Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 4, 1910, p. 7

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ft J T i I ft NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY 1910 CHINA i HALL March I Stock Reducing id re Owing to our Stock being too large fa man lines we have determined to all to a minimum Grocery Specials Tomatoes No quality Peas Equal quantities Corn 3 cans or Evaporated Peaches 10c lb a Snap Table Figs Boxes Figs regular i line or Dishes to Rent Owing to the time we loose In counting out and when returned put- same away have decided to a small charge of per dor lor every hours that dishes are way China Dept Handsome Parlor Lamps reduced clear them out this month only Lamps for All In same proportion sec- use- Pub- and Whit- order imtry DINNER SETS for sets SCt for for 800 Loading Reliable EDUCATION Such as you may obtain under the very best condi tions at Central Busi ness College of Toronto Is a sure passport to suc cess Thousands have prov ed it Why not investigate for yourself Our free cat alogue explains Write for it Shaw Princi pal Weeks Local lews is ox in Remember the annual Irish Concert March 17 Watch for particulars week Alderman Eves has opened the building season by erecting a new lumber shed this week Mr Cane was laid up a day or two this week with a sprained an kle Produce There was a big crowd of peoplo only a small market last Mr Albert Traviss of Palmes writes not think of doing without the Era it keeps us posted up to date We are having a The result that seia of the fence stakes to he seen could not get all they wanted and prices had an upward But ter went up to a to lo r do and chickens to I9jc lb Christian Church The Baptist Union of Aurora Milk- ago snow Near Them I The Club of University Toronto will appear at the Christian Church on Friday Mar 11 Tot program will be a varied one and is sure to please Conceit begins at oclock After the pro gram refreshments will be served stands have disappeared long About two ami one half feet of in the fields Mr Walter Dunham who is visit ing relatives and friends In the- vicin ity Of for a couple gaged a special Metropolitan oar last weeks after an absence of 3l years Monday evening and visits En- the Era a cull while in town on Society of Christian Tuesday Mr was born in Church nearly strong They were but it is IS years since most cordially received and proceeded he went fa California lie is a at once to render a splendid I oilWell expert and is certainly well after which the visitors were treated informed on the subject He has al to refreshments it was nearly if so traveled extensively in Mexico and oclock when the car returned to South America and is a very and everybody had good time visitor AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLYS DRESS GOODS fei lid NORTH YORKS GREATEST STO Admission to both only public cordially invited Time Almost Up The vote on the bylaw re Exten sive Additions to the Office Specialty Buildings is to take place two weeks from Monday It is time the Board of Trade did some organizing to poll the vote if the is to carry by a respectable majority At luast twothirds of the available vote must be east its favor to be operative Public Library It is gratifying to see the in terest manifest in the Public Library and Heading Room Every night the latter is well patronized while the li brary has more readers than it ever had before A new Supplementary Catalogue has recently been issued which contains all latest popular books and ihe copy is in the hands of the printer for a revised Catalogue 1 throughout It ready next week will probably hi Making the Connection Half the large pipe conveying the water from the new wells on Sec ond street to the Reservoir arrived on Tuesday and the corporation men commenced work the next da to make the connection The rest of the pipe is not here yet but this connection is completed it hoped that there will be no cause for complaint about the scarcity of water By the way what all those water meters that were to be installed And also the new law governing the rates to be charged future no building without a for water In will meter being previously attached Vocal Instruction Mr W Archibald baritone choirmaster of the Church of the Ascension Toronto will be in New market at the home of Mrs An drews Prospect avenue on Tuesday March to meet anyone interested in vocal instruction Mr Archibald in addition to mak ing a long and special stud of voice correction under the best teachers in America has had Hie advantage of tuition by the most eminent masters of voice culture in Europe Further particulars as to terms testimonials etc may be secured from Mr Archibald 3 Carle On St Toronto or from Miss Hi Public School teacher Mr Archibald will be at drews from to pm and from to S March A Good Test Some people say that meats are never read but we have positive proof that such is not case so far as the concerned Last week a mistake occurred in Mr W Howards ad it being stated that lavs of soap could be obtained for 10c when it should haw been No sooner was the paper out than people from Town and country began enquiring for soap One would think that they had been waiting all winter for a soap bargain The error many new customers to the store and gave the clerks an opportunity to show other striking values SugarMakers Supplies The right kind at low prices Hardware Many ladies called at yesterday afternoon when Mrs Jackson and Mrs Walter Jackson of Toronto received- in the drawing- room being assisted by Mrs Schmidt Mrs Hunter presid ed in the tearoom and others assist ing were Mrs J Mrs Scott Mrs Dr Wesley Miss Mabel Cane Miss Louie Richardson and little Miss The decorations were principally carnations and at Methodist Church A full house greeted Rev last Sunday evening and the was handled in a superior choir subject maimer service Regular Fellowship Meeting at ten oclock next Suiulav morning and the Mens Meeting in the ibis service will conclude the interesting Chair Series sermons by the pastor and is entitled The Vacant Chair It will no doubt maintain the high character of these Fireside Talks and bo specially helpful to men Seats free a cordial invitation is ex tended to all and Great Production of GENERAL LEW WALLACES MAS TERPIECE H U R A Tale of the Christ will rill the week of March at the PRINCESS THEATRE TO RONTO When the curtain is drawn at Princess Theatre Toronto on Mon day evening March the most magnificent and historical ly correct production will be disclos ed that has ever charmed and enthral led a theatre audience It will be the premiere in Toronto of the new and greater production of as rearranged by Erlanger with its lustrous Star Bethlehem its camels Arabian steeds Oriental and mimic splendor of the gorgeous East is be- doubt the most elaborate spec- return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase I i to purchase goods at the prices on record v MARCH TH FIFTH ever staged in the history of also rendu eel good w Its series of scenes pre- sJftto the eye a feast of multifarious and variety all Set to a sym phonic accompaniment of graceful mu sic The exciting episodes such as the scene with its herds of Mrs An- chained slaves the sea fight the res cue in midsea the trilling race with its quadruple teams of galloping horses combined with the picturesque scenes representing the appearance of the Star to the Wis Men the Des- tho moonlit Lake in the Orchard of Palms where and Iras make love while drifting In the barge of the fair Egyptian the On that day we close our Sale which has been the talk of the country the prices being the lowest ever Next week we shall be getting out our Spring Goods so that if you wish to have some bargains the like of which you will never see again be sure and get here not later than Saturday next for that is positively the last day of the Sale Get one of our big bargain lists they are all oyer the country side but come anyhow we can you dollars and dollars The Ideal Corset Guaranteed not to break or rust not take a permanent bond waistline Boned with fcpirella Stay Can be ly without detriment Made to order rid fitted direct from factory to wearer Wo will place o charge lySpirella Corset in which K breaks or rusts within one year THE CORSET CO Factories at Meadow Pa Nia gara Kails and Letchworth England MISS Special Representative Phone pleased- to have you call at on Bo ford Street and Will demonstrate SplreJla Never sold In Stores Large Safe for Sale Good condition Cheap for Cash DR WILKINSON Dentist Newmarket NOTICE All kinds of Masonry Work prompt ly to and Estimates given Work guaranteed WILLIAM WINGER street m5 Newmarket Hockey North Toronto and the of Toronto played their final Newmarket ice last Saturday and resulted in a win out for the North Toronto seven by a score of In a very strenuous and exciting match last Tuesday at the Rink the Pork Beans made short work of the Counter Hoppers by running up a score of 178 At half time the score in favor of the Pork Beans so you can imagine that during the second half the Hoppers were decidedly out of gear with the making a regular exhibition of themselves passing the posts of the Hoppers at a rate that was surprising to the onlookers It must bo admitted that Short Anderson was not in his usual kilter or per haps the would not have got off so easy but then again the Bereans played far the fastest game and that makes up for irregulari ties that might have been recorded against thorn Guy McHale with his usual impartiality made the players learn that lie knew game should played It was remarked a few days ago by a certain individual that the Pork Beans Club would have to make a name for themselves before they would have a chance of butting up against tho Counter Hoppers owing to the selfstyled superiority in the manly sport of hockey but after that score of in the Pork A Beans favor the Bees made to at least feel there was one team in town who could do them one bet ter Owing to a little mixup in the lineup the game between the Bakers Cash scheduled for Wed nesday evening was cancelled You ask Have the Pork Beans made a name for Ask the Counter Hoppers they will give vou an answer Wanderers have been waiting patiently for a challenge from the hut latter team have not yet entered a Senior League also the players would bo needed for an other game Owing to softness of tho lur ing the past week several games had to bo postponed of Mt Albert is the ing worshippers on the Mount of purchaser of the property north el Olives and the Grove of Daphne tho Skating Rink and the lumber is with its nymphs dancing iu the skins being placed thereon for the erection of beasts to the music of the kissing of two houses as soon as frost is cymbals captivate the great out of the ground audiences that are nightly in persons who promptly shovel dance wherever it is being enacted have the farmers Young and Old Remember that there is many a good thing lost by not asking for It If you would like to see a lo cal branch of the Department of Ag riculture with a resident director per manently located in Newmarket help Yourselves by taking time and trouble to join the deputation going to To ronto In united The of West York got a snub from the Premier and talked back with such spirit as to make Sir James Whitney look red in the face There- was also a nice little skir mish in the Public Accounts Commit tee about a claim of A Lobb who was paid for legal ex It was considered out of all School Reports The following the report of No Whitchurch for the month of February M Sr M Gordon A Brandon Lundy P Lehman H Swain Jr Marshall Stephens tho snow from gratitude of all Quite a number have evidently over looked the fact that their subscrip tion to the Era has not yet been re newed this year About thirty people came up from Aurora on Monday evening and took in tho Theatre returning on the oclock car They wero well pleased A lot of Newmarket people took in the oyster supper in last Friday evening a special Met car being arranged both ways Watch for the opening of plan for the Irish Concert March 17th Moving time has arrived among the- It your dog is going around Town without a dont bo surprised if somebody puts a bullet into it Heals and Smoothes CHAPPED SKIN Wintry Weather causes many skin troubles Chaps and skin cracks roughness and redness etc But these annoyances can all be easily remedied Wo will tell you how OATMEAL ALMOND As now arranged and staged by the public sees a great spectacle which appeals not merely on the strength its drama tic values but as a colossal and pic turesque pageant And In the chari ot race the scene which coupled with the popularity of General Wallaces book gave the play its enormous vogue eight horses aided by the most intricate mechanisms will pro duce the prodigious illusion the Struggle for victory in the arena of the Circus of Still- man brilliant musical score which so heightens the dignity solemnity of the Biblical narrative ami was one of the most potent fac tors in Its success is made domin ant feature of the present prolaetion being Interpreted by a special orches tra and chorus carried by the com pany for that- purpose Garry Tory got in a little had to make an logy be- ess men so in ore cue scene closed The Liberals H Steph SicrSt I Wednesdays cannot do hough no numerically strong Jmow and their town a greater their rights and know how to claim H sense of propriety drawing at the strength number lies the Garry hope success in this undertaking sic but Our business men so frequently in fore the scene closed I Toronto on themselves aim tneir wwh a J Hopper favor at the present moment than to them and when Mr McGarry ran up Marshall J Moulds A be at the Legislative Buildings at against Mr or Ottawa ha q SirrS two oclock next Wednesday after- got his noon i Hopper Moulds The all round reliable people are J do L Lilia Thirsk C Brandon Skinner Teacher I EDITORIAL the kind to choose for friends How poor an instrument may noble deed Shakespeare Dogs Rabies NOTICE is our nicest and most effective appli cation for speedily overcoming any and all skin troubles resulting from exposure to Inclement weather Quickly heals chaps and skfn cracks Softens the skin and smoothes away all roughness PRICE OTS PER BOTTLE Drug Store Can Ex Co Phoae 14 Baggage to and from trains with Following are provision of the reg ulation of the Dominion and Provin cial Governments in force at this date All dogs within the said area must either he securely chained in an or other building or kept und er lock and key or kept constantly muzzled with metallic muz zles All offences against this regulation are subject under the Statutes to a penalty not exceeding Following arc provisions of a by law of the said Town of which will be in force on Friday March 4 All dogs shall be chained or lock ed up or muzzled Any dog found at large and un muzzled shall be impounded and it not redeemed by the owner as here in provided within fortyeight hours shall be destroyed 3 The owner of any do found at targe and unmuzzled shall be liable on summary conviction to a of not less than and not exceeding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that both the above regulation and above bylaw will be strictly enforced on and after of March Dated February By order of the Mayor and Council P J ANDERSON Chief Inspector I No of the Peace River Pilot is to hand this week published for tho present at Edmonton until a short route opens to the Peace River District The Pilot has been established for the purpose of draw ing attention to and giving informa tion regarding the Peace River Dis trict Canadas last and best West on which the eyes of world are turned The Pilot is lull of informa tion respecting Peace River Dis trict a The Aylmer Sun gives the readers of that journal the honest of a true lover of dogs It says To be honest about it dogs are- a perfect nuisance in town or city and nine out of ten owners have about as much use for them as a mule has for a double set of legs We keep them because the children are fond of them and so are we but really Aylmer would be a far pleasanter place in which to live and our citizens far less to answer for at the judgment day if this were a town lion George Fosters goose is completely cooked by the verdict in the Foster vs Macdonald libel suit which was brought to a on Sat urday night in Toronto The deci sion goes wider and deeper It pro claims the rights of the press in mat ters of political criticism it warns trustees and the administrators of trust funds that there are bounds vond which they may not pass with impunity and it vindicates the jury system from the charge of party pre judice shielding politicians from mer ited condemnation The charge of Mr Justice Magee appears to have been a careful judicial and able com pendium of the whole case and the verdict has told Mr Foster that his covered manipulations were too thin to stand the light of scrutiny He Is In for the costs amounting to We never will consent to bo undersold by any house and to emphasize this assertion this week wo proceed to quote record pricebreakers prices good for ten days for spot cash buyers Which pkge 3 for Gold Dust for 4 Preserved Plums per tin Preserved Cherries per tin Presorvcd Pears per tin Preserved Raspberries per tin Cow Brand Condensed Milk Tomatoes large tin Peas and Corn per tin- Good Pink Salmon per tin Fresh Herring per tin Sardines per tin Gallon tin Apples Richards Ammonia pkge I 7 Bars Borax Soap for lb pkge Seeded Raisins lb Choice Dates 3 bottles Good Pickles for 1 English Malt Vinegar Bottles Ink Pots Vaseline Try our Black Tea at Choicest Lemons doz for Choicest Grape Fruit 24 lbs Genuine Sugar 100 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT General reduotion on every article in this department See our 10Pieoe Toilet Sets were sale price See per set S SI All Dinner and Tea Ware at a great sacrifice 15 Goblets strong clear glass 6 for doz Tumblers for doz Tumblers thin water glass 5o Hall Lamp price to clear at C HOWARD I J

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