All LEATHER and FANCY GOODS During January WATSONS Jewelry Store NORTH INTEI m the liberty to kafcr to ttBt to according to HI otter liberty No paper North York paid In advance 50 to United States AJ Copy Each Newmarket I mwm y- f TBRMrllU id tasteful The nickeled edges workmanship Range and give protects ft a free range I On TON WEST dear the doctor con- He looked There will be a each day in the year ieyjng times comes to Mended to keep it all a ben but I that you should know here for you not go ofj He stood t smiling down at hit smile back with the ye her cheeks began She had so irn about that year yet to bank up aginxft all that reached Dr is that arre Jack SEASONS GREETINGS and Children Hare Bought TEETH We take opportunity of thanking you all lor the many you have shown through- out the and we wish to con- to one and all A PROSPER OUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR May the best day you have Be worse than your worst to come G A BINNS HARDWARE NEWMARKET hey be extract ed out for be too id con suit foe mutter In worth flvi I IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened tor large or nnaU THERE IS NO DELAY or about opening an account the money may be withdrawn whenever required INTEREST IS PAID on your FROM THE DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH US TILL THE DAY you take it out BRANCHES Id Ontario Quebec and the CAPITAL ASSETS FIELD Manager Newmarket I I Bank of TORONTO eo YEARS Incorporated fit is fit STEAMERS JOHN London of ake rate on or fptoOHr on Agent South End Lumber Yard Scrarrtori Goal The Best Mined in America Try a ton of Mixed Nut and Stove for your FEEDER Oar Toronto Letter On Thursday morning long before daylight guests at the Walker were startled from their beds by the rattle of the fire alarm bells in the hotel Soon corridors were alive with people in pyjamas and night- robes The frightened sleepers were soon assured however that the alarm was caused by the cross ing of electric bell wires in the hotel Toe Provincial Secretarys Depart ment declares that the blind pig in dustry up in the mining regions of the north is not carried oh for what is made from the liquor sold is it carried the the anti- liquor people report but places are conducted by mining thieves- It is the amount made front stolen ore that keeps the blind pig industry alive An insurance of against fire has been placed on the buildings and contents of the University of To ronto for three years A reception was held at Government House on New Years Day by the LieutCJovernor Hundreds of citi zens paid their respects A chorus of two- hundred voices took Part in the performance of The Messiah under the leadership of Prof Torrington in Hall on Friday night The audience was wry large and appreciative The solos were far above the average Although Toronto has increased ter ritory during the past year the num ber of arrests for drunkenness in were less than 1008 largely at tributable to the decrease in the num ber of licensed places for booze Toronto is still on the upgrade The value of new buildings erected during the past year approximately is or more than in Over new buildings were erect No less than seventeen couples readied the city from dif ferent parts of Ontario and registered at one hotel on Wednesday of last week Cupid had a busy time about the Christmas holidays be anted at the ap proaching session to prohibit the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors on Christmas New Years and Thanks giving days The last three Christ- mases show total of drunks as I compared with a total of five on New Years Day the bars being closed on New Years on account of king muni cipal election day commented tearing in last week These shops are remov ed Walking behind one car and in rout of another on of last week Arthur was knocked senseless and a concussion of the brain is is j ears of age I A fir on in premises occupied by A Moore a fev nights ago did to and content of the holiday was the glveu at the eminent last event was a charming one and the decorationn all could desired left- this week for a months in the Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan- and Al berta in connection with Temperance Moral Ontario Depart of Agricul ture has a against diii- In packing fruit which was all too prevalent this season Mr It J Fleming manager the Hallway one day last week the widowed mother of lor I Miraculous Escapes a WellKnown One of those big little men a These efforts failel anil I resigned in doughty man in small compass is Since then I have worked Peer the pioneer mission- dependency among the a of the who with settlers The Baptist cause is stead- wife arc en route to Norwood to losing ground in Terniskflming in take up permanent residence there stead of gaining strength He was a former pastor of the Chris- Tireless Energy tain Church in Newmarket of ftev Mr Peers nine For nine years Mr and Mrs Peer i Ice a Thick up the trail in front of me but were going too slow for me be- 1 cause I was late so I remembered professor Coleman of the pepftTtr- what the old trapper Uncle Tom geologv in the had tcrtd me I attracted their at- tention In a flash the old bear was between me and her cubs ready to in the January number of fight I suddenly opened up an Canadian Magazine The I had Just one junto camps andnrush and started away to top speed bIufTs and lftc Don Val- as heard to breaking through the brush in their terror Caught in Forest Fire i and shouted hard In World summarizes it as follows j the trio hit the under- subs see at- i Cor Church and HOOVER AND HUDSON Fine Tailoring our W that Wi Stock It RIGHT DOB prick MAIN Ion was killed the car on on Dec- a cheque for The Provincial has found In ftplual and in of late MrsMclaujjhMn of Oxbridge ih- caw for her wants to live on a pa ternal or on now the Provincial for tradesmen and ordinary mortals pay dollars to go Into the annuity scheme but want the annuity mistake Mis Staunton a of carbolic acid for piorrtpt hug was relieved at New festival for the Child ren of the city between and of aye at the Exhibition Park on New Years Day when some 4 children participat ed After the dinner were deiiveM premie Whitney Mr and an Iho young folks will long rerremVyer New Years have fought the sturdy battle of the pioneer missionary on the fringe of civilization for the Baptist Church in the wilds of New Ontario Now they are coming back to Old Ontario to spend their declining years among friends they made when Rev Peer building up churches for tjie denomination in Cratnahe Minie Norwood Warsaw and Truly his record in Old and New Ontario is a worthy one A casual glance at Rev William Peer does not reveal the missionary at his true value A ruddy face per petually wrinkled and by a smile that hovers even in his serious moments blue eyes that twinkle with kindness silver hair and moustache a little man half bur ied in the depths of a- big raccoon coat these were the outstanding fea tures of Rev Mr Peer as he appear ed while in Toronto The removal of the cooneoat reveals only a trim wellgroomed gentleman of not more than pounds weight a man who would readily be taken for a successful Toronto manufacturer than for the man who pioneered that rough north country in a manner that rivals for zest selfsacrifice and carelessness of- hardship the hazard ous undertakings of- the French Jes uit A Hardy Old Man Think of years of age and able to paddle a canoe miles a day or face below zero weather in a mile journey across Temiskam- Ing and through the woods to hold service in a lumber camp A man who has raced death by storm ashore and afloat by wild ani mals or forest fire almost a score of times who will go hack at it again this winter and maybe for many more years as a volunteer mLssion- A man who loves his work above personal comfort and advancement and even in the face of the opposition of men in power of his Church is this chap with the smiling the coon coat There Is no belter known man in all the north country than Rev Wil liam Peer and he has done mighty work for the cause up in the silver country Yet he and the Baptist Home Missionary Hoard have quarrel led Trouble With Hoard A grievance became open rup ture and Peer resigned and working Independently in the field be opened up lor bis denomination He is still in the for religion up there and will slay as long as he physically fit in which the Home Mis sion Hoard Is conducting things up In his I was sent up into the district In before there was any railway said Rev Mr Peer I went in by way of Mattawa and crossed Tcnilrtkaintng I was sent by the late Rev Mr McKwen former superintendent the home Missions to spy out the land reported that the district was a rich one or was before the mining boom and that it would be advisable for the board to enter the R with adventures For nine years he has tirelessly roamed hack and forth over that country until every sett let and his children- every miner and lumberman knows him Before the mining rush every child in the- whole district who could lisp said its Gold en Texts to this whitehaired toiler and was rewarded with candies and school tickets carried his satchel The lumbering and mining camps welcomed the genial little missionary because he brought with magazines for- them to read He came in all weathers and in the face of all hardships and like the rough fellows on any frontier they loved him because he was molly coddle He braved zero weather and snowstorms battled with rivers in Hood time and the windlashed lakes in his canoe to reach them and they gave him a royal welcome A score of miraculous escapes has been his fortune Once he struggled with old Lake Temiskaming in storm time A sud den the lake into and he paddled miles against the storm When he reached land be was unable to drop the paddle from his hands and lay with them in the water until the muscles relaxed A Moose Headache One he rounded the end of a hill and walked plump into a bull moose He stopped and I stopped stock still both paralyzed With surprise said Mr Peer He gathered himself together and charged like a battering ram Fortunately though I had not noticed it ft big tree stood at my elbow sprang behind it He hit that of the Canadian Northern J Railway undoubted evidence of what calls the interglacial period Once I was caught in a forest fire history of this portion the earth returning home from holding a ser- That is many wan years ago vice miles I had to Where Toronto now is there was a return and was forced to run bed of solidi ice over a mile thlds A 1 before I reached the clearing I had left I had to bend low to escape the dense smoke Finally I could stand it no longer and plunged forward- un conscious fell into the clearing I was looking for and one of thc men seeing me dragged me into the circle where we remained in safety This ice gradually melted came big trees herds of hairy mammoths and elephants and deer the size of moose with a climate good deal warmer than we at presents have But there is no trace of man- This warm lasted for J years Then came another gradual iS 1 That Rev Mr Peer and his wife another bed of ice the disap- are held in high esteem at New is evidenced by the fact that Mr Peer was presented with a grand- and the life we now have of to- fathers clock Mrs Peer who was as hard a worker in her sphere as her present age the Professor husband received a beau- that an- carrying with them good wishes or less and that everything above of the Whole community for a happy ground we now know will and peaceful retirement in the closing pear The f years of life Tragedy Caused by Cracked Pipe Montreal Jan There have been no fatalities as the result of the ex plosion on New Years at the Canadian Pacific Railway Place Ni ger Station There are now sixteen patients at the various hospitals in the city Of the number twelve have dislocated legs while the others it injured about the body As the result of an Investigation held by Canadian Pacific author ties on Saturday It was found that accident was caused by frost cracking the hallInch pipe whtoh feeds Pintsch gas to the tanks on the passenger earn The gas had tree so hard that he sprung his horns leaked through and gathered under and struck the tree with his fore- the platform and a match or cigar head The shock sent him on dropped by some careless smoker had his haunches He blinked around ignited it dazedly for a moment and then went j plunging away down the hill lie must haw a severe headache The next day the same moose charged an old liappcr Tom while was clearing up a trail lie dodged into a triangle of trees set so closely together that the mooi nee i We Women f WOBfBK ARK FIND- ISO RELIEF AT LAST concluding sentence must make us all pause and think of how dreams of men and nations as to permanence arc but a- flash in the pan Here arc his words have estimated that the Toronto interglacial period lasted at least years and perhaps more thantf 100000 and have covered more than third of that time since the last Ice sheet disappeared may hope then that there are some tens of thousands of years before us in wbicn to buy and sell and build railways and Dreadnoughts and ships before the white death passes over land again Long before that we shall have exhausted our stores of fuels and of metals and civilization may have drifted back to the crowded cultivation of the worn- out soil under ML- those cf India and- China Another ice age may he needed to renew and refreshen the earth or raco ours has yet been To I hose not deeply versed in geo logy the observations of Prof man will he pondered over with a certain degree of skepticism It reads so much like Cooks discovery of the North Pole One tiling Is Pretty certain the prc- of this part of the It does seem that women have more continent will not he here years hence to see the next ice age Do Your Best could not get through Tom was all right in the shelter of the trees a fair share of aches and until the moose commenced to strike that afflict humanity they must with his feet lie dare not get close up must attend to duties in enough to use his axe and he had constantly aching hacks or to hack out Of course the moose headaches spells bearingdown came around to get behind and they must stoop oyer when Mason In Toronto Star talks Uncle Tom dodged through to the means torture They must wall j A New Year Vow and says other side of the trees They played work with racking pains this game for two hours Thy moose aches kidney ills barked all the trees and then get- ting tired of the made ofi Re Mr Peer railing Umber A Miraculous Once while going from New Lis to in a stonn said Mr Peer a tree crashed down upon Inc beard the crash and up The crotch of thc tree dropped over my head breaking the Kidneys more than any other organ the body Keep well an Head a kidneys only that helps and cure the kidneys and Is endorsed by people you know v things that would be well remember With becoming modesty he says I dont go much on gilded vows lor I have made the kidneys well and health is easily 1 past and they are with bow- maintained Read of a lor wowwows they were allfired nod to last And so Ill make vow today Til simply try to do my on Mrs 1 Main street Newmarket says A remedy that I know to lie hest that vow should help me my way for it embraces all tho rest Ill fake the middle of the road and always do the best I and pack- along little load and try to be a manly man A man may end his Journey here too poor to buy decent brim oft my hat yet I was j- or backaches kldnoy aches and On another occasion during as a loiilc the system gen- storm in the woods some unseen hand orally Is Booths Kidney Pills which and planted 1m- without a seemed to thrust me two paces ahead procured at the drug store tear of mourning worldly faster than ever hope to move Rogers A Co Thc Booth Co but when i the field In I was asked by Rev Mr to become mivsionary there and I accepted My was miles long and averag ed about VI miles in width I cover ed every square mile that tcrr ly canoe afoot by dog sled or on for nine years vjs- every In the lire dhtrit with my hands practically unaided and inch twigs growing upon K own Reme- broken top a spruce tree brush- Canada have not Inserted any my back Had I leen a fool- far- in their advertising regarding the Rood of Booths Kidney pills but- what the merits and ineat behind my back would broken ved by a scale hell come triumphant from the test no man hay failed no mad can fall who always always his best And though my path- way be obscure and void ol honor suits of the remedy will In all ways and applause and though the lean fully substantiate heartily endorse wolf of the moor to my cheap door- l Mi own was That Teoiisvainliig list churched in New Cobalt MUhcrton Ihorn- and and established preaching stations The Trouble how matter stood in in Then I Involved In a dispute I- Norton the superintendent over VftM I I neglect of the district and I thought lie sending toy aid Incompe tent A letter of com lain from me regarding f he diced dboni Instead of a renudy were made to Joe day lie met a lynx on a lonely trail The lynx proceeded In of Booths Kidney I way nearer draws Ill keen a stout he stood motionless by dealers Price cents my breast and follow up this a rock The Booth Co Ltd Fort slmjile pan III always do my very I wan entirely unarmed said Mr Peer The lynx advanced slow- Stopping every few feet to sit up And growl and spit I Retting very nervous when a rabbit darted the trail in front the lynx and the next thing I saw was lynx down hill in 1 cloud fine snow after that rabbit The Bile Out Canadian Agents best and try to a manly man It will he found very useful to keep high stool in the kitchen ion which were id Ml Ian Might families to prepare vegetables en wash dlsles or iron It can often be to on used In place of a stepladder A pound of meat to a quart of Wa ter Is the correct proportion to use blinded him and the rabbit heal beyond the local broth large the swamp and escaped I ftn nobody remembered lhtt the fiuccw Jefaendfog on trail thankv part Of the tiW which l is allowed come dollars worth of danmg property in St Louis MM 01 New Years morning The ifO off down the and was entitled from the fire it wis too late Kennedy School It is a goodplace to pre- and two sizeable cubs came out upon the trail front of me The cub- were and the trio proceed- ffJ the Lord tut that rabbit KVer 1 bear While taking an old trail from the Wy An old shehear t to the care which Is voted i I DO VOU KNOW the Kennedy School fit Toronto It is a good place to pre- a 1 1 IC business positions Drop and got a catalogue Address douche cures cold m 3B ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO m m TORONTO i