Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 11, 1910, p. 6

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f 5 r Itf l a V THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH TEN I Tenders be received by the un dersigned for the building of a new Scooolhousc in School Section North Plans and Specifications can be seen at Mi- Drug Store Sutton AH Tenders to bo scut in sealed envelope to the Secretary on or fore March The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Secretary Sutton West PO S MANAGER An oyster supper will he serve in connection with the Presbyterian Church on Friday even ing March A program will be presented by Knox Church Choir and others See bills for particulars MISSION HAND officers for the current ver arc President Mis I Cameron Miss Moore Secretary Miss Florence Sibley Treasiiier Miss Mabel Kightley Organist Miss Nettie Ross The Mission Hand is preparing for a concert to be given on Friday night March An interesting program Will be presented ami it- is the children ill be greeted by a large audience There is no admission fee but a collection will be taken up Miss Helen is visiting friends in Mr was visiting his daughters in Toronto week Mr baby con tinues quite ill The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met at Mis Ira Mortons last week Mrs A Is visiting friends in Toronto Miss the popular teacher at the North School has returned after two weeks absence owing to the death of her mother We extend our sympathy to her Mr Council was visiting friends in MarWham last week Two heavy thunder storms passed over here last Sunday a HOLLAND LANDING BALDWIN are chock Johnson there to c for Dr Smith who visits here in work or he would not be kept so busy Me visits Sutton on Mon days The name of Miss Peters corresponding secretary was inadver tantly omitted from the list of Guild officers last week Some of our citizens are a little slow in observing the dog muzzling order An example will very short ly he made of them The mill yard and pond full of logs and timber has material erect a No I bam Wood cutting is the most important work amongst the farmers at pre sent Mr Ren and Ivan having a circus trying to pull the saw away from each other and I how theyll make out Ivan is good grit Joseph recently purchased a rine heavy team from Ernie or three hundred and ninetydol lar and a yearling and a two year- old Colt Black Benedicts for two hundred ami thirtyfive tor Walter Walter repented of his bar gain and took back his yearling Mi Cry derm an has Under the Auspices of the ladies of Christ Church Guild air Oyster Sup per will be held on Wednesday in Raster week March followed lays must be giving good satisfaction entertainment consisting of settle right down here tented Uncle Sam tempted a u him pretty So the Little Yankee Queen will not go back to alter MSs Mary Taylor looks exceeding ly pleasant these days Her former amusing farce end led Poor Mrs James by the Holland Landing Mary is home on a and songs glees etc visit and the girls are having a by members of Trinity College Glee most enjoyable time together Mrs Nelson is looking amazingly hearty Winnipegs atmosphere most and others SUTTON On Tuesday March 1st the on THEM Dry TO nOTtej MY VALET drap- reathers etc o that scx and bright now It la far cheaper to clean and household articles than to buy now and the- process nut Injure pay the eat On orders- Willi MyValet FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide St Toronto City been Mr Traim of Mongolia was visitor at the home of Mr Steeper last Week Mr P McDonald of King was in town this week Mrs John Graham who has ill with grippe Is improving Mrs David Forrest and Miss For rest returned to their home in Beams- Miss who on Literary Society held their usual meeting in St James Hall In the absence Mr Griggs the president the Rev F Dean was voted to the chair The meeting was opened J by all singing The Maple af ter which the minutes of the prerioiis read agrees with her constitution Two other young women former re sidents Ellis daughter from Dakota and Mrs Wellington nee Draper Saskatchewan have been vis iting friends hereabouts for some weeks Ill say this much for them that this country doesnt raise many to surpass them Our Tommy Coomer is a farmer of and experiments to see what his soil is Villi Mr Merle of Toronto the old spent a day or two with his grand- parents in town meeting were read and passed A solo entitled Take back the Heart l sUullcs was rendered Mr w Queensville Public School He- opened the spring work by pre- i port for February Names in order as rendered Mrs Overeiid and inc ome as much enjoyed The Wednesday i hen with a few suitable remarks in- j roduced Miss who read an natchetl Queensvii The of the Wo mens Institute purpose holding a box social and an Irish Concert on the ev ening of March in the Presbyte rian Hull lady will provide which will be purchased by the gentlemen Everybody come and en joy a good treat The following are the for Fait Hon J J Terry Hon let John A Hon 2nd MeKenzie Dr Graham J it Peregrine Win President M Cain 1st VicePres Fred 2nd A Wait DIRECTORS Tate J Moore It Percy Smith Ross Miss Lulu Hose is visiting her sis ter Mrs Hill The Ladles Aid the Methodist Church held their March meeting at the homo of Mrs Ed on Tuesday afternoon Oyer persons took tea and a very enjoyable time was spent by all The mild weather last week played havoc with the snow and ice and everyone was looking forward to see ing green grass and budding trees but this week we are again enjoying ideal Winter weather The skating rink was well patronized on Tuesday night The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs on afternoon Aro you feeling tired weary and Is it hard for you to got up in the morning feeling rented and refreshed The winter months tried robbed you of more vitality than your system has been able to replenish Your blood ia be purified arid You in need of the Greatest of all Spring Blood Purifier It clears of all traces of winter colds that tired weary fee Restores your appetite and bring youth fnl- vigor health to you Take today For by all and and SI toBfc A Limited TORONTO interesting papei Mr Leach who has been THE RIDGE I Hello Whistling Jack is back again and is busy collecting news Mrs Ed Crittenden is spending lew days at Jacksons Point Miss Lena Croutch is home where she intends to stay or the summer Mr Prank Crittenden is homo from the city for a few wce The Sunday School is still her paper Mr Dean Society thanked Miss Sibbald for her kindness in going to the trouble of preparing the account of her experi ences A song Drink to me only i thine eyes was then riven Mis David of was n iirant meeting was then brought to a close by all sing- tog Rule Britannia and God Save the King We would take this relieving Mr A L Stedham in the Dominion Hank left on Friday Mr having recovered from his injur One of those bad bad ladies gen- on behalf of Clara Hill Dons Stephens equal i visitor I Hunter recently and many loud threats of a free ride by rail and a coat of tar anil feathers I verily believe had Smith M McParland Kenzie P Hill Lewis Milne anybody taken the lead violence would i Sandy Milne Brown SCHOOL An interesting debate No Scott noon last That have done All quiet along the Potomac now have been out some Kavunngh O Ingram Mc- M It Starr was held at on opportunity of saying that the next meeting of the Society will be held in after- Annies Hall on Tuesday it up Look for some sneezing weather in the subject Resolved March at pm when an Money Beneficial than toteresting paper will be given by one time looking about wondering what II Wait A this all means Dr Charlie reports the robin March 1st Go back I south poor Bob or youll get friz Manners in Obtaining Success In l members- a good Life The was taken by Program is Maxwell Walker Lvman Pearson and welcome The The dog creates about as much trouble to the owners of dogs as it does the canines themselves musical It is a just provision for public safe- Murray Smith A Milne F Mitchell Morrison Maries Roy Cody Teacher Junior Room II Strasler Salter Turney M Stick- flood there a small attend- wi ta Sunday Mainprise Carrie son hn rata Choir of Sutton took lo Jr Mr Ed Crittenden and sons are Jcnn Itoth sides ho ton ball here last P Watson I a put up a splendid fight However day evening Mar and proved after carefully Considering the points jhugc success j brought forth the judges gave the The chair was taken by the Rev decision in favor of the affirmative A at sharp Hie hall then well filled I His opening address was short be- cause id full choir of then j sang God save the King immediate ly followed by Men Harlech This magnificent Welsh chorus was finely rendered The parts were well j TV lu J Church here It has very high Quite a ram On Sunday Harvester Co was exam- losing ground for the evening merely to gratify his busy cutting and shingles Quite a lively time so it is report ed was spent at the party at Mr J Warrens last Friday night Mr Charlie Crittenden has got- quite a driver He will be going some ACCIDENT now An accident occurred The dogs around here dont think house on Wednesday much of their muzzles which they which hut fur the have to wear proprietor of Tho scctionmen on the are plant would busy watching the water as it isW Gillespie at the power of last week presence of Mr the electric light have ended fatally Mr a traveller or the 1 that Tho Sunday School will hold a Box own curiosity when his loose on Timrsdav evening March ins was caught by the ma- 2Uh at Mr lohn Profits The boxes will be sold by auction There will be a short program The crows are getting numerous now Whistling Jack of saw the the in which it was said a young wo man was running alter the young man King Hilly the dethroned ruler cures cold qui throat una ccuts the large driving I If i tne large sngers lcnt attack anil good in The vocal solos rendered Miss Carrie Mr W Mr Ham nut with 1 l the trap run alter I the rat other words a woman run nuance trio and duett An Out Mar During the terrific thunderstorm last night the house Edward a farmer living about mile out in the Town ship of was struck by light ning and totally destroyed Part of the contents were saved The loss is partly covered Insurance Kiruuount Mar During a heavy electric storm last evening the bam of Wilson about three miles from the village was struck Iy lightning The barn aiid its contents of hay grain and machinery were totally de stroyed The loss is about three thousand dollars Deltas Mar The Methodist parsonage here was destroyed by foe shortly after midnight Saturday night Mrs Davidson was awafceped by smoke in her chamber and aroused her family who hurriedly made their escape from the burning building in their night apparel Both barn and the house and their contents were a total loss only the piano being Not a book from Mr Davidsons library was saved The family also lost all their clothing The loss is covered by Insurance CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bought tho Signature chin cry in such a was thrown wheel Mi fortunately and instantly shut then catching hold of Mr pie who was so entangled as to be to help himself Mr succeeded in preventing from be ing further drawn into the It was found when the engine stopped that Mr Gillespie had escaped with no more serious injury than some skin torn from his hands But a portion id the engine was damaged so that they could not run again till repairs were made Consequently the town was without electric light for two nights and which is run by the same engine was out of business for a day and a half This was a serious inconvenience to the farmers who were anxious to get their loads of chop drawn before the thaw had spoiled the sleighing All this trouble expense the result of a little carelessness end of the program The other choruses ami Thursday in attendance in the ty of a friend during an operation on Win Arnold for the removal of a cancer from the lower jaw I am not very sanguine as to the perman ent of the treatment eel It Prof Dales was in this- section last in the been ng strains ft who leaves a impression on most all cure He has underwent for its removal a can- on three different occasions was a failure f Dales was in M Wright Sawdon 12 Play tee Hill Mitchell First Book B Odling P Moore Mackie Argles E Hill P Milne A Smith Hill Primer A Watson A Jr Wright A Smith IS Crann M P Cain Teacher urns at once the audience which was held to the vocal wir much appreciated instrumental trio was given j her own estimation It is a woman Mr J and Mr man to do the court ami The two recitations Mrs Mc- P of Toronto were full of ll vacity Her expression was good makes a move in that line is almost and both the humour and pathos of the piece went to the hearts of her attentive listeners The trombone solos by Mr Grif fith of Aurora were rendered particularly The Holy City certain to fail ignominously and be comes the subject of much jollying by womankind- in woefully lacking modesty and womanly delicacy Theyll almost province right on a fel low and theyre pretty blunt too in The graphic description giv by lheir lhat are ready to Mr Herb Johnston of his trip to Most men ha South America and the West Indies Iia W was both entertaining and instructive lUld The Sutton Orchestra were hot chCap KESWICK The Ladies Aid will meet at the home o Mr Martin Rose on Thursday Everybody welcome Mr Harry Darker is wearing a broad smile A boy came to stay last week Mr Fred Hamilton has taken unto himself a wife No more batching for Peed Congratulations Mr Fred Darker still carries his hand in a sling but it is improving nicely Have Mr J T has one more pile of to saw Mr is visiting at Mr Win prior to his depar ture for the west Sorry to hear that Mrs Rose continues very poorly you got your dog muzzled up to their usual standard on account ol their inability to get together for practice The farce entitled The Mouse Trap was exceedingly good Miss Carrie as Amy surpassed anything she has yet attempted while was very good He richly deserved the scathing remarks and hard names which Amy ad dressed to him for deceiving and the other ladies Their fright of the mouse was very realistic The Choir are to he congratulated upon their fine performance Mrs their skilful con ductress deserves great credit for the way in which she trained the choir Miss Marjorie rocker their very able accompanist is entitled to the highest praise Man About Town o Send the ERA to absent friends Mr lien purchased t lie old Pressor farm west of Bald win anil moves there week 1 am very sorry to lose my neighbors but hope they will pros per in their new home Mr Henry Clarke of Qucensville his sister Mrs Duncan Craw ford Baldwin last week The Clarke hoys always have a good word for Queens vi lie citizens I learn from them that the new school house is a one but my heart clings to the old schoolhouse where I learned my A Cs and the mysteries- of figures 4 Seeking Queetjs Own Rifles Several thousands of former mem bers of the Queens Own Rifles will assemble from all parts of the conti nent at Toronto next June for a re union in celebration of the of the regiment The festivi ties will commence Saturday June wjth a reception at Government House his Honor the Lieutenant- Governor like many other notables being an of the crack regi ment On Sunday a monster Church Parade of exmembers and the present members will lie a unique affair Dur ing the week grand historical geants on a scale only equalled at the Quebec Tercentenary will be several thousand performers in the Athletic Grounds In addi tion there will he numerous social meetings of old comrades In nearly every town and city in the Dominion and many In the Unit ed States and elsewhere are men who have served in the Queens Own and Committee is of getting personally In touch with as many of them as possible To that end it will greatly facilitate matters if the exmembers who see this will at once communicate with the permanent Secretary Mr J 36 King Street East Toron to and prevail upon all the other exmembers they know to do the same Mr will promptly send them particulars Philadelphia March Six persons including a young girl wore wounded tonight by bullets lire by a party of alleged strike breakers who rode wildly up and down in a trolley car and shot into the crowds that lined the sidewalks Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA j i GREATEST OF ALL TONICS BELL Farmers Connection TE MS CASH That our customers have appreciated the Bargains we have been giving them is evidenced by the large quantities we have sold Vbea you get Quality and Quantity combined with the right Priceill talks for have just received a new supply of Cottons bleached ass unbleached at all prices extra values Hose of all kinds for Women and Children A good line of Print guaranteed to wash well and not fade A Choice lot of Lace and Insertion both Torchon and Valancienne Towelling both Glass and Hand In Boots Gaps Mitts Gloves we can supply you at rock bottom prices We have Horse Whips at from to each We sell Red Engine and Machine Oil also Cream Separator OH and Oil We do not say that our Coal Oil is better than all others but we do say that none is better than it and the price is per gal Lantern Glasses and Lamp Chimneys each Our Groceries are fresh every week Comfort Soap bars The Best Salmon only J6c per tin For Coughs and Colds we have remedies galore We sell return railway tickets to any point on the Metropolitan GIVE US A CALL The Leading Merchant CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY MANAGER asiy Cobalt March Playing with a rifle a young French boy shot a tenyearold through the face and seri ously wounded him was swinging the rifle about when the trigger caught in his clothes and the bullet tore through face and lodged in his right jaw ran away found March During the thunderstorm which passed lover this section yesterday the tiaras of Mr Alex second conces sion were struck by and completely destroyed along with head of cattle one horse bushels of oats tons of bay and and has not yet been all his farm implements There is said to be no insurance l a it At this season of the year we cleai out at prices all odd lots and broken assortments Now is your to pick thing up at ii be A QUEENSVILL L

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