CHINA I Special Prices FOR GOODS Old Homestead Brand None Higher In Quality Corn or three for Tomatoes straight midgets very fine straight Pumpkin 10c or three for Beans or three for Tomatoes Peacock Brand or three for Thistle Brand Peas three for Excelsior Blend Coffee Garden Seeds BULK AND PACKAGE Beat in quality Close Prices Bennies Package Seeds for China Weeks Wednesday Half Holiday clerks are getting up asking or Wednesday hallholiday dur ing July and August the same as year which the merchants are quite likely to grant as it Is being signed unanimously Good Practice The Lacrosse boys of the town turn out in very large numbers every even- to practice but we dont see any of the base ball sluggers Wake boys you all need the practice Junior Ladrosie team played their first I Only championship this season with Bradford last Tuesday afternoon and was defeated In a clean game by a score of to 1 Industrial Home The oners met on- Tues- and passed the usual monthly ac- Itis expected that the Coun ty Council will visit the Home in a tody some day next week Postponed The meeting of the M of the Methodist Church which was to have been held at the home of Richardson on Wed June will be postponed for one week Court of Revision The first sitting of the Court of Re vision for the town of Newmarket was held in the Council Chamber on Weil- Pearson Reeve Keith and Councillor and Vale There were just one and each stared hi case one conclusion was reached that was to withdraw the business tax oi S300 on the Skating Kink All other appeals were left undecided and toe Court adjourned till Old Boys Ahoy The Mayor has called a general meeting for Friday evening Juo 12 at the Fire Hall to perfect plans for hoe proper celebration of Old Boys ReUnion Day Let all Committee Saturday HalfHoliday The Office Specialty shut down at noon last Saturday thus commencing the half holiday for the summer months Tomorrow the United Fac tories and the Era Office will close at noon thus continuing the practice of giving their employees a halfholi day during June July and August Lovers of Dancing Will be eased to learn that a series of select dances will be held this summer at Bond Lake every Wednes day and Saturday evenings commeDc- June 10 The celebrated or chestra of Sheas Theater Toronto will furnish the music and the dances will be conducted with order and re finement The Metropolitan Railway have promised a special car service Visit to Newmarket The Council of the College of Pharmacy a body of one dozen parts the era DINNER SETS pieces Our regular lor 1800 All other Dinner Sets in price TOILET SETS Printed green or blue pieces for CHINA TEA SETS At prices Toronto this week accepted me invitation of Mr J one of the number to lake a run- out to Newmarket on the Metropolitan on Wednesday afternoon They were delimited with the trip and pleased with the business appearance of the Town Mr enter- confreres with lunch on to the city Grow June 11th Following w Saturday Butter per lb o Apples bag to Lettuce Tomato plants box plant box Celery plants box Asparagus 5c bunch Cabbage plants 10c bunch Live Chickens per lb 10c Old Hens per lb Ducks per lb Prison Labor Contract Continued from page Prisons Conversational Chairs 69- Large comfort rocking chair Couch 28 inches Large chair view of the foregoing it is to quote from the abun dance of evidence from manufacturers and salesmen as to the disastrous ef fect of the competition of prisonmade furniture on the output of the free establishments One salesman says In Peoria I was selling office stools thirtytwo Inch leg at per I met the prison chair companys man with a inch leg office stool at I threw up the sponge as that was less than our factory could produce the goods for- A Michigan manufacturer says A thing that is a great hardship to us is that no matter bow dull business be and free factories must curtail their outputs to the needs the market the pi per lb Brought On the Wednesday Mrs Tammy Howard Miller were to Newmarket for burial she died on Saturday evening at hoim of her son Rev Ernest Miller Re public Michigan with whom Idling health for the t l large larger at depression as at And yet the statements mad and the manufacturers and 1 disastrous effect the preseni eel the until it expires divide pn from two In the frnnii will til they build that When take three years at least litinie our the people to he- is all satisfactorily ar- the Government Mr Lennox was loud denouncing the agreement and that it should be cancelled at Now wo years have passed no relief has been given Yet it quite within the power of to act in the matter promptly the Whitney Government Church Deceased was an earnest ami of the Methodist til prevented by illness was an active worker in all depart ments of christian work and a most liberal contributor Her husband Miller diet She leaves three Miller a soldier Millet ago i the Mich Fred Improvements Messrs Martin Co fitted up a neat and us Ladies Toilet Room and Lava tory in their uptodate store for the their country the employees It is adjoining their ladies readytowear department on the 2nd the way is second to none north ol Toronto II the ladies who the habit of going to the city for Uni Miller at the hod Miller was also which took place r noon from the residence of Mr ton Hewitt conducted by Rev W A number of old friends present to pay their last respects deceased iuch higher price rison labor was in force Ross Government and the Cordage Co for the of Cordage The Whitney had not been in power a short time when they cancelled contract with The Indcpe Co and made a similar ract with another company hole matter was referred to Chief Meredith who decided th had the power to cancel contract but that they must pa damage the company sustained NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS QUALITY COW IN PRiCE only Ladies TABLE LINENS New Patternsmade by the best 150 pairs only Ladies Cotton Hose size to 10 rig a yd price 15c clearing n Bleached at Table Napkins Irish and Scotch looms GO and yd Ladies Lisle Lace Hose in Grey and Tan sizes to price LINEN TOWELS Plain and Colored Borders Fring ed and without Fringe 10 12 20 and each LADIES SUMMER VESTS Lisle or Cotton with or without Sleeves 10 15 20 and each Brand fine tailored garments for men They are worn by good dressers in every town in this broad Dominion Perhaps you thought the price was beyond you DRESS MUSLINS yd Remnants and short lengths Dress Muslins about Patterns choose from in Pink Sky Mauve prices up to 18c yd clearing all at one price 10c yd GINGHAMS 10c yd Striped and Checked Ginghams and in Blues Pink Red and Greys regular clearing at yd CARPETS REDUCED IN PRICE Several lines of Wool Ingrain and Tapestry Carpets clearing at re- Jackets BARGAINS IN LADIES SKIRTS Ladies Black and Navy Outside Skirts made from Fine Panama and Poplin Clotti Latest Styles We cleared these from a Manufactur er who is going out of Skirts with of giving LADIES TOILET ROOM We have added to our Store the vice a Ladies Toilet Room and tent- Lavatory on Second Floor adjoin- Ladles Waists reg prices Ladies Readytowear be from to clewing all Manufacture of Id MARTIN COMPANY To the Editor the Newmarket Era Dear Sir I cannot help noticing the different tone of the Newmarket Ex pressHerald now and just after Mr Daville was appointed Sheriff There was for a while aft that tii ExpressHerald did not flattering remarks for Mr Lennox skirts etc I remember one week reading in the look here first they columns from its editor to Wednesday after- Air damages awarded in that amounted to something over which included tie value of sonu machinery the company bad supplied Now gentlemen I ask have th woodenware workers and manulactur been treated fairly in matter No doubt if the Whitney Government is returned to power on the June It will be at least three years if at all before any change will be made in the agreement but if the Liberals are returned the agreement their ready- would take would save carfare time and worry Mr Turner Mr Jacob Doyle and Mr have all got new of and many students enter at this time We have a greater at tendance this year than ever be fore Graduates readily secure employment Writ today for handsome catalogue It pays to attend the beat WJ ELLIOTT Principal Cor of Yooge Alexander eta Mr R Manning has had a out to his Mayor Pearson has entirely tr the appearance A number of people art painted Mr A Is dandy summerhouse Hurrah for The annual Excursion of the New market Agricultural Society will take place on Wednesday that pretty part of known as Bala Falls A special train will leave Thornhill Maple 718 Kfn 1 Lefroy Craig- Mandate oclock a ikoKa Wharf Tourist Tickets Ticket to Lake of Bays River Georgian Bay etc now on tale to Lakea on lale June 1st- good all full Information from Trunk Ticket J Agent Union from its lt would her lor North York to try and fulfill some of the election promises to the people of North York in regard to the two cent rate on the Metro politan and not leave it all to the for East York Now that paper has changed its views entirely to Mr Lennox He has fulfilled all bis promises and done lots of things he never promised I will he promptly cancelled I now leave the matter Your obedient servai Whitchurch Council of the ExpressHerald pointed Returning Officer for North York perhaps he has fulfilled of Revision mid to evade coining in contact smallpox tent 10 A Gil bert repairs to culvert Sam work on hi on con lot Blip veiling snow re pairs to expended shovelling- Bros hall price gravelling and work on town line south The Treasurer was instructed to pay the presented Deputy Reeve was In structed to repair railing on con at lot The Reeve was Instructed to re pair railing on con lots and 12 The Council were appointed a committee of whole with res pect to rehullding bridges In the northwest part of township wan granted side lino be tween lotB to Injuries to was side lino between iota the of the gallon Co will be in waiting to to Bala Kails between and 1 oclock The on thin lake trip parted or beauty in any part he World It Ik at Bala waters Lake Joseph lEfuskokjt find a rolling ling outlet the Bay thr the rlv for allifit 1 hotel and pfcnlc Bala Falls Ik May large out A special car on Vest York Radial leave Jacknons Point at a rn with the special T R trlna at Newmarket and returning on arrival of excursion trsJj in the evening fares line are also arrived ifhe adult- from Newrnarke for Uip retrod are only ha price All except the Reeve were present and after taking the required llic Court of Revision was with W in the chair The were taken from A Thomas farm at Wilcox and assessed as park lotH to John and The of Jos II linger vrtm Dr Win Wesleys apeu against the of west half of con was Several were made caused by new owners and ten ants to properties J and A Thomp son were entered on the roll Dogs destroyed assessed to Wright Win Colling wood and Burnett wero erased Tho roll as amended was pass ed as finally revised and adjourned slue die Deputy In Hie chair Minutes I previous meeting read and I firmed Armltuge was re Jury alleged to nave been eaused I to horse by breaking through ice on con at lot last April Bills were presented by Co large tub re smallpox Cook repairs to culvert con ChaH shovel ling snow 12 hours j John repairs to cul vert con between lots and S3 Albert Preston repairs Baggage to and from handled to culvert on eon at lot with despatch Preston road through ICECREAM la the beet that can be found It la from pure Jersey Cream sup plied us by MRS WILLIS con 5 Council adjourned to meet McQuillans Hotel of June Stock ivllle will make the season of Holt Albert and Zephyr etc Blizzard Manager The beautiful Imported Stallion the property of John Smith Queensvillc will make the season through North and East Tps and Newmarket same aa last year See cards visit Can Co French Mount Albert will Zephyr ville Keswick Mount Albert and other points during the season ol John French Manager See cards Brt The General Assembly of the Church opened It Winnipeg Wednesday The delegates left Monday morning Revs il Alex Alex McOl 111 I A lao P So O MANITOI Use Manitoba Oats the Best and Cheapest for Feeding V CO Huron Street Phone NEWMARKET J Shearer DD picked up a dynamite cap near where 1 Charles a number of rricn were engaged in Grant Geo Keith John Low- blasting for a siding yesterday after- en J K Macdonald noon He held the cap till after urnbull Hamilton men quit work when be threw it llev Malcolm gainst a rock The result was hree Toronto past of one eye while the other side asked leave to retire they of the face Is so badly swollen that Vm formerly of sight of the right eye is feared HOWARDS North End Grocery Only two nominations for our Bargain list this week but they Horse Shoe Salmon tall tin Tins for Tomatoes Best Brand 10c tin A large stock of Pineapples to arrive Thursday See our Special Prices Fresh Tomatoes Cucumbers etc OPEN TILL OCLOCK EVERY NIGHT Phono No HOWARD ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO