k f r I THE ERA FRIDAY ft- HI mwi inrr I Only It will not do you an ounce of good to read this ad unless ybu come to the store and tee for yourself that we will really sell you merchandise as is here ad vertised which mean a great saving to you on every dol lar you buy of us during great sale REMEMBER SALE STARTS ON FEBRUARY at 9 a I For Days Only The of the day The wonder of the hour Mark the date and mark It well Friday at Look tor the Blue Sign REMEMBER FOR DAYS ONLY T The Now in the i Clothing Mens and Womens The Entire Stock will be Sacrificed we must raise the Cash in time The Stock consists of Groceries Dry Goods Shoes Furnishings and Crockery The Stock will bo sold at the mercy of the Public by the order of the Chicago Brokerage Company at the Lowest Prices ever quoted In Ontario it not in Canada A Chance of a life time now stares vou the face Watch and Wait for the Bargains- Sale HWts THIS is not an ordinary sale but an extraordinary occa sion The greatest bargain event in the history of Newmarket and vicinity Sale begins am Friday days of Inimitable bargains before the public beginning Friday Feb and continuing for days The entire stock is ail with moneysaving inducements that will surely prove a tonic for overworked pocketbooks We caution you to come early as this sale Will last for days only Everything must go rapidly This is the first of this kind in this vicinity aud may never occur again In order to prove to you the tremendous sacrifices that must be made wo have mentioned a few of the extraordinary bargains that will ottered Bear in mind that there are one thousand other good articles that we cannot mention here Remember this gigantic stock is to be sold at retail for less than the actual cost of making Everything must be sold and a sale of this magnitude will never occur again and in order to tremendous bargains will be we mention a few of the extraordinary sacrifices that will be made bear mind there are 1000 different articles we cannot mention hero S new goods and abounds nothing keep you away the hour is set the date you know This sale will be the chance of a lifetime where you can buy uptodate merchandise at less than old shelfworn goods would cost elsewhere Sale Opens Friday Feb at am for Days MM are only a few prices showing how the goods will be sold Prices never before heard on such highgrade stock and modem merchandise I o Prices will be cut to a whisper come and see for yourself for what your eyes see your heart must brieve I 8 Bars of Comfort Soap for Cents Salada Tea regular price now Red Rose Tea regular 30c now for The Best Salmon regular price now for Early June Peasj regular price now for II Pork and Beans 12JO- now for Old Dutch Cleanser 10c now Cow Brand Baking Soda 5 for Corn Starch 10c now for English Pickles reg 30c now for Gillotts Lye now for Block and Green Tea reg price now for Uptons Pure Orango Marmalade regular price now for Quaker Puffed Rice regular now Malta Vita 10c now for Toasted Corn Flakes now Binder Twine now for a a a a Bost English Prints all shades price now for Best Prints in all shades regular price IO01 now for Blue Denim price now for Scotch Ginghams regular price now all shades regular price now for 9 White Table 55c sow for 39 White Table Lietii 30c now lor White Flannel price now for 27 Blue Flannel price now for 27 Gray Flannel price now for All Wool Checked now 34 9 Cents ii ii 139 89c a a a it yards Preach Wool Dress Goods in all shades price 65c now for 39 Velvetteen all Blue Green and price now 39 ii a a Ladies Ladies White Handkerchiefs regular 100 now for Cents Ladies Cashmere Hose regular 35c now for Corset for 59 Corsets for 1 Lot of Ladies Walking Skirts all price to your choice for Skirts for Ladies Coats the Latest Styles and in all Shades prlco for Coats all reg price for Childrens Coats for Ladies Fur Stoles regular price for Ladies Fur Stoles regular price for Ladies Fur Stoles regular price for One Ladies Bokaran Jacket regu lar price for 26 36 I I 339 2995 Ladies Suitings price now for Ladies Suitings price now for yards of Fine Dress Goods all regular price now for yards of Fine Dress Goods price 35 to now for Silks In all tliades reg price to now for Sateens in all shades regular now for Mens Hats Mens Cloth Caps Fur lined regular to your choice for 39CeiltS Mens Cloth Caps for Mens 125 to Caps for 500 Mens Soft Felt Hats price 104 to your choice for 500 Christie Hats 100 to for Fine Hats 175 to 200 for 1 39 Mens Fine Hats to 3 for I 230 Pairs of Mens Working Boots all sizes evory pair warranted to be solid leather a shoo which cannot buy auy on the globe for less than Our price during this Sale Pair Mens Fine Boots made out of Best Box Calf all sires regular prices to Your choice for Pair of the Finest Boots made in Can ada the Latest Styles all New Goods all sires Reg price 400 to Now for Mens All Tanned regular price now or Mens Sheepskin Moccasins regular price now for Childrens Oil Tanned Moccasins regular price for LHOIES BOOTS and SHOES 300 Pairs of Womens all regu lar price to now for Pair of Womens Fine Boots all sizes regular price 175 to 200 for Pairs of Womens Boots regular price 225 to 250 for Pair of Ladies American Boots known as the Eagle Brand some are patent leather some flue Box Calf and Viol Kid in black tan and ok blood lace and button colored Suedo tops all sites regular price your choice for Oao lot fine Boots regular SI 50 and for Pairs Boys Boots all sires regular price SI 00 to for Pahs Boys Boots all sires regular price 150 to 175- now for it I 3 Lot of Boys Boots all sizes regular price to 2 now your choice for L THING ed All new and up to date goods regular price to your choice uutil they last for Mens New Suits in all shades a suit which you cannot buy any plaice on the globe less than to your choice while they last for f Overcoats In Black Blue and fancy Mixtures All Sizes You cant pass by such values it will pay you to buy one of these- Coats and keep it for next winter Come in and look at them It will you They are worth regular price to your choice for Mens Overcoats the best made in Can ada You cant buy of these Coats for less than 12 Your choice for Mens line Orercoats regular price 12 to for J m and Pair Boots all new goods and all sires price to now for hoes 146 Mens Suits in sires all new up-to- date goods regular price now Mens uptodate Suits In all all new uptodate Suits We must cell the entire stock regular price 9 to 10- your choice lor 50 Monarch Suits the best clothing made in Canada they are made out of the best Scotch Tweeds all new goods and uptodate and nicely finish- MENS PUNTS Pairs Work Pants all sites Regular price SI to 125 for Pairs of Mens Allwoo Pants All sizes Regular price 175 to now for 50 Pairs of fine Pants in all shades black blue and fancy mixtures Regular price 3 to 350 Your choice for Pairs of fino Pants All sizes lar price to now for MENS FURNISHINGS Mens Linen Collars regular price for Mens fancy Dress Shirts reg for Mens Work Shirts price for Mens English fancy Flannel Shirts well made and all sires regular price now for Fine English Wool Shirts reg price Mens allwool Undershirts reg for Mens Silk Ties for Mens 50c Silk ties for Mens English Woollen Gloves reg price 50c now for S- Mens Gloves regular for Mens Mittens regular for Mens Silk Mufflers regular price for Mens Sweaters reg 1 feu Mens Overalls in Black Blue and all shades or 98 1 3 9 Cents 89 1 19 12 23 33 79 49 98 69 I Fob at 9 NOTICE Our store will be closed Wednesday and Thursday Feb and to give us ample time to mark goods down and rearrange our stock no one allowed in the store and no goods sold until Friday am OUR GUARANTEE We assure each and very customer absolute satisfaction We guarantee every article and every atatement herein made while continues Signed Chicago Co FREE RAILROAD EXCURSIONS We will pay your railroad fare for the round trip for a distanco of miles If you will purchase during this sale worth or over Be sure and buy your return trip tickets Signed Chicago Brokerage Co SALESMEN APPLY AT ONCE Open Evenings During this Great Sacrifice Sale Remember the Place Look for the Big Blue Sign Roche tore Millards Block By the Brokerage Co gv VJ SOi