Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 11, 1910, p. 4

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s iasaiiT5SS ivSx Haas w2s T i a fc I m DEATH WAS HOURLY EXPECTED Enterprise OnL Oct For years suffered with what physicians called a Water Tumor I could neither sit stand nor lie down Hypodermics of morphia bad to be given me to ease the pain THE NEWMARKET Friday FEBRUARY 1910 MRS JAMES FCNWICK My cure seemed hopeless and my friends hourly expected my death I was so bad that I wanted to die and it was during one of these very bad spells that a family friend brought a of to the house After much perflation I commenced to take them but I was so that it was only when I had taken nearly two boxes that I commenced to experience relief I kept up the treatment however and after talcing five boxes I was cured and when I appeared on the street my friends said The dead has come to life and this seemed literally true because I certainly was at deaths door MRS JAMES are sold by all dealers at a box for or trial box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Returning Compliments By way of diversion down at Otta wa last week Senator paid his respects to Hon Geo Fos ter member for North Toronto It appears that Mr Foster in one of his characteristic moods made a slash ing attack on the physical mental and moral standing and capacity of members of the Upper Chamber elating them to be composed of decayed material and as a body of and incurables as EDITORIJlh BOTES Oaf Toronto men who are ready to Kiss the shoes of another man the Prime wher By way of setting back Mr Foster in proper form Senator for the Now Canada Is getting to bo a country of influence power A daily tells us it is Understood that John late of the News is ruing this week to Can ada to Like charge of The Times news service hot only for Can ada but for the United Al most miracles arc expected A deputation from the Vegetable As sociation of the City asked York County Council for a small giant towards aiding the Associations account City people always ask 1 GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous 1T ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO ONT It has paid others it will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata logue G T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p m Toronto 130 Newmarket 1025 1240 Cioran moved In the Senate production of all correspondence be tween Hon R Foster and the Government of Canada of any member since the year In rela tion to the appointment of Judges and of members of the Senate In making this motion Senator took occasion to say that Mr Foster was not in a position to throw stones at the character of any mem ber of the Senate and Ended would not be worthy of attention if it were not for the fact that there are thou sands new comers in Caikida who do not know Mm Senator Cioran added The Senate contains men who have made their mark in finance as contractors as pioneers in char ity in literature in journalism and all the walks of public life and yet have to tolerate that denunciation vituperation from Hon George Foster whose remarks were unfair unworthy and untruthful Now wait till Hon Geo gets a chance to put in another oar and see if he dont wallop the Senate right and left Mr s motion passed unanimously Remembering the history of the past and the part Mr Foster played when the conspiracy was hatched against exPremier Powell we can readily imagine the complac ency of the latter at Hon Senator Clorahs observations It is due to Senator to say that he freely conceded the tight of Hon Mr Fos ter or any other person to discuss or take exceptions to the constitu tional aspect of the composition of the Senate but when uncalled for and unworthy attacks on their per sonal intelligence and character were made he felt that the bounds of pro priety had been passed and called for rebuke they see a chance to prey up- innocent Why dont the New market Horticultural Society appeal to the City Couneil for aid and A here by get even During this week the City has lit men employed taking account of the street railway at all the busy points in the City Statistics are be ing lathered in connection with the application for legislation sought dur ing the present session of the Ontario Legislature The Toronto Swnphony Concert on Monday evening will afford citi zens an opportunity hearing Frit the celebrated Austrian vio linist A fracas in Louisa street last Frl- RaceTrack Gambling Judging from the evidence of Wit- before the committee of the -j- Treasurers the Provincial mates for the current year we notice an item of towards the pur chase of the new Prison site and a new building When the last Ontario elections were held the people of North York were given to understand the Prison Farm would be located in this Hiding but Mr Downey of South Wellington get he plum and Yorks member gets the honor of moving the address in leply to the speech from the GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto a p 535 613 850 630 1010 310 755 Montreal has been having a gala time with its ice palace and it now has a said to be worth travelling miles to see As the Wit ness of that citysays it is doubtful if there is a similar celebration in America as the Park Slide pandits rush aloft a hug bonfire il- mines the country for hundreds of yards rockets shoot up with a roar like that the toboggans which with their human freight glide along in the glare of the pink lights which burn along the slides entire length Heres a little jog to York County Council The commissioners of llalton two Counties mind Indus trial Home report that the receipts for the past year amounted to and the disbursements to including salaries wages fuel and cattle purchased together with miscellaneous accounts The insti tution has between and iiv- mates The stock and feed on hand is valued at It is to be luii- that the present Commissioners of the York Industrial Home will make a record this year day night resulted in three men hav ing to go to the Hospital suffering from bullet wounds and the shoot 1st to prison to await the result of his murderous conduct A fire started Friday noon in an envelope factory on Lombard street and Caused a rapid slumptHte fifty or sixty girls the street The damage to property amounted to oral thousand dollars before the Are was extinguished It is announced that a private cit izen has made an to the Toron to Playgrounds Association to donate for the purpose of purchasing a site for a playground Miss Lottie Wright injured by a Radial car at York was award ed damages by the Court last week Hon Mr Crawford Speaker of the Legislature gave a dinner on Thurs day night of last Week in honor of the It was a swell affair An action for damages has been en tered by Mrs Emma Weston against Mrs Delia Perry charging her with secreting and harboring her hus band John A J P commit ted a man named Pitman last week for trial on a grave charge He lives outside the city limits The boot and shoe repair men have Increased the price of soles from- the recent merchants House of Commons on the Track bill some of Canadas public men prepared to betting business in connection with horse- racing for I rivate gain If gambling is a Vice and this is conceded even by racetrack bookmakers there Is no room for our legislators to give the business the sanction law to perpe trate an admitted wrong Vice and the moment the fra ternity argue that betting is neces sary lb the Interests of that moment they put a premium On vice at the of public mor als tor private gain The London Advertiser pub the case clearly and concisely No law can prevent private gam bling but the law can and does sup press public gambling in every thing but horse races Men may gamble in racy of the home or the club If Youre Working For a Living IT Your clothes bill is just fts necessity as your board bill your grocery or your bill a or or r the pri with impunity but the moment one collects a rakeoft the be comes a criminal offence There is no difference between the conduct the banker- a gambling house and that of the bookmaker who walks around the race track plying his trade- The law makes a distinction in the Imokmakers favor because race track betting is the most popu lar form of gambling and because there is a powerful social influence behind it If A and wish to make a private bet on a horse race no statute can stop them but legislation can prevent the open incitement of gambling presented at every big Canadian race meet The fact that the cloak of respectability to say nothing of fashion is thrown around the practice by the toleration of the the cause of much of the mis- You must be respectably clothed your competition Will defeat you No matter what your bill HAS been you are assured of the At Whtmsters Youll Get More Clothing and law is chief The plea that public gambling is ter Style and Fit for Same Money than where in Newmarket Northern Grown Nursery Trees lM If you are wanting to plant apple berries or any nursery stock try order from J H Fori Elgin Any that do not live are replaced half price Plant Northern grown trees Why He- cause superiority ol northern trees Is acknowledged by all and horticultural mana gers of Provincial experimental farms and fruit growers everywhere You will be pleased with the stock Sold fcjr J B Softs Will be at Newmarket on Sat- booking orders Phone at Farm No WINTERTOU Mexico Colorado California and Pacinc Coast Points Trunk Railway System the popular route from all points east through Canada via Double track fast service finest roadbed modern car service All meats of safety and comfort TO TiE SUNNY SOUTH VERY LOW KATES Consult Trunk Agents for low rates pertaining to above J Ticket Agent Property in Bees Hon Mr Duff Minister of Agricul ture has introduced a bill in the Leg islature respecting the right of Pro perty in Swarms of Sees Sec Enacts that Bees living in a state of freedom shall be the pro perty of the person discovering them whether he is or is not proprietor of the laud on which they have estab lished themselves Sec Enacts that Bees reared and in hives shall be private proper ty The reserve as to extent of ex emption from seizure under execution Is continued Sec Where a swarm of Bees leave a hive the owner may reclaim them so long as he can prove his right of property therein and shall be entitled to take possession of them at any place on which the swarm settles even if such place be on the land of another person but the owner shall notify the proprietor of such land and compen sate him for all damages If a swarm settles in a hive which is al- occupied the owner of such swarm shall lose all right of property See An swarm which lodges on any property without thereon may be secured by the first owner unless the proprietor of the lands objects Sec If the owner of a swarm declines to follow the swarm and another undertakes the pur suit such other person shall be sub stituted in the rights of the owner and every swarm which Is not follow ed shall become the property of the proprietor of the land on which it settles without regard from which It has come Clause repeals Cap 117 of the Revised Statutes Before the Ontario session of the Legislature closes this year judging from the reply of the Premier to the Temperance delegation that inter viewed him last week we may expect legislation reducing the threefifths clause to carry local option bylaws where bylaws are defeated by the operation of the threefifths clause although supported by a majority vote an opportunity will be given for another vote the following year in stead of waitiig three years A clause to punish bribery at local op tion contests will also be enacted A the of peers and others of luring- their Patent rate Oar AOvUer Marion Marion Hon 1 In IXC Barrle Man Fell Dead Barrie Feb 7 Mr John a prominent business man dropped dead here at noon He had just reach ed his residence for lunch after spend ing the morning in the office He was formerly a commercial traveler but left the road some years ago and opened an Insurance office He was prominent in church Masonic and other fraternal and leaves a widow five daughters and two sons Prof Edwin B Frost ol the Observatory Chicago has given out that comet pro bably will begin to be visable to the naked eye about April 1st and will cross the face of the sun at 8 May The sun will have set here before the I assage of the Comet acroa the suns disc but it will likely bo observable in California There will be plenty of time to see it in this part of the country Look for it after 1st of April in morn ing just before sunrise The Profes sor tells that when the comet passes between us and the sun its tail will probably sweep the earth that is if the tail is long enough and dont know vet that it Is we State of Ohio City of Lucas County Frank J Cheney make an oath that is senior partner of the firm Of J Cheney A Co doing busi ness in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and tie said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot cured by the use of Halls Catena Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day Dec ember A Seal A Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is In ternally and acts directly on blood and of the system Send free P J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation One of Canadas heavyweights in the political arena in years gone by was Sir Tupper lie- used to do a lot of prophesying in the palmy days of P under the benign sway of Sir John A Macdon- Just now Sir Charles is pulling another string In the old country and foresees the end of the resent British monarchy and the Empire in years if LloydGeorge wins in the elections just closed Sir Charles used to make prophecies quite as when he tried to boss things down at Ottawa and kept up his of the business till tho people got tired and handed over the machinery of Government to Sir Wil frid Lauder and his colleagues The calamities Sir Charles predicted woirtd follow have failed to mater ialize Statistics compiled from official sources at Ottawa for the Telegram show that from the year to year both inclusive a twenty- year period that on I- people were killed and In jured while on the T were killed and injured What does this mean Just think of it a death every hours an injury every hours Of course these statistics represent not only the pas senger victims of train collisions de rails and bridge disasters but also employees of passenger and trains killed and hurt in wrecks by being thrown from mov ing cars or caught in freight yarns between cars and likewise individuals killed at level crossings Jumping on or off trains A proportion of the accidents were caused by care lessness or negligence of the victims themselves but all the same re cord is alarming to per owing 10 advance made by leather and tanners The annual convention of the Onta rio Branch of the Dominion Alliance will be held in the Kim St Methodist Church on Wednesday next Labor Unions are the cause of high prices for food They raised the price of labor before there was any increase in the price of food So said Mr I Head MPP for South Some people say the farmer is makibg all the money They dont know what theyre talking a- This was his conclusion Over a ton of ballot those used by City ratepayers in the Janu ary civic elections were last week at Taylors paper mills They will be converted into paper again The Toronto District at its last meeting adopted a resolu tion calling the attention of the Min ister of Justice to the increase in the number of appalling crimes and asking why the lash should not used more In the punishment of perpetrators Tie up the canines is the of the authorities An epidemic of rabies of a serious character has broken out in several centres in vari ous parts of the province particular ly In Western Ontario Many dogs and cows have already been destroy ed Four persons have been sent for treatment in Pasteur Institutes The trouble has been traced to a mad dog which came from the American side across the International bridge at Sunday last was the coldest day of the present winter in Toronto Mr Geo was discovered dead on Sunday afternoon last sit ting in a chair where he had evident ly been reading the before He had been living alone for some time Deceased was pears of age Several fires were caused in the city by attempts to thaw out frozen water pipes be the cry Feb There was a col lision early yesterday morning at Station on tae A freight from the west pulled into the siding to clear the main line but had not got clear- when an eastbound train came along and crashed into it de molishing three cars- The line was blocked until the auxiliary chaired it at oclock oeo Itching Eruptions Quickly Cured Just a few drops of the famous D Prescription applied to the skin will take away instantly worst kind of an itch We postively know this Oil of a mild soothing combined with such healing substances as thymol and glycerine will penetrate to the inner skin kill the germs and heal The Prescription made at the D D Laboratories of Chicago seems to bo just the right compound as thousands of remarkable cures prove Dont on suffering from eczema or any other itching skin disease when relief is so easily obtained Just write the D Laborator ies Dept Jordon street To ronto and they will send you free trial bottle This sample will re lievo tho itching at once and prove to your satisfaction that hero at is the cure for your torture Write for a trial bottle today For ale all druggists necessary to horse racing there fore to the horsebreeding is not one- which will have weight with the great majority of the Cana dian farmers race gambling is morally wrong there can be no valid defence of it The man is more im portant than the horse and many a man owes his downfall the temp tation which the lawfellows to be put in his way OO O- Cures Piles EVIDENCE FROM ALL SOURCES There are so many socalled re medies for piles that sufferers are often at a loss what to try Piles are caused by distension of the hemorr hoid veins and the tissue becomes highly inflamed dry and sore cools and soothes the inflamed tissues and the healing essences in penetrates the diseased parts giving ease quickly and even tually curing the most obstinate case of piles Mr George Harris of Man says suffered acutely from piles but I am to say gave mo ease and brought about ultimate euro Mrs Cooke Pacific Ave Winnipeg says A month ago cured by of a bad attack of bleeding piles to which I had been subject for a long time Mr William Kenty of Upper Nine Mile River Hants Co says I terribly from piles The pain from these was at times almost un bearable tried various ointments but everything failed to do me the slightest good was tired of trying various remedies when 1 heard of but thought as a last source I would give this balm a trial procured a supply and com menced with the treatment In a very short time affected what all theother ointments and med icines had failed to do a complete cure Wherever there is Inflammation or ulceration there should be applied It heals incers abscesses festering sores cold cracks scalp sores cuts burns scalds bruises and all irritated inflamed or diseased conditions of the skin and subject tissue All druggists and stores 50 cents a box or post free from Co Toronto for price Refuse harmful substitutes A Farmer Robbed of 59 Chatham Feb Peter Traxler a farmer residing at Dawn Mills was struck on the head on King Street South at midnight Saturday and in cash taken from him by thugs Traxler was going out to visit relatives but finding them out he was returning to his hotel when he was attacked by a man boy His head was badly cut The suspects went to the station and bought a ticket for St Thomas The police were notified but tho sus pects avoided them by failing to take the train Neither the man nor the boy have been heard- of since condition is very serious Ont Fob Municipal ownership of the water work system Is paying well in statement for shows a profit of after allowing for In value of tools and plant in terest on debentures sinking fund etc The profit is slightly larger than In This applies to ALL the garments you wear And the fact is ready to bo proven just as soon as you are ready for the proof Any time you want anything to wear gTLgrT in The West Main St Men Newmarket Parliament Notes On Thursday of last week Sir Wil frid Laurier in a speech unparallel ed for breadth of vision masterful handling of the fundamental principles on which the Empire is founded and effectiveness defined the policy of the Government looking to the creation of the Canadian navy in cooperation with the navy of the Motherlaqd So inspiring was the effect the House that on its conclusion the members rose to their feet and in stentorian voice sang the National Anthem A supplementary estimate was brought down by the Hon Minister of Finance last week providing a grant of in aid of the flood sufferers in Paris France The French Gov ernment has intimated that the dona tion will be acceptable Assembly Notes Contrary to announcement the time for filing petitions for private bills has been extended one week Mr Brower has introduced a bill to amend the Municipal Act by adding a section as follows Where lands an nexed to City or Town under Sec about on any road or high way such City or Town shall be jointly liable for the maintenance and repair of such road or highway fi- Hon Dr has a lengthy bill respecting Councils of Conciliation and of Arbitration far Settling In dustrial Disputes It sets forth pow ers of Councils prohibits registrars from taking fees etc and profession al assistance is prohibited This will the legal fraternity squirm Hon Dr has another bill respecting wages and a third respect ing Master and Servant It provides among other things for workmen to make an agreement for sharing in the profits of a business etc A Costly Boycott Over May Have to be Paid by Hatmakers Union for Boycot ting a Manufacturer L Hartford Conn Feb A new declaration of independence is what Attorney Davenport of Bridgeport calls the verdict of 332000 rendered today in the United States Court by the Jury in the suit of Loewe of against hatmakers of based upon losses sustained by Children FOR FLETCHERS this state members of the Hatters of America for- boy cotting After being out a little over- two hours the jury ordered actual damages of to the plaintiff but as the suit was brought under the Sherman AntiTrust law triple damages must be assessed There was a remarkable scene in the court room when the verdict was an nounced defendants in attendance were stunned and groups dejectedly discussed the significance of the conference with the court followed at which it was decided to give the attorneys for defence a hearing Mach 7 when a motion to set aside the verdict on the ground of being excessive will be argued The assessment of costs will be de termined It is estimated that the costs will amount to at least Attorney Davenport senior counsel for the plaintiffs said of the- verdict It means that individual members of labor unions are bound by the ac tions of their officers and they cannoc allow them to do as they please Sec ondly it means that the AntiTrust Law protects manufactur ers and merchants from boycott at tacks In substance it is a new de claration of independence The judge in his charge radically instructed the jury to bring in a ver dict for the plaintiffs He said the only question for them to decide was one of damages and these were to bo tho plaintiff between July September the period during which the boycott against the Loewe Factory was maintained A bill of exceptions will be filed by the defence and the case will eventu ally reach the United States Supreme Court The has been on trial for ele ven weeks It was instituted by the AntiBoycott Society through Mr Loewe but it is understood the dam ages awarded are to go to the Dan- bury The expense de fending the suit is being met by the United Hatters of North America Greenhouses St TRY Canned Tomatoes SOLD BY TOWN GROCERS S Phood Newmarket f f I J k

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