Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 11, 1910, p. 3

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J J tfeeks Hems WHAT OH AVOCT TOW Reduced One- Way Rates To California Mexico British Col umbia Oregon Washington etc effect via Grand Trunk Railway Sys tem daily until April Secure tickets and further information from Grand Trunk Agents or address J McDonald To ronto Ont Help Wanted For Saturdays trade Roche Co Splendid Lecture The Friends Church was well fill ed last Friday night and everybody was delighted with the lecture by Mr MPP The of the lecture was Tenders Wanted and this was applied In choice and fluent language to Science Art Ag riculture Mechanics Church and Public Life Social The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church propose to have a social tea this afternoon They have invited the ladies of the congregation to meet with them at oclock in order to become better acquainted with the newcomers and the gentlemen are in vited to tea from to The is not to make money as the fee is only but to help the con gregation to feel at home Students Day Next Sunday will be Students Day at Christian Ohm The Students will have of both services and also of the program which follows the evening preaching service This has become an animal affair which the church and public antici pate with much pleasure All persons who have no home are cordially invited The Progressive School The one school in Which spared no expense in providing mod ern equipment and competent instruc tors is the- Centra Business College of Toronto As result school enjoys a larger patronage this year ever before and yet it is unable to supply the constant demand made upon it for welltrained young people to fill positions as stenographers and bookkeepers in of the best firms in the Domini The Spring Term in this opens on March as announced columns THE NEWMARKET ERA I need ft our advertising Millinery Commenced Milliners at work orders taken now at Mrs Hughes Brief lets No town will become a good busi ness center so long as its business men rely on a few merchants to make the effort to bring trade to town The Sisters at Col onial Theatre next week Three new members aro to join the AOUW next Monday even ing Dont forget the big Concert next Thursday night Lecture At the League next Mon day March Ray the world renowned will tell of his unique experiences in South America Ray is a Bolivian citizen who was adopted by the savages of Paraguay and given the name of Big Cactus Red Mouth He will tell of the strange customs of these people of how all the aged are buried alive of their laughable marriage customs and of many other weird and laughable su perstitions He will appear in na tive costume and exhibit many price less curios among them a club with which an old witch used to put to death every third child of the tribe Come and hear Kay Admis sion cents Son six robin crow may have been fere by the sunlight and balmy weather of last week there is one other of spring small boy aid his marblebag one hears such sounding phrases as Fan the conclusion is at once reached that the Winter King has received marching orders m Bp worth League A good attendance greeted Mr Minns last Monday and listened with interest and profit to his ad dress on Social Electricity The League is looking for want- to the help Of Mr Minns in the future as he is an worker in young peoples societies Everyone be sure hear Rays lecture at- League next Monday night lh diets The thunderstorm on Sunday follow ed by rain and hail is an indication of colder weather Great improvements at Hunters Store preparatory to opening a sew department Hear the Sisters at the Colonial Theatre next week There was not very big crowd at Talagoo Lacrosse Organization meeting at the Proctor House ext Monday evening A full attendance is requested those in terested i Big Prices for Horses Last week Mr Bert Starr of East sold a pair of geldings for They were flipped last Saturday to Begin Mr Dick Crake of It of Sharon bought a pair of inn Mr J Kitely of West for They and years old find weighed pounds An Invitation Dont fall to visit Lundys Millin ery Opening on March and 19 to see the Display of SNAPPY MILLIN ERY USE BAKING AND NEVER KAIL 9 I Arrivals the Hockey night Club Concert on Tuesday Wanted Millinery Apprentices Lund v Apply to The Club Of McMaster University- Toronto will appear at the Christian Church tonight Friday The program will be a musical and literary one Those who have heard the say they are tine Following the concert light refresh ments will be served in the school room Admission to both only The public cordially invited Doors opens at Program be gins at oclock Nearly Drowned An accident occurred on St near the old Toll Gate on Sunday af ternoon last Mr Geo Wilson of King had been visiting his undo Mr Geo Wilson and left for home be tween and 5 oclock Owing to the rain the road was flooded and it was almost Impossible to keep tho track the result was that- the cutter upset and the horses ran away At first Mr Wilson tried to hang onto lines the horses but linking this impossible lie let them go and re turned to the assistance of his mother and daughter who were still strug gling in water and he just re turned in the nick of time to save his little girl from drowning This shows the necessity of to open in soft weather Fitchettvs Walton William a farmer of Whit church brought action in October last against M Walton Danker of Aurora for damages for alleged false imprisonment on the charge that the was about to leave the viuce with intent to defeat and de fraud his creditors To prevent this the defendant on his own behalf and for other creditors had the plaintifl held under a writ of capias At the trial before Judge the tifl was awarded by the jury 5000 damages the amount of the- defend ants claim being set however An appeal was carried to Div isional Court by Defendant Walton and on March Judges Meredith and Sutherland allowed the and ordered a pew trial Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday lowing were the ruling prices Eggs per to 27 Butter per lb 33 to 27c Dressed Chickens per lb to Apples per basket 25c Apples per barrel Potatoes per bag Live Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb to Live Ducks per lb Live Geese per lb Live Turkeys per lb to Dressed Pork to Beef per lb to Hides per lb Call Skins per lb 12c to Sheepskins to Tallow 5c Herring per White Fish A for 25c What It Means Some idea Of what the coming of the Specialty Co to Newmar ket moans to this Town may be form ed from tlie following statistics which are absolutely reliable Average Pay Roll NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Direct Importation from England France and New- Color- Jugs New Material NEW PHINTS Endless Variety The same quality advertised in Toronto at we are selling at till If til for Year per week Employees I I I I 138000 The above list includes married men The average number of girls employed is as follows 4 Office Paper Dept Total 3 9 HIM 5 I 17 it Newmarket High School A special meeting of the Hoard took place last Friday afternoon Mr A in the chair Present Messrs Wesley Whitney Jackson McKay and The resignation of Miss Arthur to take effect at Easier was accepted The chairman Mr McKay and the Principal were appointed to interview Miss Kill Robertson with the of retaining her services until the midsummer holidays otherwise the Secretary to advertise for a teacher The bill of St rat ton substi tute during Miss Arthurs illness was passed at Owing to increased work the salary the caretaker was increased to per annum Accounts were passed for supplies in the Science Room of re pairs to typewriter telephone message in order to facilitate the payment of bills without calling he Hoard together the Treasurer was authoriz ed to pay all accounts passed the of the Hoard and the Chair man the Finance Committee on Hie 1st of each month together with the salaries of the teachers and care taker The Hoard approved of the action of the Chairman in getting an ap pointment from the Government to receive a deputation re introduction a Hoard of Agriculture in High School the whole Hoard to join the deputation The Secretary was instructed to write to the late Principal for a list of those pupils who paid him to wards breakages in the Science Room and a refund of the amount thereof The Secretary asked if- he required a motion to pay Miss Arthur her sal ary In full but the Hoard replied that Mi action was necessary as the Act leave of absence for one month without deduction of salary Hoard adjourned Winters Back Broken A few weeks more and spring will begin to pave the way for summer We have had a severe tussle with Jack Frost and his co adjutor the Snow King They have conspired to life something of a burden for nearly three months and we will rejoice when the day arrives when they will loosen their clutch on the victims subservient to their will and start for the place made famous by the- footsteps of the Arctic tramp has done its worst and its best as well and now we sigh for the breath of summer and the glories of the sky the green earth and the mel ody of the birds everywhere proclaim ing the greatness and goodness of our Creator With the mildness and surpassing beauty the middle of the- year will come employment lor all and in turn the prosperity Pi those who risk their Capital in enter prise The long and severe winter has enriched the hid den earth and promises big for the crop yield of If ever the land has reason to give abundantly it is now when heartless speculators aid ed by natural causes have made it extremely difficult or the large fam ily to live as human beings were in tended to and save something for the rainy day The Coming Year Quite a number of good and inter esting things are promised for To begin with we are to have Hal- leys comet with us again No use looking for it immediately as it wont be much in evidence until April when it will be miles away and coming our way at the rate of miles an hour will be at its brightest between May and when it will be only a small matter of miles away too will be in vogue There are going to be four two of the sun and two of the moon The first solar one scheduled is May but it will require a trip to Aus tralia to see it Canada will hold one on November 1st but the front row seats will be up in Alaska The lunar eclipse will be a perfectly good display on May and It will start at pm and will be fully eclipsed at oclock Should anyone ha pen to miss this one make a note of November The performance wilt be repeated on that date will be a year of double holidays most the festivals com ing on Sunday ami Monday Next Christmas and New Years for in stance come on Sunday Labor Day and both come on Monday and Sunday ami as there is nothing to prevent anyone starting on Sun day there is a double measure of all there is an extra Saturday which means that for many people there will be fiftythree pay envelopes instead of fiftytwo Year loot 1907 Tho materials purchased in New market average yearly from to while the average material consumption per year amounts to The amount paid tor duty on raw materials imported average per year The Company ships out approxi mately from lo carloads per year and receives in raw materials about cars of lumber and cars of paper metal coal supplies etc making a total oars received If the bonus carries on Monday the the Co proposes to double the space now occupied which must mean a vast increase all along the line Attend meeting tonight and hear more about it rink Salmon per tin Raisins per lb Prunes lbs Fancy Mixed Cakes per lb Canned Plums per tin r Cherries per tin Canned pet tin OiU 10c Boots and Shoes I I The new Spring is In detail The best la Canada are by US and we behind every pair in log the wear There la nothing the shoe trade that we do not carry W A BRUNTON J Artesian Well Co Turned Down The Proposition Supply North s Toronto With Wafer By Farmers spoke for the farmers Anything that might injure theif water supply ought not to be There was some disedssion over the question of whether it would not be all right to pipe the water that is running out of the present wells some claiming that water miming down streams was not lost others main taining thai it was and that people North Toronto would benefit by the use ol was wasting at the present time Well let North Toronto come down here and ask you for water If they want suggested Mr firewa ter Hill Thrown Out Mr T Hi Lennox opposed the bill on the ground that an asset of the farmers would be endangered No body wanted the bill but North To ronto The present supply of water running the wells would not supply one village and it simply meant that the minute this bill pass ed the company would start work on getting out a greater supply to the damage of the farmers and there was not an application from any mu nicipality in favor of this scheme The discussion grew very lively after Mr Lennox had ceased and there was a good deal shouting by on both sides The members of the fin ally grew tired the uproar and mandeda vote This was taken and the bill was thrown out N A A CORSETS All the The Ladies Store of Newmarket iSW J A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend our Spring Millinery ON Friday and Saturday March St and following days department specially prepared with lines of exceptional value and interest to all For your New Spring Suit try PRONE Ladies and w Mens LUNDY Tailor tf- a 9 if We will place a Parker Jack Knife Safety Peri in your pocket carry It flat In your vest pocket or loose In the pants pock et and IT NOT and if it does not do all you expect a foun tain pen to do during that period and if you do not feel that you would not take five dollars for the pen If you could not get another like it- then return the pen and get you money back ATKINSON CO Hallway and Steamship Tickets Issuer of Marriage Licenses ft ft I ft ft ft ft Heals and Smoothes CHAPPED SKIN Wintry Weather causes many skin troubles Chaps and skin cracks roughness and redness etc But these annoyances can all be easily remedied We will tell you how OATMEAL S ALMOND J is our nicest and most effective appli cation for speedily overcoming any and all skin troubles resulting from exposure to Inclement weather Quickly heals chaps and skin cracks Softens the skin and smoothes away all roughness PRICE PER BOTTLE Broughtons Drug Store Can Ex Co Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch The Private Bills Committee room of the Legislature was jammed to the doors on Wednesday by a deputation of nearly three hundred people la- several ladies who oared largely in opposition to the proposed incorporation of the Artesian Water Company The bill has been before the committee several times leforc so the various clauses of the were not considered The purpose of the company is to artesian wells and supply North Toronto with wa ter Mr T A Gibson spoke in support Of the bill It was not the intention to sink more wells than are already flowing No engineers had ever re ported that these wells would injure the farmers present water supply North Toronto was very badly off for a pure water supply and this need the company was prepared to supply All they wanted was to pipe the present supply to North Toronto and they stood preivuvd to pay for damage that might arise Are there farmers present who are opposed to the bill asked Mr HP Lines of North Norfolk A shout of Yes arose and continued for some moments Then think thats all we want to know about it Mr limes concluded Mr it ob jected to the bill Nobody could tell what the result would be Peo ple had bought their lands with a valuable asset in the of a water These wells might in jure this supply therefore they should not be put down Mr J P Downey thought that the wells should be put down as an ex periment Professor Colemans report has that with the present supply being taken a way there was no danger of a diminution of the water supply More wells might lower the supply but there was no desire to get more Dr of stated that tic artesian wells of Berlin had resulted in the cutting oft of the wa ter supply of nearly all the farmers in the vicinity T Lennox of North York and Hon I Lucas the chairman had a falling out at this point The water is running away now said Mr It isnt anything of the re torted Mr Lennox You have no right to make such statements Ill make any statements I like notwithstanding the fact that Mr Lennox a large gathering her said Mr Lucas Mr Lennox can make his grand stand play later Mr W North Ontario Sale Register WEDNESDAY Match Credit Sale of Draught Mares Dairy Cows and Brood Sows on Lot 3 Concession 3 North the property of W Sale at o clock Terms credit on all sums over 1000 or per cent oil for cash W Auct THURSDAY March Mr Henry will have a sale of farm stock and implements on lot 1st Con of E one mile north of Newmarket in cred it Sale at one oclock W WEDNESDAY March Us Mr L will have an extensive and unreserved sale of Reg Clydesdales andRoadster Horses Dairy Cattle Implements etc halt a mile east of Aurora Sale at Lunch ro- McEwan SATURDAY March The Cons Company Ltd will have a sale of Hardwood Tops on the West End of Lot West side street known as Mr Ben Phillips farm Terms Cash Sale at pm W Kavanagh THURSDAY March 17 Mr Robert Albert will dispose of a number of valuable horses and pigs at Millers Hotel at oclock Credit until Sept 1st or per cent per annum off for cash Smith A SUversides Aucts SATURDAY March Mr nedyot rear of Con Scott will hold an extensive farm sale at oclock credit on sums over or per cent per annum off for cash J Kester Auct Established i ALL PAID UP o UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS i ill 00 Branches at all important Canada and in London Em New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH CO Niagara Falls Mar Just before jj the anniversary services were about Butter per fll to be ojened at j Presbyterian Church last evening the p driving shed of the church was struck chickens per lb o 15 0 23 0 lightning Electric veyed the lightning and a great section of the ceiling but no one was injured Ont Mar Lightning played havoc with the home of Wm Young Webling street here late Sat urday night Two the family Ducks to the church Geese per lb Turkeys per lb ItMlttlt 0 0 14 Toronto Markets March Fall Wheat per bush 10 Were rendered unconscious and someOoose Wheat per bush 1 clothing on a gas jet upstairs was destroyed The house was developed in a ball of fire and the had a miraculous escape Newmarket Markets March Fall Wheat per bush CI Oats per bush Barley per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton oc 0 36- 39 00 00 Barley per bush Oats per Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Eggs per doz Butter Potatoes per bag Chickens per ft Ducks per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb i 0 0 40 0 0 80- 0 30- 0 0 0 16- o is a it New Mew Soft Hats 9 Caps HELP WANTED Young Ladies for Saturdays with some experience v 9 i

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