In 1 V 8 BRA FRIDAY MARCH I Dangerous coughs Extremely perilous coughs Coughs thai rasp and tear the throat and lungs Coughs that shake the whole body You need a regu lar medicine a doctors medi cine for such a cough Ask your doctor about AVers Cherry Pectoral oar our Any good doctor will tell you medi cine tike Cherry cinnot do its best work if the bowels Ask your doctor if he knows better thin Pills for cor recting this of the by Us Ays 1 I House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and Soft water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale Brick House rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket Zephyr Hotel for Sale Good comfortable house and good tables No opposition Possession lit of May Easy terms MRS SARAH HURST Keswick PO FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG around Hie Hob AND COR- TO STRANGE A horse belonging to Mr A Kelly got into a hole in the lake and was so nearly froen to death when found it hud to be shot Mi and Mrs Mark Gillham had the misfortune to be upset one stormy night last week while returning from The cutter was damaged but the occupants escaped in jury After I Every Meal Mr Firth who has been principal and was receiving a salary of of our public school for some years has tendered his resignation and ac cepted a similar situation in Orange- a salary of Mr Firth will be greatly missed as in addition to- being a successful teacher and prin cipal he took a lively inSyvst in all public affairs and was esteemed and respected by all 2 Acres Land On the 3rd Con King miles I street on the Road for Sale on reasonable terms House and Stable Enquire of M SHIER Newmarket PO For Sale A comfortable house and coruer lot with feet frontage Fine building lot Hard and water on the place Must be sold as the owner is West Apply on the premises THOS Superior Newmarket A Few Doses of Fie Pills remove all Backache and Distress from outoforder Kidneys Bladder or Liver Your trouble win vanish and you will feel fine If you dont your money back 1rice a box at all stores drug Besides a good selection of artic les short stories and poems The Canadian Magazine fur March con tains two special articles on a very phase of the transportation problem as it a fleets Great Lakes The deals- with the Wei land and another with the Canal The importance and signifi cance of these articles may be infer- red from the fact that the State of New York is spending COO on Erie Canal alone in an en deavor to secure commercial supre macy CANADIAN PLAYS THE SAMARITAN wants to cure his friend The P held their month ly meeting at Mrs Agnes Fergusons Notwithstanding the Very bad goods here was a fairly good attendance The Conservative Association held their annual supper and entertainment in King City on Friday evening Feb IS which was well attended and a huge success We have lost one of our highly es teemed young men in the person of Mr Elmer Ferguson he having launched out on the sea matrimony and is to reside in UNION STREET Too lute for last week We are having plenty of snow and the roads are very bad The of the Union street Chris- tain Church held their Aid at Mrs Win Fairbams last week and had a fair time The next one will he held at Mrs Johnstons the fore part of March Young folks wel come Mr Winfied and Miss Edna Micks attended a card party at Mr last Saturday even ing Mr Norman A Smith has purchas ed a farm from Mrs Dan Mr Norman baby was bur ied on Tuesdav last Mr J Souks was calling on friends this week around his old home I- would like much to know who nearly got lost in the snow On Youngs Hill on Wednesday evening Miss Rachel Tibbie spent Sunday at home Mr Roy spent one day last week in Toronto The are starting a beet ring along here for the coming summer Which will he hard on our butchers Remember the prayer meeting on Thursday evenings Do not let our minister come all the way out here and he he about the only one there Mrs Hodge is getting better of her I hear Freeman Allen is going to leave our street and go to farming Sorry to lose him La Grippe had suffered several weeks with LaGrippe Had p3ins in my head and eyes It felt as though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head until it seemed that my brain would burst so nervous that I could not rest or sleep When I dozed off I would with a sudden jerking of my whole body Dr Miles Nervine Heart Remedy and Nerve and Fills cured me A number of friends have since realized the same benefits MRS LOCKS The after effects of are often more serious than the disease as it leaves the system a weakened condition that invites more serious troubles such as pneumonia etc Dr Maes Restorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve strength Price at your druggist He should supply you If he does not send price to us We forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto- Heading Mrs M Trombone Griffin Chorus KillarneyS- Choir Vocal Solo When Jack Proposed Chorus Kathleen Choir Selection from Orchestra FareeThc Mouse Trap Taking tfllU Digesters Can From station comes a of live years of from ft ih Dyspepsia years of doe tor lit vain Ihoo and complete curd Mr IU story his own heeU A suiTerer from and Stomach Trouble for flvo vats had treatment from several did not find a euro until I iiu using J Little Digesters can hardly describe how much at meal brought it more or loss ftud Seemed lo have ft complete distaste for food hail almost begun to thiuk my case incurable when mi ad vertisement in the papers about Little I decided to give ii I rial am very thankful that did so for hud not boon theiii when I found them helping me I can now eat heartily and no longer and discomfort after eating Indigestion or make miserable Take Little Digesters they will euro you Or your money will be refunded a little red box at your drug gist or by mail Coleman Medi cine Co Toronto fc Mr 1 A McOutcheon met with an accident on Jan in which he received an injury to his hip un derwent an operation at the Toronto General Hospital a few days ago It will he some weeks before he is able to leave the hospital The Bolton team to town on Thursday evening ami had it put all over them by the home team It was a fast dean game but the visitors could not withstand the scientific stick handling of their oppo nents The score was in favor of The Juniors Bolton and Noble- ton met here on Saturday evening the visitors winning out decisively to AURORA Mr Everett Holland a wellknowa to the United State tome time ago The change of cliinaU brought on a serious and painful illness three physicians said Stone la the Kidneys but Were unable torclicvt bis terrible In his agony Mr Holland thought of an Id and reliable remedy which had a great reputation in his Canadian home the famous Gin He wrote to a former neighbor and a supply On March Mr Holland alctter to the National Drug Chemical Co Toronto said I Am well He is now anxious to have Gin PUb tut on sale in the United States In cure his new friends of Kidney and Bladder Troubles If you have any Kidney or Trouble take Gin Pills and we guarantee the cure or your money refunded Gin Pills are told by all dealers at box fox In order to a oof faith In these puis we will tend you a free sample on request National Chemical Co Dept A Toronto I A COLD IN ONE DAY Great Ling and Cough a bottle at all stores Too late Tor last week A full and varied program will he presented by Knox Church Choir at their Conceit in the Town Hall Sut ton on Friday evening March 1910 Tickets arc selling very rapidly and the Choir is expecting a crowded house They feel confident that all who come will be more than satisfied with the evenings entertainment The Choir have also secured the assis tance of Mis elocu tionist of Toronto and Mr trombone soloist of Aurora The program is as follows Chorus Men of Choir Instrumental duet Miss Crocker A Mr Atcheson Vocal Solo Answer Mr Grant Selection By Sutton Orchestra Trio A Little Farm Messrs and and J Grant Violin Solo Cavatina Mr Chas ReadingMrs M Chorus Minstrel Male Quartette- The a Tack Vocal Song Miss Selection from Orchestra Ladies Octette I know a Bank Instrumental Trio Miss and Messrs and Atcheson j Duet Kxcelsior Messrs Grant and McDonald Address A to South Ameri ca and the West Indies Mr Johnston Selection from Orchestra Chorus Spring Sng Choir Violin Soto Mr Leigh Octette Come Where my Love Lies Dreaming Selection From Orchestra Vocal Solo Song Mr has Leigh Male Quartette- The City Choir Chorus Believe Me Choir Instrumental Duct Miss Crocker and Mr Atcheson Vooil SoloMr Grant TheSchoniberg line has been block ed the greater part of the week and the mail has had to he sent out from here with sleighs Banburys teams took out men on Wednesday even ing had been working in King on the line since Monday and were tired out and wanted to go home The following gentlemen have been gazetted License Commissioners for North York Dr 1 Stevenson of place Archibald McCallam of King and Angus of Sutton The first meeting of the Commissioners was held in Newmarket last week when Dr Stevenson was elected chairman of the Hoard for the cur rent year The next meeting the Hoard will he held here on Monday March when the transfer of the License of the Metropolitan Hotel at Kin City from Mr Andrew Lloyd to Frederick I of will be taken Into con sideration THEIR HEALTH Children Who Grow Very Fas Need Careful Watching Next to infancy the yean between ten or twelve and eighteen arc the most critical life especially for the boys and girls who grow too fast Rapid growth and the physical an that arc taking place render them parti cularly liable to weakness and dis orders of the Or live system kidneys or lungs that very frequently when allowed to run on condemn them to a lifetime of suffering It is most important that at period of life those organs which carry off the waste and impurities the bowels the kidneys and the skin should be kept active and vigorous Nothing will do this more effectively than that good oldfashioned remedy Dr Monci Indian Root Pills It acts directly on each of these organs enabling them to do their work properly and thus keeps the whole system pure and healthy Dr Indian Rett Pith tie stilt made from precisely the lame formula when our grandparents used them for nothing better has ever been devised Made by H Comstock Co Ltd Out and old by til dealers at a box 1 I I T MASTER AT THE3 KEYS It is said that once Mendelssohn cam to see tho Freiburg organ Tho old custodian him permis sion to play upon instrument not knowing who he was At length however ho reluctantly granted him leave to play a few notes took his scat the most wonderful was the Tho dian was spellhound Ho Came up the great musician and asked his Lwrning it he stood saying And refused permission to play upon my organ There comes One to us and to take our lives and play upon them But we withhold ourselves from Him j and refuse Him permission when if we would ourselves to Him He would bring from out souls heaven ly music Selected- f This disease from which so many suffer gives the average physician a great deal of trouble The best medical men have endorsed and recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cases It has never failed ih a single instance to prompt When directions have been followed a few doses will remove that and weigh on the stomach Taken regularly it positively cures General Distress Flatulency Nervousness Coated Tongue Heart Burn and Palpitation If you have never used don hesitate a moment longer Try today PROOF For or Too much tried THE a VANDORF- MM The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Geo Feb Mrs J A M VanNos- trand gave a paper on The care of the sleeping room which many useful ideas Mrs read a report of the Convention telling many interesting points taken from the addresses given at the Convention Miss Smith of Toronto gave an instrumental and vocal solo Mrs Charles also gave a couple of solos The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Tuesday March Mr Arthur London Street Toronto tare Ten cm I troubled with end drepepila J 1 the the originate J the cores of remedies without Avail I used and brought Immediate and cure NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT P8YOHINE It the children cold of thai and tit pie I el forllnea tbeni should be tot loss ol appetite bronchitis and weak lungs said by ill centa A SLOCUM Llmltfd TORONTO Two young girls were engaged In stitching flannel dresses for the poor of tho parish Now have complete is finished for this season at least said one of the two girls with a sigh of relief Mo wait a moment just a few moments more the other and into an inner room she with some skeins of crimson silk and a few knots of ribbon and lace Why what arc you doing ask ed her companion with surprise as the deft lingers swiftly fashioned a dainty edging of crimson silk frilled in the soft lace a sleeves and fast ened on the bright ribbons here and there These extra stitches just take a moment was the answer given With a blush and want to the dress pretty for some mothers baby As the threat pile dresses was distributed to the needy that cold winter one woman burst into tears and hid her face in the folds of a little trimmed with and ribbons 0 to think of some one doing this for my poor baby I didnt think anybody car ed- she sobbed God cares for you and said the reverent voice of the pastor who had long sought an opportunity to reach this hardened heart And for the first time the woman was willing to listen to the sweet old story Does this not teach us that there is something more for to perform beyond the call of sim ple duty The extra stitches are surely the threads of gold that beau tify and enrich the dull dark fabric of our too often careless Indiffer ent charity N Y Observer THE TWO BARBERS Two colored barbers were together in a shop One was a young man the other was old The young man took off his apron and started out of the dour to get a drink Jim asked the elder Pats what gwine to do Jo and sit vo drink 1 yooust line last Wednesday They brooks Stiver Cain there was a scarcity of young la- J Oldham John Sr ClassOlive Mail FRANKLIN 1 BRADFORD Miss Minnie Walker of Newmarket spent over Sunday with her friend Miss Charlotte King Mr Geo Williamson of Toronto left or more in this district last week His mission here was to buy horses and on Saturday ho ship ped from the Bradford depot twenty- four head costing him a trifle over the above amount Mr T A Wood realized a little ov er for his faun stock imple ments etc which came under the auctioneers hammer last week This did not include his imported team we understand on which was bid The horses sold well the pri ces paid being as follows gray mare yearling filly yearling gelding 190 Colt rising l year ami a pair of colts rising yean and a total ol for six head of horses For the cattle and imple ments about the usual prices prevail ed Mr made a purchase of hogs for which he paid Mr Sodden the sum of an average ol per hog A very interesting and closely con tested game hockey was played on the rink here on Friday afternoon be tween the Picketing club of Newmar ket and the High School team That the teams were very evenly divided may he judged from the score which same when young wits to in favor of the visitors- J When 1 first married wa a Johnston Thirsk Oldham Johnston Jr ClassDaisy Thirsk Allen A Miss Kate is in Toronto at- Class Laura Oldham Stiver tending funeral of her uncle Mr Stiver Stokes Freeman Marian Stokes Mr Park is cutting down the TabletStanley Cain Philip Cope- trees in front of the vacant lot Mr and Mrs Cook also Miss Bain Ho vie Bell visited friends in Zephyr on Forest Oldham Tuesday and Wednesday of last week The young ladies made their annual Hoy Glancey Teacher 3 Months in J nil trip collecting for the Bible Society Mr J Cook intends holding an other carnival next Thursday night Mrs Brodie spent one last on Tuesday with Mrs Crone chief Justice Meredith for the I think the scribe last week must discharge on habeas corpus of Albert have been asleep when he made a mis- It will he remembered take in persons who attended e sen on Feb surprise party at Mr Mannings Toronto jail by It was Mrs J and family Magistrates Lov and Walton of of Mr Mrs B Cook and 0Ds County In spite of the bad roads Mr Petoh and an assistant named vis who were making a search Brooks made his usual Sunday trip summit House at Oak Ridges en 4 Mr Hammett spent one day found one week n Toronto bottle of and was searching There will be no service in the in an outhouse for more when Albert Christian Church here Until the roads joined the searchers and I get in better condition RED WING School Reports Scott for I asked to be allowed to see the hot- tie It was handed to him and It took out the cork as if to smell it Dont drink it yelled the con stable and grabbed for the bottle Albert tossed the bottle towards E W and there was a for it between the latter Onlookers pronounce it have been the most interesting game the sea son The players put up clean hockey and the best of prevailed throughout 1 Stomach Many in are being Thor oughly Purified by the Guar anteed Cure for Indigestion People of Newmarket who sutler from dyspepsia and other stomach troubles are getting tired ol taking preparations containing 1 be cause pepsin simply digests the food artificially Pepsin relieves it never cures And remember pepsin only digests animal food it has no effect on star chy food such as potatoes rice bread etc cleanses and purifies the stomach and bowels and tones Up and pits energy into the stomach walls so that they properly mix the food with he natural digestive juices of the stomach Miona tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and n a few days it is lble to do its woik easily and without exertion There will be no more sour stomach fer mentation of food diiness sick headache belching of gas or foul breath Miona only costs 50 cents a large box and is guaranteed by N Co to cure dysi sea or car sickness vomiting of pregnancy and stomach sickness resulting from overlndulgehce of the night before or money back said de libber gin mill next to shop wha and 1 in it fifty and sobenty cents a day tie an a hall 1 earned Wai one mawn- I went Into shop and who cum in hut man llkker shop me ten pounds I steak he said He got it and went out I Sneak- up to the and looked to see what money I had left What do want Gib me ion cents wud myremark was all I could pay fur Now yo go and git drink Youll eat libber but de plan stuff will hah his Be man de bar eats house steak man in front I aint touched de j thirty years and now I am poterhouse stack myself If a wishes to make the rum- seller rich and himself poor to feed I rumseller luxuries while he his own children if ho sires to dress the wife in Report of No February Names in order of merit the constable and W Class Lome Stokes Har- out and smashed the bottle The man Stokes Chief Justice refused the motion Pearson Ida Cain C Oldham will have to serve the three Brooks A Harrison months III Class Willie Stokes P Amy Brooks Cain C Har rison Allen Class Fred Franklin P Brooks The French departments is flood loss in eighteen oflieiaily SPV AJ m w sells yo de poterhouse steak v Thats the secret of Shilot success fori forcy years trustworthiness When you contract a cold like a wise man you want to cure it Shilohs Cure will do that quickly When there is a cough in the household velvets and his own wife in rags and you know as well as wo do what it may lead rob his own barefooted wretched to Asthma Chronic Bronchitis Consump tion fruitsrShilohs cures coughs acne Mar t- children that he may adorn and beau- the family of the ruinseller there is only one thing necessary and that is to let him drink strong drink 0 Notwithstanding the condition of the roads on Sunday evening there was a good attendance at the Metho dist Church on Sunday evening The pastor Rev A- J Large occupied the pulpit The many friends of Mrs J will be sorry to she has All throat and bronchial soreness and in flammation healed all phlegm secretions are safely removed by Shilohs Cure Incipient Consumption is checked by the soothing building influence of Shilohs Cure You realize that from the quick way a long standing lung cough is allevi ated and cuped it Whooping Cough and Croup take them in timel Shilohs Cure should never be out of the house where there are babies or CURE it wasa taKsUTwsUn CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Croup Cough and cr Sold and pxarantcd NORMAN been for the past week Remedy you can Trust Wewishfor her a speedy recovery Miss Conk has returned home after spending a week with friends in Rev A Large visited friends In the city last week Some from our neighborhood at- tended the oyster supper on the INI v f I ft I