j 1 I i a J I a A j a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 1910 1 Colds on the Chest Ask your doctor the medical Dime for a cold on the chest He will say Bronchitis Ask him if it is ever serious Lastly ask him if he pre scribes Cherry Pec toral for this disease Keep In close touch with your family physician around the Hub AND COR- worthy mookp STRANCU lone the nerves strengthen the stomach mil the blood and get I by taking grip on health lor tar urea you tell your doctor about tbe bad taste In your mouth loss of appetite for fcrcalfait and frequent and when he your coated tongue he You are billons Pills veil in tit J House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and toft water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale Brick House rooms domestic and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box 146 Newmarket- Two Building Lots For wtlei One on Main St and fronting on Church St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket Zephyr Hotel for Sale Good comfortable house and good No opposition Possession 1st or May Easy terms i MRS SARAH HURST PO Mr Mark is busy thresh ing days reports good yield Mr Walter Ireland gave the young people a dance- About one were present and ill report having I A good time The oyster supper at Mr Gates vs a great Success Mr Albert Woodcock is moving his sawmill near Queens where he- has taken a largo contract grain market is booming Twentylive j thirty loads a day Wheal a bushel The address in the Church by Mr Rose of Toronto was very interesting ami largely attend ed Mr A who has been ill for some time has gone to the Hos pital for treatment We hope to hear of his speedy recovery Seating is all the go around here just now The and Tele phone Co met on Tuesday at ville and confirmed the action of the directors in taking over the Central Telephone line which runs from to and and from to Goodwood The purchase price was live shares stock in exchange for every share of Central stock The stock was issued in shares and the Central stock In SI shales Mr Smith of Yale Mich brother of Mr Smith of died on Monday last Mr Hubert Irwins horse drew oft its bridle in the Methodist church shed last Sunday and ran away mak ing a wreck of the cutter Pills Sold Everywhere In Boxes aj V v the Oak Kid- I Douglas tor of the Summit House gfes charged obstructing the their search for liquor illegal ly kept on his premises was sum moned to appear before Justices Love and Walton last Tuesday after noon hut failed to put in an He was fined tun and costs or three months in jail A warrant will be issued for his arrest Another charge is laid against him for selling liquor without a license Headman has already paid a line of for selling liquor without a and if convicted on this second charge he will stand a good chance of spending some months in prison It is about time this notorious dive was cleaned out FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the i purchaser Must be sold The Urn- Is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG House to Rent On street near Prospect In Good Repair Town Water and Cistern Seven Rooms Gar den Immediate possession I Scott Main street north Farm for Sale acres J of lot in the con of East miles west ol Mt Albert All cleared and well fenced WESLEY WALLACE Holt For Sale The property- known as The Ce dars also TWO HOUSES ON ELM STREET for sale or to rent Apply to MRS SCOTT 5wl- The Victoria St Brick House For Sale On Joseph Ave the newest built- up street Town House built In 1908- Six rooms and bathroom lull tied cellar on foundation 3wl Newmarket Acres Land On the 3rd Con King miles from Yonge street on the Road for Sale on reasonable terms and Stable Enquire of M SHIER Newmarket PO For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with feet frontage Fine building lot Hard and soft water on the Must be sold as the owner is going West Apply on the premises Superior st Newmarket I C HUGHES Real Estate Agent Consult him if wanting to buy or ell property Has now 22 house and vacant lota to dispose of five Fire Companies for Life Accident Sickness aaid Burglary Insurance Young men take out a payment lite policy so to have a nice sum come in when not so able to work as now Money to Loan on First Mortgage on Farms For Sale Pure Bull The ire of the calf was sold recently for and a sister the slro holds worlds record as a old and wMiSOtd for DYKE On Wedncsdav evening January the trustees of No Scott met the trustees No for the purpose of coming to some agreement as to the remuneration the latter section should receive for ad mitting pupils from the Scott side of to their school The trustees of side agreed to admit the nonresident pupils On condition that the adjoining side pay them one half the average cost per pupil of those now attending No Tile trustees of the Scott side would not agree the above but suggested instead that they pay over the smaller school tax on the village property not including the store or vacant lots This would amount to less than per annum for about fif teen pupils To this the trustees objected intimating that they would rather teach them for nothing as they have done the past thirty years rather than agree to such terms At the rate it would pay No to close their school and send all their pupils to the ad joining section The school is two miles and a quarter from while the school is three quarters of a mile It is quite evident then that something ought to he done which Will give the nonresident pupils the privilege of attending the school near est to them In the meantime several the pu pils in question are not attending either school and havent been for months What js to be done Last year the board of No levied a tax of a month for each pupil to be paid by the parent or guardian of such pupil The result was that only one person paid the fee for one child for one month The rest refug ed to pay and the Children were not permitted to attend school We think it is high time that the matter was looked into and some provision made for the childrens rights accord ing to School Law page subsec and The Scholars Friend AURORA The adjourned case of George West of Holland Lauding charged Syilli stealing in money a pair of mitts and a knife from at the Summit House Oak Ridges on Jan was heard by Justices Love and Walton Tuesday morning After hearing the evidence was acquitted Owing to the burning out of the dynamo at the electric light power house the town has been In dark ness for the past week A new dyna mo is being installed The Aurora Social Club held their first and opening meeting last night in their Club Rooms Wells Block About members were pre sent The Hon President Mr T Lennox occupied the chair A number of speeches were given and music was furnished Mr Fred Watte Mr Mr Thos and Mr Bamford were served at the close of the program Wc hear that it is the intention of the Club to hold meetings each Monday evening during the winter a 1 I THEY ACTUALLY CURE RHEUMATISM V Gin Pills Prove It It Is One tiling to claim to nUitfetii It is another to do it Gin out every claim wc make tor they arc not a favorite prescription marvellous discovery era secret preparation flu arc simply a commonsense combination of medicines that ve proved their value in and Troubles and Disorders of the Liver S July 1st 1 have troubled with Rheuma- so bad that could not work A doctor tended me and advised me to go to the hospital but all of no good until a told me to try Gin I did so after using a few am cured I urn recommending Gin ilk i J here is no reason why Mr Case should be any different from yours He took Gin and cured himself of dont you take then and cure yourself will let you test them free A sample of Gin will be sent you aV- free if you write the National Ding Co Limited A Toronto a A number of young people took in a house party at the home of Mr Wakefield Howard near Bond Head Misses Marion Butler Ethel Store house and Belle Smart are attending the millinery wholesales at Toronto Junior Hockey team met their Waterloo at the hands of the in the rink by a score of A series of lantern view services is being given in St Mary Church every other Sun day evening The Carnival at rink on Wednesday evening was well attend ed Comparatively few were in cos tume hut the racing events were keenly contested is rumored that there will be monster at the St hotel soon On Friday evening the Anglican Choir of enjoyed a sleigh- ride to the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Thompson where they met the llowdtown Anglican Choir A joint practice was held after which the balance the evening was enjoy in games etc The annual meeting of the Market Association was Well at tended on Wednesday afternoon The financial report showed a nourishing condition of affairs The old direc torate were reelected with the ex ception of Mr Watson in place of Mr Ira B Shaw who resigned The anniversary services of Methodist Church will be held on Sunday Feb at and pm conducted by Rev Win an of Bradford Special music at the afternoon service by the Junior choir and at night by the Church choir The annual Sunday School rfdc was held on Saturday afternoon A I one hundred children and nu merous adults took advantage ol the ride which proceeded to The children enjoyed a line skate On new rink after which they received lunch in the Methodist church before starting for home 28 Battleships for French Navy Paris Feb- The Cabinet today approved the project of a new law- fixing tin- permanent strength the French navy as follows Battle licet 28 battleships scout ships seagoing torpedo boats for coast defence subma rines minelayers for distant for eign service ships The- foregoing does not take ac count of the various classes of special setvice boats transports and SO forth I a Liberie says that the naval pro gram of new construction and const ruction involves an expenditure of during the- next ten years up on where County Council The members of the pound fresh from their nice out ing of Thursday night away the borders of Lake they were paying tribute to Warden Sutton plunged Mon day with renewed energy into the equalization problem In the spring of the council culled together all the assessors in County and at a conference held in the council chamber on Ade laide street handed out hard and fast rules relative to the assessment as required by the government I some townships notably and the assessors followed out the letter of the law and boosted up the assessment But all the asses sors did not do so and this fact has given rise to endless conferences The schedule of bridges defining which are and which are not county ones was practically adopted but stands over to the June session Reeve and DeputyReeve Pat- made a strong bid for the county to hear a share of the cost of the Kfrkham bridge and the coun cil were willing to give Si but the men are hopeful of get ting or more at the June ses sion Reeve of Richmond Hill who is deeply interested in the re- forestry resolution submitted him self a day or two ago will press for a committee to prepare a measure for submission to the legislature and will follow it by big deputation On Saturday afternoon after a strenuous fight lasting over prac tically the greater part of two weeks the members of York Coun ty Council concluded their labors As was expected the big question of equalization constituted the fighting ground anil up to the last minute it looked as though the ses sion might not conclude its labors on Saturday was however in the chair anil the vet eran councillors practically poured oil on the troubled waters and he members went home with the idea SUFFERED THREE YEARS that for the most pan the relative cost had been pretty evenly hand ed out Reeve George Henry of York Township and his council fought the matter to the last ditch but unsuccessfully not get ting evenhanded Justice En this matter said Reeve Henry Last year we were equalized ou a basis of per cent and this losing an assessment of we are asked to pay per cent Reeve Hull of Weston too was one of the fellows who put up big fight for his home town but all to no purpose You have equaliz ed the town of Weston at over last year he said and it is not right Reeve Hull said a good deal more than that too but Weston stays up all the same notwithstanding the chief magistrates vigorous objec- The representatives from Mark- ham Vaughau and King were not averse to bearing a fair share of I Mrs and the Our Retired Soldier Continued from Pago the 1st of May Strange scouts came dangerously 11 Hear and his men making a rap id retrofit leaving the far in the rear for the first time without guard was their first opportuni ty strike for freedom they took it and fled to the THIS PURSUIT When we digressed somewhat from the events of our soldiers history to the experiences of the prisoners the pursuit whose captors the pol ice and troops were engaged we left him with his superior General Strange on their way to in of Big and his braves- At that place they were Informed of at Prog Lake General onto gave orders to Ma jor Steele to take police and scouts and go in Starch Big Hoars trail Our soldier who had received promotion at was SergeantMajor of the mounted patty The pursuers left the camp at dark and rode along the bank of the Saskatchewan and were about to return when passing a cottonwood bush they were fired upon by some of Dears scouts Half of the patty dismounted and charged the bush killing one Indian and cap turing seven horses The Indian kill ed wore a Urge silver medal on his breast and seemed to have been a minor chief of the Wood The on the medal caused the supposition that it was the gift of the Marquis of Lome on his visit to the North West in The modal is now in the possession of Hall of the rest of the Indians escaped in the darkness Hero the party camped for the night This being their first skirmish with the enemy and having their heads full of tales of Indian cruelty the boys felt somewhat bloodthirsty Next morning Big Bears dead scout had no hair on his head On- reaching Frog Lake General Strange and his troops found the vil lage fa ashes as related Above and the bodies of the victims of the massacre lying as they were left by their murderers Our Ser geant Major was ordered by the Gen eral with four men to remain behind and bury the dead The undertakers found six bodies all strip ped of their clothing all more mutilated and in a bad state of de composition They buried the re mains of each close to where they were found All the victims f the massacre were unknown to the Ser geant and his men The bodies of I he priests in the church were unre cognizable and covered with the still smouldering lops There was no time for ceremonies the dread of an Indians bullet and the danger of being cut of from regaining the troops accelerated every move ment The disagreeable and painful duty done the sergeant and his four grave diggers caught up to Genera Strange and his troops just as they entering all that was left of Fort Pitt Here the whole parte encamped for the night day a search was made for the body of Constable Cowan who was killed in the of the Fort bv Big Bear They found it The Indians had scalped and cut out his heart The Sergeant was ordered to take twelve men and bury him with mili tary honors The officers and troops joined in the funeral procession Cap tain Perry read the Church of service over the dead was now thought that Big Rear and his band were not far off The trail was fresh and the tent marks recent On the 2 day of May the pursuing party sighted the enemies rear and a skirmish ensued which lasted several horns Darkness com ing on and knowing the Indians pro pensity for sharpshooting from am bush the troops retreated and camp ed the bank of the Saskatchewan On the they were prepared for an engagement when to their sur prise not an Indian was in sight The wih foe- had vanished in the night taking with them their cap- from womans ailments are invited to write to the names and addresses here given for positive proof taut Pinkhamt Vegetable impound dots euro female ilbj Tumor Ah on JnUey lnu Mr May Fry J Win hi St Life Bind Fred LiayctUSlrget Noah Holland vtrh Market Si NJ Mr SuuierTllU en r Street is- Carl Troubles Street A J7 K Watt W Pooler Station Mn Antou Ohio Mr A A Mrs Homer 10 Peter Avoid i I Ml J Adrian V lUutd Piper AddUon Street h Fourth St South M I Station Mich Mr ftieU 0niin Mary Bill Iowa Mrt No lift Henry Oxford Street Street Hftin Geo No Box Wood A Cribb Pendleton May Chicago llLMrt Pair Mich Mr Emma Burt It a No J n Sanborn J Jon all Ohio Abr Ohio r aii MM ATtuueSE 1UU Irre 111 Mr Mar Deal Dyer For J Street Anna Ell Michael Ohio Id Hale Box Military Mom Lebanon Pa Ia Street TennMiunU Hall Mi llTarlan Tenth MftlueMra A No Box 3d Philadelphia PaMr Garnet Street inilo Etta Box Rockland Will d Avenue Johnson ObloaMr It Erie Pa- Mr J P No W P Boyd W0l Sdienth Avenue PaMr I APuuhamBox Port Hunter Pa Mary Jan febatto Eaat Earl PftMri AutuatuJ Vienna VaMra Mae Water Liber ty Street Alice Philadelphia Pa Mn John Sleel Street Mary Wood No Ada VtMri Ghaa Barclay These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses of power of Vegetable Compound to cure diseases Not one of these women ever received compensation in any form for the use of their names in this advertisement but are will ing that we should refer to them because of good they mar do other suffering women to prove that Vegetable is a reliable and honest medicine and that th statements made in our advertisementa regarding ita merit are truth and nothing but the truth front and narrowly watched of the Grenadiers In trying to reach On the 3rd of June Big Bear and the American line Big Bear was tab ids hand were overtaken at a place called Loon Lake The interpreter put up a white flag and demanded the prisoners The replied opening lire which was immediately returned by the police The In were driven across the Lake Seven teen their number were tilled and en prisoner by Sergeant Smart of the Mounted Police while he was cross ing the Saskatchewan at a place call ed He was tried and sent to Stony Mountain Penitentiary where he died August Sergeant Major the headquarters ol in the excitement a squaw iot with- the North West mounted Police re ceived his discharge Again at liber ty to wander wherever he listed he paid a visit to his native and returned to Toronto In he again enlisted This time in the range and lost her life The loss Was six wounded out men Among them was our servant Early In the attack on the Indians Major Steele had divided the force into two the increase if the other townships joined in Finally the schedule as amended was adopted but not un animously Reeve of Whitchurch who had a good deal to do with the altered method of arriving at the Again Major Steele with men tinder our sergeant was ordered to locate Big Bears trad The party had with them as interpreters and guides Rev J Methodist Missionary on the Stony Indian Re fill Dr Morses Indian Root cured his Kidney Trouble a serve Mr McCoy man When the schedule was adopt- from Fort The Reeve will in all sprained back for suddenly the pain factory would catch the small of my back and it would impossible for me to straighten accounts in up for several minutes A dull the Industrial Rome are ache across the kidneys was always On Motion of Mr Par rant my was and cloudy and Warden Pugslev and years before A few boxes affected a Bruce Smiths criticism as to complete cure I now enjoy the of good health which is due to this To relieve neuralgia apply horse- Don neglect kidney trouble Its too radish to the temples It is an tent remedy old reliable remedy Dr Morses Indian Root has cured thousands von k and will cure you It is equally the Keanedy School attendant Toronto It is a good place to indigestion and sick pare for business positions Drop ft headachy and in he blood card and get a catalogue Address a box at your druggists Adelaide E Toronto search party found the trail get his legislative com- as the Woods in- enemy was extremely of over three years I suiTcredYroni nSSf auditor Harry his proximity kidney disease Fust I thought I had was in the main satis- THE but there was some frank Having got fairly on Bit Bears of the manner in which trail in its course towards the Big with Woods the pursuit was rigorously pushed On the way they were often assisted picking up bits of paper dropped by the captives on which were written words en treat to them to hasten to their- rescue As the Indians were more closely press ed they would let fall bags of flour and heavy furs booty stolen from the stations of the Hudson Bay Co Big Bear had with him at this time a large force of and and well able to make a stand but masterly retreats seemed to have been height of his Dur ing whole of the pursuit troops never caught sight of prisoners They were always kept in take the left division dismount and charge the woods The enemy con- kept up a continuous and dangerous While on bended knee and in the act of firing the Ser geant receive a bullet in Piercing the left lung and out his back Seeing him fall two or three of his comrades ran to his help but knowing that they were only making themselves for the ehiony he shouted Push on hoys never mind me Blood began to rush from his mouth and he became unconscious This skirmish with the Indians was the last toe North West Rebellion in the royal regiment of Bene dicts For several years Mr has been a citizen of Richmond Hill He lives in a pleasant and comfort able home and appreciates his breast gratitude as the recipient sixty cents a day Sundays included Town Council divisions directing the Sergeant to State of Matrimony and was nuister- The following Was accidently omit ted from the minutes on page 5 passed appointing Munici pal officers the same as last year with the exception of as 3rd t of their strength and know- Engineer of the Fire Brigade and H log the weakness those who I SJ the In pursuit it was supposed that the enemy would have made a determin ed stand From some unaccountable reason there seems to have been some dissatisfaction in Big Bears camp His followers and deserted him on all sides In looking after their own safety for once they forgot to place a guard over the cap tives who as we have previously seen took advantage of the situation and struck for liberty When Gener al Strange arrived with his two regi ments ol infantry to support the mounted lolice- he was told that sonic whites had been seen hiding in the woods He detailed a mounted escort of four men under Sergeant Parker as a search party The escap ed captives whose names are famili ar to the readers of this sketch found eared for taken to Fort Pitt and eventually found their way to their homelyn Toronto After the light the wounded sergeant was found and carried to the camp missionaries and McCoy improvised a set of harness out of blankets bags etc hitched horse to a left by the enemy and started with tie Sergeant and a Wounded comrade miles to the nearest hospital On the way they General with the whole of the North West force on his to front to assist General Strange When he reached there he found that the war was over That police and cow hoys broken up Big Bears band On arriving at Port Pitt the Major was put in charge of General Middletons sur geons aril under the immediate care of Dr King of Toronto surgeon as town solicitor in place of T J A Bylaw to issue debentures to amount of to aid the Oitiee Specialty Co to extend their work In Newmarket received its first read ing Council adjourned Feb The price of cement is causing some concern in the City Council at the present time Aid Hicks chairman of Board of Works stated last night that import ed cement was now quoted rer barrel and the price given the merger is This is a good deal more than the city paid last season Mayor Morrow stated that the city of Toronto had purchased A a their supply or last fall at a a FOR SAL a IN ONE BLOCK The Store and Dwelling a of and Streets and Vacant Lot to the South are a v a Terms Apply JACKSON i