Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 4, 1910, p. 6

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J f THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MARCH Pine Orchard Elevator ON I above tea moat tsi Elevator of for Bad Camp Supplies We will pay prices for potatoes beau also horses or tbo camp TILE We bare baa at two cars of rala tile and Inch make at lowest HALT We are unloading car Windsor Salt We it course at WW pec also butter rait in and I bare COAL tad Coal in all band and will be pleased to book your order on this months price only keep ike beat and sell it at prices that bare to pay for common Five Roses In cwt Lak of the Woods Lake of the Woods Queen of the Woods Ketobia 375 100 tt bags Light Chop We do sot handle oat bulls or mill chop HENRY Agent Curb Splint MC0Y I MS ED At I ERTHE OfllC ll C89 Horse dealers have made thousands of dollars by buying Lame Spavined curing them with Spavin Cure and then selling the ouud animals at a handsome profit You can do the same with your own horses Here is one man who Saved his horse and his by using Kendalls Oak Bay Mills Que I wish lo inform you that I have Ken Jails Spat in Cure with good on I found that cute quickly truly KOY HARPER bottle for A copy of our book A Treatise On The Hone free it dealers or from us Dr J Kendall Co Falls VI tour an i a tooth Is unncoohonry special often remove rive at possible if pain CLEANING and DYEING on gowns an and lacw period curtains gentlemens etc All be cleaned to look Ilk by our The can safely Dew bo eiierknco- done Our Dry Our book tell about our Work Write for copy i J out ill- nd My Valet FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide SI Toronto MANAGER Miss Mabel Walton is a few Iavs in fte sure to take in the bore on Thursday Mr ami MiKon spent Sunday with friends in Newmarket WOMANS r The nest regular of the Mount branch the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Vali on Thursday March at The subject of discussion will be sternal Arrangement of Work for the All ladies invited to attend BALDWIN are was oh the who to bid him farewell previous to departure for his new home in the The homo of Mr Win Broad of ft happy gathering Friday evening consisting of friends of Mr Horace IhoiU met his West Mr J Hunter of Victoria Col lege Toronto is home for a few days visit Mrs of is visiting the home of her parents Mr and Mis Terry Mr Win of Parry Sound was in town over Sunday Miss Myrtle Hear lias entirely re covered from her recent illness able to be out again Dr J W left this week tor Winnipeg Mrs Davidson ami children arrived home on Monday after a two weeks visit with friends In the Mr A McKcnzie of was in town on Tuesday PEOPLES GUILD The of the Methodist Church was entertained by the young people of the Church at the literary meeting of the Guild on Wednesday night of last week The topic was The Life of the Longfellow including spe cial discussion of his wellknown po em Resignation Miss Leek convenor I think you might Owl a rest March breezes make things far more lively and in teresting Now s the timo for them March is coming in mild as a and I verily believe it will go out wild Such are the astrono mical indications Another of our promising men in the person of Joel Walter Draper Ave Tp was borne to his last resting Gum Swamp by loving friends- on Thursday lust De ceased was a victim of or as it is often known galloping consump tion contracted by a chill after a hard days in the harvest field He was the oldest son of Mr and Mrs Lou Draper and was generally esteemed throughout these parts Mr Cameron was manager and beneficiary of a fancy dress and speed skating Carnival here on Fri day night Our boys managed to keep the prizes at home Her Majes ty Queen of Hearts has at last obtained justice and captured a and am told by a little bird that one of the judges demanded a kiss as a bribe for his fair and impartial de cision Did Her acquiesce dare not tell iter supper in connection the Presbyterian Church last of the literarj committee presided and after the devotional gave a brief talk on the im- portant influence by poetry in all individual and national life as evidenced by history Mr Harold then gave a general sketch of the life of Longfel low Miss Dorothy Hunter followed with an account the domestic life of the poet after which Miss Gould presented his characteristics as a writer The poem Resignation was then read by Miss French This poem falls naturally into three divisions and a synopsis of these were given Miss Mr Horace Pearson ami Mr Melville That is much like selling his birthright lor a mess of pottage And do you know I never liked old Jacob for his conduct- Id thought hed ashamed of himself Our girls excepted have got the hockey craze and tiey cer tainly display more enthusiasm if not science than our boys Mrs Walker has resumed her music class here A liberal mu sical is in these days within the reach of nearly all If you have a talent for it go in you havent a musical gift dont It would only be an agony to hear you You know or Im going to tell you if you dont that Ive heard many of the worlds guns in music I ought to have some idea of subject Now one of the cleverest ever met amongst the amateur class was a lady met on the Enterprise some years ago I remarked to a gentle man that her musical gifts were su perb Yes he enthusiastically re- The with Friday night was as usual a success The program was exceptionally good Miss Thomas Newmarket and Miss Scott of Victoria Square gave excel lent readings Miss Of Kos- wick Miss Sutherland of Bradford aud Mr Harry Wright sang besides the selections by the choir the short addresses of Thomas and Ross Miss Blanche Pearson of Toronto has been visiting her friend Miss Al ma during the past week Mrs Fred Do an entertained a num ber of her girl friends at a musical tea on Tuesday afternoon The married men again defeated the single men in a friendly game of hockey on Monday night The score was On Wednesday night they invited their friends to an oyster sup per in Hie Hall which was a a very happy ending to their hockey season The postponed meeting of the Wo mens institute was held at Mrs Ed on Tuesday afternoon It was decided to hold a box social in the Hall on March 17 in aid of the Institute Miss Elliott is visiting her sister- MrsKeVj Rossi Program for the League Mar Pauls ambition and ours Cor Reader Alma Speaker Geo Pearson Lords teachings about sin John Luke 24 John Reader Roy Cody Vera Smith 20 Our Lords teachings about sal- Mr Mark Kay expects to load Ph- oar of timber here this week Mr A Woodcock Is loading a car et lumber tlis week for Toronto Mr Gates has entered a suit against Mr Jos Seagram the Gates Estate which has necessitated his presence in Toronto of the time tills week Gates also went to the city Ob has not yet returned home Mr Gates jr has to Toronto to reside Miss Minnie has returned home after a visit at Mr and Mrs Ed Woodcock have Mrs P is hero from Sut ton for a days mi grown in the finest tea gardens of the Island of Ceyjon picked every day and reaches- you not later thanifteen weeks after being gather ed Its native purity and fine flavour are preserved in airtight sealed packets You are guaranteed tea of unvarying good quality I En 9 Ill Moore program A pleasing variation in the was two choruses Old School Chimes and The Valley of by a number of the young ladies of the- Guild These songs were well reridered and much appreciate- The literary selections were Concluded by another of Long fellows gems The Day is Done recited by Miss Mdrjorie Moore Rev I Cameron then tendered a cor dial welcome to the guests of the ev ening after which lunch was served ami a social hour was enjoyed by The officers of the Guild for the cur rent year are as follows Hon President Rev I G Camer on President Mr Harold Miss Minnie Leek Record Miss French TreasurerMiss Gertrude Organist Miss Ross The Convenors of the Committees are Prayer Meeting Cameron Social Mrs Cameron Literary Miss Leek Lookout Mr J Rahmer 0 I Grown Nursery Trees If you are wasting to plant apple berries or any nursery stock try ofte order J Port Elgin Any that do not live vo replaced at halt price Plant Northern grown trees Why the of northern trees la acknowledged by all agricultural and horticultural gees of farms fruit growers everywhere You will the stock Sold by f B Cowieaon Queens- mktfi Will be Newmarket on order Phone at Farm No i5 sure mother look to say no bad thing is to do light and then To refuse to do a a good one Children FOR FLETCHERS ZErtlYH Hie snow is going so fast that con siderable damage may yet ensue in washouts and other ways Mr Jos Taylor has moved into Mr Arnolds house Business is steadily Increasing at the and we expect a new sta tion this summer A number of dogs have gone to the happy hunting grounds lately Who is the guilty person A tea under the auspices of tho Ladies Aid is to be given at the home Mrs Pinker ton on Fri day evening Some good papers are promised at the monthly meeting of the M at the home of Mrs A Wilson on Thursday afternoon largo congregation at the Meth odist Church last Sunday evening en joyed both the sermon and the music Miss Delia Harrington gave a birth day party to a number of her lady friends last Monday evening and they all say that they had a lovely time We all hope that Mrs Kay who has gone to the Hospital in To ronto to undergo an operation may pull through successfully Miss Alice is attending the- millinery openings in the city Mr has taken the place of Mr in the bank Tho Litter was a very agreeable busi ness man and we ate sorry to lose him plied she is full of music fine selections she rendered were wor thy of a himself didnt know such music was in the critter the piano mean not the lady but it was in the hands of an artist Our farmers are now resting on their oars waiting for spring Congratulations old Irish ones to my friend of Richomd Hill Liberal Im positive hes got a number one part ner or perhaps it would be as well as say number two as his first help mate bade him goodbye years ago Im sure Toms deserving of a good one yes that he is understand from Mrs Grundy though have received no no tification that my young friend Fred Hamilton has chosen the Inst as the day for his emancipation from and to receive con gratulations etc You shall have em Fred aye that you shall A couple of my old acquaintances passed away as recorded in the lane Holland Landing and James Peclee Island I was at Mr s some years ago He was a- very hos pitable and sociable gentleman and a most beautiful home I presume not many of the Era readers have been on this veritable beauty spot Peel Is land I know of no place in Canada more attractive and its as fruitful as the Garden of Eden itself Its an ideal spot to spend summer Van- dcrbilts have a summer palace there I would if I had the stamps Did young merchant collect his pay for his impartial judg ing at the carnival Sweet wasnt it Miss Christie did not enter in the girls contest She is modest and didnt wish to make a show of the others She certainly would have been to tho front had she competed Bruce Riddell shows a jack- knife in token that he is junior champion throws his whole soul into whatever he is engaged in Hes of Highland Scotch ancestry and grit Grit to the backbone Hes an enthusiast in sports of all kinds Is champion swimmer and diver of our national club and considers him self a pretty hard lad to handle in a tussle I believe Franklin the old dusty miller is cham pion senior skater Dont I wish I were young Mrs Ross spent last week with her parents Ross declares he wont let Birdie out of the cage again Baching it- aint what its cracked up to be Pringle looks happy Mount Albert bread takes tho bun vation John Reader Rev Speaker Ida our missionary centre Raider Minnie Wright SpeakerWillie Faithful work in a lowly position will gain you a promotion to a Every duty which we omit ob scures some which we should have known Danger in Delay Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous For Newmarket People to Neglect The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before tho sufferer recguies them Health is gradually undermined Backache headache nervousness lameness Both Georgina ami Scott Councils have appointed disinterested men to investigate the question schooling children residing near and it Is likely that the unfair condi tions will bo satisfactorily adjusted very shortly Mr Nelson is the Scott representative and Mr Thomas Corner for is moving to this week and Mr is taking his place Mr Mas is also moving to and Mr Fawns takes his place Mr Ed Skinner and Ben are also on the move The sick benefit claim of John was passed on Feb by Court and ho has re ceived a cheque for which shows the promptness the officials the order in dealing with such irat- At the last meeting of Court ldora a resolution of sympathy was passed to Edgar for the less he has sustained in- the death esteemed father HOLLAND LANDING r Atk your for a package today Youll like It BULL PNON10 Farmers Connection TER MS CA I The snow is gradually disappearing Bad roads will continue for some time Mrs A Lennox left Tuesday ev ening for Toronto to attend her sis ter who is seriously ill Leppard who has been very- low with pneumonia is some hotter and hopes for his recovery antici pated The funeral of Mrs Jane was largely attended on Friday last Those of the present were Mrs of Omaha Wil liam of Omaha and George of Re gion The following friends from a distance attended the funeral Mr and Mrs Rich- Hill Summer of New ton Brook Mrs Proctor of That our customers have appreciated the Bargains we been giving them is evidenced by the large quantities we have Bold When you get Quality and Quantity combined with the right Price If talks for itself We have just received a new supply of Cottons both bleached and at all prices extra values Hose of all kinds for Women and Children A good Hue of Prints guaranteed to wash well and not fade A Choice lot of Lace and Insertion both Torchon and Valanolenneo Towelling both Glass and Hand In Boots Rubbers Caps Mitts Gloves etc we can supply you at rock bottom prices We have Whips at from to each We sell Red Engine and Machine Oil also Cream Separator OH and Cylinder Oil We donot say that our Coal Oil Is better than Ml others do say none is better than it and the price is per gal Lantern Glasses and Lamp Chimneys each Our Groceries are fresh every week Comfort Soap bars for The Best Salmon only per tin For Coughs and Colds we have remedies galore We sell return railway tickets to any point on the Metropolitan GIVE US A CALL SMITH The Leading Merchant QUEENSVILLE Owing la many Ore Com id I lumbago urinary troubles drop- sv diabetes and Brights disease fol- Aurora Mr Walter of in merciless succession Dont Mrs and Mr your kidneys Cure tho kid neys with the certain and safe remedy Booths Kidneys Pills which have cured people right here in Newmarket Mrs W of Queen street Newmarket Out says Booths Kidney Pills obtained at the J JR Drug Store proved their worth and value in curing my hus band of a complaint that he thought arose from a disorganized condition of the kidneys He had dull drag ging backache pains through the kid neys kidney regions and in the loins and sides It was hard for him to bend stoop or lift and the malady made Mm run down and weak The use of Booths Kidney Pills cur ed the many aches and pains before he had used two boxes Wo give Booths Kidney Pills a sincere recom mend Sold by dealers Price cents The Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Canadian Agents NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Send the Era to friends Special Notice At a meeting of the Board of Health of East held on Wednesday the 2nd the bylaw passed by the Council of said Town ship on Rabies was declared in force ami the Board through t he- Inspectors purpose to strictly adhere to the law regarding the same a Mckenzie Sec of Lost December in Presbyterian Hall a brown fur Ruff silk- lined Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at PO Queensville TENDERS Tenders will he received by the un dersigned for the building of a new Schoolhouse in School Section North Plans and Specifications can be seen at Mr Drug Store Sutton Air Tenders to be sent in sealed envelope to the Secretary on or be fore March 1910 The lowest or tender not necessarily accepted MORRISON Secretary Sutton West PO lor of Toronto Messrs George Jas and John Taylor of Sutton Mr and Mrs J Terry of Mr of Sharon and several friends from Newmarket Miss lillic of Holt spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Fas Evans Miss Hitching returned to Toronto mi Monday last after spend ing two months vacation at Mrs M J Shields of Bradford in tends moving into the house owned by the late Geo estate Mr Thos Webb spent Sunday last with his father Mr Webb Mr Arthur and family intend moving in our village some time this month BELHAVEN March is beginning quite lamblike A number of horse dealers were in this neighborhood last week and pur chased many good horses at good figures Our standard of horses is getting somewhat lowered by these frequent callings of late Mr and Mrs Thomas Huntley were visiting friends in Toronto recently The farmers who have of swine these days are fortunate Our Jew ish friends look on with an odd smile Mr Prosser from the Island conducted the services at Bethel on Sunday He gave an excellent dis course on Where is the Lord God of Elijah Mrs ScnneMs presenta tion of a Bible hymn book for tho of Bethel Church is highly appreciated Mr Ross Sheppard was home over Sunday and entertained a few of friends on Saturday evening Mrs Connolly who has been resid ing with her sisters Mrs Sennett and Mrs Earl here since Connol lys death purpqses going to Col ling- wood in the near future i All should assist the Governments heartily in their effort to combat and stamp out the rabies in our province If onetenth of the dogs remain after the crusade would be an untold blessing There are more dogs than children in some of our boroughs When our urban friends consider the cost of the varied machines at pre sent needed by agriculturalists and of the frequent and increased of replacing the same tne cost to pro cure power and maintain the- same CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY MANAGER Owing counting ting sam aiake a s iter every away the cost of erecting and maintaining modern buildings and fencings etc the cost of the present varied and costly importations from them they should never complain of the high price of some of our products Assembly Notes one dog he must pay for the sec ond This will weed out some use- curs 9 Hon Dr Minister of Pub lic Works announced In the Legisla ture Tuesday afternoon that the Gov ernment was taking power to construct a branch line of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway into Whit- and Townships in order to develop the new mining country Hand cot L All in Mr H Lennox member for York has introduced- a bill to amend there the Municipal Act This measure provides for authoring the Council I Dominion Parliament Notes ot a Township to pass bylaws to This week three Government bills borrow amounts ordered to be were introduced- to incorporate paid by the Dominion Railway will be known as the Canadian and Municipal Boards for liquid- Northern Pacific another to ratify ating any sum ordered to be paid as the agreement of January IT its share of the cost- of grade between the Government and the at the intersection of the muni- 1 and one to ratify the agreement of February between the Government and that company and one to ratify the agreement of Feb ruary between the Govern ment and the Kettle Valley River Railway By the latter agreement The I and it shall not- be necessary to obtain the assent of the ratepay ers to any such bylaw By an amendment to the dog tax Act made by the House Committee I on Tuesday last every municipality the Government grants a subsidy of must impose a tax on dogs and the j 5000 a mile- or miles from Impost has been increased from to Penticton to Nicola on condition Where a person owns more than that the company also builds without subsidy from Midway to is a cess ed il for j alog it pal ITf I v I I ft At this season of the year we clear out at reduced prices all odd lots and broken assortments Now is your to pick thing up at Guaranty ill not I S without fitted W breaks THE axa England Special I 111 be r home ill demon Never sol All kinds V attended I J I I fe I A H Abb

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