I i T a i i if s It i THE NEWMARKET BRA FRIDAY MARCH a -j- ft ft Small House peat Box Newmarket Wanted at Once Experienced maid lor general No washing Mrs J A Church street box Satchel Lost Between Newmarket and 2nd of King on Thursday last week Ladys Black Leather Handsatchel Reward at this office or Aurora post office- A Coal and Wood If For Sate Prompt Delivery And all kinds of Carting on Shortest no tice at Reasonable prices Phone 156 FRED HOOVE Between King City and King Horn on the Fifth Concession of King ttorth a Gentlemans Sold Watch The finder by leaving at this office or at Lloyds Hotel King City will receive a suitable reward Illegally Marritd It Is announced that some illegal marriages celebrated in Ontario during the past rear and the parties will be given notice of this irregularity in due course The unpleasant predicament has arisen as a result of employing United States clergymen to perform he marriage ceremony According to our law the nuptial knot must be a minister Holding in Cana da to be valid in Ontario irreg ularity thereore leaves the seven young couple alludod to in an awk ward predicament married aud not married There is no suspicion ot intended wrong no evidence of any intent of law evasion and no one even suspected that the validity of the ceremony would ever be men tioned Referring to the situation the oth er day the RegistrarGeneral stated that the only remedy would be the passage of an Act that would serve to validate marriages He Oar Toronto Oar Society ft a In the Assize Court this week Mrs was awarded damages for the loss of hot husband who was killed by the of a scaffold in September last For forging a bank iiieoue who passed himself oft as a son Of a banker in Hay City Mich was sent to the Centra for six A bill has been introduced by Mr Lennox to amend the Ontario Rail way Act Us real purpose is to per mit the County of York to apply for A connection between the Metropoli tan and the Toronto Street Railway at North Toronto Delegates are leaving the city for the Maritime Provinces this week to further the Laymens Missionary Movement Chief Justice has giv en judgment in the Grocery conspir acy dismissing charge He thinks what they did was done intentionally to violate the laws by Is down to the stated in this connection that enhancing prices but to protect j Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received undersigned up to DAY OF MARCH 1310 to supply the Industrial Home for the County of York one with Bread Beef Groceries and Dry Goods Contracts to commence 1st of April Parties wishing to tender for any of above supplies can obtain blank forms at the Home and pet necessary Information in reference to what required Parries with whom contracts art made to deliver supplies the Home No tender necessarily accepted J Inspector the Department has had trouble al so on account of men coming back from the Northwest to their brides and bringing marriage licenses with them without being aware that such licenses are not valid hero Mar riages in Ontario must he authorized by licenses issued by officials of this Province NOTES The terrible calamity on the Cana dian Pacific last Saturday in which lives were lost recalls to the minds of older inhabitants of this Province awful accident on the Ureal Western which occurred years ago tomorrow when a heavy passenger train plunged through the bridge into the Canal neat Hamilton when lives were lost and nearly two score of persons injured The days of railway wrecks are evidently not over vet Excursions TO I L I WESTERN CANADA via Chicago including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway April 10 May June July August September WINNIPEG AND RETURN EDMONTON AND RETURN 1 Ticket Good for 60 Days Proportionate rates to principal points Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta pamphlets giving list and par ticulars Free Horn steads and for purchase along the Grand Trunk- Pacific Railway apply to J C Ticket Agent Auction Sale OF HARDWOOD TOPS At West End of Lot Weat side of street known as Mr Ben Phillips Farm Saturday March All refuse of Hardwood Hush West the creek about acres which will bo divided numbered and sold in small lots All timber either standing or lying except the cedar which is reserved PURCHASERS HAVE UNTIL APRIL 1st 1911 TO REMOVE THE WOOD TERMS CASH Sale Starts at One Oclock pm The Cane Sons Ltd Newmarket Auctioneer When the House Committee got thru with Mr Bread Bill Monday he could not discover its paternity and asked the chairman to have his name withdrawn from the bill The Act as it now stands au thorizes inspection bread wherever it is sold and makes it compulsory for cities towns and Incorporated vil lages to appoint Inspectors but not in townships The bill further pro vides that bread must now be stan dards ounces ounces but any baker not amenable ounces and or seller shall to prosecu tion unless least ten light weight loaves found Dread seiz ed for being light is to be at the dis posal of the municipality and fancy bread must also be of standard weight themselves Rev St Pauls Church on Sunday last gave the racetrack people a terrible scorching A bill of the Traders Hank of Canada was found iu circulation on Monday and has been identified as one of the issue of that was stol en in transit from Ottawa to Toron to a year ago These notes had no signature but the bill captured on Monday had a forged rubber signa ture to it A short time ago a donation of to the Public School cadets of the city from Lord was received and now Chief Inspec tor Hughes is busy having already ordered tunics making uni forms in all counting those already in possession of the Board Mr for year a Toronto grainbuyer died at his home 56 Ave aged years His demise was unexpected was a graindealer at Newmarket before coming to Toronto to cemetery yesterday No less than seventeen patients are now under treatment for hydrophobia in this city and as ra bies are spreading it is thought the Government will enlarge the territory of the muzzled district A wellknown character named Clark was arrested on Tuesday charged with snatching from Alex Winchester a lumberman fqom the north Hon Dr Minister of Educa tion is at present taking treatment at the baths there for rheumatism Mr civ city on jury Mrs Walter not again this season Mrs Cane and Miss Cane will not receive Monday Miss Toronto was a gnett t over Mrs Cook of Carrfille visited last Week with Mia J head J Mrs Warden of Sutton was the guest of Mrs Wm Keith last week Mr and Mrs Ok Jackson had a few friends in to tea last Monday evening Miss Ross of is spending few days with Mrs Hunter Mrs litmter entertained yesterday afternoon in honor of her Miss Ross Miss Ruth Richardson of ville spent the weekend with her cou sin Mrs Mrs L Jackson her sister Mrs Hording on Wednesday Mrs Stewart of Toronto spent over Sunday with her Mrs Choppin Miss Laurie Hull of Preston visit ed with her friend Miss Evelyn Ever est a few days last week Mrs Chant and her daughter Mrs Morton are spending a few days with relatives Sutton few days ago is not progress towards Up in Now Ontario at station a Luge box marked Dry Goods was found by Constable well to bo stored full of whis key and was impounded Another case labelled Drugs was found to be filled with Seagrams whiskey Two suit cases were filled with spir its including bottles of brandy worth of liquors was effected shipped to a number of Italians On station platform were three fifty- gallon barrels of wine Three labelled sugar were packed in straw and the bottled wine and a five gallon keg of Scotch All the booze was and now the Italians are in the mourning business o Assembly Notes J it Public Meeting A Public Meeting will in the Town Hall on Friday evening March at oclock for the dis cussion of a bylaw which to be voted upon on March to raise by debentures to bonus the Office Specialty So in the event of their making substantial addition to their factories P W PEARSON Mayor ii I I A box social will be held in Hall here under the auspices of the- on March 14 will bo sold by auction A good program will be Ladle will kindly provide the botes Come and have a good time Miss Rhoda Webb is seriously IU this week The Foresters Initiated ten new members into Court on Wednesday evening last The farmers are busy putting in their summer supply of Ice which Is of a good quality Rev J is holding a series of evening meetings this week Illustrating lUMc history with lime light Views The Governments new Assessment Act has these recommendations An increase the exemption of house holders and heads families from to in cities or towns and from to where such person is resident in any other mu nicipality In clubs where spirituous or fermented liquors are sold a busi ness assessment of per cent is to be levied notwithstanding such club may or may not be carried on for the purpose of gain Seminaries of learn ing carried on for philanthropic ed ucational or religious purposes only not as a business the owners of which do not seek to derive and do not derive any routs by way of dividends or commissions or other wise therefrom are exempt from as sessment All other seminaries and places of learning ace therefore liable to assessment Prorogation is expected to take place towards the close of next week the indemnity- Is now safe Pretty soft snap about 125 a week while County Councillors have to put up with and some admit they dont earn that Mr has introduced a bill to amend the Ontario Railway Act 1906 It provides that every officer or em ployee of any company who demands or receives from a passenger upon any car or conveyance a greater amount in payment of fare or toll to which the company is entitled shall incur a penalty of not less than 5 nor more than 25 to be recover ed on summary conviction Mr has presented a bill to amend the Public School Act which in effect provides that school hoards shall select site for- school houses as nearly as may be in the centre of he school section In Townships Prof Smith is show in signs of marked improvement At an early hour on Tuesday morn ing- Harvey Scott was found dead in a sleigh outside Queen street east Heart failure aged years i A few days ago the Hon Senator Ross exPremier of Ontario had a stroke of paralysis and is at the Hotel Cecil Ottawa No Railway Man Escaped Alive Vancouver March 8 Up to now only twenty bodice have been recov ered from the debris of Saturday mornings accident on the Canadian Pacific Railway at Bear Creek near Rogers Pass at the sum it of the kirlcs Eight hundred men are en gage at the work of clearing the tracks On account of the danger of slides they only work during day light The task is no easy one as rails in many places are buried to the depth of eighty feet under a of trees stumps ice and snow Kil- trick acting superintendent of the Pacific Division readied the scene early yesterday morning He is dir ecting operations It has now been definitely establish ed that not one railway man in the pathway Of the avalanche escaped alive The oflicial list of victims is Still placed at despite the report from Winnipeg that it was Des patches from Bear Creek state that the majority of railway train hands and section men were swept the slide into tho canyon which slopes gradually to a depth of 1600 feet A diligent search is being made for their bodies The weather conditions are favorable tolay as the thermo meter has been falling since Saturday night The air is quite frosty The searching parties are finding them selves greatly owing to the- enormous mass of debris that half fills the canyon it is probable that weeks may elapse before the melting mass will give up its dead A rapid thaw is liable to precipitate the wreckage into the creek In such a contingency many of the bodies will probably be swept downstream and never be restored to relatives or friends Official advices state that Mr Kil- patrick expects to have the line clear at Bear Creek today through freight and passenger service will then be re sumed It has been demoralized for nearly a owing to various minor slides in the Rockies and Late Saturday afternoon a slide feet long occurred on the Kicking Horse River ncarPalllser It had a depth of feet Tho river was dam med up and threatened to wash away tho track The debris has been re moved and the line at that point has been repaired Section men and bridge gangs are working almost con tinually with the guarantee of extra pay for the extra service Mr Samuel who had a stroke a big very Mrs Plante Prospect will not receive Friday Inst but will receive the for the last time this season Mr Lund left yesterday to continue farming operations in the Northwest A car of horses and other effects left on Tuesday Miss daughter of the Chief at the Water Works was operated upon for appendicitis Friday and is along nicely Word has been received that Mr EH of Toronto formerly of this Town is very low but yester days information was encouraging Mr T A Gardner of writes ttuU he cannot do without the as it Is main link in chain that joins the past with tho present In Pleasautville interns last week the name of Mr should have been Mr He has been having a hard time of it the past whiter Miss Burrows who has- been in the employ of Roche A Co for over a year leaves for Hamilton next week- She has made many friends hero who wish her Mrs from the vicinity of Brampton nee Miss Annie Terry was the guest of Mrs Huntley Kasfc on Wednesday night en her wav to visit her father at Mt Albert At the regular communication of Tuscan Lodge AF AM on Wed nesday evening PastMaster Krastus Jackson was made an honorary mem ber of the Lodge in recognition of past services Mr and Mrs J White Grand View Farm announce the engagement of their younger daughter Mae to Mr John Grant of The marriage will take place this month A family gathering golden wed ding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Queen street last Friday it being the anniversary of heir wedding day They are both good health and the occasion was greatly enjoyed KxAlderman Schmidt is getting up a theatre party to see In Toronto on Wednesday night of next week seats have been reserved and any persons wishing to join the party should see him at once The cost is each which includes tho seat Mrs W ne Miss El ite Jackson of Mr Jack son Newmarket during this week sent her uncle a couple of moss roses grown at Los Angeles Gal where she now resides During the past week maximum temperature there reached deg and minimum deg This is warmer weather than usual for Southern California The Inspector ot Technical Schools in Ontario Mr A Leake visited the Town again yesterday go- through Cane and Davis having previous visited Office Specialty He up to attend the School Board Conference last night to which all t THE LEADING Under taking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY attended to at ltdtaC John Millard Phones and A j a PAYS DEAL AT Agents For Tho House of Hobberlln MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING Agents For Johnston Bros TO MEASURE CLOTHES Wo ready for the Spring trade with the finest showing Suits that we have ever hod early in the fci son If we have forecasted the Spring fashions men ore going to bo better dressed this spring than over before Patterns run from the sober plain mixtures and the modest blues to smart chocks and stripe effects in gray olives in pew browns ra SUITS AT 750 Taken all hi all we can say that our patrons are lucky men in- deed when they can secure such excellent clothing to live in during the Spring and Slimmer months at such moderate prices BOYS BOYS BOYS 2PIECE SUITS KNICKERS SWEATERS i JS citizens wore welcome free aid in the discussion TUB CRADLE AHNOLDQn St East limhury Mar to Mr and Mrs Peter Arnold a daughter In North Mar 5 to Mr and Abraham a daughter THE ALTAR BROWNSCOTT At Aurora ou Mar 2nd by the Walter Amos Mr Garry Brown the Township King to Miss Janet Scott of the same Township ASHEKERR At Aurora on March and by the Mad den Mr Ash of King City to Miss Annlo Louise Kerr of King Township HILLBROWN At the Parsonage Richmond Hill by Rev A P Draco on Wednesday March Miss Mary Drown to Mr A Hill both of King Tp At the residence of brides parents on March 9 Rev Snider Mr las P to Miss Myrtle Grant M of East ORViSCLELANDAt the Friends Newmarket on March Mr to Miss Bessie of St Rev Cornell THE TOMB TERRY At on March Russell eon ot Rev A Terry aged years months and davs At Roaches Point Mar 5 Chris about GO wav At Holland Landing on Mar Samuel Leopard age for the table and tor We have tbe bitter Of for Marmalade They give you an appetite for and for a nice eating Orange there is nothing our California and Florida fruit Sweet and juicy and of different sizea and prices to suit v Lenten season is with us Fishing good now You can get a lino of Trout Gold Eye Kith and Salmon us Use Purity Flour for Your Bread if Phono ftv A PHONE W HEVE Huron Street Newmarket i St J ROHDHOUSH MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will receive Careful ad Prompt Attention AND FEED and Bnildin i i i I