THE ERA JULY Jure lour Why Because it is annoying untidy And mostly because it almost invariably leads to baldness Cure It and save your hair Get more too at the same time done with Hair Vieor new improved formula Stop this formation of dandruff hapet Secular the Civil Service Reform before germs which original very good salary lor yoang person under to re ceive Several Shorthand graduates last year are now enjoying tMi salary Perhaps we can help yon to receive this amount Our new catalog explains Clip out this card sign it and send to Shaw Central Baal- College Toronto Address its general principles is by the press of bam- of polities Better still lb Conservative press Ontario is Premier Whitney to follow the pace bet by Government at Ottawa an legislation remodelling the on a nonpatroruee basis Several Western Conservative journals arc quite outspoken on the question ami from pointed mil of the London Free Press the organ the Cabinet Minister now representing the Forest City it looks as if they had been inspired But whether this tie true or otherwise the Free boldly advises Hon Mr Whitney to make Civil Service Reform a feature of Conservative j icy at Queens Park The following tract will give the readers an index to the trend of the article on What does Premier Whitney pro pose to do with civil If reform is for Ottawa it is good for the country as a whole It is good for the provinces Traffic in public offices fop po litical ends is not good for the service the servants the public or the political party practising it No Grinding Set trial from your dealer and learn all about real shaving EVERY ONE OF THEM Unconditionally GUARANTEED Agent Newmarket the little ipanl of this office or that Tory or mugwump It ire whether he be capable Tho day when often in some pi he foisted he public pay roll irty dent should in other Conservative all in line and bring a Globe special one of the most irri tant features of the New Civil vice Hill will he in the large iof it will male to the commercial of permanent civil service specially- alter the Modern Instance of the Prodigal Son A young widow has been left with one small son and about In Her husband cherished the son as tenderly as the born later The boy he refused to bo restrained id on his twentyfirst birthday he the fortune his father had left him The stepfather advised the young an not to withdraw it He offered the the older man made an g on a most generous scale Said he When I married your I told her that the money left her by your should be in- for you and that I would take are of her I have done so The business in which I invested the mon ey has prospered in these nearly and your is now you have some definite for the use of it I should not advise you to draw it all It was nearly five times what the it all and it was paid He left home and wasted his substance in riotous living After a time a friend wrote to the stepfather saying that tke young man was doing badly and nearly out of money The stepfather replied that the time had not come for him to in terfere And so the young man went his way and a number of years went But the home for money The stepfather met the young ri young fellow and looked forlo The stepfather will send word li t Inevitable end gone and the young The then be i the At the shop where he had are and then to a clothing he was suitably attired When he entered the home he wa dressed and no longer a prodigal ippearanee attempt on his part to he conversation to a point where hit tell the of his wrongdo was skilfully turned aside He larger house where the family thei raise by debentures for the Or- General Hospital was defeated today by a majority nineteen the votes The hospital was opened a classified month ago and was almost work in filled with patients The I the I temporarv officials from to these have been In the employe for and 10 lit even having been put ill about The board hoped th the grant would have ob viated the necessity mortgaging Mi SHO POLISH of them have already limit of and would find most difficult to take the form qualifying examination which has June Mr A P Kit Chen Deputy Minister of for Saskatchewan a few hours dreeing an open assemblage at the plowing match on Friday as the result a sunstroke day was excessively hot and Kitchen immediate ter he had finished speaking He one the bestknown agricultural authorities in Canada and was editor of the Winnipeg tbprrin according hich they are engaged and which they receive Some under a great ideation a into the third divisirj ranging from to SHOO of thep officials v ho have passed the civil service will be called do tofore been in Some of our change in Hon Mr iers bill by making the C rttrs Unite indignities heaped of excursionists fro officials the British Ambassador a to call- thefattchtlon authorities to tin Upon a hod by J Niagara Falls But by linded his sin his old fun word was he the piathir him Your two brothers arc partners hut there is room business for all four of us Would you like to go in with us The young man had come home with bitter heart ready to steal himself gainst the reproaches he knew he de- ready to resent any act of kindness or attempt at his deeper humiliation but for this totally unprepared and longer restrained He broke down and wept The words gratitude and sorrow poured forth he promised to be faithful The years have gone by and the partnership continues The three sons till with the lather and it seems it had always been so Those know the story say that any can he disci rued anions tin sons it is only In this that returned prodigal is still alter at home the most faithful of faithful three For he loved much for he had been forgiven freely without reproach After a long fine of incompetent Bradley congratulated himself when Alice Fuller took her though by magic the crooked places ere made straight So did the girl slip Into the routine office and so did she accomplish results that Arthur Bradley did not realize all that was doing lie bad only the feeling that at last the was running straight and manlike he took fice going at all for the firm was in opposition to and everything was done to break the established branch office More than Bradley had narrow ly escaped some trap laid for him but eVy blow struck at him he gave good The letters from the home office were encouraging and infl ated that if he would round out the first year there would be an increase of salary as well as the present of a block of stock The biggest feather in cap was when the home office turned over to htm the task of contract for worth of material Such big contracts are usually han dled from the home office he explain ed to Alice Fuller as he gave her the letter with instructions to place It in the private letter file in the safe If they torn this matter over to me it la a sign that they have faith in my iu6g- Its going to be a ticklish mat ter to figure on all that at a price that will be low enough to cap ture the contract and still give us as much of a profit as possible They probably realize that yon are close to the contract and they know that they cud trust you answered Alice It shows that this branch becoming important She went quietly about her wo but there was a happy light in 1 eyes for she was much pleased this sign of confidence as was Brad himself Alice was not a of Impulses she had come to have more than a I for Bradley and she took a i success The week that followed was a Bradley figured night on the problems morning he gave to All work to be tabulated on the ma chine and filed In the safe until the figures should be complete It was weary work with all the specif cat cms and blanks but at last the estimate was complete and Bradley took It on to New York in person for the yon are cried Brad- he compared two letters Well the original estimate and when tey come to open the bids out our friends a dozen fits But answer Has letter and say that have been In the bid with Instructions and ttat he bid has been submitted directed Then the traitor will not be one alarmed arid notify the trust to In the lower bid the general Bridle admiringly I am only the second In this is straightened out NEW LUMBER YARD Do just office reporting that the changes had been made as directed but Brad- took to the of the contracting company the original bid days later a Jong telegram ar rived from the head office demanding the explanation of the changes to which Bradley made reference It was Alice who wrote the telegram In reply explaining what those changes were and who wrote the second message de claring ft to be impossible to alter th3 bid to the old figures as they directed The next morning President Ham mond stamped into the shortly after Bradley bad come in came out on the train to see what it all means be cried Yon have ruined the company by letting yourself be fooled in this fashion For reply Bradley brought out the letter he had received It startled Hammond for beyond question it was on the paper of the company on a cheap imitation He sighed as he blamed be Not yet declared Bradley wit laugh Miss Fullers quick eyes through the trick We took a and put in the bid I th you will find that we are the bidders for the trust felt safe In Hemlock or Pine Lumber All Sizes to Suit the Trade or Brunswick Shingles AND MATERIAL FRESH SEEDS Government Standard RED CLOVER LEUCERNE CLOVER TURNIP ALSIKE MANGLE MILLET TIMOTHY SEED SUGAR BEET RAPE SEED These Seds are and pure Prices Right And iiitl that good old story the prodigal son keeps Tying forms and it is Worse Than Onions told ol the offensive breath oi stomach trouble by breath other palliative me in Prince Edward the Legislature enacted a statute prohibit ing the use of automobiles on the is land Owners of deliberately violated the law and were fined has been taken that the illcj iOHH fiaii bLudii I la I from MM that I In th tad to day I am ll fitftf tux cattA Hold by J ft IN la The the appeal will be awaited ol Hogg of mages negligence guiding his a along his auto ran Into a rig en by Mrs Shannon throwing hi violently to the ground and killing her almost Instantly This Is the way the accident In reported In tele grams to daily press will probably be tried at court of jurisdlcttr use stomach tablets and well A cent box of stomacl tablets laBts for a couple of week and will ward off a doen at tacks Indigestion white its con tinned use will give an absolute am J has seen many cures made by stomach tablets that he gives a guarantee with every box to U MP one of chief promoters of the Georgian Da Canal and one of tho leaders In has been made Baronet Its a go I that as Mrs Bradley Itnther sudden asked Hammond sudden only in the recent real ization that I have loved her ever since she came Into the office explained Bradley It took this crisis to force the fact home Alice looked In at the doorway The people telephone tract she reported demurely and to her great embarrassment Bradley kissed her under the approving eyes of the president of the company Weve tricked the tricky trust he cried and were going to London honeymoon Mathematical Signs The sign of addition is derived from the initial letter of the word plus In making the capital letter it was made more and more carelessly until the top part of the was placed near the center hence the plus sign was finally reached The sign of subtraction was derived from the word minus The word was first contracted into mus with a horizontal line above to indicate contraction which was a printers freak that may be in almost any book bearing a date earlier than the beginning of the eighteenth cen tury After the lapse of a long period of time the letters were omit ted altogether leaving only the short line so well known to all The multiplication sign was obtain ed by changing the plus sign into a character resembling the letter This was done simply multi plication hut a shorter form of Division was formerly indicated by placing the dividend above a horizon tal line and the divisor below In order to save space in printing the dividend was placed to the left and the divisor to the right with simple dot in place of each The radical sign was derived the initial letter of the Word radix The sign equality is aid to have On yacht added the president do girt preside the bad and had hinted that the new Loudon office might be opened soon with Bradley in charge But the Jubilation was short lived for two days later a long letter came from New York instructing the branch to alter estimates in accordance with a Bet of flgurea some per cent In advance of the original Heres a Job for you growled Bradley as he took the paper to Alices desk Ill have to do as the home office Bays but Its throwing way the contract and my chance of promotion Are you certain that it la the order of the New York officer asked Alice as took Up the sheets Y6u that this contract wilt mean a great if they i ltd take It away great deal mon Thats I It cut existence and to the trust at thel get It It will them and bold our own raise my figures And It would be worth fight for en to eel out price If we one planted In the home who copy the figures end send them to the trust officers that they supplied the lib ietter heads and envelopes We be unsuspicious and change the bid in accordance with Instructions only to find out that wo had been duped after the bids had been opened and the con tract awarded to trust I think you will And that they hare bid only slightly lower this but much higher thanyour original admitted Bradley and find out Alice They will then bid r and get the contract chances by yourself It will This Is something more than guess work Insisted Alice In the first place this letter Is mailed from the Madison That la In the building In which the trust boa Its office Our letters all come from the Wall street station or five miles away and nearest our office They are using the same make of the fi machine On the letters from Lungi and Long Life One of the most remarkable cases of longevity on record was that of an Englishman born in whose deli cate appearance made all the doctors give him up when he wns In the era- report that he seemed to have dif ficulty In breathing Well this young moribund condemned by the doctors ten kings consul Venice at Smyrna measured only fif tyseven centimeters around the chest and one of lungs was diseased Nevertheless he his beard turned black Lucky In On Way The late Valerian Grlbayedoffefcld i Chicago art editor was one of Irat American newspaper sketch In coming first the case of a restnurn the Mich In tho Latin poet had a largo t up spilled alter his response outcries of the poet Oh well you neednt self sir Theres no harm done soup never stains after half past i carrying The playwrights over their supper of lotister boasted I said the greatest of them with complacent glance at decree the color of every actress playwright who bad failed Not a bit of it said the other I didnt decide on the color of the dreeaes the stage manager would Why that must always be done Oth erwise in their overmastering deslra to draw all eyes to themselves every actress wear bright red In my first play tho frocks were forgotten in general excitement and at the first rehearsal all came on In tho discovery In scarle gownBjISqw York Good Bread A good and palatable loaf of Bresd is the j Friend I WHY NOT USE SIMPSONS Home Made BREAD Which Is always light and mots Price forgotten when price la South End Bakery The P has ordered twenty new engines from the Montreal to lie delivered by ADJOURNED of Lands Decorations Funeral Designs Bridal Bouquets etc Will receive prompt attention Designing a specialty Prospect ave Newmarket Phone No I District No 3 Sale will be held a I the Town Hall Aurora on Monday I the July at am I District No Sale will bo held the Town Hall Sutton Monday the July 1908 at pm J MaDONALD County Tteasurer Decoration Day NEWMARKET CEMETERY July The Popular Way to theWest FROM NEWMARKET VIA CHICAGO ST PAUL Winnipeg Portage la Brandon Man 1st Class 2695 3510 3510 may he expected by resident clergy also music by New market Military Band President K ROBERTSON Secretary 5155 3759 Jaw I Saskatoon Prince Albert I Alta Red Deer Proportionate Rates to other points in Canadian Trains now operated through St Clair Tunnel by Electricity Choice seven lines from Chicago to St Paul and three beyond Saint J Mcdonald P A Union Station Toronto Harrison Jones a colored nay cm- ployed on paving work at Ont bravely stopped a runaway horse and saved a girl in serious injury Montreal June While returning from an outing Bout on Saturday Frank Reno and his six teenyearold sister