Of SO wm AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton radical PaperHanger Decorator s Institute I The next meeting of the- branch of Institute will bo held at the homo of A Saturday March 5th at p A paper will be given on Sys tematic Arrangement of Work for a Week Copper collection Corner ad Dp Clottk DENTIST St Dp Office Newmarket Shoye It Off Have in this town a snowTclean- bylaw Or is there no one whose duty it is to see such enforced Or is there no committee of the Coun cil to see that some officer or person is appointed to see that- somebody that every body does what all of us were taught a generation ago to do is not lewlay universally carried out During the recent thaw the SLUSH that has been allowed to remain on the Sidewalks is something disgraee- working man and the Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Bra Office Newmarket Papers Issued a If NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Elsewhere A LUESBY Dp J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Llcensiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Moorfields Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No 110 1 Consultation Hours My services may bo had at any hour of the day or night by calling at the or phone Furnace Work avetroughing 3of Our Specialties tat Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS J est home owner is seldom the offend ers whilst the owner of the expensive residence seems to think he is exempt from the common decencies of muni cipal environment and as on Sunday last could sit in their plate glass windows and complacently watch their fellow citizens wading along to church like a procession of marsh- hens There be some excuse for neg lecting to thoroughly remove a snow fall from ones sidewalk but when SLUSH ankle deep stretches down either side of successive streets and for days together it is time some were given a chance to the corporation treasury Hero is help for you Your bilious attacks may be both prevented and relieved but prevention better than cure The means are at hand When a dull headache furred tongue yellow cast to the eyes inactive bowels dizziness or a sick stomach warn you of a coming bilious attack resort at to which act almost instantly on the liver and bowels and quickly regulate the flow of- bite- A few doses of Beechams Pills will correct the stomach put the blood in order relieve headache and tone the entire System For over sixty years on land and sea by their safe and thorough action on- the stomach bile have maintained their worldwide reputation as The Best only by Thomas Helens Lancashire England Sold everywhere In Canada and America In I for the year At the close of I W a public deputation should in our inter- wa a I OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery An Agricultural College at our own Doors The general trend of the time to wards scientific investigation chemi cal research economic training and the practical adaptation of the truths thus learned towards increasing the output enlarging the profits and re ducing the attendant labor in all the manufacturing and business enter prises of this age shows results no where as grout as in the pursuits of agriculture where thanks to world wide scientific effort and locally to the magnificent work done in the and St Anne de Que Agricultural Colleges farming under improved and scientific meth ods is fast developing into the Pro fession of Agriculture And why should it not he so encouraged anil Select Mr J A Armstrong to recognized in every possible manner when the hulk of our national wealth greater than from all other sources combined is the fruit of tillage now- minus much of toil For these reasons the advanced pol icy of the Ontario Department of Ag riculture under the thorough super vision of its able DeputyMinister Mr lames is advancing a pol icy the ultimate idea of which is- to locate a department branch in each county to scientifically cultivate a plot of ground in conjunction there with and for the purpose of practical demonstration in charge of a trained agricultural expert who est he made as large and Influential as possible as was in the case of Durham County ami should include the Warden of the County members of the County Council Mayor and Aldermen of the town members of the High School Hoard its Prin cipal members of the Society officers of the Farm Institute of York mem bers of the Hoard of Trade rind in fluential farmers and business men of the locality We might add that by statute the County Council is expected to contri bute five hundred dollars per year to ward this work if carried on under special expert instructor In a Coun ty High School The salary of the teacher and representative is paid through the Department of Education the expenses salary of assis tants and contingencies are paid through Department of Agricul ture We think if all other provisions are fulfilled the County withits agricultural member ship will not be slow to grasp the material opportunities and the afore said county grant would ensue as held Thomas Stephens vicepresi dent occupied the chair as the new lyelected president was ireVented at tending through sickness Mr Armstrong returned thanks for his nomination and said he would do his best to wrest the seat from the Grits Referring to the Hon A he said gentleman had violated all his preelection pledges and showed himself to be nothing more or less than a servile follower of Sir Wilfrid Lauder Mr Armstrong was very severe on the tinpot navy proposed by the Gov ernment which would only furnish an excuse for handling out more of the peoples money to the hungry hoard of gratters and robbers at Ottawa He favored resenting two Dread noughts to the Imperial navy im mediately A British Col umbia charged reckless extravagance in connection with the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific and referred in scathing terms to the Newmarket Canal and other public works J Doherty St Amies Montreal the naval pro gram and charged that gov ernment were acting wholly without reference to the will of the people and in variance to the loyal sentiment of the people of Quebec Mr Lennox PP follow ed with one of his breezy speeches and criticised the Era for having ac cused him of breaking his word to his constituents regarding the prison farm Mr Lennox said he had done everything possible to get the prison North York Conservatives oppose Hon A Aylesworth The estimated attendance at the Conservative meeting in Newmarket last Saturday was about 300 all parts of the Hiding being represented Purdys New Grocery received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Figs Dates Peels Layer Rais ins Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Best Canneries OUR GROCERIES Are willassorted and the Best that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Select Oysters solid meat by the Quart or- Served to OUR BREAD Standard Weight Bread Buns Pies Cakes of wl kinds Freeh Every None Better few as good J COOKED HAM to cult Allens Sweet Cider by or Satisfaction or Money Refunded farm located in the county but the Government after inspecting several sites came to the conclusion that the site was so far superior in every way to anything in the County election of officers then took place with the following result shall form lion President Mr John Currie and teach a class in agriculture in the President Mr John S Moore of a candidate to contest the Riding at the next Dominion Election when Mr J A M Armstrong of was Jjte only person nominated He is the same man who was unsuci at the last Dominion Election that against Hon A Aylesworth hut to select that site to the exclu sion of all others Joseph Phone Parkins Old Stand PHOTOS local collegiate institute for say two months in each year and devote the balance of the time to farmers clubs instructing the people on seed selec tion drainage pruning of trees grow ing corn or whatever industries are best suited for the locality The manner In which classes in agricul ture have attracted grownup people hack to school is one of the hopeful results of the undertaking So far eleven comities have these branches which arc operated in conjunction with the Department of Education and it is proposed to continue the extension until every county is served Titus in 1907 six were select ed as follows Essex Gall Colling- wooil Perth and Lind say In two more were added and In three more Carp Norwood and Provision is now by the Legislature for three additional this year Lampion Hastings Glengarry Durham and Northumberland counties are making more or less vigorous ef forts to be amongst those to be now selected Why not York the premier agricultural county of the entire pro vince What would it not mean to its farmers and farmers sons and its farms to have a Branch of the De partment of Agriculture located right at this County Hub Newmarket Is situated directly in the centre of the county and approachable at all sides by an excellent and Electric Railway service ami what time more Opportune than the present to united ly and energetically bid for such a Department when owing to the rapid growth of our town and phenomenal increase in the attendance at its schools our High School Board is coin pel lod to consider the necessity of an addition to tho school building It would be thus ready and doubtless if given proper support eager to embody in any such building plans the classrooms and all special requisites necessary to fa cilitate to greatest degree tho teaching of Agriculture Mr Lennox our local mem ber when approached on this subject on Saturday evening last signified his deep interest in the proposition of in troducing a deputation to MInis- ter of Agriculture Minister of Education and their deputies at a Mr Thos Stephens Whitchurch Mr L lingshead Kettleby and Mr Isaac Kenton North Secre taryTreasurer Mr Thomas Newmarket The treasurer reported a small bal ance on hand aftor paying all expen- o Fire In the block at Alberta did damage The American Hotel at Moncton was damaged to the extent of and in factory and the Standard Glove Works at St Johns Quebec threatened the destruction of the town WALL VSt ft I I A The finest aid ZaovBuk for many reasons It is antiseptic kills the poison in any wound It ensure any wound or akin Injury or disease against poison- in the air which arc ways ready to enter a M sore place and set up poisoning and putrefac tive change Immed iately they enter Zam- Buk they are Instantly killed While certain ZamBuk are thus protecting you against externa dangers the rich healing herbal essen ces ha the balm penetrate the tissue stimulate the cells and bring about perfect healing Nothing like ft I Watch it work I i IT I- J M CUTS ROM THE HOMES Mr of a reliable I used It for cuU and It effective euro la every I would not bo ZAiuBukinthbouielncUM of ancT all moth to brok out very badly behind roy got I to try It proved the In a very it cured jLillv rood for ioIurlM ftd piles etc and or Co Toronto sujegestivo writer in an asks this Gould the cow that Rave the- milk we now heir ao much about have fallen Into the The lute Mr tVKhshutt of made a bequest to the Sick Hospital of While Coming down from the Par liament buildings last week the mem ber for had an unpleasant experience He was in a and as it was going he cor ner of College ami the Car and all who were standing began to move A woman next hint had a hatpin protruding some five or six inches through iter as she partially collided with Mr Donovan her hatpin Was driven through his cheek and for sometime tile wound bled freely Of course the fair one was sorry but that didnt heal the sore place Among the incorporated companies gazetted last Saturday was The Newmarket Hotel Company capital Go up head are going to cut more than the usual of July at One file and drum band in with a City has got a new drum all way from the sod It is a noisemaker all right An evening rises to observe Dont blame the cows they had very little to do with some of the fluid that iSSold as milk in this irovinee The infected water is where trou ble lies The slaughter of the bowwows by the police during the past we is running up a very nice total and hungry cadaverous looking canines are not often seen upon the streets these days The rabies scare will weed out a lot of useless curs and no doubt prove a blessing in disguise Some Toronto citizens declare they have recently seen a comet Thats probably owing to the that the city has not voted local option yet The property purchased for a site for the new LieutenantGovernors resilience is on street at the head of J arris street and only a short distance from St James Ceme tery The whole property was asses sed at but the Government- is paying for it nearly 15- more than its assessed valuo in a city which pretends to assess to about cash value When the immigrant train arrived at on Saturday morning the went through cars to awaken the passengers They were foreigners and not understanding the English language three immigrants polled on their hoots and jumped from the train into the snow bank were restrained by brakesmen holding the doors Fortunately the train was moving slow and the fel lows who jumped off were not serious ly injured NEWMARKET HARDWARE ST Explosion in Harness Shop Guelph Mercury- As Mr Jos Tovell the harness dealer was this morning sealing up a large jar containing a half gallon of shellac a light which he held to melt the sealing wax communicated lire to the contents of the jar and there followed an explosion which smashed the jar into hundreds of pieces and threw the burning liquid over whole interior of the harness room That Mr Tovell or Mr Tovell who was working in the room also were not seriously hurt by the explosion is little short of miracu lous Sections of the jar were found all over the store and Mr Tovell had been standing within a few inches of it when the explosion occurred Some of the pieces struck him as it was and his hands were cut and burned but not seriously It was from the ire that came the greatest danger and in a moment the whole interior- the harness was wrapped in flames Mr Tov- ells clothes were burning in several places and in the confusion and ex citement he was in danger of being seriously burned had he not run out of rear of the premises and rolled in the snow until the lames were ex tinguished Mr It Tovell ran to give the alarm and in the excitement did not notice that his own clothing was on fire til his trousers were seriously dam aged Attention was then turned to the fire which had been spreading ov er the whole interior of the shop and with the help of Mr Walter Tovell it was extinguished it had gained a great deal of headway and the fire brigade arrived The explosion could be heard or some distance and the whole interior of the shop was spattered with tho contents of tlie Jar which carried firo in every direction The contents of tho room were considerably damaged but loss will not be very serious Feb 24 Miss Mary Smith had a miraculous escape today from killed in a runaway accident She was overtaken on a crossing by- a attached to a cut ter The point of one of the shafts penetrated her hair which was firmly done up in pads Hanging by her hair sho was dragged fully 50 feet horse came to a slop in a snow bank Miss Smith who escaped with out a scratch went her way quite unconcerned after arranging her toil et in a nearby store 1 T FIXTU You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass JEtc J A ALLAN NEWMARKET Our First Shipment 0 F- Toronto Jobbing House STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES GET YOUR NAME on our CALLING LIST LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOES- A Trial Order will Convince Yen THAT CAN SAVE YOU MONEY We insist in absolute purity in everything we buy and every ounce of groceries in our stock carries with it our guarantee that it will be found to be exactly as we represented it Dont forget to use your phone Ring No- Ga RustProof But Wont Scale Extreme weather la CniJa Use wa why so much Wire Fence or year than it should Nearly every Wire Fence GalvniieJ too Ihfoly to fight weather TwithirJiof upon its Yet because ikcojU four mote thin steel Wire wiped clean An J besides nearly all it merely coafed with Zinc This Coating will before Frost Ft oca to show of wear You ail Wire because of has a greasy surface This dirt and be thoroughly before will You cant expect Zioo to adhere to greasy scaly Wire you Bat Wire goes through differ ent Pickling and it ever sees a Galvanising Furnace These critical clean the surface oT Wire as dean as a This enables Wire to be fear of peeling oil Vheo Frost J goes through it proc ess he Zinc not only spreads the surface goes into Wire becoming a part of the Wire Toe Frost Fence will now endure those awful weather variations from W to 15 years longer any other Fence iro exclusive Fence who Afake and Galvanize Wire The Wire formerly used for the Frost was made under our own specific It heat we could buy But wefcnew that we could so built and equipped our own Mills are now the best wire fiver used for a Fenca in Canada A Frost Fence will last from to year eager than any Fence we know of Write today for free booklet simples Tie Frost Witt Fence Co Ltd HsmlItoi Wan ltd In Districts 1 Local Dealer ABRAM STOCKS AURORA TRY TRY AGAIN Chicago Record it broke into many pieces me exclaimed the lady I And thats twice you dropped It The new maid under- the direction of her mistress was washing a valuable pitcher Once it slipped out five minutes J o her hands but fortunately did not know it mum said the maid smash it escaped was a humbly but It didnt But the second time says the time I J J