronto is visiting at Mount Albert Messrs and A Smith Ira Lem on Barton Ward and Lemon all left here for Manitoba last day We wish them success Mr Miller of Jordan sta tion spent a coujle of days at Mr A Mr Byron Walker of Newmarket visited mother on Sunday We are sorry to say Mrs Walker is still very poorly- Mr and Mrs Baker of visitcil at Mr Joel Lemons on Sun- day Mr Win spent a day last week in Toronto One white man and four China men were blown to pieces by an ex plosion of dyiiamite on Island- Vancouver Bad Stomach Many in Newmarket arc being Thor oughly Purified by the Cure for Indigestion People of Newmarket who sufler from dyspepsia and other stomach troubles are getting tired of taking preparations containing i opsin be cause pepsin simply digests the food artificially Pepsin relieves it never cures And remember only digests animal food it has no on star chy food such as potatoes rice bread to y Mlona cleanses purifies the stomach and bowels and tones up and puts energy into the stomach walls so that they properly mix the food with the natural digestive Juices of die stomach Mibna tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and lit a few days it is able to do its work easily and without exertion There wUK be no more sour soinach fer mentation of food dizziness sick headache belching of gas or foul breath only costs cents a- large box and is guaranteed by Rog ers Co to euro dysjepsia sea or car sickness vomiting of pregnancy and stomach sickness resulting from of the night before or money back- Paradoxical as it may seem to the unenlightened increased price of meat will be of very great advantage to the public At least it will induce thinking men and women- and a few who do not think to give some consideration to the subject of scientific dietetics more one studies this subject the more one is compelled to realize that moat is not by any means a article of food for one possessed of a healthy stomach One should also remember that when meat is not ob tainable one is not by any means de prived of animal food For instance milk and eggs and cheese and the various products of the dairy are animal foods and they practically take the place of meat as far as nou rishing the body is concerned even for one who has the impression that an animal diet is necessary Such ah impression however entirely Meat is not necessary to life or to health in of the animal products are necessary to health There may be conditions of disease where food such as is found in milk ami is absolutely essential to the building up of the vigor and vitality that are lacking under certain cir cumstances In fact there may be diseased conditions where even red meat can be used with advantage but a careful study of the dipt ques tion and of tin- physical condition of those who perforin certain convince one beyond all possible doubt that an animal diet predisposes towards disease In other words it is inclined to fill the system with poi sons and matter which clog the tissues and which are the of serious acute and chronic diseases in Physical Cur- ture principal wholesale Drug Houses in Canada from Halifax to Vancouver preparations are never at any time or any place sold at cut prices preparations are so much better than the preparations whose prices are cut that discerning pen- pie prefer to pay full prices for goods because they have the guarantee that every article is compounded by ex pert che mists from the very best Port Hope March Two- barns the property of Berry living just outside the town were de stroyed by fire last night about eight oclock They were struck by light ning only a moment after Mr Berry had locked up for the night Includ ed in the loss were two valuable horses partly insured CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Crotip Cough and Cold of bade Sold and gxufntcd NORMAN ROGERS A CO Radiant Hair New York Society Womens Hair Matched Only by Parisians While much attention Is given to choicest gowns by New York society women the turbulent facl Just now is the care of the hair For many years tho clever women of Paris have been famed for the magnificent beauty of their hair Glorious hair a Virginian calls it so and luxuriant that it not only attracts but fascinates and compels unstinted admiration But now that the elite of York ever anxious to improve their beauty have that Parisian Sage a remarkable and almost velous hair nourisher and is almost entirely responsible for the charming hair of the- ladles of France the demand for it has become enormous Parisian Sage is now sold all over Canada and in Newmarket by Rogers Co who is glad to guaran tee to eradicate dandruff stop falling and Itching scalp in two weeks or money back Large bottle cents FRANK WORDS FOR PREACHERS The New York American may not be a- model newspaper in some re spects but it has taken a strong stand on the- temperance question A number of complimentary letters from reuchers and others afforded the American text for the following ser mon to preachers lately Grave doubt is creeping into the minds of many people as to whether the church is the same potent force in modern life ttat it was in an earlier day There is abundant proof the World over that such doubt is spreading daily We believe that a chief reason for this is that the church membership tho people who profess the religion that declares against the evils comprises a sufficient of every community to end those evils And yet the wrongdoers thrive unpunished and the wrongs flourish unabated Therefore in this contest the liquor people think they have as sured their success by taking a posi tion which constitutes a challenge to every minister and every congrega tion I If an invading religious army a horde of Mohammedans for example were to march upon this state with banners and symbols of war doubt if there is one of these church people who would not lay- down his life for this Yet a victory by such invaders would mean- only a conquest of physical strength a sub mission to superiority of numbers But in the buttle now waging the forces of the right have the numbers and the strength To be hearten would mean desertion for worst form of treachery is indifference of duty Therefore we speak some frank words this morning to the preacher who is right at heart but who is deterred from action because some contributor to the charities of his church owns real estate rented for saloons Wo speak to the preacher who fears that aggressiveness on his part would friends of his members who own brewery stock All of these firms had long aud suc cessful careers some of them fifty to one hundred years and during their existence they had accumulated a splendid lot of formulae which all be came the property of the National After giving these formuke careful stu dy and practical tests for several years we have now brought out based on them line of about medicinal and toilet preparations All the ingredieuts in these preparations are the best and purest that money can cent he gives back to you buy and they are compounded by a staff of expert chemists each of whom ranks high in his profession We have such implicit confidence Preparations that we offer them with A FourFold Guarantee nest The Fourth Guarantee of quality is short and very much to the point If after try ing any article bearing the Trade Mark you are not entirely satisfied return it to the druggist from whom you bought it and he will hand back your money He will do it wil lingly too because we guarantee to stand the loss and return to every The First Guarantee is the firm behind the Trade Mark The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada Limited is one of the largest wholesale drug firms the world having a Paidup Capital of ove rive Million Dollars We have wholesale branches in the principal distributing centres Canada so that you can at all times satisfy yourself that there is such a firm We are the largest buyers of drugs and do the part of the wholesale drug usiness in Canada We employ a staff of about nine hundred people and distri bute in salaries dividends other expenses over One Million Dollars an nually We carry a stock distributed among our of about Two Million Dollar and in addition we own estate and buildings which are day worth about Five Hundred Thousand Dollars other large assets All this stands as a guarantee behind each package bearing the NADRUCO Trade Mark The Second Guarantee of quality is the DRUCO Trade Mark itself Preparations Not hireAlls There is no prepara tion that will cure everything and we dont ask you to believe that there is But there is a separate remedy for each common ailment a remedy that will command the confi dence of the public Consult Your Physician medicinal preparations are not intended to take the place of your prescriptions far from it you are ill you need the physi cians skilful diagnosis and treatment and it would be folly to depend on your own diagnosis and any household remedy But in emergencies when you cannot get the doctor quickly and in many other cases a reliable household remedy Is a real blessing put the absolute reliability of DRUCO preparations beyond doubt of question we are prepared to furnish your physician or druggist on request a list of the ingredients in any preparation Ask these men who are men of standing in your and in whom you place implicit confidence all about remedies If your druggist has not the parti cular preparation you ask for in he can get if for you iwd from our nearest wholesale branch Write for the Almanac giving a list of articles and prices with other useful information Address National Drug Advertising Department St Gabriel Street Montreal National Drug Chemical Company of Canada Limited Whole John Montreal Ottawa Kingston Toronto Hamilton Branches Loudon Winnipeg iReuiaCgaryNebon Vancouver Victorii all we speak to the preach er who believes thit it would bo un seemly for him to touch anything that savors of politics air such wo say that they can not stand apart in silence in this fight Us real significance to the minister is that he must be actively for or against the church as well as for or against the saloon since the liquor have forced the contest on these false lines We have placed newspaper An open hostility to the business inter ests a large number- of our best friends many of them manly big- hearted honorable citizens We have brought down upon us a combined opposition of forces and money not only In the brewery and liquor busi ness proper but in the allied trades which is stronger than ever opposed a single newspaper to our knowledge We mention these matters merely to say to the minister who flinches halts or hesitates at this time that he must hold more lightly the thing with which he and his church have been forcibly identified than we do our cause Were we to be silent or hark and fill at this moment we could not look our readers tho face We can not see how such a minister can face I his congregation nil All France is greatly excited ovex the frauds in connection with of the property of the relig ious Every saloon today is a head quarters for the recruiting and gar risoning of ah army in this fight saloonkeeper is canvassing and checking off his list of membership Nearly in this city alone are or ganized am active and ready to strike Why ask if the same is true of Ms church If riot Mr Minister you have shirked your duty Three little children Mr Fred erick Willis were burned to death in a fire that destroyed the family dwell ing Rapid City Man A find very rich mineral is reported to have mad by Grand Trunk Pacific engineers work ing hundred miles cast of Prince Rupert 1 CANADA HOUND TRIP RATES DATES Apr JVM 12 Seat w SPECIAL TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AMD WEST Toronto pm ahova CoJoaat DPA- ATKINSON Agqiit I fc A iS mm