Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , January 14, 1910, p. 5

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I to toff on goo Demean meeting of tin representatives of the clubs in Group was held COURT CLERK eat tor We Inmruce Uo Accident and Fire Insurance a Specialty I Bo DM Decorator and Street R- dentist St Wilkinson ff In Block 3rd of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office Newmarket at NEWMARKET LATEST Monuments and Head Stones A PlumWng Eavetroughing of Our Specialties Bee tte Out fit at Shop LEADING TINSMITHS I the Mag do County ONE HUH- ca and cannot bo MIBNBy subscribed fey of ILKA SON tares on the of free CO Toledo loir on- Jan Altistoo at at Newmarket Jan at- Jan at Jan at Jan at Meaford Jan at Jan 26 at Jan at Jan 28 Newmarket at Death of The following regarding the tragic death of Mrs P son are clipped from the San Fran cisco Call Mrs was daughter of the late of East Mr Jos ot this town is a brother of the deceased also of Newmarket Mrs Rachel Grice and Mr Walter of are also members of the same family as well as Mrs A J who is the youngest sister The Call says Mrs Stephen Jefferson one of the- pioneer women this city met a tragic death Christmas being run over by a street carat the corner of Sacramento and Cherry streets She ALL HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION la the year Tear ago MraC- SGciDof Belle AH her had died of the way i dm point fact to try The doctor attended was worth lor J but it effected a wonderful cure Eighteen yean after in a letter date I am better than bare been for My hire not troubled me since took your treat My nd I recommend it lb all who are suffering from j Me ft per Dr A TORONTO PRONOUNCfeD SIKEEN Town Council Council met at am fast Monday pursuant to statute Mayor Reeve Keith and Rogers Doyle Cane Hunter and Having subscribed to the necessaty declarations the Mayor briefly ad dressed the Council He referred to the large expenditure last year in per- had just finished Christ- J a rS the mas dinner with her aged husband I tllc and was on her way to a store on Sacramento street to felfl some dainties lift Jefferson J was deaf and as she crossed the L He ho street on the way hack to her home A she evidently did not hear the Plres so that- the- taxes car which knocked down Both of the front wheels ran over her almost cutting her body may be kept within reasonable- bounds 1 A bylaw was passed appointing M and K as auditors of town tlie re muneration to each was reappointed as High and on in two Joseph A Hill a neighbor of Mrs Jefferson happened to he passing at three a reappointed carried to the Children hospital where she passed away Mrs and her husband came to San Francisco 10 years ago Soon after their arrival they bought a piece of property at what is now Cherry and Washington streets They were the first to build a home in that i part of the city and they have resid- ed there ever since Mr and Mrs Jefferson would have celebrated their golden wedding next year and were discussing the coming at their Christmas dinner Mr has been a clerk In the United States quartermasters of fice at this port for the last years and Is well known in army circles At present he is one of the chief clerks of- the transport service under Colonel von I the Mrs Jefferson was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends three years Council proceeded by ballot to elect three members to strike the Stand ing Committees Which resulted as follows Mayor Pearson Keith and Councillor Council adjourned until Monday Jan Midland Jany Wesley Sec Newmarket ago this Returns to the license department the items I chronicled show that deer killed numbered James Srigley or King says 3923r 464 less than during the Wm two roods of land last sum- previous The supply- cannot raised 100 bushels of keep with this demandabout carrots and turnips bushels of a year means too extermination onions bushels of potatoes oftWred deer bushels of pop 22 ftsVfeiroip seed Ap of Eaton store lbs wurtzel seed lnltic i with quit a remanded frost killed 9 bushels of beets v for sentence Oh J please dont send bushels parsnips head of cab- me Dack that awful place she together with- a jot of toma- pleaded but she had to go down I toes lettuce asparagus flow- At the Ontario Club banquet last ers canit be done Sir Wilfrid observed deem ft Privilege to find Postmaster Roe advertises 36 let- myself in midst the Grits of lying in Newmarket office uneal- Toronto It Is a double pleasure led for In those days unclaimed let- because it 1 a double merit to be a for a month previous were ad- Grit in Toronto There are some before being sent to dead- places is as natural to be a letter office breathe he air of heaven A concert is advertised in aid of I know of several such places but procure a rnelodean for Toronto is not one of them The St Pay Church Committee Premier was facetious Messrs A Gamble Joseph A on the named Trent anil Alfred Pearson while climbing from the front oar to the tender slipped and ell under the oar Both legs were crushed and although rushed to the hospital where amputation was A unique marriage ceremony is giv en follows by Rev John Brown Presbyterian minister at the Village of Newmarket at the Performed he died before niit residence of the brides father Benja min- Toronto Orange Brigade DrumMajor in full scarlet regiment als with Orange sword sash etc to eldest daughter of Mr Archibald McMillan of East When the minister had got through with the ceremony by law es- importers of flowers fish and oysters and such like perishable goods will have to make their own entries There has been hitch and the Express Co wont stand for it Jacob Cohen says after the hew Council gets to business he and the other Hebrews will see if some liber- tablished with a very appropriate lee- tics cannot he allowed Hebrews who ture on the occasion the bridegroom observe Saturday as their Sabbath immediately afterward requested to Jacob dont like Canadas Sunday add a few words on the subject and he can go back to he stays after he had got the sanction of all invited as witnesses drew his sword the scabbard and giving it into the brides hands said J now authorize you my dear wife to plunge this naked sword in my breast in case you find me unworthy to the marriage tie now taken place between here he should be made respect the Canadian law and respect tne Cana dian Sunday The people of this Do minion do not want to go back to notions of two thousand years ago Ontario Government officials affirm that gold and minerals in the in me and you as unworthy of a Porcupine district exceed anything moments longer existence Hence the mining territory of New Ontario n forth you will have this sword placed at the head of your bed at your ser vice Those people of fifty years ago meant business 1 25 YEARS AGO In the Bra ago we note The newly church for follows Dp Boyd a- tfw of ireos Bye and College Ear Note and Throat d No HovreeXO fee rice may be had at any hour try wlMog at the or phone I ft r I Balm Hi A I is J ration ia A Purdys New Grocery We have received our New Fruits of all VMM Raisins Figs Dates LAyer Grapes lnot the NEW goods Corn Salmon etc from OUR GROCERIES Are and the Beat buy Oyster Parlor Open Quart or to suit ywn OUR BREAD Weight Buns ah Wnd Morn- Ir None good COOKED HAM Cider by A fjt Choked to Death in His Elevator The Inquest The absorbing topic of conversation this week is the inquest on the death of Mr 1 Partridge which opentd in the Fire Hall on Monday evening Coroner Scott presiding The Hall was fflled to brerflowing with Interested spectators Mr Monoban of the Crown At torneys Toronto represented the Crown Mr Choppin re presented the Town of Newmarket Mr represented the family of the deceased and Mr o Toronto looked after the interests of the Telephone Co The evidence was taken by a court sten ographer Mrs Hatch testified to the finding of the body and stated that slight shocks had been felt in different parts of the house during the past two months and usually in the lay time Mrs Partridges evidence was very largely corroborative of former vit- The evidence of Miss Maud hoved that the wired for electric for several years before the furnace WM installed Engineer to tic the condition the electric light by his weight wires outside of the bouse and of the Mr Stiver was about My Dear Sir Permit me to con gratulate you upon the splendid suc cess that has crowned your efforts re lative to your contest Your citizens are to be congratulated upon wisdom of their decision The step requiring attention will lie that of law enforcement the of benefits to follow will depend to a ll certain upon this and I can assure you that if at the end of three years your experience Is similar to ours you should have no cause for anxiety in defending the measure From Era of Ian 2nd except in Cobalt Centre Toronto Liberals are plan ning for a large banquet in Hall about the middle of next month Sir Wilfrid is expected to he among the guests The provinef having granted a charter with all privileges to the On tario Club Hoard of License Commissioners granted the club a license last week During the past week fifteen young ladies became members of St They were re 2nd win and J lentcring religion was Miss Wallace In Cane Mayor in the County of Simcoo and Jackson Reeve Lloyd member of the community for Councillors Messrs My years Cane C A Terry Martin bus a mania for John Eves T J Robertson J taking things After being out of against any possible measure to re peal Wishing you and your citizens Millard Dr Scott only two days he is again in a happy and prosperous future under and the toils on a charge of stealing a improved conditions I It is annunccd that the chatelaine from Miss Baton a Sincerely yours y the Presbyterian Church waitress in an Adelaide street decided to complete the basement- rant Martin went into the kitchen the contract for the mason work had of the restaurant and took thechati- let to Jesse table On New Years Eve the Town Hand I and part of serenaded the streets and at the was separated from York Co and rnldnight hour the bells of townjnexed to the City this week The Christian Church Church an territory annexed embraced free- Era office kept Up an incessant ring for an hour The exports from Newmarket for December were of wheat bushels of harley bushels of peas bushels of rye and corn tons of bran and feed Mils of flour head- of cattle 1 sheip and joftjlftlbft general On the Jan This town was horrified today to hear of the find ing the body of Franklin Stiver in the elevator shaft ol Sliver Brothers place here The body was ranging by the clothing to Iho line shaft Mr Owe made the discovery The cause of death is not exactly known as was alone in the elevator but it supposed that he was oiling the line fjhaft was by an when his clothes caught in a sprocket holders It is said this annexation add no less than to the popula tion of the city A new Roman Catholic Church was opened on tire corner of and on Sunday was asphyxiated in his room in bed at Oft Beverley street It is supposed that absent- linindcdly ho had detached a tube lead- of January rtovc Roche left for the Old Country to pur- turning out the gas Deceased was wheel and wound up with the chain chase a supply of spring goods them from his body and -vlmi- the last da of a working up round his chocked to guests assembled at the about promiscuously death The shaft had stopped r of Mr the OCCSKL Driving a an Inventor numerous small were lying lKlng the marriage of his eldest years of daughter to Mr Hav ing a captured runaway horse and cutter to the livery stable Wilton avenue Police Constable and though he age was highly respected and liked by happy couple left on lost control of the how the in house he did everybody He belonged to the not consider himself reaponsrble O and AOUW Before going to interior wiring- He said he had he was engaged in farming told that the Hell Telephone wires on the concession of Markham had dropped across the was wellknown and wires at Partridges house This district He has been threw further doubt on tiie cause of employed with Stiver for two the death three find was a most valued Mr Reg- an expert Irlclan Toronto employed by the town to make a thorough exam ination of the matter In and trustworthy employee Jan K Acton question forger who has been operating suc- that the transformer and con Iccsstully in western Canada who as good found In this city in the act the average town but the wiring swindling wholesale merchants was the house bad been done In art sentenced to Ave years in- the penitentiary Joseph THERE IS BUT ONE torn tit for XL a fair J a turn I vut fa l gbt workmanlike manner There wa an of torrent passing from the electric light furn ace and from the telephone wire to the furnace Mr A Joiner an r- sent by the Crown At- corroborated Koch time was occupied in tfonfng the last three Witnesses in an to shoulder somewhere but jfxcss The court adjoarned midnight till oclock this evening evening train for a wedding tour HE MEALS HOW For a Handy Mr of Toronto wrote on May I Tun Co Toronto I with you would send me another box of your the in ember a of my faxuliy using them have satis- Health Demands that the kept regu lar Neglect newness Sluggish bowel- quickly regulated by iams phi the ERA to aUeot thrown over back of the lighting op the road on head He was completely stunned by the blow to bis bead and was taken to the Hospital On regaining consclodsncss he was to proceed borne I A was bo full of laudanum that the Police Magistrate refused- to try her on a charge of stealing a fur stole and sent her down for a week on remand to sober The druggist who sold her dope Is to be reported to the Pharmacy Council factory results At the street Mission on rfua- I day morning homeless arfrf work- bttWS rf Mm with a warm tried everything that recommended Religious vices to me gate me relief until lowed The percentage of Hallway for to sent over I delegate to the Convention of who suffer from and would the ptudent Volunteer Movement further say that you may publish which was held at Rochester during bete if you wish I know there are the Christmas holidays of people from who to know there Is end sr tux for Your truly OtA88Ca Wttle cost tout Col Medicine Co Toronto The Toronto Railway Company may upon by the exigencies of the situation to have some material other than brass compound used under the nickelplating on the bandies of IBS I T I MM You Can Save Money mm Til Paints Oils Glass A ALLAN A KIT If J JANUARY SAL Bargains asDsual I Toronto Jobbing Bouse i i A Good Resolve for NEW YEAR I HBKRBY THAT The UptoDate Grocers i WILL GRO FOR THE CURRENT YEAH iy Wo carry a bright now stock of groceries and can guarantee of we sell Our stock of Fresh Pish Is worth while WHITE FISH HALIBUT V MALO SALMON AND Cleaned and Sliced on the premises r Our largo stock of Raisins at for Is almost should have some while they last i you have tried our Sensation Brand Coffee youve j a one At per lb I mj- motto Quality PHONE PROMPTLY DELIVERED 152 Phone 8pwblt James Moore who was found poisoned bands from the constant at Peter street with four tion of the brass against their hands cruehed a short time ago has beea several being under case of doc- adjourned till the Inst A wiV tors named Hope Is wanted but bis Inquiry Into the causo of death of whereabouts is unknown iM -j- ii fl IT IffiB TO BUY A GOOD J want tell you abput a Good called IMPI5RIAIOXFORD A PERSONAL Inspection Is request- arid now Is a good lime come New Stock Just talk It over Surprisingly moderate prices for sure satisfaction Sec us before you buy A r W 1 s TORONTO rate Jiff fil

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