Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 18, 1910, p. 5

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a Barrister Public on rood Farm Security Dana on AND COLLECTOR Bolton and Homo id Lane and Dp DENTIST St Wilkinson In Block Newmarket Jackson Issuer LICENSES I It the Era Office Newmarket Prlratfi Issued at residence If dMlred NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering- Dp S J Boyd Graduate in medicine Toronto University also of the Royal College of Physician and meal ier of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Hours 10 may be had at any hour of the day or night by calling at tbe or phone Furnace Work lumhing 3 of Our Specialties Bathroom at the Shop HE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Nest to Smiths Grocery Purdys New Grocery received our Stock of New Fruits all kinds Raisins Currants Dates Peels Layer Rais ins Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Tomotoes Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Best OUR GROCERIES Are wellassorted and the Best that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Select Oyatera solid by the Quart or Served to roar taste OUR BREAD Standard Weight Bread Buns Pies of I kinds Fresh Every Morn ing None Better few an good COOKED HAM to cult Allens Sweet Cider by quart or Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Purely Perkins Old Delivering Mr Thos fijlwarxl is arranging for a delivery implements buggies Wagons etc in Newmarket Sat urday the March It will be worth coming to town to see the pro cession The- resiliency of Mr is now on the hello line a general nuisance but saves labor in sweeping See Dust is and dusting sells it ad Vote for the Bonus ByLaw next Monday Next Friday is a holiday Methodist Social There was a large attendance at the social in the Schoolroom last Friday evening under the auspices of the Ladies and although it was Only a tencent the proceeds amounted to over There was no program it was simply to bring the people together and the bility of the occasion was much en joyed Lords Day Week thirtytwo years societies seek ing to exalt the Lords Day in and America have asked Gods people to observe one week in April as Lords Day Week Because we in the greatest crisis of the history of the Sabbath- in America both in the United States and Canada the International Federal Sunday Rest Associations of America ask with in creased emphasis that April 3rd to lie observed as Lords Day Week The liquor and other powers of evil knowing that if the Sabbath be destroyed Christianity will perish are attacking this divine gift as never before in A en tie Hint Wonder if our Newmarket and sur rounding country readers noticed the paragraph last week of the proprietor of a well known departmental store donating to build a wing to the Toronto General Hospital A noble and generous donation truly and deserving of unquestioned com mendation but where did the money come from Every year as time rolls on thousands of go from this district for goods which could be purchased at home just as cheap and of equal quality Our people are thus helping to build hospitals in To ronto and purchase autocars for mer chants in the Queen City while local merchants are working hard to make ends meet and stalk around on shanks horses PHOTOS III I Phone Good Friday and Hasten One week from today 1 he Good Friday and a holiday in Canada Dictionary of dates tells us Good Friday probably means Gods Friday From early times this day has been held as a solemn fas in remembrance of the crucifixion of the Saviour on Friday April AD 33 Its application of good appears to be peculiar to the Church of England and Saxon fore- fathers denominated it Long Fridayj on account of the great length of the offices observed and fastings enjoined on this day The Sunday following Good Friday willbe Easter This festival of the Church is observed in commemoration of our Saviours resurrection So- called in from the Saxon This festival was instituted about the day for the observance of it was fix- in England by St Austin in y7 aster was ordained by the Council of Nice to he observed throughout the world An Omaha Pioneer We clip the following from the Omaha Evening Bee Alfred Phelps of A Phelps Sons contractors and builders was horn at Holland Lauding Canada which makes this his eightyfourth birthday He has been in Omaha since and is one of our pioneer builders and contractors When Mr Phelps moved to Omaha the population numbered but a few thousand and now it is about 000 He worked at his trade as a carpenter hut it was only a lew years until he became one of the leading contractors There is hardly a business square in the downtown section that he did not have the con tract for one or more buildings while he has erected hundreds of residences besides many of the buildings at the Grant Smelting Works and also at the Old Fort As the Phelps family have resided in Canada for over years there are many relations and friends scat tered throughout the country who will be pleased to know something about the family of Mr Alfred Phelps who moved from Holland Landing over yearn ago Mr Phelps had a slight strode a year ago last May which rendered him almost blind and ho has been confined to the house ever since Though very feeble lie is able to be up almost every day His wife and two daughters Kate and are at home to care for him Their sister Millie now Mrs A J Van and two years I had pain i heart back and left Could not draw a deep breath or lie on left side and any little exertion would cause palpita tion Under advice J took Dr Miles Heart Remedy and Nervine I took about thirteen bottles am in better health than I ever was and have trained pounds MRS THOMAS Upper Sandusky Ohio For many years Dr Miles Heart has been verv successful in the treatment of Heart troubles because of its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles Even in severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope as proven by- thousands of letters we have re ceived from grateful people Price SI 00 at your drugost He should supply you If not send price to us Wo forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto sister Mrs Susie Phelps live close to them and often share in caring for their father Frank and Fred with their families also reside hi Omaha but Walter and his- family live in California Two of the family died in Omaha Henry in and Nettie in If there are amy of the friends around Holland Lauding who would like further information write to Mrs 1101 street Omaha Neb from whom we have obtained the above particulars Are You Going West If so exceptional opportunities are now being offered by the Grand Trunk Railway System via Chicago In the way of ll Colonist Excursions Settlers Excursions and Home- seekers Excursions The former rates are one way second class apply ing to certain points in California Mexico British Columbia Washington etc daily until April The settlers rates are also one way second class and apply to princi pal points in Saskatchewan and Al berta including certain points on Grand TrunkvPacilic Railway and in effect March April and 12 The rates are round trip second class apphing to principal points In Manitoba Saskat chewan and Alberta including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way April etc and range from Winnipeg and return to Edmonton and return Tick ets good for CO- days Secure tickets from Grand Trunk Agents or address J I McDonald Passenger Agent Toronto Out A Lazy Liver fop Upsets ibe Wide Dr Morses Kills Fill Things Right Again A bitter in the mouth colt- tongue diz ziness on rising suddenly bowels alternately loose and constipated these mean hat the liver is out of order bowels to regulate them and aid digestion bile his be It Is quite possible that a conviction registered against auto may mean his prohibition from cvei driving another car The bill how before House is pretty string Word has been sent to unions here for contribution towards the Strikers fund at Philadelphia The feeling here is that the methods the Philadelphia strikers are Ob jectionable The repotted sale of the Central is officially denied Mr Geo passed away at Hospital last week after three weeks illness from typhoid It Is a painful east Three years ago he loft Aberdeen Scotland to make a home in Toronto leaving behind him a young bride He was making pr- Bit lQC going all through the system upsetting digarjon leaving the to return for his and making the sufferer perfectly miser- Gotland when the fever took able This is biliousness him- The quick safe and certain cure is Morses Indian Root Pills They clear out the cloggedup system stir up the lazy liver cleanse the stomach and bowels and purify the blood The bile returns to its normal course the food is again digested properly and all the dis agreeable symptoms vanish Doctors prescri Dr Mints Indian Rot Pills and they arc known through out the world as a cure for all digestive troubles They are equally effective in strengthening weak kidneys and curing rheumatism Comstock Co Ltd Brockvillc Ont and sold by dealers at a box 125 Preparations Under One Trade Mark School In Newmarket A very satisfactory conference was held Thursday evening of last week between the members of the llih Public and Separate School Hoards and also members of the Town Coun cil and Mr Provincial Techni cal School Inspector After visit to our three largest industries Mr was thoroughly convinced that there was an excellent field for the work right in Newmarket He out lined the support the Government was prepared to give on fulfilment of these conditions and favored the establish ment of three schools in Newmarket elementary work in the Public and Separate Schools and in the High Schools matter will have the serious consideration of all the Boards and the High School Hoard will make provision for the work when building during the com ing summer Seventyeight bodies have been re covered from the avalanche near Wei Wash SEND ME ANOTHER BOX OF LITTLE DIGESTERS what Mr K of Toronto wrote us last May he had tried and proved Little for Indigestion Ho said I wish you would send me another of your Little Digesters All the members of my family been using them and have obtained most satisfactory results 1 congratulate you on your in putting up a tablet for tho euro of Indigestion I suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me Nothing gave me relief I was persuaded to try Little A most striking example of the growth of the Trade Mark idea in is being announced for the time today in the newspapers throughout the Dominion- It is the line of about one hun dred and twentyfive toilet and medi cinal preparations compounded by the National Drug and Chemical Com pany of Canada Limited All these preparations hear the trade Mark the shield with the red cross prominently displayed and to make the line still more dis tinctive article is attractively dressed in a pleasing shade of red In their first advertisement which appears on another page of this issue The National Drug Company feature this trade Mark They point out some of the important advantages to every family in Canada of a thoroughly re liable easily recognized line covering practically every household need in the way of toilet and medicinal ar ticles and guaranteed by an responsi ble firm The National Drug Company guar antee that every prepar ation Is compounded by qualified chem ists only and from the purest drugs As a proof that the formulae are such as the best physicians would use they make a unique offer which disarms the doubts which often creep into ones mind with regard to medi cinal preparations Their Money Hack offer helps still more to inspire confidence in the line whose variety and completeness is shown by the partial list given in their advertisement WHAT IS YOUR LIFE To the preacher lifes a sermon To the joker its a jest To the miser life is money loafer life is rest To the lifes a trial To the poet lifes a song To the doctor lifes a patient That needs treatment right along To the soldier lifes a battle To the teacher lifes a school Lifes a good thing to the wise one Its a failure to the fool To the man upon- the engine Lifes a long and heavy grade Its gamble to the gambler To the merchant lifes trade Lifes a picture to the artist To the rascal lifes a fraud Life perhaps is but a burden To the man beneath the hod Life is lovely to the lover to the player lifes a play Life may be a load of trouble Vo the man upon the dray Life is hut a long vacation To the man who loves his work Lifes an everlasting effort To shun duty to the shirk tors Now I never suffer from Indi gestion I enjoy my mcals am not I know a after each meal will afraid to eat To the he a v enblessed romancer Life a story ever new Life is what we try to make what is life to you S Riser c- Did you ever stop reflect that Little it one thing to talk about people J jt I and another thing to have people talk- about you If those of us who use Digester food I them t6 all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and would I tongues a little- too freely about further say that you may publish our neighbors would stop and reflect if you wish I know there are about this matter and know the great thousands of people suffering from In- evil that comes from too much gossip digestion who will be glad to tattling we are suro we would there is a safe and suro euro for them him so that the home he labored so hard to secure here will never be enjoyed by thcni One day last week six tins of alco hol and two cases containing ties of be joyful were impound ed on the T A Railway on the way to New Ontario In an unconscious condition a girl giving the name of Violet Myers was taken to St Hospital one evening last week From the story she tells she was ta a friends house and hail a glass of wine It thought at first she was poison hut when the stomach pump was used at St Michaels Hospital there was no trace of poison or drugs A hitch occurred on last week when freight handlers and station hands got their backs up because two men had been discharged and resolved to quit work It seems to be a case of strike without the legal notice An order has gone forth that dogs muzzled with misfit protection muz- will be severely dealt with as they are misleading The annual banquet of the Ontario Bar Association will be given On the of next month and will he a not able event For the first time a re presentative from every legal bar within the Dominion will be a guest will take a prominent part in the addresses The longrobed gentry of the city are looking- forward with in terest to the approaching brilliant function Over two columns of advertisements appeared in Saturdays issue of the Globe calling for skilled mechanics At the Penny Hank banquet last week it was stated that Toronto school children have to thejr credit A carter named Lellar attempted to cross the track in front of an ap proaching street car on Queen street west and learned a lesson he will not soon forget Rig partlysmashed and himself badly gashed mid knocked n- A bogus health inspector named James Connor was fined for in dulging In this kind employment He appears to be a victim to the opi um habit He will likely be a board er over the Don till the May flowers bloom Thieves stole a large joint of beef from a restaurant on York street and hid it in a doorway on Pearl street A detective discovered it lay in ambush till about inidnightwhen the thieves came ajter it and were arrest ed The Ontario Society of Artists Ex hibition now being held in the new library building corner of St and College streets for excellence and variety is ahead of former exhibits An old gentleman of generous dis position was visiting around among a section of people recently with the view of extending assistsince where necessary In one family des titution was very apparent and the visitor was almost in the act of lend ing a helping hand when he found they kept three or four mangy look ing curs Well the old gent didnt donate thats all The prosperity tags now hangs from the wagon of every farmer com ing to market these days Daily papers announce jthat Mr Sweet is to be married some time in April Wont that lie a sweet wedding and right in the maple mo lasses month too Mr and Mrs Watson St avenue announce the engage ment of their only daughter Gertrude to Mr W son of Mrs of Bradford The marriage will take place quietly at the end of the month For kicking up a row and making the evening hours hideous last- Fri day night Tom Moore Hutchin son and J made atonement lii the Police Court by doling out each They will remember this little escapade for some days No less than seven women were arraigned on Saturday on an O be joyful charge The police authorities are informed that Armstrong and William Wil son both of Toronto were indicted in Buffalo on the met on a charge of bringing women into the UnitedStates for immoral purposes Wilson pleaded not guilty but Arm strong pleaded guilty Ethel Taylor Littlo Digesters guaranteed to euro or are positively money is funded At your druggists or by mail from Coleman Co Toronto at per box x call a halt and gossip no more for- ever stops throat olds cents EWMA HARDWAR KET STO Ypu Can Save Money By Buying From Us J Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc I Our First Shipment 0 t Toronto Jobbing House 1 STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES EVERYBODY likes to step out on Easter morning in a Neat Dressy Shoe Get yours from They Give Satisfaction J Our Groceries Are UptoDate Phone No PHONE ORDERS RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION Buy Frost Coiled Wire- And er We Gilvaalto our Wire So when you CoileJ Wire tell your dealer you Toiled Wire and no other ThU is same which wo for both the So bo tun it tht Sett Li CjOldl figured out correct reason why nearly all Wire fails to good ia country And we hare a process of a to corns this Wire it Annealed to the only decree of will make good Canada And it It per cent thicker than amy other Yet it will not or Wira will staid a greater strain and ruit IDAS than any other Wire made We issue free Hooklet on Frost Wirt It all about Wire It enables you to buy tho right kind of Wire at the right Any man who reads new will be to buy latelKjMtly without anybodys word for it t We should really for this Booklet its so But if write for it well it to you free Write for it now The Frost Wire Fence Co Ltd Hamilton OnUrio in Local Dealer ABEAM STOCKS AURORA this month The city water is said to be responsible for part of this me- and Agnes Fletcher two young wo- of the citizens Rev Geo Atlas been grant- men from this city were also arrest in Buffalo and are being held as Government witnesses Wil ed a new trial but the case wMl not be tried slons until the next General over the refusal of tho Private Bills Committee of the to grant the city power to build street railway lines in the an nexed territory districts On Monday morning a fire out in Madden Bros A Moores platt ing mill Queen street west doing I i is moil an ffSSJS about 500 ported during the first twelve this city Seventy case W unexpected di L 1 I s

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