Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 4, 1910, p. 2

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HP fa F fc I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH Blanket Lost On Huron street near iron bridge Visit Saturday tinder will oblige leaving at Eagle Hotel For Sale Furniture and Carpets Apply to Timothy street west- Teacher Wanted School Section No 3 East Duties to commence at Apply stating qualification experience and salary expected to Kelley Box Newmarket Public Meeting A Public Meeting will be held in Ice Town Hall on Friday evening March at oclock lor the dis cussion of a bylaw which is to be Toted upon on March to raise to bonus the neat of e by debentures Office Specialty So in their making substantial addition to their factories P W PEARSON Mayor INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle l i and 12 l j from accident sickness lightning or tonus of or months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Of houses farms and Have always a lot lots for- sale also a f Money to Loan first Mortgage on farms I on Greenhouses St in Cost of Living The gradual increase in the high cost of living for a few years past is becoming a problem of vital im portance to the average householder of today The cause contributing to this result is being widely discussed through the press of the United States as well as In this Dominion and the conclusion very generally reached places the cause of the rise to organized combinations and trusts In some of the cities of the neighboring republic leagues have been formed to combat the beef and other trusts with the boycott but the situation shows no sign of weak- Indeed the trusts appear to have gained such a national hold that those seeking to counteract their influ ence are liable to- become the great est sufferers Agitation however may possibly arouse public resent ment to such an extent that the trusts may be forced to reduce their marginal profits to reasonable figures on the capital Invested No doubt high tariff protection contributes to help the trysts by preventing compe tition and to meet this condition trade unions finding the cost of liv ing continually advancing are rais in their scale of wages to counter poise the growing cost of homelife As a result the cost of production of all kinds of manufactured goods ne cessitates higher prices both to whole salers and consumers The fast age in which we live coupled with selfish ness is probably the root of the trou ble Legislation may correct to sunfi extent or curb the power of the trusts but the operation of the high er principle of the moral obligation to as we would be done by more to equalize presentcon- than ought else o NOTES Our Toronto tetter Oar Society column Cut Flowers Hr- Fresh Cut Carnations Daflo- Tulips Forget- menots Sweet Peas and Vio lets Hyacinths Primula and Prim- rose in pots They are beau ties and cheap too Come and see the flowers Lettuce and Parsley Funeral ami Wedding work given special attention reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Phone J Flic Hamilton Herald remarks Hon Mr annas measure of pri son reform enables convicts to earn money for their families while work ing out their sentences the Provin cial Secretary can claim honor as a real reformer S Newmarket Notice to Creditors The Fish and lame Committee of the Legislature purpose various changes in the present law Several suggested alterations to shorten the open game season for grouse woodcock partridge and quail are being considered American and foreign hunters and trappers will re quire a license hereafter amounting to quite a tax A splendid sample of native silver ore reached the Parliament buildings the beginning of this week and will be placed on view in the geological branch of the Department of Mines I PURSUANT to the provisions of of Chapter of The Re- Vised Statutes of Ontario Creditors and all other persons I Clerks in the Department tell visitors ing any claims against the estate of that this lump of silver ore is Ave MAJOR STEPHENSON late of feet live inches long and about two the Township of King in the County feet wide It weighs nearly of York Farmer deceased who died lbs contains ounces of silver on or about the I8lh day of and is worth We are told Farmers arc handicapped for want of farm hands and cities are burden ed with a lot of ablebodied men who are troubled to get something to do to a living Mutual miht be reached by bringing the two classes together lion Mr Murphy and Hon Clif ford were registered at the King Edward this week A lad in George street found a bottle of whiskey where some men had been digging a cellar he drank enough to set him about and he had to be sent to the Hospital The customs receipts for this port or February is the largest of February on record and amount to Hon K Foster so is said will endeavor to appeal the decision in the libel case Another report has it that he will resign his seat in Parliament and again appeal to his constituents People laugh The March Sessions of York were formally opened on the 1st hist with Judge Denton presiding There are fiftytwo cases entered on the docket some of them unusually important Myrtle Smith who was convicted of manipulating sale checks at Eatons store and who has been in the hands of the Salvation Army ever since was let off on suspended sentence A deliberate attempt was made to set lire to the store building street by the Wight- man Meat Market The flames were put out before much damage was done- Every seventh infant born alive in this dies before it reaches the age one year So says an even ing paper Of the infants born in Toronto last year died under one year old Think of the homes made sad by death in this one City alone in one year The migration Westward has com menced About 500 left on Tuesday being the hist of the homeseekers excursions this year to the North west- It is said the Arena Co has gone better than the Government for the street site for Government House It looks as if it was a put- up job for someone to make money at the peoples expense Rising freight rates makes import ers think that a combine exists among steamship companies Toronto Hoard of Trade has entered a protest and wants the Government at Ottawa to intervene It- appears rates have increased about per cent in three years J Cunningham a lunatic died injuries received while trying to escape from the Hospital for the insane He fell from a win dow and fractured his skull The city bakers made the com mittee room of the Legislature look like Well no matter what But the way the bakers argued against the Legislature interfering in the baking business was a caution Several charges are now made ml MM ss ber are hereby required on or before the 26th day March 1910 to- send in to Thos J Robert- Government son of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York Solicitor for the Executors of tho last Will and Testament of tlie said Major Ste phenson particulars of their claims against the said estate with a statement of the securities if any held by them for such claims AND take notice after the said 2Gtlj day of March tho undersigned Executors shall be at liberty to dis tribute the assets of the said Major Stephenson or any part thereof amongst the entitled thereto having regard to the claims of which the executors have then notice and the shall not be liable for such assets or any art thereof to any person of whose claim the Fxc- cutors had not notice at time of the distribution thereof or a part thereof this 1st day of March P F STEPHENSON New proctor Aurora PO of rotate this find was made in Coleman town ship and will be preserved by tho Up in Oxford County Sheriff Brady on Tuesday last notified the Grand Jurors who had been summoned to attend court next week that tho summonses had been cancelled there were no prisoners and the jury was not needed York being tied up with Toronto by virtue of the Gov ernment has to pay a share of the of fifty prisoners this March term chiefly from the city York not only pays her own hut yearly contributes towards paying for trying criminals that the city up by the score Our large taxation for criminal justice is part of the price the County has to pay for its judi cial connection with Toronto Will the present Council measure up to its responsibilities in the arrangements now being considered Had County separated in when the question was shelved in the interest of a few politicians the ratepayers To Farmers A Pure Bred Bull whose four nearest dams average of utter seven days will be kept for service on the farm of Mr Dennis one mile south of Newmarket Terms Cash 00 time of service would never have been burdened will their share of the new Court House and thousands of dollars been saved GRAND RAILWAY L 7 kfn ONEWAY EXCURSION TO WESTERN CANADA MARCH 3 AND 29 APRIL 5 AND 13 From stations in Ontario Kingston West to certain points in Sas katchewan and Alberta PARTICULAR ATTENTION it called to the fact that these rates apply to Grand Trunk Pa cific Railway a new territory full of Golden Opportunities J Ticket Agent of the specially interesting episodes to of the House galleries took place in the Ontario Legislature No the member for North York was not in it this time but the Labor member forKast Ham ilton was around and made himself heard On Monday last Sir James Whitney conceived notion that the Leader of the Opposition had prompt ed Mr to criticize his appropriation and the Pre mier got on his ear It ill be comes the leader of the Opposition to make a burlesque of the proceedings of the House said he to which Hon Mr McKay rejoined It ill becomes the loader of the Government to reflect on the conduct of any mem ber of this House At this juncture the member for Hamilton wa heard to exclaim I dont care whatever quarrel you Whitney have with the leader of the Opposition you arc both alike to me The re mark was greeted with applause and Mr went on attacking Governments immigration policy Evidently there arc a lot people who do not endorse the Government policy against Kelly for passing worthless checks He will answer for his conduct in the Police Court The Good Roads Association con vention for Ontario is now in session at the York County Municipal build ings Adelaide street The Associa tion is asking the Government to in crease the grant from to half the cost of construction on lead ing highways A Aaron of King street didnt turn out far enough to miss an ap proaching street car with the result that his wagon was smashed his horse cut himself some what damaged Aaron will take the hint when lie hears the gong after this before being run down The City Assessors commence on Monday But they arc a bright lot Take the property the Government talked of taking for residence of Lieut Governor It was assessed for the Government offer is said to bo 135000 and now another dealer is said to have offer ed long way more than It was assessed for Will the Coun ty men note this I guess Miss ftfbdie was homo from the over Sunday Geo Vale will not receive any more this season Mrs Frank Stewart will not re ceive again this season Howard Stent Sunday with Mr Miss Vesta Thompson was homo from the city over Sunday Mr and Mrs Holt were visiting friends in King over Sunday Miss of Toronto spent over Sunday with Miss Oliver Mrs of visited friends in Newmarket last week Mrs A Webb will not receive or again this season Mr- Mrs enter- friends on Tuesday evening Rev T W has been consid erably under the weather this week Miss Strachan of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Andy Dans last week Mr is the in the Bank of Montreal Mrs MeGee of Bradford was the guest of Mrs John Sun day Mr Howard was in Mont real ft few days this week on busi ness Hon J and Mrs Davis spent over Sltftdaj with their son in King ston Miss Jessie left on Mon day to accept a position near Mrs corner of Huron street will receive on Tuesday as usual- Mrs J will not receive on the second Wednesday in March Mrs of is visiting her daughter Mrs T Watson Mrs Howard Cane was visiting friends in the city two or three days this week Miss Cole of Ravenshoe was the guest of Mrs Park Ave last Friday Mrs Irwin has been In Au rora this week owing to the illness of her niece Mrs Andy Davis entertained a number of ladies on Wednesday after noon ot last week Miss Kathleen enter tained a number of her schoolmates last Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs of Rochester spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Schmidt Mr and Mrs I licks of Hay City Mich were visiting their Mrs Harm an last week Miss Rena entertained a number of her lady frieuds on Thurs day afternoon of last week Miss Hat lev of returned home yesterday after spending a month with Miss Mr Frank Wilson of Sharon left A THE Stocking Store IT PAYS TO DEAL AT NEWMARKET I Never were we in a better position to serve you With everything to home Furnishings as we are this season Having enlarged our paper and carpet department to double the size it formerly was and at to our stocks we honestly believe that we can serve you as wall Ided very well as anv store in the country However we invite your inspection Spring Wall Paper Our range is as complete as money and ex perience can make it We are showing over designs from the most expensive lines for parlor and diningrooms to the cheaper lines for bed rooms at from to roll We can show you a range of patterns If you purpose paper ing this season we would ask a look at least z ir fry Lace Curtains Six Specials at 75c 150 and pair have searched the trade for lines at above prices and we think weve got some dandies at these prices Spring Oilcloths and Linoleums A big range to choose from for KITCHEN DININGROOM and BEDROOM As the de mand for linoleum has increased for bedroom use we have selected several pretty designs for that purpose Spring Rugs Rugs are growing in favor Our range is large and we can any room In TAPESTRY BRUSSELS and VELVET to what we havent got we can get fit almost 2000 and VAAAA 9 Edward Ball of went blind after jumping oft a runway about fifteen feet high It is said his brain was affected Parry Sound March Michael J Davis a wellknown character throughout Parry Sound district and who had resided the district over 30 years living near the Utile village of about TO miles of ibis town was murdered about last midnight in his room in the Mont gomery House here his head being beaten in with a bottle A man giv ing his name as Lewis Young and his address as Atlantic City is under arrest charged with crime THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can your Furniture For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Mils attended to at John Millard Tuesday for the NorthWest and Mr A of Sharon goes next week Miss Alyee Hughes was attending the wholesales in the city last week and was visiting with friends over Sunday Mr Clarence A Caldwell en route to the Coast and California dropped in town or a few hours on Tuesday Miss Arthur lias resigned her posi tion on the High School start owing to ill health the resignation to take effect at Easier Mr Woodward of Vancouver drop ped here over Sunday on his- way to New York and visited his brother- inlaw Mr J Anderson Miss Hay daughter of Dr Hay of Toronto also a niece from the city were visiting last week with Mrs Prospect Ave About relatives and intimate friends assisted Mr and Mrs John in celebrating their 25th wed ding anniversary last Friday night Mr A Walker ledgerkeeper at the Dank of Montreal who has made a host of friends during his two years stay in Newmarket has been transferred to Toronto Miss Casey of Mitchell is visiting with Miss Mabel Cane They leave for Mitchell were the latter resumes her position as In a large millinery department Mr D received a tel egram on Wednesday evening of last week announcing the suddeu death of his sister in Toronto Mrs Broad The interment took place at Mt Pleasant Cemetery Hill Burling ton conducted anniversary services in the Methodist Church Cooks town on Sunday last The new bell presented to the church by tiie Ladies Aid was heard the first time to announce the Sabbath services Dr Bruce Smith Provincial In spector was iu town on Wednesday to join the County Council deputa tion their visit of inspection to the Industrial Homo Their report will bo presented to tho Juno Session of the County Council Mr Arnold Height the oldest man In Newmarket has been poor health for some time but this week ho has taken a turn for the better ho thinks the crisis is past for present Hopes are now eater for his speedy recovery THB REID In Mount Albert on Sat urday February to Mr and Mrs Geo a son SMITH In East March 1st 1910 to Mr and Mrs J Albert Smith twin daughters BANK In on Thursday Feb- the wife of Robert Rank of a son CASE In Kiug on Sunday Feb 1910 the wife of Case of a sou Friday- February 1 at to Mr and Mrs Chantlcr a daughter TOMB FORREST At ou Fob Rev David Forrest late of Newmarket in his year Newmarket on Feb Olive Veda daughter of aged about years BROAD At street To ronto on Feb sudden ly from heart failure Mrs Broad sister of Mr man of Newmarket aged yrs WATSON In Stoufiville Friday Feb Mrs William son Interment took place in Quaker Hilt burying ground Mon day on Sat urday February Rev David Forrest aged years months and Funeral Wednes day to Mount Albert Cemetery Deceased was a brother of Dr W Forrest of Mount Albert At Tuxford Sask on Feb 28 Win A McCor- formerly of Vivian Town ship of Whitchurch in his 58th year Funeral Saturday at 1 from Vivian to Cemetery J D MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will Careful Prompt Attention Oranges for the table and or Marmalade We have bitter for Marmalade They give you an appetite for and for nice eating Orange there is nothing nicer than our California and Florida fruit and Juicy and of sizea and priced to suit the purse ft Lenten is with us again Fishing la good You can get line of Herring Haddie Trout Gold Eyw and Salmon from us i Use Purity Flour for Your Bread I- PHONE W Ha EVE Huron Street Newmarket FLOUR AND FEED Lumber and Building ft A

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