-V- I I Vj- i ED1- fancy prices if glasses ar required Watchmaker and Graduate Optician a no home news every week than any paper in North York combined dud i acknowledged to be ftw A V j I NORTH INTELLIGENCE AND Give us tiie liberty to know to utter an id argue freely according to conscience above all other Single Copy Each Newmarket Ont Friday March No Paper sent outside of unless paid In advance to United States per annum SI Co If paid BUCKETS Flaring AP BUCKETS Straight AP SPOUTS Steel or Iron AP DIPPERS Square or Round BOILING PANS Steel 2 3 and 4 gal Syrup Cans Galvanized Gathering Buckets Its a good time to Paint up your Buggy or Cart Buggy Paint will do the trick to your satisfaction HARDWAR PAINTS PHONE STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND THING NEWMARKET ONT TH OF TORONTO to their customers at all The Bank of Torontos GOOD S R V I E times has been one of the chief factors in long and successful course SAVINGS DEPOSITORS receives assurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe con servatlvo methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by oareful officers BUSINESS MEN keeping accounts here have afforded them all the facilities of a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con nections for the banking of all classes of business both large and small HEAD OFFICE TORONTO SEVENTYSEVEN BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets Capital NEWMARKET Ont FIELD Manager South End Lumber Yard P W PEARSON Bring in your bills of Lumber for menccfl us to figuro on before the rush com- Kindling Wood Etc ALWAYS ON HAND Phone or give orders to J H Bowman or Fred Hoover Our Suitings for Spring Are Now in Stock The latest designs are Diagonals and Stripes The newest color Is Grey See our windows then step inside and examine goods MAIN ST MERCHANT TAILOR Phone lfo Oar Tor onto Letter Johnson driving a butcher wa gon near the corner of Otter avenue and Parliament street Thursday morning was struck by a Parliament car but escaped without injury Johnson was watching the a muzzled dog when the car him to the pavement breaking up the harness but without injury him self or his horse There was a straight party division of Conservatives to Liberals in the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature the other day when Mr disputed the chairmans ruling that Mr Smith need not answer questions regarding the purchase of automobiles by the Hy droElectric Commission Guess there has been another unauthorized pull at the Provincial pursestrings that the Government wanted to cov er up A lady brought suit before Judge Winchester and jury in the County Court Assizes against the Street Railway Co She said the motor- man carelessly and violently slammed the door and caught her skirt caus ing her to be dragged some distance The motoriiKm claimed that he did not touch the door after- the lady alighted and it must have been blown shut by the wind A witness saw the lady get off and confirmed the motormans statement about the wind blowing the door shut and further that she was not dragged as the car stopped within a few feet and she was caught by a friend The Co offered her payment for time and 50 AGO From Era of March Sir Edmund Head was Governor- General of Upper ami Lower at this time On the of Feb tire broke out in residence at Spencer Wood Que- the suit started and thats expenses all she got Guess the lawyer wanted a job Thieves got busy towards the close of last week and one night they en tered the office the Canadian Sportsman York street and got away with without leaving any trace behind them Entrance watt af fected through a back window Two welldressed young women Florence and Rhoda L were committed for trial in the Police Court on the 2nd on a charge- of- usury the information against alleging that they had charged a customer more than per cent the amount of interest the law allows The young women who look after a money advancing office belong ing to Co were accommo dated with seats at the barristers table Mr J lundy appeared for them and pleaded not guilty One of the girls told a policeman that their profits last year amounted to and a witness said- they charged as high as per cent On Thursday o last week about of the Consolidat ed Cloak Makers 142 Front street west refused to work because their old foreman had been dismissed and a new man engaged to take his place Hon P Graham was the guest of honor at the Ontario Club last week His address outlined in pro phecy the time when three railways will stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific It was an optimistic deliv erance of what he conceived Canada was bound to become during the pre sent century Spence has bom given a six weeks trip to the West Indies by the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance He has been suflcring from the effects of overwork during the re centlocal option campaign Magistrates in the Police Court has raised the line from one to two dol lars on people who have neglected to muzzle their canines Alex Weir of street was charged with the theft of six hags of oats from a farmer He took the grain from a wagon while tho farmer was at dinner Owners- of real estate fear to give an option these days One man on street while hesitating to give a man an option for offered within an hour later Criticism of the Ontario Govern ments attitude towards Toronto respect to the admission new dial lines within the bee Al and became a total loss Division of the of was or ganized at on the of this moth Farmers in this part of North York commenced making maple sugar and molasses this week The announcement is made that His Excellency the GovernorGeneral has offered reward for such informa tion as will lead to conviction of the party or parties who set fire to the hotel at Sharon on the 2nd of Nov last which destroyed the same The property was owned by Reuben Lundy and tenanted by Smith Mr home the inst took fire when the new hand fireen gine did excellent service The pro perty was owned by J Collins and W Howard The announcement of a visit from the Prince of Wales now King- Ed ward in response to an address from the two Houses of the Canadian Par liament public Her Males states that when the opening the Victoria Bridge is fixed it may be possible for I Us Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to attend the ceremony in Her Majestys This bridge spans the St lAwrencc at Montreal on the St Johns Church announce a lunch in the schoolroom on St Patricks Day from to oclock Simpson iV Hunter merchants of Sharon advertise a dissolution ol partnership Simpson to continue the business room pretty one It was friends home about flVe miles dis tant course was invited her especial escort being Hurry Dean Jennies brother a general fa to On the eventful evening after ihie had gone to a much dis- have a tressed voice came down the stair on the of the house windows was east side way Mamma mamma the outlook from- the Mrs Kent hastened to her and the fur- room in alarm There stood handsome But the mistress holding up her st gown a was untidy gray Henrietta trimmed with Her bed which had been hastily velvet to match a dainty thing in made for her mother Insisted upon its normal state but now sadly making it was further dis- figured by bits of taper on which she had worked her sums The bureau crumpled and creased by an abode of two days in the barrel forgot to bang it yip Sunday mamma what it so can I do was heaped with laces handkerchiefs taking it oft thought would and ribbons while several halfopen Monday morning surely but 1 was in drawers displayed further the tumult such a hurry and didnt see of Kathies recent hurried search for various things short the whole room had a tumbled appearance What would my mother have done with me questioned Mrs Kent seating herself upon the unoc cupied chair in the room and looking disconsolately around Then she sud denly remembered her husbands sis ter Kathies Aunt Emma had been cured of such untidiness Jane- cant wear it so Havent we time to press it out asked mamma anxiously No no See how the wigan is all bentjunder the velvet It would take hours to get that out Cant you wear vour black serge dear But I tore it yesterday when I went with to the lecture and Ill try it said Mrs Kent to her- have not mended it yet mamma self with a smile cant go And the poor girl sank But not just now mother love upon the bed in tears could not resist the desire to set- My poor child said mamma I Can you wear your things to rights for the dear daugh- am so sorry just this once more school dress Kathie hastened to her room after mamma I could t That school to find a mislaid book came plain brown thing when Jennie has down again and rushing impulsively a new dress on purpose and Emma The Canals Northern Outlet From Packet in limits is ic not unreasonable Why not see to it that present lines running to the City boundaries have access The Good Convention has come and gone hut no doubt it will be helpful The question of road- building is one on which the farmers I think know so much and really know so iitUe This was the open- remark of a delegate from down east and he went on to point out I statute labor was performed in the country The Convention how ever evolved a lot of useful Two hundred left this city last Friday night for the North west a majority of the party being women and children YEARS AGO From Era March 1885 The Town Band paid a visit to the Industrial Home this week and gave the old folks a musical Mr Baldwin Dennis conveyed the Band from New market and back During the enter tainment Mrs Howe Mrs Jesse Doan Mr Dennis Mr A Chant contributed a number of so los A vote of thanks was tendered the entertainers to which Messrs Jackson and McDonald replied Mr Harry Wood leaves for Winni peg on Monday the Fred and Ford left on the of this month for San Francisco California The Farmers Institute held a meet ing in Newmarket this weeek The question The Best Breed of Hogs and Most Economical Manner of Feeding was discussed Mr Irwin of Sharon introduced the subject Shipments for February from New market Depot were as follows bus of wheat bus baric bus peas bus corn Hour horses Ml head cattle sheep a lot general mer chandize Win Young of secured a situation at the Penetang Reformatory at a salary of per annum to oversee farm work by pris oners t Mr J Stokes resignation as Postmaster at Sharon is announced also as Township Clerk Miss Mary Webb leaves for Kansas City this week Two bus- loads of young people from New market betook themselves to Ket tie- by on Monday to Mr J Waltons along with a number of young people of that locality to spend the evening with Miss Webb before her departure The third meeting of the High School pupils took place last Friday evening Rev W Pirritte occupied the chair The debate wns the question Should Capital punishment abolished Headings and songs filled up a couple of happy hours to her pressed a hearty kiss upon her cheek Youve been setting my room in order again mamma dear I really did not mean- to leave it so topsy turvy It is too bad of me to make you so much trouble Yes dear think it is too bad and I think we will have to try some method to keep the room in order I What can we do asked Kathie expectantly for mammas plans were generally delightful ones have been thinking the matter over and decided that I will put an empty barrel into your room and when Jane attends to her work up stairs in the mornings she shall pick up every loose thing in your roon and put it the barrel Then the room can be kept tidy and you will al ways know where mamma didnt seem delightful mamma went on without noticing Ill cover the barrel and top with some pretty cloth so it need not be unsightly and Day is going to wear the bell now there they are mamma wont you go down and tell explain Oh dear oh dear me Mrs Kent went down to the parlor anl rather nervously told Harry that could not go I do hope shes not ill said Har ry in great concern No no It is not so serious as that but a an accident has Indeed I may as well tell you the truth Straightforward Mrs Kent un- used to subterfuges and so in a few words as possible she related the cir cumstances Harry was too well bred to express anything but regret and readily un dertook to account- for Kathies ab- sence to the others waiting in the to find your things sleigh while Mrs Kent hurried back Somehow this plan to comfort- her daughter At sight of the mother raised her and said mamma do you this will cure me My poor little girl earnestly would be a little better but hope it will will for be want- and what of mamma air the girls to know what it is can tell them Tell them the truth my c course Kathie knew it was no use to plead so went out On it over She resolved to put things away so carefully that the barrel should never hold a single thing of hers never Then nvamma would remove it Next morning Mrs Kent had an empty apple barrel brought from the cellar It was perfectly clean to the eye but had a decided odor of apples lingering about it Mrs Kent fitted a lining of cambric inside and covered it with It was then car ried up to Kathies room and its use explained to Jane who smiled broad ly- For two whole days Kathie h re solve held good and the barrel re mained unoccupied On the day when she returned from- school her lower beds needed weeding and she went for her garden hat It was not on the rack in the hall closet Kathie was about to ask her mother where it was when she remembered it did- The apple barrel never contained aught of Kathies things again and was finally carried to the attic Just how Harry explained to the others never learned for all were too considerate to allude to the veranda to think j the incident that cured her of her bad habit STAND UP FOR YOUR COLORS Stand up for your colors dear boys fear not To show yourselves brave and true To all you profess in cause cf right In all that you say or do Stand up for your colors he net as others may scorn and jeer If your flag is the signal for all that is good Stand up for it without fear Stand up for your colors A sold ier are you As you march in tbe ranks of life In all lifes chances tor weal and wee You will have vour share the it boys as you are waking up from a long sleep on the question of the Trent Valley Canal and their a show how woefully have failed to keep track of its progress or to inform themselves as to the ad vantages of the various routes pro posed The Gazette last week had the following amusing article on the The Trent Canal is on way north and will strike Lake coe somewhere in the south but where it is to go after is the prob lem favors the- Severn route but the difficulties to be en countered in constructing it through the rocks of that neighborhood places it beyond the bounds of feasibility The only other feasible solution is the river route Tho residents of that section have long suffered from the annual flooding ot their lands by the congestion of the waters at certain points on the river The canal by making a navigable course through with Kempen- bay as its base and ga bay as its outlet would be immense value to the people living along its course both from a com mercial and educational standpoint The advantage to would of course be incalculable The route may be slightly the longer ot the two but the difficulties of con struction will be greatly lessened as the soil is almost entirely sandy loam and as there is a natural fall the ex penditure involved would he consid erably less We venture to call the attention of our contemporary to the following facts The Trent Canal has already reached Lake and has been in use by steamers this lake for two seasons It strikes the lake not on the south but on the past at 2 The Severn river in- the opinion of the engineers is not only not be yond the bounds of feasibility but is the cheapest and most desirable route- Nottawasaga route is not the only other feasible solution The direct cut from to hay which was examined and abandoned by the engineers 1 f I 1 I cheaper and march the breeze of honor and love Feel Headachy It probably comes from the bile or some sick condition of the stomach or bowels No matter which put yourself with IB right years ago is shorter more route The route is not materially longer than that by the Severn They are practical the same length The sandy loam on the wasaga route is not an advantage but a probable source of continued trouble and expense The rock on the Severn is not a disadvantage but otherwise Nature has made a deep channel through it for nearly the whole distarc with banks that cannot be washed uvay and between which steamers can run at full speed instead of at the slow rate necessary in a sand bank canal The canal has been blasted out of the solid rock for six miles one end be tween the field lift Bal sam lake 7 It would cost three times as much to build the Nottawasaga route as to provide locks at the falls on the Severn to say nothing of the need for a harbor at the mouth of the river she had worn it that morn- look to after a romp with Bruno and left if- on her chair j up to her room it was no- 1 where visage and she turned to go down or a further search when the fa barrel caught her eye And under the flag as you daily tread I wonder and off came the lid The path where your Captain leads Yes there it lay but not much you w feel inspired believe me tumbled for Jane had laid it in rath- lads carefully To do and to dare brave deeds Kathie smoothed it out looking Then hold up your hinds in the and making more pride resolutions the remembrance of which comes from the knowledge of which kept her from further ijisgracej right for another two days At the end And let the world see how you firiu- Sold ly stand For the colors Heath which you fight The men who are now overflowing with business are the men whose ad vertisements were kept running dur ing the entire siege of the late de pression Advertising is just as great a necessity to an active business life as food and drink are to a healthy physical existence you eat ing you die for the of- if you stop advertising your of School pupils busies dies for the want public- of that time her driving gloves were missing and found in the barrel After that she often found missing things there land though she often resolved made spasmodic at tempts to reform mamma sighed and really feared Kathies bad was incurable Tbe girls of her set learned the barrel and many were the sly jokes at her expose So matters went on till in ear ly wit ter a sleighride was planned bye some to go on a moonlight evening to The man who faces both ways never sees much any way A good silence cloth for the dining table can be made with a double thickness of white flannel laid with the soft side on the inside and quilt ed on the machine edge with a bind ing of white tape Your Hair WW Qrow 1 BUOUGHTON HAS A TONIC THAT MAKES THE HAIR GROW IN ABUN DANCE OK MONEY BACK I Now is the time to take care of your hair Dont wait until it starts to thin out if you do it will not be long until you are bald Hair Tonic is the best remedy known for falling hair It is prepared from the prescription of one of the greatest authorities in Canada and is considered to be the best nourishment for the hair as well as a deadly foe to We have such firm confidence in this tonic that we refund the price of same to any one who is not per fectly satisfied with it after two week use Price cents at Store Newmarket