Hems a tot A Terrible Accident Friends Church Last Sunday evening the pastor gave the fust of a series lectures The Life Christ These lectures are il lustrated with lime light views of rare beauty The church was packed to the doors AU wishing good seats A CITIZEN ELEC TROCUTED The festivities New Year sea son were sadly marred in by awful sudden death Mr J 50 YEARS AGO I the Era Jan The first weeks issue of announces that on Wednesday January nomination of candidates George a Parliament of Canada his residence on about 5 oclock on New Years Prospect Avenue NewmarketAdam Wilson he- the afternoon of and Col his Conservative opponent Mr Wilson roac nntimcM be early next Sunday evening Mr Partridge was in good health and went down cellar to attend ponded by Ty- League his furnace He took hold of a A from ord was by Mr Joha tie meeting next Monday ley seconded by Capt Armstrong tag Mr Jackson of the Sheriff Jar of Toronto tb- to Observatory staff has promised to I give an account of his fiftean months OTy in the Arctic regions with Mrs Hatch knowing Capt The address will be V illustrated by maps ami charts assistance He still had hold of the As there will also be solos and attempted to pull his lections by the Class Mouth- l v Organ no doubt there will te perate returning officer Mr Wilson was elected by a majority of The gentlemen elected to compose the Council of Newmarket for were Dr J Hunter- Donald Su therland Jacob Rhinehart John good attendance and H Smith It was fort on She- called and the other members of the From Era of Jan- Cane Mayor- Jackson Reeve and Col Lloyd DeputyReeve were returned by acclamation and the following were proposed for Coun cillors Cane F A- Terry John Eves J H Millard Stanley fScott and John A private party of guests took place Christmas week at the residence of Mr Beckett After years of active Hie Mr George Rose teacher of il Newmarket Model School retires from the profession Tenders are advertised for to take care of street lamps for the year i Coal oil lamps were in use at that date for street lighting Chief Constable treated the and never fail- FASHION BOOK With Delineator ttinrt Annual January 1 household ran down cellar Mr Presbyterian Church Partridges head was touching the be- The prayer service last night was floor and the electric current withdrawn on account of the Prepar- passing through his body caused the service at 8 floor to blister like paint upon wood oclock this evening at which the before a fire while some ashes at his drees to be given by Rev Car- feet were like a bed of A tel- King Tp The cwnmunion message was sent to the dec- publishers and printers of the town the supper during Christmas at its meeting from among themselves instead of that be- ln chosen the electors as at pres ent at this date had gen eral store in Aurora and under the firm name Co an other in Sharon- In this weeks pa- will be observed Sunday even- trie engineer to shut ofithecor- Mffl A cordial to tie pub- Irene AnlH- DSWte He Is extended for both these services Newmarket Won so the could be re- 1 moved and neighbors and friends at M once went to their assistance An gf Era reporter learned or enquiry that Joh were on two previous occasions since the P storekeepers and Tbe Intermediate and the icestorm be bad received shocks Toronto flowing Club put in a good tele I -r- JS match here on New Years afternoon phone receiver in tlie house Com- Mr T A is as School and drew a audience The game J had made to the Town in the tack building was exciting from start to finishthe and he examined the wiring an the roller rink on Lot street score resulting in to in favor of exposed and could find announces that the the home team which was composed wrong It is said that at SWg2 teen opened in Pitching Christmas week If below zero to JO v Messrs Fred Davison Otto Brim- time of the accident the trans- one of the sitting ton Brenner Ernie Doyle connected with the house was fi Jacob T was sent to Coroner Scott So B 1 and he declared the an inquest must shoemakers and Thos Foley was running the Newmarket I be held Accordingly jury was sum- on Monday afternoon composed following Messrs Donald A mS foreman J Board Wok place on Friday last when the personal an ft i ttS Mat Mulroy Harry Clive and Jim Alderman T Doyle the game i A New Principal The wrath varied from above Mr John Proctor street butchered four hogs five old that weighed over The weather was so cold on the Friday night before New Years that a number burst People were naughty twentyfive years ago as well as today Some one stole a pail from Robertsons bakery containing about two gallons of oysters together with a dipper and measure St Pauls School held very successful Christmas entertain menl in the Town Hall The Christian Church also held an entertainment in the Church at which Rev and Rev V W Smith took part actors plication of Mr was accepted Edward Adams Jas Bond 1A West Thos Jos Roach as Principal of S siEDITORIflliJlOTES He J evening ard viewed the re- idence and ad- J clock next Monday I Ottawa despatch dated the ginning of this week says -Sever- tests have made the Gov- and comes to most highly recommended funeral held on have made taught in for eleven years and Siemon and were eminent of the coal samples brought during the past EX years has been Kym hack from tbe north by Principal High School at I friends Rev good where he has been an and The Arctic sails for the success Newmarket is to jj be congratulated in securing the ser- Cemetery the pallbearers may he Vices of such an eminent ideational- Hallftey allowed to make try for the pole J 1st and we feci assure that lie new auafiTemie country has been add ed to tlie transportation tract Latest figures of the American inva sion of Western Canada place the of pipes in Canes factory number of fanners who have left the States to live in the Canadian West at 90000 and the amount of wealth thus added to Canadian finances at an estimate that is vouched as being within the mark Bright Outlook for has a New Year opened With brighter prospects for the West The flood of wealth which Western Cana da poured forth in has been produced from the sale of about one- half the total wheat crop Of the Z- Boys Heavy Wool Hose Pair D AV CORSETS AH thebert The Store of Newmarket j West Twenty per cent must be wheat is to 70c jfdfor seeding purposes and there re a bushel turkeys lie to per lb mains thirty per cent tobe sold butter to 20c per lb and amount and the prevailing high toes to bag prices augur well for spring trade Principal merchants were money and anoth- Co Sutherland Bros K successful crop year in will A W Play give such impetus that the ter Co Jas from it are hot possible to J OMalley Atkinson forecast without the appearance of Starr P Harding J Davison extravagant optimism J Robertson Bros Mrs Beckett and Dr Christmas Gift J A Dales has the most amusing advertisement of any of the mer chants of that date for Christinas in Live Stock Market The good demand for butcher cattle Jos will make rapid under- Sexton Schmidt Commission appointed by the his came to Newmarket from England when years to Reestablish- of and has been a redder here of general food standards Vhen the Market was lo Revenue Department at an early day new standards will not come the Victory On Wednesday evening Mr and years Mrs Jos Cody tendered an in Newmarket he to the members of the Jfect possibly until It is Option executive and their wives He W ftil under the new food numbering over two and proseeaiions on v voted the chair and siecchti iS owe by all te present g America who with on- daughter Official returns The thought being expressed that it would be well to continue the orgari- ago in some form to see that both JJ and Local Option laws were and father enforced a motion was carried- that the Rooms be retained for the use of the organization and that indicate that flOOO last year which he states Theres Obadiah from all quarters the province and Jeremiah and Jed- to the ligjit receipts of the past and Aunt all going to weeks has brought prices to a very North Accommodation Store for rm level for all classes of In Holiday Bargains Toronto Good butcher steers and ranged from to with medium quality selling on Tuesday at Manitoba Letter Sm mU sold Fancy Boxed Collars from to Fancy Belts from to Fancy Boxed Bloiise Lengths Fancy Neck Scarfs A Large Assortment of Cushions Cords Fancy Pieces Drawn Work Lunch Clothe Comb Sets Parasols And numerous other articles useful and pleasing We Wish You All A Merry Merry Xmas phone in W LUNDY Si a Winnipeg Man Jan I well The general for the best stock was from loss r a l S the border used to at of Canadians that were I ig rating Uncle Sams territory hut the tables have now turned un- x liberal policy and the a meeting of all trie Local Option g carnival will tide in sctrlng in from workers be held there next lhe rink here the States to land of the day evening to consider the forma- Friday evening Jan Good maple freedom of a prizes are offered for The Secretary was requested send iat a large Commenting on the result of Si letter of thanks to all speakers car- option voting Monday Mr H assisted during the campaign nival in the new rink The rink is Secretary of the Dominion in range tor the best was is making rapid to headway too Ten million dollars m for new buildings during the Wfi 35 j year represents great growth- of to dairvmen at from to building trades operations and a jg- recent report of Secretary Charles- t and Roland of the Winnipeg development and Industrial Bureau says- this week Sixtyseven new industrial com- carK being panics took out during the jo year an capital of demand for Ontario horses j of these state their slr intentions of industries animals are coin from the with Winnipeg as their head office rf f Vats seven of these with Western weekly There is capital of liavlrtg started change to report in operations Right of the largest rtra at whose business delivery and ex- requirements have increased to Mich 5H0 drivers an extent that additional sound required increased their capital secondhand workers to each stock from to demand continues active in all fact that shows what possibilities es BANK OF MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP feti UNDINIDUD PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Iff III 00 Branches at all Important utres in Canada and in London York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a business transacted ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Ontario Hank Branch will be accommodaU heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH C ROSS MaajLger i resulted in such a glorious vidory Curling the matches on New Years which were carried on Witt as Jo J own Side Side viIHa pinna Fred 0 I Clark fiO with Union was held in in Hall on evening A so that only will he class by local talent and ill stay open not by the will of people hut by the trary dictum of Legislature- men lost their lives and of persons were injured In I fire in a a at IT DA VIS baa going on for a follows No Howard Clark Doyle So F Doyle florin v I the Iff LoU fff ft i 1 J No 3 Howard ft START The Mew Year RIGHT to JW majority he vote for and by having a Watch CO end In a certain Danish province noted for Us superior breed of cattle the f country pcopje arc not only very J thrifty but fond of their KJeows an may he gathered from the following story wlilch has recently been told Farmer Jan was walking Sadly fin tile road one day when the village met him Why so Karl a7 All J have a very pastor replied What Is Farmer Ik dead In my pasture and I m on my- v ay to tell him hard an indeed 11 pastor but- J shall break it to Hoy- will you do that J shall tell him that it is hi mother that dead and having opened the way for the tilling Of sadder news I shall that it Is not bin mother but the cow H provincial tor of Aid died suddenly Slrathearns Jewellery store and fttbrc at there are in In Structural Much Commenting the advancement made locally in iron and steel indus tries Mr Roland said tons ol structural steel In 1000 and tons of tins was fabricated in the city and tons of pig and scrap Iron Was melted hi the face ol the fact that those who spoke of iron In dustries in Winnipeg five years ago were looked upon as wild dreamers Aa a plain matter of fact the Iron in dustry Winnipeg is on eve of much greater developments than have taken place so far Enquiries are now ponding that will eventually have the effect of establishing allied works of even greater variety than those how go to make up the factories operating and output during amounting to an Increase per cent In past five years Trade Increases Heavy Exact figures of whole and re tail trade increase are not obtain able but it Is known that these ait large The general holiday trade was enormous and wholesale and retail firms find themselves oblig ed to enlarge their facililes for trade very often During the days of there were persistent rumors another big departmental store to be established Winnipeg th- rejort being that the Marshall Field Com pany ol has bought land In the centre of the city for the erection of store There Is holhlrg exclusively local about the progress of the A miles of new rail way construction was added the 2000 built In much T Toronto Markets Jan 1910 Markets P 0 vew whcat pcr Jan illarley per hush Fall Wheat per hush 1 per Oats per bush f Barley per hush 85 per ton 0 Hay per ton 16 Shorts per ton 20 pcr 45 Montreal Jan 5 An early morn- fire at Falls caused the death of two people and injuries to two others severe Hay per ton Butter per In Potatoes per bag Chickens per It Turkeys ft ll ffjf Mi I M f hag If- Chickens per lb I mm per lb IB it Tutkc 0 20- Halifax Jan Altogether twen tyfive boats all manned by men from Whitehead or Dover were trawling on Whitehead harbor mouth for the last night when suddenly a furious billiard swept down on from of the high land Five of the 27 boats succeed in making dur- the night and seven more were this morning The are missing and there Is no hope their return I- I TAKING SALE 1 HALF PRICE 600 for 300 1000 for Mi for 350 A Great Chance Tor ROCHE Go MILLARDS M ARCHIVES OF ONTARI f TORONTO w i 5Sj5S3 -it- teffi s-