THE NEWMARKET EEA OCTOBER around the flub good had a sound would be no Do not moving south at the and Charles street was stopping at the little tun ibad was Retting up hi his choirs he discovered that his magnificent barn was on lire anil smoke pouring in clouds out of the building There Just time to j get out the horses and hogs the whole building was a j You wont tell your family doctor the whole story about your illness- you are too modest You need not afraid to tell Mrs Pink- ham at Lynn Mafia the things you I Your letter will be held in the strictest con- flrhinoa From her vast correspond- with flick women during tho past thirty years she may have gained very that will help Such letters the fol lowing from grateful women es tablish beyond a doubt power of LYDIAEPiNKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female diseases Mrs Frank Kinsley Lindsay Ontario writes to Mrs When I wrote to you some time I was a very woman Buffering from troubles J had or walk any distance At aid an and All this In 1001 bushels of lav I IS Md that a 111 has slept ill barn over EGYPT I Slill dry and warm Owing to the dry summer and all Atopic are unable to plough to any satisfaction The men are beginning to look down instead of heavenward No doubt there arc some who will be fall ploughing null Vegetable Compound After using three nee sends other I- a at the belli Mm thnllu were In tr ibal Mr whusi scarcely rivalled in the id whose genuine ability the standings quest hi the hosts to Mm was rcceiv with The Minister Justice has proven to lie a very Vegetable Compound to all women with female troubles FACTS SICK IVOMEH For thirty years Lydia E Pink- 1 1 hams Vegetable Compound made from roota and herbs has been the w standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured women who have been troubled with displacements inflammation ulcera tion fibroid tumors iiregularities pains that feeling flatulency indiges- us prostration Promptly securedI A Famous Surgeons Views Dr the great Austrian sur geon whose skill called forth the not able generous fee of fifty thousand dollars from Mr Armour some time ago takes a strong and striking posi tion on the question of alcohol Ask ed i he were a teetotaler one of the many given in his honor when his wine was pushed aside the famous specialist stated im a temper- being clear muscles firm and my nerves steady No one can take alcoholic liqor without blunting these physical powers which must he kept on edge As a I must Ml If everything else in tlie house did its share of the work as as Knight Stove Polish very few women would complain of the housework Black Knight does away the everlasting rubbing arid polishing It shines quickly and the hottest fire cant dull its bright fresh polish Always ready for use for Stoves Grates and other Ironwork Its the best polish and the biggest can for the money ir mail clerk Willie and her of Keswick Saturday ss Jane has itturned after a glorious vacation with friends in was accompanied with that Mm a Toronto and she Saturday night Miss Maggie Sine Lavs with friends reck last of the pastor Rev who came noma last night after having a delightful wedding tour Mr Camer on preached in his stead His care fully prepared sermons attract the know what the futurt has illuminating the entire east Scarce ly any part of the forest was left by it also was ncircled by very destructive fires Signs have always foretold pro ceeding the actual there a time yet when there was a great calamity but that some indi cation gave the observer a glimpse of what might be in the near future So we now may form our idea by the occurrence of these forest fires of the fire which on the will sweep over the vaiious provinces con suming the and leaving pure Liberalism and national freedom to abound for another term Your vote and influence kindly sol- Coaches Went Over Oct this moraine a MU1 About 1 oclock partially derailed a mile and a quarter north of The accident occurred on a piece of track two passenger coaches and baggage car being over turned down an embankment of about four feet The following were in jured Mrs J Wilson leg and arm broken Percy To ronto head cut and shoulder bruised Mrs John Potts ankle sprained Mrs Miller Angus head cut slightly and shoulder Miss daughter of Dr left arm fractured and badly crushed The accident was caused by a spreading rail The train was running about miles an trucks of the last coach left the liver to rob you of the joy o living Take and the world laughs with you No need then for rosecolored glasses Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the while putting a ruddy tint on and cheeks Theres health in every box Health for every man woman and child Pills an Russell 1rovnu toddled light out on the toppled over and fell under the termer from the side Motorman Scott jammed down the brakes and leaping from the car look under in expectation of seeing a body Lying right next to the wheels was the little fellow badly seared but unhurt It was a ire milk Is becoming a live qucs- this city last it was decided not the census till tin Inn tin The of the Waves By a Banker the lolling in the deep diapason us impelled with fury the In With Nil ured and tuneful upon the shelving bank of drift ing shingle or murmur and ripple the sandy shore Ah and there a music in the curling foamcrested billows each one rising higher and a it approaches- the strand until length with a graceful and majestic curve it arches over and the loveh roller is transformed into and invigorates and thrills and through with a buoy an while the prospect both It and seaward to the lover of one hand the ocean glittering In sparkling gems in the great slanting ray of the newly risen sun while flocks of those graceful little seabirds lesser tern skim over the waves a flash of light In a moment wheeling round as by word of i and curvetting awl gambolling the hand the long cliffs wards towards the azure of the crowned on their summit with bright green rolling downs while at foot is a natural bank of those wild flowers which love the salt spray of the sea and luxuriate in the driven sand And scattered about on this lonely shore are many objects seldom found in more frequented spots spherical nodules of iron pyrites which broken are found to be like c gold razorshells with perhaps the strange scarlet fish protrudii And from the this beauty the mind must from nature up to natures God Him whose creative power adorned this fair world with such supreme loveliness and splendour And Hi He took upon Himself the punishment which is our due thereby opening the of the Kingdom of Heaven to a Ingenious Johnnie Mother bad a bright red apple which she wished to give to the children the same teach the little broth er a lesson in generosity Johnnie bad a peculiar fondness for apples Calling bim to her side she said Now dear mama has a nice rosy apple give you and she wants you to be generous That word was not in Johnies vocabulary so he said Mama what do you mean by being generous Oh dear that means you are to divide the apple into two parts and mother saying sister and tell her Delineator IUi T Rev Clark At the beginning of the quarter a young man in a large warehouse found that while ho had received increase in salary another clerk had This he felt to be as he had been in the employment of the firm a year longer and yet by this increase the other was receiving now a dollar a week more than he was He sought the manager and stated his case The manager listened and replied Wait a minute and I will explain but first see what is making said Its some coal Bidding him be seated the called the who had the Ihousandi Ill if Nov 1st The adult Bible and Lav mens Missionary have united their lor occasion Rev Robert Montreal and Mr J White national organizer of the Laymens Miss only gone minute when he returned and said of the Import- chief speakers deported back miry last Satorda rented by a party Friday of Mr as knocked as passing a hemorrhage and brain An d the Hospital Battery Artillery sometin had and in Barry a pretty decided was sent to months mr pounding and stealing ins watch vincial Secretary re Saturday from a political it is SO for takes in local A good deal of it nomination meetings in tin vere noisy enough last Monday as if Foster Bristol am may be left at home In the vat ire candidates Liberals independent Con- House of Jacob Synagogue lay evening there was a tas over a dispute about the ban Toronto is at present in the hands of a horseracing Octopus that reaches forth and wraps its tentacles about the man drawing ten dollars a week who can ill afford to is pleasant pastime on a sunny So says the Telegram Sir British diplomat Rome accompanied by Lady Robb sited this city last week and when the manager said Yes thank returned to his desk ger wrote a lew lines and then lilted his head and said do you understand With burning thank y qua- work bound to I walkn laded the page and the sky The day withdrawing gradual t with the silvery clamor though the night fell COO RULES surprised singularity penence had put mm in and lie did nothing of the kind I commended the three plainest of life that have ever been offered a compendium of wisdom to boys Love your country tell the truth and do not dawdle But Tis the voice of the sluggard hear him complain You have waked me too soon a little more sleep A more slumber Thus he wastes half his days his hours without number when he gets up he sits folding Or ling he sauntering I passed by his garden and e wild briar The thorn and the thistle broader and higher The clothes that hang on hi turning to rags hoping I made him a find Ho had taen better care for improv ing his mind He told me his dreams talk- ting and drinking But he scarce reads his Bible loves thinking art Heres Said I then to lesson to n mans but a picture of what I might be But thanks to my friends for their Dr Isaac Watts SPIDER OUTDONE example of persistence given by a small spinning the ceiling of his THE coat of Jiving an important thing in most homes You may have to figure close ly in these matters A little extra on a barrel of flour may look big to you But there is a wisely and spend ing it foolishly Sometimes it is econo my to spend instead of to save It is in the case of Household Flour Those few extra cents a week that give you IFfltoiiif buy health contributes so much to the food you cat s and therefore nothing should be more bought Royal Household Flour milled I the only that is absolutely pure Ask your grocer WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN And all Kinds Dressed Lumber Sash Doors Etc Cement Hair Plasters and all Kinds of Building Materials Our Co Speaks foe itself Never has our past sales equalled the few months TRY A LOAD OF OUR DRY SLABS Line of WH EVE There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in uptodate methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN The Sun is the Farmers Business Paper Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January JO in combination with THE NEWMARKET ERA ONLY Had he known the Story of the sal mon on its way to the spawning grounds- he might have even freed Scotland Once on their way to the headwaters of the mother stream It takes a formidable object indeed to deter the spawning salmon from their purpose or even stay them in their progress Jagged boulders which tear their flesh and treacher ous shallows where they are compel led to wriggle thc5r way along do not stop them They dash in great shoals against the rapids in the streams meeting with manv a re pulse but never ceasing until either overcome the difficulty or die of utter exhaustion Hundreds of them expire at times below dams they are unable to pass heating thinking by for Sept Volunteer Bounty WARNING TO PURCHASERS Every assignment of the right South African Volunteer entitled to a land grant must be by way of ap pointment of a substitute and must be in the form provided Act Special attention is called to Sub section 3 of Section the Volun teer Bounty Act which pro vides that no assignment of the right of a volunteer by the appointment of for the land grant issued by the Min ister Militia and Defence in favor the Volunteer 1 Commissioiitr ef Lands Ottawa September 3w39 No One Knows But Mother attributes those constant How often she has herself Is evi denced by the way falls a prey to ravages of disease MOTHERS WIVES AND SISTERS take caie your health At the first sign of Backache and wariness tile a Tillable remedy for the kidneys id liver for nearly all Ills of mankind origin ate in the kidneys Q fi ahould be plications stop Inroad of disc Dr Roots Kidney and Liver Hilt will do this for they are anus till- tot Ore Dropsy