THE ERA AUGUST CHINA HALL July and August Preserving and North York Old Hoys subscription list la being liber ally signed and preparations dor tin North York Old Boys Reception are moving along nicely Those who have friends at a distance who form erly resided in North York will greatly oblige by sending their to the secretary Mr A Bank of Montreal they can be communlcat- Methodist Church Good congregations last Sunday id the sermons Rev J appreciated Bur ls Just commencing To your Fruit and keep you wish to use only Finest Quality of Vinegar Pure Spices of First Quality Our reputation for selling only Fin est Quality la luatiiicd by yearn Selling only the Best floods in a- wo bundle Cooked Meats We have put in one of the Finest Meat Slicing Machine To bo had It cuts every piece thin as you wish and all tho mij thickness China creeks Wills Probated The will of the lata David Rogers of Newmarket has been filed for pro bate in cash and i estate legatees arc Mary and Eliza Rogers daughters and I Roberts and Mr Rogers provided in and MA the other and tips the scale at lbs It is the Pondrosa variety and shows 11 be grown in the open air in Canada without any special care Improvements Castle Bar on Ragle St now owned by Mr Thomas has been moved to the East and nothing now will prevent the opening of Lornc Ave to Eagle St which will throw a number of good building lots Into the market and make an outlet for the West pari of the Town that has needed A new hone is also leing built by a just East of Castle Bar STAPLE AND FANCY Close Prices In All Lines FRUIT JARS Stone Butter Crock c Loading Reliable Grocer fl Badly Kicked A telephone gang lias been work in the vicinity of Newmarket I three or lour weeks and putting up at the New Royal On Saturday night the teamster got pen visit bis home and lit lei man in charge of the horse taking the feed the Letter from At in MrB Albert St contains following tcrday we had a most delightful trip lake It was an excursion left about eight oclock and to the glach Then began Dim the steamer and place about The place wet and swampy and we got our feet before we had gone ten steps Then followed a very pretty path lid lowers grew in thick pro fusion Then we came to another amp of about a quarter of a mile Then another rocky climb and then pool water where the men women Next we got into a Id id quicksand and had to go quick by as we could to keep from nking Then we came to a creek liich we crossed on stones and then Line a Held of stones about half a In length which were very tirc- to our feet When we had this we found ourselves at ho of a mountain which to look t seemed impossible to climb began A lawyer here who is a huge man with a grip like iron took charge of me md I must confess that I did not breathe freely until I was at the top Sometimes it seemed I stepped on places where there was room for my loot and if I had once lost my footing I would been dashed on the rocks below we reached the top we were about a thousand feet above the largest inland glacier in tho world It was very and very wonderful lust imagine costume walking for a solid ice hundreds of feet in depth Some pi the ice could imagine Lake is it ilriK lost beautiful I for a small lake and pretty Islands One consists of a solid mountain miles in length and a mile in height 70 Miners Entombed Aug occurred todiy in the Coal Mine belonging to Messrs Pear son and The head gear Century Men Fine Tailor Garments H YORKS GREATEST STORE AGENTS FOR ENOL1SH DRESS GOODS mm fZZ3J For a Final Clean Dp of Summer and Overstock Goods A BIG BARGAIN Final in Ladies Childrens Shoe Ladles Dong Boots heavy soles Cuban heels for pairs Ladles Boots Blucher style Cuban or Com- pairs Ladlen Box Calf Boots heavy excellent fall boot Sense Heel light or heavy wet led Regular and for common wear Regular price for J for MlBBcH to Patent Leather and pairs Ladles Kid and Patent Leather Oxfords gola Kid Regular for 98c light turned or heavy welted toRh Cuban or Common heels Children Regular up lo S3 for i Ki pairs Ladies Patent Leather Boots or Oxfords made of pairs Children patent leather Cuban light turn or Good- jjongola Kid Regula year welted soles Regular piIce f for Slippers sizes 125 for Slippers slices for 59c to 10 12 Tan or to Tan Black pairs Ladies and patent Leather Slippers and Ox- fiords Regular price up to pairs Ladies Oxfords light soles Cuban heels Regular for 98c pairs- Childrens Dong Boots sizes to Reg for pairs Children Dong Boots sizes 3 to 7 Reg for Three Shoo Polish 10c foe Boot Lace lo per pair I Tr Final GleanUp in Straw each The Final Cleanup in Mens Shirt Reg prices lUc I Mens Pelt Hals only Men sizes Borne shin I only Mens Fedora and Telescope Kelt Hats In Black Brown Mat the Pearl Hie remnants of our Spring Stock Hog price up to novest colorings and patterns Regular prices SI and Clearing all at milled Only Hie till ill kiiiiii Tempo ill i I Clearing at Choice these Hats for 125 stable the attendant started to go into the the second time to look at something when the horse which had always been quiet before kicked him in the face as quick as lash Another man in the stable the time assisted the man to Dr Wesleys office the blood running out his mouth and ears It was found that his lower lip was very badly teeth were knocked out others broken off also a the jaw hone was broken off The Dr taken Fail Term Opens Sept 1st who know best the merits of this school are its supporters TORONTO college stands first in popti- thoroughness and genuine merit Go where you will you will flfld our graduates pushing to the front Their superior training en- them to get and hold first- class positions College open all summer Enter any time J ELLIOTT Principal Cor of Alexander fits We cords or more Dry Pine Edgings It long which we deliver any part of Town Cord leave orders with BOYD mi to the ties to descend into the adjacent working only to find their way blocked by wreckage and gases WithHhe Sages The whole essence of true gentle ling lies in the wish and the art agreeable Every look tone expression subject of that may give pain to excluded from the in pier the more clearly he understands that his vocation consists not in ex acting service from others but in ministering to others in giving his his will be worthy of his will not fail lo have Tolstoi Rood to keep make it Your choice of our entire and Soft Felt Hats this these hats sold for Collars 15c Men 17 bright Boys Collars all Bhapea dull finish regular sale price Ian Killed The Cobalt express coming from oronto about last Friday killed a man about 100 yards South of water street crossing The was seen lying on the side of called blew at Pearsons had they a spark manhood hen the Crossing the value a have saved hit realized in any i life they could red Ray me about yea who served in the British India and Africa and had discharged He had been working in id came here with a chum on 1 iv afternoon to get employment the Canal He was seen around the later on in an intoxicated and had evidently wandered pon the track and laid United terms Cash Midland good to from degrading elements t constantly in little those who are touched by it to keep spirit all i of petty anger and that is an ideal a difficult Smiles gasoline launch Wisconsin liner and two men ere drowned Tweed and Worsted Caps for Mens Motor and Caps regular Clearing all at I Mens Linen Collars each 500 Mens Linen Collars slightly Soiled all sizes and Styles Straw Hats for 35c table of Mens Linen and Straw Hats just line but all sizes in the Lot regular prices 50c sizes each Mens Fine Braces I 1 Clearing Only about 50 pairs in the lot for Mens Straw Boaters for 95c Braid Boaters regular price Boys Tweed 10c each Serge Caps regular prices up 50c and 75c Mens Ties each Mens Fourinhand Ties all the newest shades and styles price and Clearing at and Mens Ties 15c each Fourinhand hookon and Bow Tits regular and for 15c You Seo Your Finish sleep on the side the track his head irftb his elbow blow from the killed him instantly as found nest morning Tannery ring Saturday morning alot of i of INSECT POWDER STICKY FLY POISON FLY PAPER sold here Its the genuine stuff that makes you dizzy to think about and that paralyzes you like when you come in contact witn it Phone l trains handled Bow Ties Each Mens and Boys Clothing Cleanup Boys Sailor Suits Little Boys Sailor Suits made from English a splendid to fit boys from to years regular prices were up to clearing all at Boys Suits for Suits well made and lined a variety of patterns to choose from regular price up to clearing at 1500 Outing Suits Mens Summer Suits made of homespun tweeds in grey and brown stripes and cheeks Century and makes prices up to 15 clearing at 85 Mens Suits Clearing at Mens good Tweed Suits well lined and trimmed throughout poodj cleanup or all broke general purpose suits that can be worn all the year round some very greys and browns in the lot suita that were made to sell up 48 Box the latent colorings colors tegular tt00 Mens or Boys Hookon Bow Ties shapes Reg clearing at Cleanup in Mens and Hoys Sweaters Boys AllWool Sweaters in several color combinations prices 50c to clearing at Boys Allwool Worsted Sweaters clearing at J Mens All- Wool Sweaters in blue black or fancy colorings price 100 clearing at MoneySaving in Mens Boots 45 pairs only Mens Fine Ties Blucher and Lac in Patent Leather Tan Call Velor Call and Fine Goodyear i lines our regular and Boots 1300 s in the lot price 685 la clearing at 17 The Mens Pants Sale All Pants regular prices i 175 for cents 300 350 500 Boots McKay vices up pairs Mens Lace Boots light flexible soles regula price 250 clearing at 148 Boys Boots tor 119 Box Calf and Lace Boots regular prlco Clearing OF OTHER BARGAINS TICKETED BESIDES THIS LIST GOGEMUUft GOMPANY